Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 2 Money planning for women

Chapter 2 Money planning for women (2)
The money-making plan needs to be carried out step by step and a process. As long as you operate with your heart, you can get good results.The experience of those successful people tells us that only by formulating your money-making plan and implementing it step by step, will you have the possibility to accumulate a large amount of wealth.Don't always think about the possibility of winning the jackpot and getting rich overnight.

Qin Lu has been running her small shop for half a year. This small shop makes DIY handmade silk-screen flowers, with a total area of ​​less than 20 square meters.In Qin Lu's words: "Small is small, but it's just the beginning. I think one day this store will expand to several times the size of 20 square meters. What I need is time."

When the store was first opened, people were not very optimistic about it. Most customers just peeped in the door, or came out soon after entering the store.After a month of operation, Qin Lu settled the accounts and found a loss of more than 6000 yuan.This made her a little confused. The cost of a silk screen flower is less than a few cents, but the loss is so huge!After thinking about it, Qin Lu decided to change her business policy and formulate a business plan for her small shop, instead of being careless just because the business is small.In the work log, she recorded the daily entry and exit account, weekly income and expenditure summary, and monthly analysis and evaluation.She began to contact universities and colleges, and made on-site demonstrations at graduate recruitment conferences and reemployment training for laid-off workers to let people understand and accept silk screen flowers. In addition, it is handmade DIY, which is low in cost and can be made exquisitely. Decorations, so gradually by some girls of all ages.

Half a year later, although Qin Lu's small shop is still 20 square meters, it is no longer the scene with few customers like before.In addition to selling some finished products made by herself, she also recruited many apprentices, including college students and some middle-aged people. They regard this place as a place to cultivate their hobbies.At this time, Qin Lu is both Boss Qin and Teacher Qin, and her monthly income is quite considerable.Such a change is all related to her work diary, which is full of 5 large volumes of work diary, which are full of dense records.Qin Lu sighed that it was her magic weapon for getting rich: "Even though such a small store still needs to be managed with care, if there is no clear plan and arrangement, these flowers are just a mess and cannot be operated." Qin Lu said In this way, we constantly look for breakthroughs from the summary of the log plan, so that the business status of our small shop will flourish.

A good money-making plan is not only based on the degree of rise and fall of income figures, but more importantly, when income rises, one can find out the reason for the increase and carry forward it; Some bad practices to avoid repeating the same mistakes next time.We should not be proud because of growth and lose because of decline. The deeper issues are the most worth thinking about. Only by having a clear grasp of these factors can we make that wealth line grow steadily.

2.money making plan factors

Because women are delicate in nature, it is inevitable to look forward and backward when considering problems, but it must be clear that in women's sensitive brains, they should think of their own advantages rather than disadvantages, and think about their various abilities rather than various problems. The determination to carry through various plans rather than quit halfway.Of course, this kind of firm determination cannot be replaced by other things. After making up your mind, you must stick to the plan to the end.

So, how should the money-making plan be formulated, and what are the factors of the money-making plan?

First of all, you must clarify your goals, based on the goals, make an overview, of course, you can also outline them in your mind.These outlines should be relatively simple, and the basic factors include: what is the focus in your life; why are you doing these things; what are your methods for doing these things, etc.For example, if you want to become an entertainment show host, the purpose is to help people relax their emotions by watching their own entertainment shows in this fast-paced era. At the same time, you can also have a good income, killing two birds with one stone. .So how should you go about making a plan?The first thing is to learn the major of hosting and broadcasting, so that Mandarin can reach the first-level level, and then find some relevant media organizations for internships. When you have enough experience, you can enter some more famous entertainment programs.

After clarifying these questions, you should set a clearer goal: what professional qualities do you need to be an excellent entertainment program host, and how do you cultivate these qualities.The plan has not been completed yet, and you still need to make a corresponding study plan. You can watch some large-scale entertainment programs and learn from the practices of successful program hosts; you can use books to broaden your knowledge and test your resilience.These plans can then be detailed from one level to the next.

Second, plan formulation must evaluate these plans in due course.There are many aspects to the evaluation, but at least one should be evaluated before the start of the plan. If necessary, some selections should be made to the plan to make the plan more scientific and effective.After the plan is implemented, it is also necessary to evaluate the plan to see whether the plan is effective and the integrity of the goals, so that more comprehensive adjustments can be made to the plan.

In the end, you will find that having a plan is far better than having no plan. With a plan, you will have a reference order for doing things, and your goals will be clear. At least you will not be like a headless chicken, blind and without a sense of direction.Similarly, when doing business, you must first have a big plan goal, and then divide the big plan goal into growth, medium and short-term goals, and realize it according to this plan. First realize the small plan, and then implement the big plan.

Disorganized command, work without plans and steps will not make the business of any individual or enterprise efficient and prosperous.Only with refined planning and simple and effective system operation can ordinary people achieve great things.

If female friends want to succeed, they must formulate detailed plans and put them into action, and correct them immediately when deviations are found in the action.In this way, you can knock on the door of wealth.

Clarify your wealth goals
There must be a clear goal before mining wealth, it is like a navigation light, guiding you the way forward.

1.The importance of money goals

Timberlake Reid, a world speaker and known as the communicator of American optimism, once said: "Statistics show that 95% of Americans at the age of 65 will either live from friends, relatives, or charities, or must continue to work. .In the richest lands, many people die of poverty because they never set their goals, never had a plan to realize their dreams."

For a woman who devotes herself to pursuing her own goals in life, whether it is employment or starting a business, if she chooses her goals well, takes one step at a time, and does not take chances, she will eventually have her own satisfactory harvest.They are committed to pursuing their wealth goals, and as they seek out opportunities, opportunities will come to them.Therefore, the secret to success and wealth is: set a goal for yourself and move towards it.

Some women will think that they have a sensitive brain and can control wealth in their own hands, so they start to be negligent and feel that everything cannot escape their palms.Although having a high IQ is enviable, one should not be complacent just because one has a good brain and think that everything is under one’s control. In this way, intelligence will be subdued invisibly.People often find such a phenomenon: the mediocre will succeed, but the smart will fail.The reason is that those seemingly stupid people have a tenacious perseverance, and they will not deviate from their established goals because of being tempted under any circumstances.However, those who seem to be smart do not have such firm willpower. Perhaps it is because they feel that they have a flexible brain, and they regard the set goals as being under their own control and attack around, resulting in distraction and wasted effort. Talent, by the time you reflect on it, it's too late.Having a clear goal can create a kind of motivation that can turn mediocre people into outstanding people.Whether you are a smart woman or a simple woman, you must remember that on the road to wealth, being smart will help you, but the potential inspired by a clear goal is fundamental. "The reason why great men are great and successful people are successful is to a certain extent because they always concentrate all their strength on one point."If you can focus all your energy on your clear financial goals, you can also become a "great man" or "successful person".

Regarding the impact of goals on life, Harvard University has a very famous follow-up survey. The subjects of the survey are some young people with similar education, intelligence, and environment.The results of the survey are: 27% of people have no goals; 60% of people have vague goals; 10% of people have clear short-term goals; 3% of people have clear long-term goals.After 25 years of follow-up in this survey, 27% of them have no goals, and almost all live at the bottom of society. Their lives are tied up with unsatisfactory lives, often unemployed, relying on social relief, and often complaining about others and society; 60% People with vague goals live in the middle and lower classes of society. Although their lives and jobs are relatively stable, they have no special achievements; 10% of people with clear short-term goals live in the upper middle class of society. Some of them are doctors. , Some are lawyers, some are engineers, etc. 3% of people with clear long-term goals have hardly changed their life goals in the past 25 years, and have been working tirelessly towards their goals. They have almost become top successful people in all walks of life.

The clearer your wealth goal is, the greater the chance of success. This is like a specific, long-term, measurable, and time-limited expectation. After the goal is established, there is a direction.If a person does not have a clear goal, what she does is just survival, not wealth.This kind of person is achieving goals for those who have goals, and making wedding dresses for other people's goals.

All women who are eager to make money and wealth, clarify your wealth goals in life!Only in this way will you have a stronger desire to struggle, your attention and energy will be more concentrated, and your time and resources will be allocated more clearly.This is like a stimulant that can stimulate your potential and make your life glow with dazzling brilliance.

2.Choose a suitable path for wealth
One of Fortune's creeds is "the whole world will give way to the person who is moving towards his goal with one heart."Goals determine life, it can stimulate people's potential to the greatest extent, make you not discouraged when facing difficulties, make your consciousness highly focused on goals without distractions, and thus achieve success.

Anthony Robbins, the world's potential master, once said: "If a person wants to succeed, he must do five things: first, he must have a clear goal; second, he must have a detailed plan; third, he must take immediate action; Fourth, correct actions; fifth, achieve goals.” For women who want to mine wealth, they must be clear about where their wealth goals are. Put more effort into verifying which paths are right for you.It's like shooting. Only by setting a target can we target the target.

(End of this chapter)

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