Han Fei

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Xiang Lechi of Zhongshan used a hundred chariots to envoy Zhao, and selected the wise ones as his guests, and those who were the masters of the way, as his places.The middle way is chaotic, Le Chi said: I think the public is wise, and I make the public a general, why is the middle way now chaotic?The guest left because of his resignation and said: "The public doesn't know how to rule. He has the power to persuade people, and the benefits are enough to persuade them, so he can rule them."Today's minister, the king's few guests are also, the word is in the few guests.Husbands rule from the young to the long, and from the humble to the noble, but they cannot control them by using their own interests, and this is why they are chaotic.Try to make the good ones of the ministers I can regard as good ministers, and I can behead the bad ones. Why is it not cured?
Gongsun Martingale's law is also heavy and misdemeanor.Felony#3 It is difficult for a person to commit a crime, and it is easy for a person to get rid of a minor offense. This is the way to cure people.Small faults do not occur, and serious crimes do not occur. It is because people have no crimes and chaos does not arise.Today, serious crimes are light, and minor crimes are avoided, so there can be no crimes and no chaos.

One said.Gongsun Yang said: "If the punishment is severe enough for the light ones, the light ones will not come, and the severe ones will not come. If you don't commit minor crimes, then naturally there will be no serious crimes."It is said to use punishment to remove punishment.Light punishment to severe punishment.In the southern part of the country, gold grows in the Lishui River, and many people steal gold, and the gold mining is forbidden, and they get it in the market. There are so many people, and it is blocked away from the water, and it is protected and blocked, so that people are far away from the water. and also.And people steal money more than ever.Husband's crimes should not be serious, and they should be dumped in the market. If there is more than one, there is no need to get it.It is said that criminals do not have to get everything, and those who have exemptions, they will practice their exemptions and commit serious crimes lightly.That's why there is this here today, saying: If you give the world to you and kill your body, mediocrity will not do it.Husband has the world, great benefits, but those who still don't do it, know that they will die.If you don't have to get it, even though Gu Zhen stole money more than once.If you know you must die, the world will not do it.

The Lu people burned Jize, the sky was windy from the north, the fire was leaning on the south, and the fire was smoldering in the south, so it is called Yiye.Fear of burning the country, Ai Gong is afraid, and those who put out the fire by themselves have no one left or right, and chase the beasts without fire.Nai called and asked Zhongni, and Zhongni said: "If you chase the beast, you will be happy but not punished. If you put out the fire, you will suffer but will not be rewarded. That's why there is no way to save this fire."Duke Ai said: "Good."Zhong Ni said: "It's urgent, it's too late to reward, and those who put out the fire will reward them all, and the country is not enough to reward others, so please punish them in vain."Duke Ai said: "Good."So Zhongni issued an order saying: "Whoever does not put out the fire will be punished by surrendering to the north."Those who chase beasts are compared to the crime of being banned.The fire has been saved before the order is issued.

Cheng Huan called the king of Qi and said: "Wang is too benevolent, too unbearable."The king said: "Too benevolent is too unbearable. Isn't it good name evil?"Confrontation: The kindness of this person and minister is not what the leader does.A wife and minister must be benevolent and then they can seek advice, and if they can't bear others, they can be close.If you are not benevolent, you cannot conspire with them, and if you are tolerant, you cannot approach them.The king said: But the widow is too benevolent, can't she bear others?Confrontation: Wang is too kind to Xue Gong, but too unbearable to Zhutian.If you are too benevolent, Xue Gong means that ministers are not important, and if you are too benevolent, you will indulge in arrogance and extravagance.If you can't bear Zhutian too much, your father and brother will break the law.If the ministers are not important, the army will be weaker than outside, and if the father and brother break the law, the government will be in chaos inside.The army is weaker than the outside, and the political chaos is inside, this is the root of the country's subjugation.

King Wei Hui called Bupi and said: "I heard the voice of the widow and asked, how can I do it?"Confrontation: "I have heard of the kindness of the king."Wang Xinran said happily, "but the work will be safe and sound?"Confrontation: "The king's merits are dead."The king said: "Be kind and benevolent, do good deeds, why do you die if you do them?"Bupi said to him, "a husband who is kind can't bear it, but a benevolent one is willing to give."If you can't bear it, you don't punish your mistakes; if you are kind, you don't wait for meritorious service to reward.Is it okay to die if you are not guilty if you have committed a crime, and you are rewarded for no merit?
The state of Qi likes to burial generously, with all the cloth and silk in the quilt, and all the wood in the coffin.Duke Huan was troubled by it, so he told Guan Zhong, saying: "If you run out of cloth and silk, there is nothing to cover you, and if you run out of wood, you can't keep it for defense. But people are buried endlessly, so what is the ban?"Guan Zhong said to him: "Everyone can do something, but if it is not for fame, it will benefit."So it was ordered that: those who have excessive coffins will kill their corpses, and those who have committed crimes will be mourned.There is no name for killing a husband, and there is no benefit for those who deserve to be mourned. Why do people do it?

At the time of Wei Sijun, there was Wei who fled from Xu Mi, because the queen of King Xiang treated the disease, and the queen of King Xiang of Wei also.Wei Sijun heard about it and asked people to buy it for fifty gold. On the contrary, the king of Wei refused to give it, but changed it with the Zuo family.Zuo's, the name of the city.The ministers remonstrated from left and right: "Is it okay to buy a Xu Mi for everyone?"Wang said: It is not known by the son.There is no smallness in the husband's governance, and there is no big chaos. If the small ones are not treated, big chaos will arise.If the law is not established, there is no need to punish it, and when the law is not established, it is not necessary to punish it, so it is not necessary.Although there are ten Zuo clans, it is useless.If the law is established and punished, it will be harmless even if ten Zuo clans are lost.The king of Wei heard it and said: "The Lord wants to govern but does not listen to it, which is ominous."Because of the load, I went to sacrifice it.Although Tuxian is Xu Mi, he does not take capital gold.

three.The king of Qi asked Yu Wenzi, "How about governing the country?"Confrontation: "The husband rewards and punishes the way, and it is also a sharp weapon."The king holds it firmly and cannot show it to others.If you are like a minister, you are like a beast and a deer, and you can only recommend grass.Beasts and deer recommend grass, and ministers reward them generously, so the sharp weapon of reward and punishment should not be shown to others.

The king of Yue asked Yu Wenzhong, a doctor, and said: "I want to attack Hao, is it possible?"He said to him, "Yes."I reward generously but believe in it, and punish severely but surely.If you want to know, why not try to burn the palace?So the palace was burned, and no one could save it, but an order was issued: "The person who puts out the fire will die, and the reward is better than that of the dead enemy."Those who fight fire without dying are more rewarded than defeating the enemy.Those who do not put out the fire will be compared with surrendering to the north.There are 3000 people on the left and 3000 people on the right of those who smeared their bodies and were soaked in clothes and went to the fire.This knowledge is sure to win.

Wu Qi was the guard of the Xihe River for Marquis Wu of Wei. There was a small pavilion in Qin Dynasty, and Wu Qi wanted to attack it.If you don't go, you will do great harm to the farmers.It is said that the pavilion can be harmful to the field, and the government should go away.Going there is not enough for conscription.Pavilion, Xiaogu also.So he leaned on a chariot outside the north gate and ordered him to say: "Anyone who can move beyond the south gate will be given a house on the field."People don't move.And those who have migrated, return them, and give them as orders #5.Russia also placed a stone of red bean outside the east gate and ordered it to say: "Anyone who can move here outside the west gate will be given it as before."People fight to migrate.He ordered the doctor to say: "Tomorrow, we will attack the pavilion. Whoever can climb first will be given a field and a house by the official country doctor."People competed for it, so they attacked the pavilion and pulled it out.

Li Kui was the guardian of Wei Wenhou's Shangdi, and he wanted people to be good at shooting, so he ordered: "If a person has a suspicious lawsuit, order him to shoot the person, the person, the quality."Those who are in the middle win, and those who are not in the middle lose.Under the order, everyone practiced archery quickly, day and night.And in the battle with the Qin people, they were defeated, and they were good at fighting and shooting.

People in the alley of Chongmen in Song Dynasty wear mourning, but the ruins are very barren. The superiors think that they love their relatives, and they regard them as officials and teachers.Next year, the reason why people destroy the dead will be more than ten years old.A son's obedience to relatives and mourning is love, and it can still be rewarded and persuaded. What's more, the king is to the people?If you don't reward the king, you won't make merit.

The king of Yue was thinking about attacking Wu, thinking about it, and planning.Desiring people to lighten death is also the way to see anger.The follower said, "Is this why Xi respects you?"Wang said: It is because of its qi.Next year, please dedicate your head to more than ten people who are over the age of the king.From this point of view, reputation is enough to kill people.Those who are honored for their bravery will dedicate their heads.

One said.Gou Jian, the king of Yue, saw that he was angry and forced him to do it. The emperor said, "What is the way?"The king said: "If you have energy like this, can you do nothing?"Scholars heard about it and said: "There is spirit in the scorpion, and the king is like a style. What's more, the scholars have brave men."It is a year old; people have those who offer their heads to death.Neck, the cutter also.Therefore, the king of Yue#6 will return to Wu#7 to test his teachings, burn the platform and drum it up, and those who send the people to the fire will be rewarded in the fire.Although fire kills people, if you go there, you will be rewarded, so go there without fear.Those who play drums near the river to make people go to the water will be rewarded in the water.Those who make people die without caring about their hearts before the battle will be rewarded by the soldiers.What's more, according to the law, it is very helpful to become a virtuous person.If you can be rewarded for being a virtuous person, and there is no difficulty in water or fire, then why don't people do it?It does not promote sages, but the king does not reward them.

Han Zhaohou sent people to hide the evil hakama, and the waiter said: "The king is not benevolent, and the evil hakama is hidden without giving left and right."Zhaohou said: "It's not what you know."I have heard of the Lord's love, and when I sip and smile, I will worry about his badness and persuade him to do good, and not to act rashly.To laugh is to laugh, but to laugh is to laugh.Husband Hakama is not smiling.Xiaoxiao is not rash, how can the disadvantages be given without merit.Hakama is far away from Xiao Xiao, and I must wait for those who have meritorious service, so there is no collection of them.

The fish is like a snake, and the writing is like a candle.When a person sees a snake, he is terrified, and when he sees a candle, his hair rises.However, the woman picks up the silkworms, and the fisherman holds the scorpion. Where the profit is, the evil is perish, all of which are Meng Ben.Snake and silkworm are beneficial, and the old man has the courage of Meng Ben to pick them up.

Four.The king of Wei said to the king of Zheng, saying: Zheng and Liang were the same country, and they have left, and now I wish to regain Zheng and Liang.Zheng Jun was suffering from it, and he called his officials to conspire with him, so he attacked Wei.Mr. Zheng said to Mr. Zheng, saying: "This is very easy to answer."The king said to Wei: If Zheng is the reason why Wei can be united, then the evil city is also willing to win Liang and unite Zheng.The king of Wei stopped.

King Xuan of Qi sent people to play the Yu, and there must be 300 people. The officials in Nanguo asked him to play the Yu for the king.Lin, give.King Xuan died, and King Min was established. If you listen to it, the officials will flee.

One said #8.Han Zhaohou said: "There are so many people who play the Yu, but I don't know who is good at it."Tian Yan said to each other, "Listen to them one by one."

Zhao ordered people to send soldiers to Han because Shenzi was going to attack Wei. Shenzi wanted to speak to the king, but he was afraid that the king would doubt him and went to the market.Instead of fearing evil to Zhao, let Zhao Shao and Han Yao test the king's moving appearance and then say it. Xu Bu's appearance must have changed, so we can know it, so it is called moving appearance.Inside you know the meaning of Zhaohou, and outside you have the merits of Zhao.If you ask for it, if you promise, your kindness will be accomplished.If you don't allow it, you will finally think that you are asking for it, and you dare not promise his kindness, so as to consolidate Zhao's merits.When the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms arrived, the King of Han called Lou Huan and said: "The soldiers of the Three Kingdoms are deep, and I want to cut the east of the river. How about it?"To speak means to give it away in a hurry, and to take it back later. The thing is to be kept, and it will be repeated in the end. If you talk about it, it is called talking.He said to him, "it will cost a lot to cut the east of the river."It is a great achievement to save the country from suffering.This is also the responsibility of the father and brother, why didn't the king call the son Si and ask him?The king called his son Si to tell him, and said to him, "I regret it if I say it, and I regret it if I don't say it."The king now cuts the river east and talks about the return of the three kingdoms. The king will say: "The three kingdoms are solid and go away. I will send them off with three cities."The Three Kingdoms went away by themselves, and the city was given away again. This is a repentance.Don't talk about it, if the Three Kingdoms also enter Korea, the country will make a big move, and the king will regret it. The king said: "Don't dedicate the three cities."If you don't talk about it, the three kingdoms will enter and Han will make a big move, and the king will regret it and say: "It's because I didn't dedicate the three cities."The minister said: "The king also regrets talking about it, and regrets not talking about it."The king said: "Regret for me, I would rather perish the three cities without regret, and regret instead of danger."The widow stopped talking.Speak and decide.

Ying Hou called the King of Qin and said: "The king got Wanye, Lantian, and Yangxia. He broke Hanoi and trapped Liang and Zheng. Therefore, he was not king, and Zhao was not convinced."It's all about relaxing the Shangdang, abolishing the Shangdang, and abandoning a county.If you are facing Dongyang, you will get lice in the mouth.With the soldiers of the Shangdang approaching Dongyang, Handan is as dangerous as a louse in the mouth.Wang Gong went to the world, and the latter defeated him with soldiers.In, hurt also.However, the peace and happiness of the Shangdang is very serious, and the ministers are afraid of relaxing and not listening, what can they do?Today, Shangdang is happy, but its place is troubled by drama. Although it wants to relax, I am afraid that the king will not listen.Wang said: "It must be relaxed and changed."It is said that Yiqi's soldiers were moved to face Dongyang, I am certain.

Fives.Pang Jing, the county magistrate, sent the city to go, and called the public and officials to return them, and the officials and officials were also sent to the city.In the meantime, there is no edict, and the soldiers are dispatched.If you don't die, the pawn will be sent away, and the reason is unpredictable.People in the market think that the order and the public have something to say, but they don't believe it, so they are innocent.Although the doctor told him that he would not die, he would not believe him, so he dared not commit adultery.

Dai Huan, Song Dazai, the night emissary said: I heard that there were people who came to Li Shimen by car for several nights, and I would like to serve them for me.The messenger reported: "I don't see the cart, but I see someone who is offering bamboo shoots and talking to Li Shi. There is a time, and Li Shi accepts the bamboo shoots."Send the car to serve, so it is true to serve the bamboo shoots. This order serves the bamboo shoots, so he should change his words.

When the Lord of Zhou died, the jade hairpin was ordered to be sought by the officials, but he could not get it for three days.The Lord of Zhou asked for the house of his family, and the Lord of Zhou said: "My officials don't do anything."It doesn't matter to the minister.If I ask for a hairpin for three days, I won't get it. I will make people ask for it, and I will get it without moving the day.So the officials were all terrified, thinking that the king was a god.

The Taizai of the Shang Dynasty envoyed the city of the young bastard, and Gu Fan asked, "How do you see it in the city?"Confrontation: no see also.Dazai said: "Although, how do you see it?"Conversation: there are many ox carts outside the south gate of the city, and they can only go by ears.Dazai told the envoys that he dared not tell others what I asked my daughter, and summoned the city officials to blame him, saying: "Why is there so much cow dung outside the city gate?"The city officials are very surprised that Dazai knows the disease, but they are afraid of it.

six.Han Zhaohou grasped the claw and pretended to die with one claw. He asked for it very urgently. The left and right cut their claws and followed suit. Zhaohou used this to check the sincerity of the left and right.Cut the claws, dishonesty.Han Zhaohou sent an envoy to ride in the county, and the envoy reported, and Zhaohou asked, "How do you see it?"Confrontation: I can't see anything.Zhaohou said: "Although, what do you see?"Said: "Beyond the south gate, there are yellow calves eating seedlings on the left side of the road."Zhaohou said that the emissary did not dare to reveal my questions to the woman, so he ordered: "When the seedlings are young, cattle and horses are forbidden to enter the fields, and there are orders to enter, but the officials don't take it seriously. Many cattle and horses enter the fields, and urgently list the number of them. , No, it will be a serious crime.So the three villages stopped it, and Zhaohou said: "It's not finished yet."After reviewing it again, the yellow calf outside the south gate was obtained.The officials took Zhaohou as a clear watcher, and they were all afraid of what he did and dared not do anything wrong.

The Lord of Zhou ordered to search for the field stick, but the officials couldn't get it after asking for it for a few days.The crooked stick is very easy, but the official cannot get it. I make people ask for it, and I get it without changing the day. How can it be called loyalty?Officials are all terrified of their place, and regard the king as a god.

Bupi is the county magistrate, and his officials are filthy, but he loves concubines. Bupi makes the young concubine pretend to love him and the officials.To know the dark feelings of the imperial officials.

Ximen Leopard is the order of Ye#9, and pretends to be under the jurisdiction of his car, so that officials can't get what he asks for, and make people ask for it.

seven.Yangshan Monarch Xiangwei#10, I heard that the king was suspicious of himself, so I knew it by falsely slandering him.Standing upright, the king's favorite, if you make false slanders, you will be angry and say that the king doubts yourself.

Chunchi heard that King Wen of Qi was evil to himself, and pretended to be an envoy of Qin to know it.Since the king did not doubt the envoy of Qin, he must sue.

If the people of Qi want to cause chaos, they are afraid that the king will know it, and because of fraud, they will drive away their loved ones, so they will go away and the king will know it.Wang Zhi pursues what he loves, but he does not suspect that it is chaos.

The son's Xiangyan sat down and pretended to say: "Where is the white horse going out?"Both the left and the right can't see.A man ran after him and reported, "Yes."From this, the son knows whether the left and right are honest or not.Those who falsely report that there is a white horse are dishonest.

For those who are involved in the lawsuit, the child is born without making a common speech, but the words are told.It is said that if you can tell the other party with this word, and if the other party tells this, you will know the truth of the litigant.

Wei Sigong sent people to pass through the customs city as a guest. The customs city is harsh and difficult. Of.Guan Shi is a great fear, and he takes his heir as a clear watch.


#1 The word "yan" is obviously a mistake of the word "xin", so it should be corrected.

#2 Here, the three characters of "Zhu Niu Yue" are removed, and it is supplemented according to Chen Qiyou.

#3 The word "felony" is removed here, according to Chen Qiyou.

#4 The word "reward" should be the word "punishment", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou.

#5 "Jin" is obviously an error in the word "Ling", so it should be corrected.

#6 "Yue" was mistaken for "Yue", which was changed according to Zhang Bang and Zhao Yongxian.

#7 "Wu" was mistaken for "Wu", which was changed according to Zhang Bang's and Zhao Yongxian's.

#8 "日" is obviously an error of "日", so it should be corrected.

#9 "Ye" was mistaken for "Pu", it should be changed.

#10 "Wei" was mistaken for "Wei", which was changed according to the interpretation of Chen Qiyou's collection.

(End of this chapter)

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