Chapter 3
While tampering with this high school text, my second child and I walked to the cold drink stand in front of the school. In September, the night wind in Changsha was warm and humid, which could almost take away all the sweat and boredom. I ran into a group of instructors and a group of girls walking in from the school gate, talking and laughing.Those girls wore T-shirts of different styles, but their trousers were all army green. They were obviously freshmen.It is said that I have had a great affection for the uncles of the People's Liberation Army since I was a child, but I really hate this group of military instructors.Because they not only beat me and my male classmates wantonly, but also hooked up with my female classmates before me and my male classmates.

We met on a narrow road, and my second child and I saw that there was no place to hide. Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and we found a China Telecom IC card phone booth on the side of the road, so my second child and I quickly rushed over. I got off the phone and started dialing randomly, while I pretended to be [-]-degree myopic and stuck my head to the front of the number display.Five meters...three meters...two meters...the instructors and the girls walked past us laughing, maybe now the instructors don't notice anything else besides the girls, but my second child and I are really close Terrified, he sat paralyzed by the IC card telephone booth.This is not a joke, they are really fighting.

At that time, I didn't know Ke Yiyi, so I didn't know the instructor of Ke Yiyi's military training. phone.The man who had been demobilized and returned home passed by Changsha and sent a text message to Ke Yiyi, saying he wanted to see her.Classmate Ke showed me the text message and asked me if she could go, saying that the instructor was very nice.I said: "You go, I'm going to watch the training of the school model team these few days, and I just don't have time to eat with you." Xiaoyi said "Oh", approached me slowly, and gently pinched my waist. A piece of meat, "What did you just say? The model team?" I also stretched out my hand and put it next to her armpit, "Then what did you say? Have dinner with the instructor?"

At this time, Xiaoyi's phone rang, and the phone displayed "Instructor Cheng".I took the phone from Xiao Yi and pressed the call button.

"Hello, Yiyi?" An old male voice with an unknown accent.

"I'm Yiyi's boyfriend. Who are you? Do you have anything to do with Yiyi?" I replied in a steady bass.

"Oh, I'm a friend of hers, that's okay, just hang up." He hung up the phone hastily. "Beep beep beep..."

"It's so nasty, it's still 'Yiyi'! Wife, what's your point of view?" I threw the phone on the bed.

"It's disgusting, I even eat the jealousy of the instructor." Xiaoyi went to the bed angrily and picked up the phone.

"Naive." I continued to sit in front of the TV, watching my "Big Man", "I'm still 'Yiyi'...Damn it! I didn't even call it out."

I really never called my classmate Ke Yiyi that way, I usually call her "baby", "Xiaoyi", "wife", "dear", "wife", "little pig", "smelly girl" and "dead heartless" , and she called me "Baby", "Dapeng", "Husband", "Honey", "Sanggong", "Big Pig", "Smelly Boy" and "Heartless". For a while, she liked to call me by one word. At first she omitted my surname and called me "Peng", because when she called me, she was always a little coquettish and affected her pronunciation, so I always felt that she was calling me "Peng".

Later she began to omit "husband" and called me "gong".Usually she calls me "male", and I reply with "mother".Then she just giggled, once in a while, never tired of it.Sometimes, I also omit "wife" and call her "po". Usually, she responds with "gong", and then giggles by herself, and she still laughs once every time she responds, and she never tires.

Of course, our address to each other is now fixed in our respective names and will never change again.

After the military training, it is time to recruit new recruits from the club.I signed up for a total of six drama clubs, music associations, football associations, orienteering associations, reading clubs, and Deng Xiaoping Theory Learning Association; ST Sharp Point Association and Tourism Association, a total of seven.

He asked me why I joined the Deng Xiaoping Theory Learning Association, and I told him that it was because I saw a very beautiful girl sign up for that association.I asked him why he joined the Little Red Riding Hood Volunteer Association, and he told me that not only were there many girls there, but they were generally more caring and suitable for wives.

I said, are you thinking too far?

He said, shut up, don't laugh at half a hundred steps.

I said, quantitative change leads to qualitative change, why am I taking fifty steps less than you, can't I just make fun of you?
He said, shut up, the word "ya" is not used in this way, only you, not me.

I said, well, you shut up.

Things were like this, my second child and I paid a membership fee of 140 yuan each to join seven clubs with a longing for love.Yes, I'm seven too, and I signed up for Little Red Riding Hood because I think the second one makes sense.

The first week after our military training was full. After attending a new member meeting of an association from this classroom, we immediately went to another classroom to attend another one.The content of the meeting is basically the same. The first item is that new members are free to talk nonsense. Male members use various excuses to get close to female members. Then the cadres of the association yell for everyone to be quiet. Speech, and then the new members introduce themselves one by one. At this time, the venue is usually very quiet. Whenever a beautiful woman comes to the stage, someone will take notes below.If the beauty is too brief, someone will shout: "Where is the QQ number? Which dormitory? Is there a phone?" I doubt they want to ask: "Where are the measurements? What color is the underwear? Are you still a virgin?" However, later In the activities of the association, everyone really asked these questions with a game called "Truth or Dare" and got the answers.

Before accompanying my second child to attend the new member meeting of the ST Sharp Association, I was full of curiosity about this association. What does "ST" stand for?These two letters can really be the abbreviations of too many nouns. Among them, "prodigy" is more powerful, "canteen" is more affordable, "corpse" is more terrifying, and "master and apprentice" is more terrifying.An old member of the association explained that "ST" is the abbreviation of the name of the 99-level brother Sun Tao who founded the association, and the business scope of this association has no scope and does everything. (But in fact, Brother Sun did nothing after collecting 20 yuan from everyone. The other associations are similar.) The second child became someone's horse boy without knowing it. This incident made me laugh at him for many days, and he also admitted that if this is the case, it would be better to join the Deng Xiaoping Theory Learning Association, and also to be a horse boy, my boss’s name is much louder, not to mention there is a super beautiful girl horse boy .

We met Brother Bao at that time, who claimed to be a young rock boy from Northeast China.We met at the Music Association's first New Members' Gala.At that time, Bao Ge had yellow hair hanging down to his eyebrows, strong bronze muscles, a small green vest that could see through, and a red cotton acoustic guitar in his arms. Screams and applause.Then Brother Bao waved his hand off the stage to signal everyone to be quiet, and then began his speech in Northeast dialect: "Hi everyone, my name is Bao Qinglong, and I come from Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province. Rock Eagle Music. Next, I will bring you a masterpiece of Chinese Rock Eagle Music-"My Future Is Not a Temple Dream." The audience quickly fell silent, and only my second child and I were heard laughing.

Brother Bao's performance completely ruined his possibility of developing in the music association, but I think he has great potential for being funny, and it would be good if he plays a sketch together with him, so I took my second child over to chat.Brother Bao was very resistant to our strike-up, and later he always said that his first and only performance in the music association was stimulated by the laughter of my second child and me, so he appeared from the first sentence Out of tune, forgetting words from the fourth sentence, and unable to raise the high pitch from the eighth sentence.However, we disagree with these explanations of Brother Bao. In fact, the funniest thing about him that day was not that he was out of tune (in fact, he was out of tune at all), but that after he plucked the guitar twice, the sound engineer suddenly went out of tune. The sound room ran out and shouted: "Are you playing karaoke, or do you play by yourself?" Student Bao quickly turned around and bowed to the sound engineer to salute: "Kara, Kara, this guitar is a prop."

Fortunately, my second child and I each have a slick tongue, and thanks to Brother Bao's strong interest in acting, we quickly bridged the gap.

The arrival of Brother Bao changed our small circle from two to three.We started to mingle, going from waking to falling asleep to waking up again.Brother Bao is not from our dormitory 121, and he is not even a major with us, but there is nothing that can stop the three people who want to mix together.We easily corrupted Wang Tao and Liu Xin in our dormitory with old-fashioned dirty jokes and Yanjing beer that costs [-] yuan and [-] cents back after drinking the bottle. They are more and more willing to see us and Liu Xin in the dormitory. Brother Bao is together, because it means drinking again and listening to jokes.When it's too late, Brother Bao will crawl to my or my second's bed to make do for the night, Ya will stand between me and my second's bed every time, look around, and then sigh deeply: "Who do I favor tonight?" ?”

When the time came to 2001, Brother Bao no longer had such troubles.Wang Tao became obsessed with online games, and must report to the Internet cafe after 10 o'clock, while Liu Xin found his support for the rest of his life and lower body, and lived outside.Therefore, before my classmate Ke Yiyi and I joined the cohabitation army without exception, Brother Bao had two empty beds to choose from, so there was no need to favor us any more.

When we were about to graduate, the three of us and a few friends who got mixed up almost drank and got drunk almost every day.One day, Brother Bao got drunk and dragged my second child and me back to our dormitory.We said it was too late, and the security guard would take the names.Brother Bao said: "Pretending to be X again, who of you is afraid of security?" We said: "The key is to be afraid of disturbing everyone. Recently, Wang Tao and Liu Xin live in the dormitory." Brother Bao said, "Then I can't do it quietly. I promise not to make noise." So we agreed to him and helped him walk to the dormitory.At 3 o'clock in the morning, the retractable doors in the dormitory area had already been closed. A new security guard was sleeping on the table in the security room. When he heard us knocking on the window, he poked his head out, "Which class, come here and write down your name." Before I could react, Brother Bao struggled to raise his head, "You are looking for X!" The new security guard was stunned.The second child waved at him, "Stop talking nonsense, open the door, senior!"

The security guard came back to his senses and turned the switch.The retractable door creaked open, and Brother Bao continued to yell that he wanted to "stab to death" the security guard.We stumbled into the dormitory area, walked to the familiar boy building 1, and walked to the door of the familiar Room 121.Brother Bao started to feel for the key on himself (he had our dorm key), and kept touching it until he finally got it out.Suddenly, he threw himself on the door and cried loudly.

Brother Bao was really noisy that day, but no one in the entire dormitory building came out of the dormitory to scold us, no one spoke, no one moved.At 3 o'clock in the morning, I hugged Brother Bao, and the second child hugged me. We hugged at the gate of 121, crying together.After crying for an unknown amount of time, Brother Bao wiped away his tears, opened the door of the dormitory by himself, turned on the light, and went to the sink to wash his face.When I came back, I looked at the bed with my second child and sighed: "Who will I favor tonight?"

Then, he cried again.

On the same day I met Brother Bao, I met classmate Ke Yiyi and fell in love with her at first sight, but I was ashamed to tell her at the time, I just watched her silently, until one day more than a year later, I used the strength of alcohol to tell her Confession, and she felt that I was a pitiful child, so she reluctantly accepted me out of pity.Thus, a love affair that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods unfolded gorgeously, and I still remember that day was September 2000, 9, Friday.

The above is my official statement to classmate Ke Yiyi and her natal family (that is, the other three people in Xiaoyi’s dormitory). The last exact date was calculated by me and my brothers for a long time, and later through the social network It was confirmed by checking the news of the year on the website.But in fact, if Xiaoyi hadn’t reminded me, I really didn’t remember, or didn’t even know that Ke Yiyi also participated in that party and sang a popular song called "Hypnosis".In fact, at that time, I had been paying attention to a girl who looked like Shu Qi, her name was Chen Chen, and she was my first girlfriend in college, basically my first love.

Ke Yiyi knows Chen Chen, and Ke Yiyi also knows that Chen Chen is Fang Peng's ex-girlfriend, but Ke Yiyi doesn't know that Fang Peng is supposed to fall in love with Ke Yiyi at the party I fell in love with classmate Chen Chen.

Chen Chen that night can only be described as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". She wore a pair of black trousers, a white and green shirt, small white cloth shoes, and carried a basket to sell eggs.When she came on stage to sing "The Sky Is Dark", my second child and I turned our heads to talk to each other at the same time.I said: "You talk first." He said: "You talk first." I said: "I'm in love with this girl." He said: "Ah? Which one?" I said: "The one on stage now .” He said, “Oh.”

I said, "What did you want to say just now?" He said, "It's nothing." I said, "Go ahead." He said, "At first, I wanted to say that this girl is really dressed like an egg seller."

Yes, at that time I was 19 and a half years old, healthy, romantic, good at fantasy, and had no sexual experience.At the party, I found a girl who looked like Shu Qi and sold eggs, and fell in love with her immediately.This is my first story in the 21st century. It was once so brilliant, so great, so incredible, and so indelible.It was also deliberately avoided and covered with false history because of the girl I loved most in my short life, Ke Yiyi.It's not often recalled, even when asked, but it's always been and always is, whether I'm still a kid worth loving or not, whoever my current girlfriend is.

Xiao Yi asked me about Chen Chen's past countless times, and she was very nervous whether I had slept with Chen Chen.I told her: "No, if there is, there will be no division."

She asked again: "Really? It turns out that you will be responsible to others only after you go to bed?"

I said, "No, I mean, we're not there yet."

She asked again, "Then where have you been?"

I said, "I haven't reached a step, just holding hands or something."

She said, "Just holding hands? Haven't you even kissed on the mouth?"

I thought about it and said, "I kissed you before, but it's just a normal kiss."

She said, "What is an ordinary kiss?"

I said, "It's easy to say, anyway, it's just a normal kiss, not the French style."

So Xiao Yi ran over and hugged me, lightly touched my lips, "Is that so?"

"That's more than that," I said, "you just ran into it."

So she hugged me again and sucked my lips hard, "What about this?"

I said, "I don't remember, almost."

She stared into my eyes for a while, then asked weakly, "Did your tongues touch each other?"

I put down the novel in my hand and thought for a while, "I don't remember, I should have it."

Ke Yiyi nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, I see." Then she returned to her original position and continued to eat the bowl of grapes on her coffee table.

(End of this chapter)

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