Han Fei

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Internal Storage Talks about the Seven Techniques
Storage, gathering also.It is said that what Juqi said is the inner conspiracy of the emperor, so it is called the inner reserve theory.

There are seven techniques used by the Lord, and six subtleties are observed.Seven skills: one is called public visit, end, straight also.If you want to be straightforward, you must observe and listen.The second is to punish Ming Wei, the third is to believe and reward to the best of your ability, and the fourth is to listen to the responsibility and only listen to the reason, and there will be mistakes.Responsibilities are different, but ability is unknown.The fifth is to doubt edicts and deceitful envoys, to control them due to suspicion of danger, and to make them due to deceitful deceitfulness, so you dare not hide your feelings.The sixth is to ask questions while relying on knowledge, and the seventh is to say the opposite.Or contrary to what he said, or vice versa, the adultery can be exhausted.These seven are used by the Lord.If you watch and listen but don't participate, you will be sincere and you will not hear it.Hearing that there is a door, the minister will be blocked.He listens to what he obeys, and if the door is closed, it will be blocked by his ministers.He said that the dwarf dreamed of the stove, and the dwarf dreamed of the stove, saying that if one person is careful about the stove, future generations will not see it. This ridicule Linggong listened to Zixia.The name of the bad man is so fascinating.There are no crowds in public speaking and planning, so they are confused.Confucius said the same speech to the grandson of the whole country and the party. It is a country for one person, and it is appropriate to be a fan of the public.Therefore, when the people of Qi saw Hebo, the king of Qi trusted only one person, so he was deceived into thinking that the big fish was Hebo.Half of the words with Keiko are dead.Huizi said half of the king's plan, but now he is unquestionable, and he is like a crony, so half of it is said to be dead.None of the above five theories can be heard in the door.The problem was the hungry uncle and grandson of Shu Niu, who only listened to Shu Niu, so he starved to death, and his two sons also died.And Jiang Yizhi said that Jingsu is also.Jing custom does not talk about favors, so Bai Gong was able to cause chaos.If the heir-gong wants to govern but does not know, it is said that he does not know the art of governing.Therefore, there are enemies.Fearing that his noble ministers and concubines will embrace him, he is even more noble and concubine to make him an enemy. Peter's enemy is enough to become his cronies, and it is even more important to embrace him.Therefore, the Ming advocates to accumulate iron and so on, and accumulate iron as a room, so as to prepare for loss, the body will not be injured.If you accumulate doubts in your heart, if you do everything you can to prepare your ministers, no traitors will arise.And observe the troubles of a city.Although there are tigers in the city, it is still not credible to say that there are tigers in the city#1, let alone three people.

visit one
Those who love many will fail to establish laws, and those who are widowed will invade from below.Therefore, if the penalty is not necessary, the prohibition will not work.It is said that during Dong Zi's trip to Shiyi, Dong Zi went to Shiyi, Xiangshenjian to make laws, so Zhao Guozhi also.Yu Zichan's teaching tour is also auspicious.Zichan taught the legal history of auspicious rings to judge strictly.So Zhongni said that Yushuang, Zhongni said to Ai Gong that Yushuang would not kill grass?It is because it is appropriate to kill but not to kill.But Yin Fa punished and ran to ashes.I will go to the music pool, and I will go to the music pool because the music pool is not dedicated to punishing and rewarding, so I will go.But Gongsun Yang committed serious and misdemeanor crimes.Sun Yang thought that if misdemeanor crimes cannot be committed, then there is no reason to commit serious crimes, so the misdemeanors should be dealt with first.Therefore, if the gold in Lishui is not guarded, and if the gold in Lishui is stolen, the crime will be severe and endless, and some people will be exonerated even though it is a serious crime.But the fire of Ji Ze could not be saved.Lu's Jade Lake is on fire and people are not rescued, it is because of the failure of the law.Cheng Huan thinks that Qi is too benevolent to weaken Qi, and Cheng Huan thinks that Qi Wang is too benevolent, knowing that Qi will be weakened.Bupi died with kindness to the king of Wei.Bupi was kind to the king of Wei, and he would surely perish.Guan Zhong knew it, so he cut off the dead.Knowing how to govern the country, it is often strictly forbidden to bury people generously, and kill those who do not want their lives.The heir knew about it, so he bought Xu Mi.The heir also knew that the country must be punished, and Xu Mi fled, so he bought them all and punished him.

Must punish two

Rewards and reputations are thin and those who swear are not used, taunting is also deceiving.Those who are highly rewarded but believe in will die lightly.It is said that it is called Ruo beast deer in Wenzi.Beast and deer only recommend grass, and the kindness of the courtiers is also generous.Therefore, the king of Yue burned his palace, and those who burned his house wanted to reward and punish them for fighting fires, so as to test people's lives.But Wu Qi leaned on the shaft of the chariot and rewarded those who shifted the shaft, wanting to show his faith and not deceive him.Li Kui cut off lawsuits to shoot, and wanted people to be good at shooting, so he also judged people who were good at shooting.Song Chongmen was destroyed to death.The people of Chongmen live in mourning and barrenness, and the king and the officials, so they often destroy the dead.Goujian knew it, so he was angry.Goujian knows that persuasion and reward can attract people, so he is angry in order to seek courage.Zhaohou knew it, so he hid the disadvantages.Generous rewards make people become ben and Zhuye, women who pick up silkworms, and fishermen who hold bream, follow them.Those who pick up silkworms and hold fish without fear are benefited.This is also the effect of benefiting and forgetting.

Award three

Once you listen to it, you will not be able to distinguish between foolishness and wisdom. If you listen to a reason directly without repeatedly participating in it, then foolishness will not be able to distinguish between wisdom and wisdom.Under the responsibility, the ministers will not participate.If the subordinates can be responsible one by one, the ministers should not be mixed.It is said that the king of Wei used Zheng as the land of Liang, so he searched for Zheng and merged it, but he didn't think of Liang as the land of Zheng, and the people of Zheng also asked Liang and merged it.and Yu blowing.It is not the responsibility of the mixed merchants to play the Yu, so it is mixed.The problem is that Shen Zizhi tried Zhao Shao and Han Yao.Shenzi asked for soldiers for Zhao, first ordered Zhao Shao and Han Da to taste Han Jun, knew what he wanted, and then said it, which eventually became his own selfishness.Therefore, the son generally discussed cutting the east of the river, and the king of Han wanted to cut the east of the river to form the three kingdoms.But Ying Hou sought to relax Shangdang.It was not a plan for Yinghou to seek the party, and the king of Qin followed him.The above three things are all troubles when you hear them.

Listen to four
If you wait for a long time and don't take office, the deer will scatter if you are treacherous.It is said that the number of people is seen by the emperor, or they will wait for a long time. Although they are not appointed, outsiders will say that this is the meaning of the winner, and they will not dare to commit adultery in the end, like deer scattered.It is not selfish to make people ask him.It is said that although this person knows what he is doing, if Yang does not know, try to do something else.Or ask other people, dare not be private.Vend, still for sale.Therefore, Pang Jing returned the public to the doctor, and Pang Jing made the market not to be a traitor, so he returned the doctor and policed ​​him.And Dai Guanzhao sees the car.Dai Yu wanted to know who served bamboo shoots, so he even looked at the car.The Zhou Lord died of Yuzan, and the Zhou Lord died of Yuzan, in order to seek the reputation of the gods.Shang Dazai talks about cattle and arrows.Dazai paraphrases cattle and arrows in the name of miscellaneous inspection.

Lun Shi Wu

If you ask with wisdom, you will come to the unwise.If you rely on your own wisdom and ask questions, even those who are not wise are all wise.One thing with deep wisdom, all secrets change.If the intelligence of one thing is deep, then all hidden things will not change and be exposed.It is said to hold a claw in Zhaohou.Grasp the claws and feign death to test the sincerity of the left and right.Therefore, the south gate must be the three townships.The cows and seedlings in the south gate must be tried, and the criminals in the three townships will all know the truth.The Lord of Zhou asked for the crooked staff, but the officials were afraid, and when he got the crooked staff privately, the officials were terrified.Bupi is a concubine, so that the concubine loves the censor, and he will be afraid of him.The Ximen Leopard is under the jurisdiction of the Ximen Leopard.Seeking to leave his jurisdiction, he wants to take the name of Qingming.

Yoo Chi Six

Inverting the opposite is to taste the suspected wealth and treachery.Wrong what he said, and reverse what he did, so as to test what he suspected.Therefore, Yangshan protects the mausoleum and erects it, and the fake 詋樛 knows the king and suspects it.Naochi is the envoy of Qin, and he pretends to be the envoy of Qin to know the emperor and hate himself.The people of Qi wanted to cause chaos, pretending to chase after their loved ones, so that the king knew it without doubting it.The son uses a white horse, and falsely talks about a white horse, to test the sincerity of the left and right.Those who have children who are separated from the lawsuit, and those who separate the lawsuit, will have the feeling of two lawsuits.His successor passes through the city.Those who know the past will lose money, and they will be called listening.

Inverting the Seven Right Classics

one.At the time of Duke Ling of Wei, Mi Zixia was favored and specialized in defending the country, and the dwarf who saw the Duke said: "The dream of a minister is cheap."The duke said: "What dream?"Confrontation: Dreaming of the stove is to see the public.The public said angrily: "I heard that the master dreamed of the sun, and Xi dreamed of electricity to see the widow?"Confrontation said: Husband day and candle the world, one thing can not be also.It is said that nothing can block the light of the sun.A king and a man of a country, one cannot embrace him, and one cannot embrace the king's wisdom.Therefore, those who will meet the master dream of the day.If Fuzao is alone, no posterity will be able to see him.One person will lose the light of favor, so future generations will not see it.Yang, of course.Is there a person who is a king today?This ridicule Mi Zixia exclusively embraces the king's wisdom.Although the minister dreamed of the stove, it is not unreasonable.

Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius, saying: "The proverb says: Don't be confused by crowds."Those who do not conspire with others will be confused.Today, the widow raises an issue and worries about it with the officials, and the country becomes more and more chaotic. What is the reason?Confucius said to him: "When the lord of the Ming Dynasty asks his ministers, one person knows it, and the other person doesn't know it."If one person knows it and the other doesn't, he will have to ridicule it in detail again and again.If this is the case, the Ming Lord is above, and the ministers directly discuss it below.Today, all the ministers are on the same track as the grandson of Ji, and the country of Lu is turned into one. Once the whole country is turned into one, then the son can judge whether it is right or wrong.Although the king asks the people in the territory, it is inevitable that there will be chaos.People in the territory are also one with Ji Sun, so it is useless to ask.

One said.When Yanzi hired Lu, Duke Ai asked, "The language said: Don't be confused by three people."If you don't plan with three people, you will be confused.Today, the widow and the whole country are worried about it, and Lu is not in chaos, why?Yan Zi said: In ancient times, it was said that if three people are confused, one person loses it, two people gain it, and three people are enough to make everyone, so it is said that three people are not confused.Now there are thousands of ministers in the state of Lu, who say a word about Ji's selfishness.
The people of Qi said that the king of Qi said: He Bo, the great god.Why don't Wang try to meet him?The minister asked the king to meet him.It is above the great water of the mandala, and it stands with the king.For a while, the big fish moved, because it said: "This is the river."Believe in one person's words, so there are disadvantages.

Zhang Yi wants to attack Qi and Jing with the power of Qin, Han, and Wei, while Hui Shi wants to use Qi and Jing to fight.With Qi and Jing as aids, Qin and Han dare not increase their troops, so their troops can be stopped.When the two fought, all the ministers on the left and right were Zhang Ziyan, and they wanted to attack Qi and Jing for their benefit, but they did not speak for Huizi.The matter of attacking Qi and Jing has been decided, and Huizi came to see him. Wang Yan said: "Sir, don't say anything."Attacking Qi and Jing is very beneficial, and the whole country takes it for granted.Hui Ziyin said: "It must be investigated."The affairs of Fu Qi and Jing are also sincere and beneficial, and a country is doing its best to benefit, what kind of wise people are there?It is really disadvantageous to attack Qi and Jing, and a country will do its best to benefit, how can there be a crowd of fools?Anyone who conspires is suspicious.When in doubt, seek.Those who doubt, sincerely doubt, half of them think it is possible, and half of them think it is impossible.If you are in doubt, it is half possible and half impossible.Today, a country can do everything it can, and half of the king is dead.There is no doubter, so half of them will die.Those who rob the master will surely perish half of them.If no one raises doubts, the robbers can do whatever they want.No one doubts Tian Cheng and Zhao Gaocheng's words about usurping and killing.Uncle and grandson Xianglu, expensive and decisive.His beloved is called Shu Niu, and he is also good at using the orders of his uncle and grandson.The uncle and grandson had a son named Ren, who was jealous and wanted to kill him. Because he was with Ren in the house of Lu Jun, Lu Jun gave him a jade ring, but Renbai accepted it and dared not wear it. : I have asked you for it, so that you can wear it.Ren Yin wears it, and Li Niu is called an uncle and grandson: why don't you see Ren Yujun?Uncle Sun said: How can a child be enough to see.Shu Niu said #2: Rengu has already been counted and seen in the king.Ren has already worn the jade ring bestowed by you.Uncle Sun Zhaoren sees it, but Guo wears it, and Uncle Sun is angry and kills Ren.Brother Ren said Bing, and Shu Niu was jealous and wanted to kill him.The uncle and grandson cast a bell for Bing, and the bell was completed, but Bing dared not strike it, so he sent Shuniu to invite his uncle and grandson.Shu Niu didn't invite him, but he deceived him and said: "I will invite you to make you hit it."Bing hit it.Uncle Sun heard it and said: Bing beat the bell without asking, and chased him in anger.Bing left Qi and stayed for a year. Shu Niu thanked his uncle and grandson. Uncle Sun sent Shu Niu to call him, but he didn't call him and reported: "I have already called him. Bing is very angry and refuses to come."The uncle and grandson were so angry that they killed him.The second son is dead, and the uncle and grandson are sick. Shu Niu left and left because he was raised alone.Starved to death for not eating.Uncle and grandson are dead.Because Shuniu didn't send out funerals, he moved to his treasury, loaded with treasures and empty them, and rushed to Qi.The husband listens to what he believes, but the son and father are killed by others, this is not a trouble.

Jiang Qi was the envoy of Jing for the king of Wei, and he called the king of Jing and said: "I have entered the territory of the king. I heard the custom of the king's country: "A gentleman does not conceal the beauty of others, and he does not speak of evil in others. Is there such a thing as sincerity?"Wang said: Yes.But if the Baigong is in chaos, will there be no danger?If you don't speak evil to others, Baigong will be able to commit treachery, so it is dangerous.Sincerely so, Chen Tu is guilty of death.If there is evil, there is no crime.

The heir is as important as an ear, and loves Shiji, but fears that it will be blocked by his love because of his love. He is so precious and suspicious that he treats the enemy as his ear, respects Wei Ji to couple Shiji, and said: so they are related.The successor knows that his desires are unobstructed, but he has not learned the tricks.A husband does not let the humble discuss the noble, and the humble cannot discuss with the noble.The lower must sit on the upper, and the lower must offend, and must sit and discuss with the upper.But we must wait for the situation to be serious, and then we will discuss it with each other. Today, the two are received, and the situation is serious, so we can discuss it with each other.It is the minister who is blocked by beneficial trees.The conspiracy of the two subjects is even more obstructive, and the heir is incapable of doing so.The obstruction of the heir is the beginning.

Husband and arrow come to have a township, a township, and a place.There is a place from which to come.Then accumulate iron for a township.It is said that gathering iron on the body to prepare for one place means that the armor is incomplete.If the arrow comes without a hometown, it will be an iron room to prepare for it.It is said that the whole armor has iron from the head to the foot, so it is called the iron room.If you prepare it, your body will not be injured.Therefore, he uses his best preparations to avoid harm, and this is to make the enemy's most innocent.It is said that the monarch should also be the enemy of the ministers, and if they are all on guard against suspicion, they will never be treacherous.

Pang Gong and the crown prince were in Handan, saying that the king of Wei said: "If one person says that there are tigers in the market, does the king believe it?"Said: I don't believe it.The two said that there are tigers in the market, what does Wang Xin mean?Said: I don't believe it.Three people said that there are tigers in the market, what does Wang Xin mean?Wang said: "I believe it."Pang Gong said: "It is clear that there are no tigers in Husband City, but the three people say that there are no tigers."Today Handan's trip to Wei is also farther than the city, and there are more than three ministers. May the king check it out.Pang Gong turned back from Handan, but he couldn't see him.

two.Dong Guan was guarding the land of Zhao Shang. He walked in Shiyi Mountain, where the stream was deep, steep as a wall, and as deep as Boren. He asked the left and right of his neighbors and said, "Has anyone ever entered this place?"Confrontation: Nothing.Said: Is there anyone who is a baby who is deaf, deaf and rebellious?Confrontation: Nothing.Is there any one for cattle, horses, dogs and lilies?Confrontation: Nothing.Dong said with a sigh, "I can cure it."Even if there is no forgiveness in my law, it is like death if you enter the ravine, so no one dares to commit a crime, so why not cure it?
The son of Chancellor Zheng, who was about to die of illness, called You Ji and said: "After I die, my son will use Zheng and treat others with strictness."The husband's fire is strict, and the enemy is fresh.The shape of water is cowardly, so many people drown.The son must be severely punished, and there is no cowardice to make the drowning son.The old son was born and died, and You Ji couldn't bear to be tortured severely. Zheng Juvenile led the robbers and was in Guanze, so the general thought Zheng was a disaster.You Ji led the chariots and horsemen to fight for a day and a night, but they could only defeat them.You Ji sighed and said: "I follow the teachings of my master, and I will never regret that I have come to this."

Duke Ai of Lu asked Yu Zhongni, saying: "The records of the Spring and Autumn Annals say: In the twelfth month of winter, the frost does not kill the beans. Why do you record this?"Zhongni said to him: "This statement can kill but not kill."Husband should kill but not kill, Mei Li Dongshi.The sky loses its way, and the grass and trees still commit crimes, let alone the king and the people.When a ruler loses his way, it is appropriate for ministers to bully him.

The law of Yin punishes those who abandon ashes in the street.Zigong thought it important and asked Zhongni.Zhong Ni said: Know the way of governance.If you throw ashes in the street, you will hide people; dust spreads, and it is good at covering people up.If you hide everyone, you will be angry, and if you are angry, you will fight against each other.Injured due to fighting.This way of disabling the three clans is also possible, although it is Xing.Moreover, those who have committed serious crimes are what people hate, but if they don't throw away ashes, they are easy to do.To make people do what is easy, but not avoid what is evil, this is the way of governance.

One said.According to Yin's law, those who abandon ashes to justice will cut off their hands.Zigong said: The crime of throwing away ashes is light, but the punishment of amputation is heavy. How could the ancients be so resolute?Yi, cool also.Said: It is easy to throw away ashes, and it is evil to cut off hands. What is easy to do is not related to evil. The ancients thought it was easy, so they did it.

(End of this chapter)

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