Han Fei

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Gong Yixiu is the prime minister of Lu and is addicted to fish. The whole country competes to buy fish and offer them, but Gong Yizi does not accept it.His younger brother remonstrated, saying: Master is addicted to fish but why not?Confrontation: Husband is only addicted to fish, so I don’t accept it.If a husband receives fish, he must have the appearance of a servant, and if he has the appearance of a servant, he will be wronged by the law, and he will be free from the appearance of the law. Although he is addicted to fish, he does not have to be able to feed himself.That is, I have no fish and no rabbits. Although I am addicted to fish, I can grow fish for myself.This shows that it is better for a husband to rely on others than to rely on himself, and it is better to do what he does for himself than for others to do for himself.

three.The son of the Yan, expensive but the main decision.Su Dai was the envoy of Qi to Yan, and the king asked, "How is the king of Qi like the master?"He said to him, "it must not be domineering."Yan Wang said: "Why?"Confrontation said: In the past, Duke Huan was the overlord. The internal affairs belonged to Uncle Bao, and the external affairs belonged to Guan Zhong.Now the king of Qi does not trust his ministers.So the king of Yan benefited from Daxinzi.When the son heard about it, he made people leave Su Daijin and a hundred yi, and listen to what he ordered.One said.Su Dai was the envoy of Yan to Qin, and if he saw the son of no benefit, he would return it without doing anything, and the tribute would not come out, so he saw that the king of Yan was the king of Qi.The king of Yan said: "If the king of Qi is a sage, then he will be king?"Su Dai said: There is no time to save the nation, what is the king?Yan Wang said: "Why?"Said: Its love is uneven.King Yan said: "Why did he die?"Said: In the past, Duke Huan of Qi loved Guan Zhong and regarded him as Zhong's father.Now Qi Ren's love is uneven, so he knows his death.King Yan said: "Now I am in charge of my son, and the world has never heard of it."So tomorrow Zhang Chao will listen to his son.

Pan Shou said to the King of Yan, saying: "It is better to give up your country to your son than to be a king."The reason why people call Yao a sage is that he allowed the world to Xu You, and Xu You would not accept it. It is because Yao has the name of letting Xu You, but in fact he did not lose the world.Today, when the king uses the state to give up his son, the son will not accept it. This is because the king has the name of giving up his son and walked with Yao.So #11 Yan Wang belongs to him because of the whole country, and his son is very important.One said.Pan Shou, Kan Zhe.Yan made people hire him.When Pan Shou saw the King of Yan, he said, "It's just as beneficial for a minister to fear his son."The king said: "What's the benefit?"Confrontation said: The ancient Yu died, and he passed on the world to Yi, and the person who enlightened him established the enlightenment because of his phase and attacking Yi.Today, the king believes in loving his son, and he will pass it on to the son of the country. All the princes will have their seals.Wang Yin received the official seal, since the three hundred stones have been imitated by his son, the son is very important.

The reason why the lady master is reflected in the mirror is the scholars and apprentices of the princes. Today, the scholars and apprentices of the princes are all private parties.The reason why the owner is self-absorbed is that the scholars and apprentices of the caves are also, and today the scholars and apprentices of the caves are all private family members.What is it?snatch?The capital is in the son.That is why Wu Zhang said: The lord does not pretend to hate others, and if he pretends to love others, he cannot hate others again, and if he pretends to hate others, he cannot love others again.One said #12.King Yan wanted to pass on the country to his sons.Asked about Pan Shou, he said to him: "Yu loved Yi and appointed the world to Yi, so he took Qiren as his official."When you are old, it is not enough to take enlightenment as the responsibility of the world, so it is passed on to the world for benefit, and the most important thing is the enlightenment.Now that Qi and his friends attacked Yi and seized the world, it was Yu who passed on the name of the world to Yi, but actually ordered Qi to take it for himself.This Yu is not as bright as Yao and Shun.Now the king wants to pass it on to his son, but the officials are no more than the prince's people.It was passed on by name, but the prince actually ordered it to be taken by himself.The king of Yan was the son of the son who received the seal from more than three hundred stones, and the son was so heavy.

Fang Wuzi said: I have heard of the ancient etiquette, do not share the car with those who are in the same service, do not share the house with those of the same clan, and what's more, the ruler uses his power to get rid of his power!
Wu Zhang said that King Xuan of Han said: The lord must not pretend to be a lover, and one day #13 must not be hated again.You can't pretend to hate people, and you can't love again in a day.Therefore, if you pretend to hate and pretend to love, the flatterers will slander you because of your capital. Although there is a wise master, you can't take it back, let alone borrowing people with sincerity.

Zhao Wang wandered in the garden, stopped by dodders and tigers on the left and right, and stopped to watch them.Hope to look around his eyes, turn around his eyes to express anger.The king said: Damn it, the eyes of the tiger.Left and right said: Lord Pingyang's eyes are more hateful than this.Seeing this is not harmful, but anyone who sees Lord Pingyang's eyes like this will die.Tomorrow, the king of Pingyang heard about it and ordered people to kill the speaker, but the king would not punish him.

King Wei entered the court in Zhou Dynasty, and Zhou pedestrians asked him his name, and said to him: "The princes opened up the frontiers."But Zhou Xingren said: "Princes are not allowed to have the same title as the Son of Heaven."Those who open up the territory are the title of the Son of Heaven.Wei Jun changed himself and said: "The princes will be destroyed, and then they will be inside."Zhongni heard it and said: "It's far away and it's forbidden to force you. You can't borrow people for a false name. It's the truth!"It is called Pijiang, but it may not be able to confirm the frontier, so it is called Xuye.

Four.The shaker shakes the leaves one by one, and the leaves are tired but not overwhelmed, and the leaves are shaken all over the left and right, and the leaves are shaken all over the place.When approaching the abyss and shaking the tree, the crows are frightened and high, and the fish are afraid to fall.Those who are good at stretching the net lead to the outline, if #14 captures thousands of eyes one by one and then obtains it, it is laborious and difficult, and the fish is already bagged when the guide is drawn.Therefore, the officials are the ones who guide the people, so the sage governs the officials but not the people.To govern officials is still to draw outlines, and to manage people is still to open eyes.

As for the firefighters, it is only for one person to order the officials to pull out the pot and get out of the fire.Therefore, the sage does not care about the people, and the Lord does not care about trivial matters.

Zaofu Fangji, if a son and father pass by in a cart, the horse is startled and does not move. The son gets off the cart and leads the horse. The father and son push the cart and ask the Cepheus to help me push the cart. The Cepheus put it on because the receiver stopped and helped his son. In the multiplication, it is the beginning to check the bridle and hold the shackles, but the horse bridle is startled when it is not used.Even if the father cannot be controlled, even though he tries his best to help him push the cart, the horse still refuses to move.Today, those who have lost their body and entrusted them with virtue to others, have the skills to control them.In the old country, the king's chariot is also the king's horse, and the powerful king's horse is also, there is no skill to control it.There are skills to control them, and they are in a land of lost joy, and they can also control the power of emperors.

The reason why the vertebral forging is not level, the lister is not straight, and the sage is the law, so the level is not straight, so it is not straight.

Chun Chi used Qi Ye to strengthen the tendons of King Min; Li Dui used Zhao Ye to starve and kill the master's father.Neither of these two monarchs could use their vertebrae to forge the banjo, so their deaths were slaughtered and laughed at by the world.One said.When you enter Qi, you only hear about Nao Chi and not the King of Qi; when you enter Zhao, you only hear about Li Dui but not the King of Zhao.Therefore, it is said: If the master does not practice art, his power will be light and his ministers will be good at fame.One said.Tian Ying is in harmony with each other, and some people say that the king said: "The plan for the end of the year, if the king listens to it for a few days, he will have no way of knowing the gains and losses of the treacherous officials."Wang said: good.When Tian Ying heard about it, he immediately asked the king to listen to his plan, and the king will listen to it.Tian Ying ordered the officials to have a plan to bet on coupons and fight stones to rise up. The king listened to the plan, but the plan was too much to listen to, so he stopped eating, and then sat down again.Tian Yingfu said: "It's something that the officials dare not neglect all day and night. If the king listens to it overnight, the officials will do something to encourage them."Wang said: promise.The king of Russia has fallen asleep, and the officials have tried their best to cut his bets and raise stones.The king himself listened to it, and chaos was the beginning.One said.King Wuling envoy King Huiwen to take charge of the government, and Li Dui was his chancellor. King Wuling didn't take the charge of killing himself, so he was robbed by Li Dui.

Fives.Zheng Zi led the chariot to the sorghum but could not support it.Zheng Juyuan sings, the former stops, the latter tends, and the chariot goes up.If Zheng is incapable of killing people, even if he tries his best to die, he will not be able to get on the chariot.Those who are above the chariot without toil today have the skills to bring people to the world.

Zhao Jian mastered taxpayers, the officials asked the severity, Jian master said: "Don't take it lightly, don't take it seriously."If it is important, the benefits will go to the top, if it is light, the benefits will go to the people, and the officials will be upright without self-interest.

Bo Yi said that Zhao Jian was the master and said: "The king's country is full."The Lord Jian was delighted and said, "how is it?"Confrontation said: the treasury is empty above, the people are poor and hungry below, but the treacherous officials are rich.

Duke Huan of Qi subdued himself to patrol the people's homes. Some people were old and self-supporting. Duke Huan asked why.Duke Huan returned and sued Guan Zhong. Guan Zhong#15 said: If there is spoiled wealth accumulated by livestock, people will starve; if there are resentful women in the palace, people will have no wives.Duke Huan said: "Good."It is said that there are women in the palace who are married, and the order is given to the people: husbands are twenty and women are married, and women are fifteen.One said.Duke Huan walked among the people in modest obedience. There are people in Lumenji who are seventy years old and have no wives. Duke Huan asked Guan Zhong, "Is there any people who are old but have no wives?"Guan Zhong said: "There is Lumen Ji, who is seventy years old and has no wife."Duke Huan said, "Why did you order him to have a wife?"Guan Zhong said: I have heard that if there are riches on the top, then the subjects will be in short supply. If there are resentful women in the palace, there will be old people without wives.Duke Huan said: "Good."It is ordered that the women in the palace are not married at the imperial court, but the men are ordered to marry at the age of twenty, and the women are married at the age of fifteen.Then there are no resentful women inside, and no husbands outside.

Yanling Zhuozi rode on the Canglong to pick up the text, and carved it with words.The hook decoration is in front, and the hook is also used to make efforts.The fault is in the back, and the spade is also decorated with gold.If the horse wants to advance, it is forbidden by hook decorations;Zaofu wept over him and said: "The ancient rule of people is the same."Rewards are persuasive and ruined, punishments are banned and reputations are added, the people are neutral and do not know why, rewards are destroyed, punishments are reputations, so the reasons are not known.This is also what the saints cry for.One said.Zhuozi of Yanling rides on Canglong and Zhai Wen, and Ma has Zhai's writing.The front is decorated with wrong decorations, the back is sharp, the horse advances to attract it, and the horse retreats to kill it. The horse cannot advance in front, and cannot retreat in the rear, so he escapes and slashes his foot because he draws the knife.Zaofu wept when he saw it, he did not eat all day long, and sighed because he looked up to the sky: "That's why the hawk advances, the wrong decoration is in the front, the attraction is the reason to retreat, and the sharp cockroach is behind."Today's rulers advance because of their cleanliness, retreat because of their discomfort, praise them for their fairness, reject them for their disobedience, fear the people, be neutral and don't know why, this is what the sage weeps for.


#1 Take off the word "Xia" on the "right" and make up for it.

#2 The word "Mingzhi" is removed from the word "Yi", which is supplemented according to Ling Ying's first edition and Yuping's edition.

#3 "? ’ is the word for ‘constant’ and should be changed.

#4 "Ren" was mistaken for "Ren", according to Zhang Bang and Zhao Yongxian.

#5 "Du" is a mistake of "surprise", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou.

#6 The word "彘" is removed, which was changed according to Ling Ying's first edition and Yuanping's edition.

#7 The word "Wei" is obviously a mistake of the word "horse", so it should be corrected.

#8 with 3
#9 with 3
Before #10, they are all "Erjia", this should not be "Ertian", it should be changed.

#11 The word "yes" is removed, it should be supplemented.

#12 "日" is mistaken for "日", it should be changed.

#13 "日" was mistaken for "日", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's original version.

#14 "No" does not make sense, according to Yuanping, Zhao Yongxian, and Ling Yingchu, it was changed to "Ruo".

#15 "Weiji" was mistaken for "Zhu Ji", which was changed according to Chen Qiyou's version.

#16 The word "Guan Zhong" is removed, and it is supplemented according to the Yuanping version and Ling Yingchu's version.

#17 "Jin" was mistaken for "䇲", according to Chen Qiyou's original revision.

(End of this chapter)

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