Speak Well 2: Simple and Effective Communication Techniques with High EQ

Chapter 3 Preface: Knowing how to speak chapters is what it means to be a human being

Chapter 3 Preface: Only when you know how to speak can you know what it is like to be a human being

Huang Zhizhong

When I read Jin Yong's novels when I was young, in the preface, the first line of Jin Yong's opening is only two sentences: "The novel is written for people to read. The content of the novel is about people."

Yes, in martial arts novels, the various swords, lights and swords are actually just a layer of clothing... What the author is really interested in and what he is really conveying is always "people".Only "people" can attract people.

The same is true of the way of speaking.

Words are for people to hear.Speaking well is a science about people.Some people may have a misunderstanding after listening to our audio lessons and reading our books... thinking that the so-called "learning to speak" is to master a skill so that they can follow the steps step by step through a tool Steps, manipulating language like manipulating a machine, and then manipulating people.not like this.

In the process of writing "Speak Well", what we constantly want to show is actually an interest, an interest in "people" themselves.Why do people want to talk?Because you want to reach people, you want to know people, you want to care about people, you want to change people.This is the nature of speaking, and it is also the nature of human relationships.

Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho said a very interesting line: "The original sin is not that Eve ate the forbidden fruit, but that if she did not share this discovery with Adam, she would be alone."

In order to become closer, not alienated, people learn to thank, learn to apologize, and even learn to say goodbye.In order to eliminate emotional disputes and resolve conflicts of interest, people learn to communicate, negotiate, and persuade.In order to express love—the love from the heart, people want to try to reveal, share, and confess.

All the art of speaking, the luxuriant branches and leaves, the flowers and fruits, all sprout from a seed, from the interest in "people" themselves.A person who is interested in talking must be a person who is interested in "people".Because the real mystery and fun of speaking is attached to people - you see people become relieved, relieved, and considerate through your communication, let go of their fists, or seek hugs, and suddenly realize , or have a resonance...

There is a movie in Taiwan in which a famous chef is played. It is said that his cooking can make people feel "the taste of being a human being", allowing people to experience the ups and downs of being a human being.In communication, the unforgettable and wonderful feelings, I think it is the so-called "taste of being a human being".

The so-called "speaking" people are those who can deeply taste the "taste of being a human being", and can also share this wonderful experience with others, making people appreciate the existence of words.Talking well is actually "being a good person" and understanding people's joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys.

Once chatting with Qiu Chen, she said that she believed in "Yan Ling" very much.That is to say, whether a person's words can affect others is secondary... The most important thing is that once the words are spoken, they will definitely affect him first.For the same thing, the way you "speak" determines the way you can "think".

Just like eating stinky tofu for the first time, some people will say: "Well, this thing is so bad!" But some people will say: "Well, I can't taste this thing yet, it's so good!" It's not the same The saying is to draw a "circle" in the speaker's heart in a different way.

Some people say: Language is not only our border, but also our residence, and it is also our cage.In a person's words, his thinking and intentions, emotions and desires are often buried, including his speculation and understanding of the outside world, expectations and fears.

A person's possibilities are all in the words after he speaks.So, speak up.It's not just for others, but for yourself too.

It comes from our interest in and care for people... This is the purpose of our planning "Speak Well", and the purpose of our series of audio courses such as "Cai Kangyong's 201 Emotional Intelligence Lessons" and "Ma Dong's Workplace Plan B" .Of course, that is also the purpose of this book.

If you share this level of caring, then this book is for you.If not, I hope you will have the same concern after reading this book.

(End of this chapter)

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