Han Fei

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Neishu said the next six micro
Six small points: one is to borrow power from below, the other is to borrow from others for profit, the third is to entrust similarities, the fourth is to have conflicting interests, the fifth is to participate in internal disputes, and the sixth is to abolish the enemy's country.These six are also observed by the Lord.

Power cannot be borrowed from others, if one loses one, the minister thinks it is a hundred.Therefore, if a minister gets borrowing, he will have more strength, and if he has more strength, he will use the inside and outside, and if the inside and the outside are used, the people will dominate.It is said that in the ancient times of Laopin.Lost fish also.It is the person who speaks for a long time, but left and right.The trouble lies in Xu Tongzhi's remonstrance# 1 Duke Li, who spoke with the Marquis of Zhou, and the people of Yan bathed in arrows.

right to borrow one
The interests of the monarch and his ministers are different, and the old ministers are not loyal.It is the treacherous ministers who summon the enemy's soldiers to eliminate them from within, use foreign affairs to dazzle the master, and pursue their own interests, regardless of the country's troubles.It is said that the wife and husband of the Wei people prayed.Therefore, Dai Xie discussed his children, and San Huan attacked Duke Zhao.Uncle Gong Nei Qi army, and Zhai Huang called Han soldiers.Dazai Pi said that the doctor breeds, and Dacheng Niu teaches Shen not to harm.Sima happily told the king of Zhao, and Lu Cang ruled Qin and Chu.Song Shi sent Wei Jun to write, and Bai Gui taught violently.

Li Yiji

For similar things, the reason why the owner is punished is the reason why the minister is selfish.It is because the disciples donated water and Yi shot him, Jiyang corrected himself and committed two crimes, Sima Xi killed Yuan Qian and Ji Xin died.Zheng Xiuyan is foul-smelling and the newcomer is ugly, Fei Wuji teaches Qie Wan and orders Yin to punish him, Chen needs to kill Zhang Shou and the rhinoceros heads away.Therefore, it is a crime in Zhongshan to burn the grassland, and it is a reward in Jiyang to kill the old Confucianists.

similar three

If something is beneficial, if it is the owner of the corpse, if it is harmful, it must be investigated.It is based on the theory of knowing the master, if the country is harmed, those who benefit from it will be spared, and if the minister is harmed, those who are against it will be investigated.It is said that when the soldiers of Chu arrived and Chen needed a prime minister, the millet was expensive and the granaries were overwhelmed.It is Zhao Xixie who sells Mao, and Xi Hou Qiao is next.Wen Gong made a round of sunburn, and Hou Hou asked to establish the emperor.


The power of doubt is the source of chaos, so the Lord of Ming Dynasty is cautious.Therefore Jin Liji killed Prince Shen Sheng, and Mrs. Zheng used poison. Because of encountering thieves, Tian Chang, Kan Zhi, Dai Huan, and Huang Xi were enemies, while Song Jun and Jian Gong killed them.It is said that Hu Tuzhi is called the second best, and Zheng Zhaozhi has never had a confrontation.

Question five

The task of the enemy is to observe fornication and be exhausted. If the host does not observe, the enemy will be abandoned.Therefore, King Wen paid Zhong, while King Qin was troubled by the envoy of Chu, Li Qie went to Zhongni, and Yu Xiang Ju Ganmao.It is often used because of Zixu's declaration, the internal beauty and Yu, Guo perish, pretending to be a suicide note and Chang Hong died, using chicken meat to make Yu Jie exhausted.

waste six

When it comes to doubting and disposing of things, the Ming Lord will never do it inside and apply it to the outside.Capitalize on the light and assist the weak. This is called temple attack.If the Wu is used both internally and externally for viewing and listening, then the enemy will win.It is said that it was reported to Hui Wenjun by the dwarf in Qin Dynasty.Therefore, Xiangzheng said to attack Ye, and the heir gave the order seat.

Temple Gong Youjing
one.Those who are powerful are the abyss of the master.A minister is a heavy fish.A fish is lost in the abyss and cannot be recovered, and the master loses power more than his ministers and cannot be recovered.It was difficult for the ancients to speak honestly, so they entrusted it to the fish.Those who reward and punish are also sharp weapons.The monarch uses it to control the ministers, and the ministers get it to support the master.Therefore, what the ruler sees first rewards, the ministers regard it as virtue, and what the ruler sees first punishes, the ministers regard it as prestige.Therefore, it is said: The sharp weapon of the country should not be shown to others.

Jing Guojun is equal to each other. If you talk to the old man for a long time, the old man will be rich, and if you brush left and right, you will be heavy.Jiuyu Huaiwei, a petty bourgeoisie, still wants to become rich, how about the power of officials?

At the time of Duke Li of Jin, the six ministers were noble.Xutong Changyu remonstrated: "The ministers are valuable, the enemy lords contend for things, the foreign city establishes the party, the law of the country is disrupted, and the lord is robbed, but the country is not in danger.The public said: good.It is to punish the three ministers.Xutong Changyujiao remonstrated again, saying: "Those who are guilty of the same crime are punished but not exhausted. This is borrowing from each other with resentment."The Duke said: "I can't bear to destroy the three ministers in one dynasty."Chang Yujiao said to him: "If you don't bear it, you will bear it."The Duke refused to listen, and stayed in March, and the princes made troubles, so they killed Duke Li and divided the land.

State Marquis Xiang Jing, who is noble and judges, the King of Jing doubted it, because he asked the left and right, and the left and right said: "Nothing, it's like a mouthful."Yan people have no doubts, so they bathe their dogs and arrows.The wife of a man from Yan has an affair with a scholar, and her husband has long since come from outside. When the scholar came out, the husband said: "Who are you?"His wife said: "No guest."Ask the left and right, and the left and right say nothing, just like saying something.His wife said: "It's easy to be confused."Because of the bath, I use a dog arrow.

One said.Li Ji, a native of Yan, went far away, and his wife privately communicated with the scholars. Ji Tuzhi, and the scholars were in the house.So the young master followed his plan and went out quickly. Ji said, "Who is it?"There is no family.Ji said: Do I see a ghost?The woman said: yes.Why?Said: Take the arrow of the five natures and [-] urine.Take a bath.Ji said: promise.It's a bath with an arrow.One is to bathe in Yilan soup.

two.There are husband and wife prayers in the Wei people, and they wished: "Give me a hundred bundles of cloth for no reason."Her husband said, "Why Shao?"Confrontation said: "Yes, the son will buy a concubine."The king of Jing wanted to eunuch the princes in his neighbourhood, but Dai Xie said, "Impossible."The eunuch is in the neighborhood, and the neighbors must respect him, saying: "The son who comes out is more important, and if he is more important, he must be the most important national party. It is inconvenient to teach his son in a foreign market."

Lu Mengsun, Shusun, and Jisun all tried their best to rob Zhaogong, and then seized his country and ruled it well.Duke Sanhuan of Lu forced him, and Duke Zhao attacked the Jisun clan, and the Mengsun clan and the Shusun clan conspired with each other, saying: "Save it?"The emperor of the uncle Sun's family said: "I, the retainer, do you know the public?"Which is better for me, whether there is a Jisun or no Jisun?Everyone said: If there is no grandson, there must be no grandson.Then save it.So he crashed into the northwest corner and entered. Mengsun saw his uncle's flag entering and rescued him.

Uncle Gong is a minister to Han, and he has meritorious deeds. Gong Zhong is more important than the king.Uncle Gong believed in the covenant between the two countries because the Neiqi army was in Zheng to rob the king and secure his position.Zhai Huang, the minister of the king of Wei, who was good at Han, called Han Bingling to attack Wei, because he asked him to build it for the king of Wei to respect himself.

The king of Yue attacked the king of Wu, the king of Wu thanked him and surrendered, and the king of Yue wanted to agree.Fan Li and the doctor Zhong said: "Impossible."In the past, Yue gave to Wu, but Wu did not accept #3, so that heaven turned against husband, and it was also a disaster.It is not allowed to give Wu to Yue and then worship and accept it.Dazai Kuoyi, a doctor, said in a book: When the cunning rabbits are exhausted, good dogs will cook, and when the enemy country is destroyed, the plotters will die.Why doesn't the doctor release Wu and suffer from Yue?The doctor Zhong received the book and read it, sighed and said: "Kill him, Yue and Wu have the same fate."

Dacheng Niu followed Zhao and said that Shen would not harm Han and said: "I am more important to Zhao with Han, and please use Zhao to be more important to Han. This son has two Hans, and I have two Zhaos."Sima Xi, a minister of the Zhongshan Lord, was good at Zhao, and often sued Zhao Wang about Zhongshan's plot.Lu Cang, a minister of the king of Wei, was also good at Qin and Jing, and slightly satirized Qin and Jing to attack Wei, because he asked for peace and respected himself.Song Shi, Wei Jiang also.Wei Jun, Jing will also.The two countries are in trouble, and both sons will be generals.Song Shiyi Wei Jun wrote: The two armies#4 are equal, and the two flags face each other. Only if there is no one war, the war will not exist. .

Bai Gui's prime minister, Wei, severely condemned his prime minister, Han.Bai Gui said violently: "My son uses Han to assist me in Wei, and I ask Wei to treat my son in Han. The minister uses Wei, and the son uses Han."

three.The doctor in Qizhong has a barbarian shooter, who drank in the king's court, and got so drunk that he came out, leaning on the door of Lang, and the doorman knelt down and begged, saying: "Do you have any intention of giving me any more?"Yi She said, "Go away!"People who are still in prison, why dare to beg and drink from the elders.Kneeling and retreating, Ji Yi shot away, Kneeling and slipping out of the man's door for donating water, like a drowning person.Tomorrow, when the king came out, he said, "Who is drowning here?"He knelt down and said to him, "I don't see you."Although, the Chinese doctor Yishe stood here yesterday.The king killed the barbarians because he shot them.

The king of Wei and his ministers were not kind to Lord Jiyang, and Lord Jiyang conspired to attack himself because of false orders to correct the king's order. The king sent someone to ask Lord Jiyang #5, saying: Who is the one to hate?Confrontation: no dare and hate.Although, it's not enough to feel bad for the two of them.The king asked left and right, and left and right said, "Of course."Wang Yin punished the two.

Ji Xin and Yuan Qian complained.Sima Xixin and Ji Xin'e, because of their insignificance, caused Yuanqian to be killed. The king of Zhongshan thought that Ji Xin was also there, and punished him because of it.King Jing's favorite concubine was Zheng Xiu.The King of Punishment has a new beautiful woman, Zheng Xiu said because of his teaching: "The king #6 is very happy to cover his mouth, and he is close to the king, so he must cover his mouth."When the beautiful woman enters, she gets close to the king, because she hides her mouth.When the king asked why, Zheng Xiu said: "This is a solid statement that the evil king stinks."And the king sat down with Zheng Xiu and the beautiful woman, and the sleeve said to the imperial guard first, "Wang Shi has something to say, and he must obey it urgently."Wang Yan: Before the beauty.When he got close to the king, he covered his mouth several times, but the king said angrily, "It's a shame."Yu Yu cuts off the beauty because of the lack of a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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