Han Fei

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

King Wen of Sanzhou defeated Chong and went to Fenghuangxu.Taigong Wang said: "Why?"The king said: The king and the place are all his teachers, all the middle are his friends, and the subordinates will do their best.Today are all #5 ministers of the former emperor, so there is no way to make them.

Jisun Haoshi, a lifelong Zhuang, lives in clothes, often like the imperial court.But Ji Sunshi was slack and had a fault, so he temporarily abolished his Zhuangzhuang.But it can't grow long, so the guest thought he hated changing himself and resented each other, so he killed Jisun.Therefore, it is very difficult for a gentleman to go to Thailand.

Nangong Jingzi asked Yan Zhuoju, saying: "Ji's grandson raised the disciples of Confucius, and those who served and sat in court were counted in ten and met with thieves. Why?"Said: In the past, King Cheng of the Zhou Dynasty was close to the dwarfs to fulfill his intentions, but broke off with the gentlemen, so that he could achieve his desires in the world.In this season, Sun Yang raised Confucius's disciples, and those who sat with him in court clothes numbered in the tens, and broke up with the dwarves, so they encountered thieves.Therefore, it is said: It is not about the place and residence, but about the place and plan.

Confucius sat on the throne of Duke Ai of Lu, who gave him peaches and millet.Duke Ai said #6: Please use it.Zhongni ate the millet first, and then the peaches. Both sides covered their mouths and laughed. Duke Ai said, "The millet is not rice, but snow peaches."Zhongni said to him, "Qiu knows it."Husband millet is also the leader of the five grains, offering sacrifices to the ancestors is the best.There are six fruit lotuses, and the peach is the next, and the ancestors are not allowed to enter the temple.Qiu Zhiwen #7 also, a gentleman treats cheapness as precious, but a dissident regards nobleness as cheap.Today, with the growth of the five grains, the snow falls under the fruit, and the snow falls from the top. Qiu thinks it is a hindrance, so he dare not predate the prosperity of the ancestral temple.

Jane's main predicate is left and right: the car seat Taimei.Although the husband's crown is cheap, it must be worn on the head;Today's car seat is like this, Damei, what will I do?To fulfill it?What to do.Xi Taimei is even less beautiful to act on.The beauty of a husband is spent on the bottom, the beauty on the table is beautiful, the clothes are beautiful on the clothes, and the pursuit of beauty is endless, and it will be expensive to live at the top.It is also the foundation of righteousness.

Fei Zhong said that Zhou said: "Xi Bo is a virtuous man, the people are happy with him, and the princes are attached to him, so he must be punished. If he is not punished, it will be a disaster for Yin."Zhou said: "Ziyan, the Lord of Righteousness, how can he be punished?"Fei Zhong said: Although the crown is worn, it must be worn on the head; although the shoes are five-colored, it must be worn on the ground.Now Xibo#8 is prosperous, people and ministers are also, if they cultivate righteousness and people respect it, death will be a problem for the world, will it be prosperous?Everyone does not take his virtuous as his master, so he must be punished.And the master punishes his ministers, how has it ever happened?Zhou said: "For those who are benevolent and righteous, the superior persuades the inferior."Jinchang is so benevolent and righteous that he cannot be punished.Three said no, so died.

King Xuan of Qi asked Kuangqian, saying: Are Confucian scholars knowledgeable?Said: No.Wang said: "Why?"Kuangqian said to him: "The one who wins is the noble owl, and the winner must kill the owl. The one who kills the owl is the most expensive thing to kill. Confucianists think that it is harmful to righteousness, so they don't win."Ask again: Do Confucians Yi?Said: "If you don't use Yi, those who harm the superior from below will also harm the ruler from below. Confucianists think that it harms righteousness, so they don't Yi."Ask the Confucianists again?Said: No.Fuser uses the small strings as the loud voice and the large strings as the low voice, which means that the order of size is changed, and the position of high and low is changed. Confucianists think that it harms righteousness, so they don't drum.King Xuan said: Good.Zhong Ni said: Rather than flattering the people below, it is better to flatter the people above.If you flatter your subordinates, you will be cronies, and if you flatter your superiors, you will be humble and respectful.

Four.The giant is the layman of Qi.The weak one is the layman of Wei.The kings of Qi and Wei did not know well, could not personally take care of the territory, but listened to the words of the left and right, so the two sons spent gold and jade to seek official positions.

Ximen Leopard is the order of Ye, clean and clean, with no self-interest in the end, and it is so simple that it does not matter to the king.Left and right are evil because of their phase and comparison.The period of residence is one year, and the plan is made. The king accepts his seal, and the leopard asks himself: "I didn't know how to rule Ye in the past, but now I have it. I would like to ask the seal to restore Ye. It is not appropriate. Please lay down the crime of axe."Marquis Wen couldn't bear it and gave him back. Leopard was overwhelmed by the people, urgent matters were left and right. Left and right govern Ye, but the emperor worships his ministers, and the ministers cannot govern Ye.So he took the seal and left.Marquis Wen didn't accept it, and said: "I didn't know my son before, but now I know it. I hope my son can rule it for me."So I don't accept it.It is not subject to the seal of the leopard.

In Qi there was a dog thief's son playing with Jie Weizi and boasting to each other. The thief said: "My father's fur has a tail."Yan Qiu still has the tail of a stolen dog.Wei Zi said: "My father never loses his hakama in winter alone."Those who cut their feet don't wear hakama, even though they have nothing to lose in winter and summer.

Zi Chuo said: A person cannot draw a square on the left and a circle on the right.The more ants and ants are removed with meat, the more flies are driven away with fish.

Duke Huan said to Guan Zhong: "There are few officials, but there are many who ask for it, and the widows worry about it."Guan Zhong said: "If you don't listen to the requests of your left and right, you will be rewarded because of your ability, and you will be rewarded with an official for meritorious deeds. If you don't dare to ask for an official, why do you worry?"

Han Xuanzi said: "I have a lot of horses, bean and millet, and they are so stingy, why?"The widow suffers from it.Zhou Shi said to him, "Even if the zou are fed with millet, even though there is no fat, they cannot be obtained."It is called many and giving, but in fact it is few, and even if there is no lack, it is impossible to obtain it.The Lord does not judge the situation, but sits and suffers from it, and the horse is not fat.

Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong's appointment to Guan Zhong#9. Guan Zhong said: Discuss speech, clean goods, and learn human feelings. Yiwu is not as good as a string merchant. Please stand up for Dali.Deng Jiang Su Rang treats guests with courtesy, ministers are not as good as Xi Peng, please make it a big deal.Cultivate grass and Renyi, Ren, enter also.The city that eats can be included in its tax.To open up land to produce millet, the minister is not as good as Wu Wu, please think of it as a big field.Now that the three armies are in formation, the soldiers regard death as home, and the ministers are not as good as the sons and fathers. Please think of them as Da Sima.If Yan Yan directly remonstrates, the minister is not as good as Dongguo Ya, so please stand as an admonisher.It is enough to rule the five sons.If you want to be the overlord, Yiwu is here.

Meng Xianbo was prime minister of Lu, Hugopora grew in the hall, thorns grew outside the door, he ate no different flavors, sat on heavy seats, had no concubines in Jin, lived without millet and horses, and could not get out of a cart.Uncle Xiang heard about it and told Miao Benhuang, who said in a wrong way: "It's the master's Juelu who is attached to me."One said.Meng Xianbo paid homage to Shangqing, and his uncle yearned to congratulate him. The door is guarded, and the horse does not eat grain.Xian Bo said: I see that the people of the country are still hungry, so they don't feed horses, and most of the white people walk in vain, so there is no difference.Xiang said: "I first congratulated you on your worship, and now I congratulate you on your frugality."Going out, Yu Miao Benhuang said: "Help me to congratulate Xianbo's frugality."Miao Zi said: "Hey!Husband and Juelu have a banner, so it is unworthy to attack other virtuous people with different merits.Therefore, in the law of the Jin State, there are two yu for the upper class, two yu for the upper class, and one for the middle class, and the exclusive car for the lower class. This is the Ming level.Moreover, husbands and officials must have military affairs, so they follow chariots and horses, and compare soldiers to ride, in order to prepare for military affairs.If there is difficulty, it will be prepared for unforeseen events, and if it is flattened, it will be used for court affairs.In today's chaotic state of Jin, there is a lack of precautionary measures. To achieve thrift, to save one's own name, can Xian Bo's frugality be compared?The rhetorical system should be punished, so it can be tolerated.What's your congratulations?

Guan Zhong Xiangqi said: "The minister is expensive, but the minister is poor."Duke Huan said: "The son has three homes to return to."Said: The minister is rich, but the minister is humble.Minister Huan stood on top of Gao and Guo.Said: The minister is respectful, but the minister is sparse.Nai Li became his second father.When Confucius heard about it, he said: "Thai extravagance is overpowering."One said.Guan Zhong's father went out, Zhu Gai Qingyi, set up drums and returned, returned from the imperial court, and set up the music of drumming.There is Chen Ding in the court, and there are three homes in the family. Confucius said: "A good doctor is also, and his extravagance is overwhelming."

Sun Shuao looks at Chu, and the stacker and firewood cart.Mare, boiled cakes and vegetable soup, meal of dried fish, winter lamb fur, summer kudzu clothes, with a hungry face, then the good doctor is also forced by his frugality.

When Yang Hu went to Qi to go to Zhao, Lord Jian asked, "I heard that you are good at cultivating people."The tiger said: "The minister lives in Lu, and there are three people in the tree, all of whom are Ling Yin, and the tiger blamed Lu for the crime, and they all searched for the tiger."The minister lives in Qi, recommends three people, one gets close to the king, one is the county magistrate, and one is the waiting official, and the minister offends, the king does not see the minister, the county magistrate welcomes the minister and binds him, and the waiting official pursues the minister to the border, not as good as And stop.Tigers are not good at tree people.

The master smiled and said: The man who grows orange pomelo, eats it sweetly, and smells it fragrant.The tree with thorns will sting people when it grows.Therefore, a gentleman should be careful about the tree.

Zhongmu had no order, and Duke Ping of Jin asked Zhao Wu, saying: Zhongmu, the arm of the Three Kingdoms, Zhao, Qi, and Yan.The shoulders and legs of Handan, if I want to get a good order, who can make it?Wu said: "You can punish Bo Zi."The duke said: "Isn't it the master of the son?"Said: private do not enter the public.The Duke asked again: "Who can make the order of the central government?"Said: "Your servant can."Therefore, it is said: When you move outward, you don't avoid the evil, and when you move internally, you don't avoid the son.The 46 people recommended by Zhao Wu, and Wu died, each took the guest seat, and their selflessness is like this.

Duke Ping asked Uncle Xiang, "Who is the most worthy minister?"Said: Zhao Wu.The public said: The sons are the masters.Xiang, Wu Zhi belongs to the doctor.Wu Liru is overwhelmed with clothes, and his words are as if he can't speak them out. However, there are dozens of scholars, all of whom are satisfied. They are called uncle Xiang, so they are proud.But the public is very dependent on it, and the master of Wuzi is not good for his family, and his death is not left to the lonely, so the minister dares to think it is a virtuous person.

Xiehu recommended his wife to Master Jian as a relative, and he thought that he was lucky enough to release himself, because he went to pay his respects.The fox drew his bow and shot it, saying: "My husband recommends you, and I think you are worthy of him."My husband is against you, I have a personal grudge, and I will not support you to my king because of my personal grudge against you.Therefore, private grievances do not come into the public eye.

Xiehu appointed Xing Boliu as the guardian of the Shangdang, and Liu went to thank him and said: "I will forgive my crime, so I dare not worship again."Said: Juzi, the public also, resent the son, private also, the son is gone, resent the son as before.

People in Zheng County sell dolphins, and people ask the price, saying: "I will talk to you in peace at dusk."

six.Fan Wenzi likes to say bluntly, Wu Zi hits it with a staff: a husband who speaks outright is not tolerated by others, and if he is not tolerated, he will endanger himself, and if he does not endanger himself, he will endanger his father.

Those who produce children are also the sons of the country.Zichan was loyal to Lord Zheng, and Ziguo Qiao said angrily: "My husband is different from other ministers, but he is loyal to the Lord alone. The Lord is wise and can listen to you. If you don't know, you will not listen to you. Whether you listen or not is not sure. If you are separated from the group of officials, if you are separated from the group of officials, you will endanger yourself, not only yourself, but also your father.

Liang Chexin was ordered by Ye, and his sister went to see it. At dusk, the door was closed, and because he entered the country, the car cut off its feet.Zhao Chenghou thought it was unkind, so he seized the seal and gave the order of the rabbit.

Guan Zhong was in bondage, from Lu Zhiqi, he was hungry and thirsty when he was in the way, and he was begging for food when he passed Qiwu and sealed people.The people of Wufeng knelt down and ate them, and they were very respectful, but the people of Feng called Zhong Zhong because they stole it and said: "It's a good thing that Qi is not dead, but if you use Qi, how will you repay me?"Said: As the words of the son, I will use it wisely, and can make the theory of labor, how can I repay the son?Fengren complained about it.


#1 The word "下" is taken off here, it should be supplemented.

#2 Here, the word "li" is removed, according to Chen Qiyou's original supplement.

#3 "Yuanke" was mistaken for "Yongdui", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's version.

#4 "Foot" was mistaken for "Zhi", according to Chen Qiyou's original revision.

#5 Quite commentary on "Wang" as "Jie", according to the modification.

#6 The word "Yue" is removed, and it is supplemented according to Chen Qiyou.

#7 The meaning of "door" does not make sense, according to Chen Qiyou's original revision.

#8 Yuan comment on "Rong" as "Bo", according to the change.

#9 The word "Guan Zhong" is removed here, and it is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and the Yuanping commentary edition.

(End of this chapter)

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