Han Fei

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Foreign Reserve Says Bottom Left #1
one.If you are punished for your sins, people don't complain, and you don't complain because you deserve the crime.Sitting in danger, Zigao.Although Gao punished him, he couldn't bear it, and he rewarded him with kindness.To be rewarded for meritorious deeds, ministers are not virtuous, and meritorious deeds are not considered virtuous.Zhai Huang used the right deed to ride the porch.Gong deserves to be favored, so there is no shame in taking the porch.King Xiang didn't know, and he didn't know that merit should be rewarded generously.Therefore, Zhaomao and the five vehicles are in charge.The west of the mao subdued Qin, and the east stopped Qi, and it was a big deal, but Wang Wei raised the five chariots, and the merits were greatly rewarded, and the rewards were small, just like a rich man who was in the upper class.If you don't take office, and your ministers don't falsely accuse you of being able, that is to say, your ministers will lose their family and Zhou.Zhou used bravery to serve King Xiang, and he believed in not slandering others, and those who had more courage and strength would enter and replace themselves.

two.Relying on power but not trusting, relying on power will make believers lose heart, and serving faith will sometimes disbelieve.So Dong Guoya discussed Guan Zhong.The public wants to take the handle of Zhong Guo, and although Zhong is loyal, if he is not loyal, he will be in danger.Gong Yin ordered Zhong to rule the outside, and Xi Peng ruled the inside.Relying on skill but not trust, so Hunxuan is not Wengong.Duke Wen of Jin took Ji Zheng Xincheng as the original decree and said: "You will not betray me."Xuan said: "The master does not use tactics to control his ministers, but relies on them not to rebel. What if it is so?"Therefore, the master of art, believe in rewards to do his best, and must punish to prohibit evil. Although there are evil deeds, they will benefit, and those who do evil deeds are not chaste and mixed.Jianzhu's Xiangyang tiger, the tiger chases Lu and suspects Qi, which is also a behavior.The Lord of Zhao used his skills to control him, and made the best use of it to make Zhao Jiba.Shan Gong asked.Ask Confucius: "What about Kui's one leg?"Said: Kui is rebellious and disgusting, but he is also the one who avoids disaster.The public said: "It's full of faith."Therefore, it is called one foot.

three.If you lose the principle of minister and master, King Wen will act on his own.Although the king has a teacher, the minister should also be cautious, and the junior minister immediately acts as a guide.King Wen understood that if there is no envoy on the left and right, he also loses scholars.Those who Tuo Yanjun gave are his teachers, and they are exaggerating and pretending to be wrong.Where it is not easy to go to Yan, Ji Sun lives in the village and encounters thieves.Chaotang Zhuang, Yan Dangshi, ordered Ji Sun Yizhi, so he was killed in Zhuang all his life.

Four.What is forbidden by profit, and what is forbidden by profit, although God cannot do it.When it is forbidden to benefit, and when it is beneficial to prohibit it, although it is impossible to do so, it is not magical.Reputation is a crime, and destruction is a reward, even though Yao is dead.Reputation when it is a crime, destruction when it is a reward, even if Yao is not cured, it is not Yao.It is better to have no door if the husband is the door and not let in, and not to enter.It is better to stop than to be entrusted with benefits but not to advance, and not to advance with benefits.The reason for chaos is also.Doors do not allow entry, benefits do not allow entry, and chaos arises from it.The Marquis of Qi does not listen to the left and right, and the Lord of Wei does not listen to those who are well-known, but clearly observes and takes care of the ministers, and it does not cost a lot of money.Weaknesses don't use jade bi, but weaknesses use jade, because the Lord of Wei used it for reputation.It is enough to know that Ximen Bao asked Ye to be restored.When Ye was first ruled, there was nothing left or right, so the king seized it.The post-government, the matter, the king welcomes and worships.According to this, it is known that left and right can be harmful to the country.It's like stealing a baby's fur, and?Dangerous son Rongyi.The son of a thief is not ashamed of his father for stealing, and takes the clothes his father stole as a gift.friend?The son is not ashamed of his father? ,by?The clothes are glorious.What people flatter is not true.Zi Chuo draws left and right, circles on the left, and squares on the right.You can't get a virtuous person by using left and right words.Remove ants to repel flies, use bones to remove ants, use fish to remove flies, and the flies and ants will heal.Yu Wen's words and training left and right, the more flattering he is.Ande has no worries about Duke Huan asking for officials, and the public listens to left and right to ask for officials, but there is nothing to do with him, so he is worried.It is also the trouble with King Xuan.The king didn't notice that the man in charge of the horse stole the beans, but he also suffered from horse thorns.

Fives.If a minister behaves in a humble and frugal manner, the nobility is not enough to persuade him to reward him.If there is no restraint in favor, the subordinates will invade.It is said that Emperor Miao Ben did not sacrifice his uncle, but Confucius discussed Yan Ying, who presented him as a chancellor, his wife did not wear silk, and Yan Ying was the same, so it was not forced by him.So Zhongni discussed Guan Zhong and Sun Shuao.Zhong has three returns, with its great extravagance.Ao You sharpened cakes for his frugality.And the tolerance of going in and out has changed, and Yang Hu's words can be seen from his ministers.And Jianzhu's response to the minister also lost his mastery.There are already three people living in the tiger's mouth, and they are extremely offended, and the three are chasing after the king.The tiger declares that he is selfless, and the master of Jian should use the affairs of his private ministers to say that his actions are wrong, just like a tree with thorns and thorns, but it gets its thorns.Cliques live in peace, and subordinates get what they want, but the leader is lonely.A group of ministers hold public elections, and if the subordinates do not agree with each other, then the people will be the masters.Yang Hu will be the wise man of Zhao Wu and the Duke of Xiehu.Both of these two people promote people in public, and they don't avoid their sons inside, and they don't shy away from their enemies outside.But Master Jian thought that the trifoliate thorn was not the reason for teaching the country.The master said that what he did to harm himself was the same as that of the trifoliate thorn, and it was selfish to oppose the ministers.

six.If the public office is humble, you should avoid speaking out, and if you win privately, you will lose public merit.Speaking of Wen Zi's blunt words, Wu Zi's use of sticks.Wu Ziwen and his father and son like to speak bluntly. Wu Zi said: If you lose your bluntness, you will be in danger and your father will be harmed.Zichan was loyal and admonished, and Ziguoqiao was angry.The country was angry and said: If a husband is loyal and admonishes, he will leave #2 the officials and endanger his father.The usage of beams and cars, Cheng Hou received the seal.The car was ordered by Zheng, and his sister broke the law. Zhao Hou thought it was unkind and dismissed her as an official.Guan Zhong treats the public, but the people of the country slander and complain.Zhong does not repay the kindness of the person, only the virtuous is used, and the person complains.

one.Confucius guarded each other, and his disciple Zigao was the jailer, cutting off people's feet, and guarding the gate.People who hate Confucius and the king of Wei say: Ni wants to cause chaos.The king of Wei wanted to seize Confucius, but when Confucius left, all his disciples fled. Zigao went out, and the danger led him to escape in the lower room of the door, where officials could not chase him.In the middle of the night, between Zigao?Wei said: "Can't I be married against the Lord's decree?"The son's feet are the time for the son to take revenge, but why is the son willing to run away from me?How did I get this? Yu Ziwei said: "I broke my foot, and I deserved it. There is nothing I can do about it."However, Fang Gong’s prison officials are also in charge of the court, and the public is inclined to the law, and the ministers have spoken successively, and the rabbits who want the ministers are also very much, but the ministers know it.He was openly displeased with the conviction of the prison sentence, which was manifested in the color, and the minister knew it when he saw it.It's not a private minister, it's true that the husband is benevolent in nature, the reason why this minister is happy and virtuous is also.Those who walk are in danger, so they are called friends in danger.

From Qi Zhiwei, Tian Zifang looked at Zhai and Huang Chengxuan riding out, riding both Xuan chariot and Qingqi.Fang thought that Marquis Wen also moved his car to a different road to avoid him, and Zhai Huangye, a wealthy man.Disciple, alone.Fang Wen said: "Zi Xi took the chariot and said: "The king is planning to attack Zhongshan, and the minister recommends Di Jiao and the plan is fruitful.And cutting it, the minister recommended Le Yang and Zhongshan pulled it out.After winning Zhongshan, he was worried and wanted to rule it. The minister recommended Li Ke to rule Zhongshan.So you gave me this car.Fang said: "It's not enough to call it a favor."

Qin and Han attacked Wei, Zhao Maoxi said, and Qin and Han stopped.Qi and Jing attacked Wei, Maodong said and Qi and Jing stopped.King Xiang of Wei raised him as a general of the five chariots, and he raised him as a general of the five chariots.Mao said: Boyi was buried under Shouyang Mountain as a general, and the world said: "Husband regards Boyi as a virtuous person and calls him benevolent, but he is buried as a general."Now the minister dismisses the soldiers of the four kingdoms, but the king and the minister are five-carriers.Win, profit also.It is said that a businessman wins twice as much profit, and now he rewards great achievements with small rewards, which is like a winner walking on grass.

Confucius said: Those who are good at being officials build virtue, but those who are incapable of being officials create resentment.Those who are slender are those who are fair, and those who are officials are also those who are fair.Those who rule the country must not lose their balance.

The Shaoshi Zhou, the ancient chaste, honest and clean Yin, was the main force of Zhao Xiang, and he wrestled with Xu Zi of Zhongmou.Master Xiang said: "Where you are, what people want is what you want. Why do you say that Xu Zi replaces himself?"Said: Ministers use their strength to serve the emperor. Today Xu Zi has many ministers, and the ministers do not act on their own behalf, fearing that others will say it and it will be a crime.There is also the crime of concealing the virtuous.One said that Shaoshi Zhou was riding on the horse for the master of Xiang, and when he arrived in Jinyang, there was a strong man Niu Zigeng and wrestling, but he couldn't win. into it.

two.Duke Huan of Qi established Guan Zhong, and ordered the officials to say: "I will make Guan Zhong Zhong's father. Those who are good will go to the left, and those who are not good will go to the right."Dongguo Ya stood at the middle gate, and the Duke said: "The widow established Guan Zhong as Zhong's father, and ordered that those who are good will go to the left, and those who are not good will go to the right. Why do you stand here as the middle gate?"Ya said: "Can Guan Zhong's wisdom be used to conspire the world?"The public said: "Yes."Do you dare to do great things with a decision?The duke said: dare.Ya said: You know that you can plan the world, and you dare to do great things, because you are exclusive to the country.With Guan Zhong's ability to take advantage of the power of the public to govern the Qi State, will there be no danger?The public said: good.It was to order Xi Peng to rule the inside, and Guan Zhong to rule the outside.

Duke Wen of Jin fled and died, and Ji Zheng followed with a pot of food. He was lost and lost his way, and he lost his relationship with the Duke.And Wen Gong rebelled against the country, raised his troops to attack the original, restrained #3 and pulled it out, Wen Gong said: "The husband is lightly enduring the suffering of hunger and hunger, but he will eat the whole pot, so he will not rebel against the original."It is regarded as the original order.The doctor Hunxuan heard about it and said, "Because you don't move the pot of food, you can't use the original to rebel, isn't it also useless?"Therefore, those who understand the Lord do not rely on their own side, but rely on their own side.Don't rely on it not to deceive me, and rely on it not to deceive me.

Yang Hu said: "If the master is wise, he will do it with all his heart, and if he is unworthy, he will pretend to be an adulterer and try it."Chased from Lu, doubted from Qi, and went to Zhao, Zhao Jianzhu greeted him.The left and right said: "The tiger is good at stealing people's state affairs, why is it a prime minister?"Master Jian said: "Yanghu has to take it, and I have to keep it."If I keep it, then he cannot benefit.Then guarding and defending against it, Yang Hu dared not do wrong, and used good deeds to make the Lord easy, and to make the Lord strong, almost to the point of dominance.

Duke Ai of Lu asked Confucius, saying: I heard that the ancients had one foot, do you believe that there is one?Confucius said to him: No, Kui is not one-legged. Kui is angry and disgusting, and there are many people who don't say he is happy.Although, the reason why he was saved from being harmed by others is because of his faith, everyone said that this alone is enough, Kui is not one foot, but one is enough.Ai Gong said: "The trial is solid enough."

One said.Duke Ai asked Confucius, "I heard that Kui has one foot, do you believe it?"Said: Kui, human beings, why have one foot?There is no other difference between them, but it is unique in sound. Yao said: Kui is one and it is enough.Make it happy.Therefore the gentleman said: Kui has one leg#4, not one leg.

Duke Wen of Jin fought against Chu, and when he arrived at the tomb of Huangfeng, he disentangled his footwear and tied it up by himself.Left and right said: "Can't you make people?"The Duke said: "I heard that the Lord's place and residence are all feared by him."Words are also virtuous.The place and residence of Zhongjun are all his love.I can respect and obey you, so I am cute.The place and residence of the next king are all insulted.The material is light and insulting.Although the widow is unworthy, all the former kings are there, so it is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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