Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 3 Money planning for women

Chapter 3 Money planning for women (3)
Rosalyn Susman Yalo was born in South Bronx, New York, USA. She has always insisted on walking the path she chose, with a strong and unyielding spirit. After graduating from high school at the age of 15, she became a student in Hunter College. At the age of 17, she finished reading "Madame Curie" with reverence. Since then, her ideal is to be "the second Madame Curie" .After graduating from college, her parents persuaded Rosalind to become a middle school teacher, but she had already made her goal clear and decided to stick to her choice. In the early 20s, the wave of anti-Semitism spread to the United States, and discrimination against women further intensified.As a Jewish woman, it is very difficult for her to obtain funding from the Institute to continue her studies.

But because of her stubbornness, she became the secretary of a biochemist at Columbia University, and with this position, she was able to sit in on graduate courses.The college’s discrimination against women did not cause her psychological pressure. In the second year of enrollment, she obtained a master’s degree, and three years later, she obtained a doctorate, becoming the first female doctorate in the Department of Physics of the University of Illinois.Afterwards, Rosalind moved to a Veterans Medical Research Center where she devoted herself to the study of the effects of radioisotopes.In the process of testing the residence time of insulin in diabetic patients, she developed the radioimmunoassay.The invention of this emission immunoassay was a revolution in the medical field and provided an important basis for the diagnosis and treatment of many intractable diseases, so it was called "the most important basic research achievement in clinical medicine" after World War II . In 1977, Rosalind was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for this invention.

After winning the award, Rosalind said: "We cannot expect that in the near future, all women who are determined to seek equal opportunities will reach their goals, but we women must start to move towards our goals and believe in ourselves, otherwise no one will be able to believe in themselves." .Our ambitions are matched with the ability, courage, and determination to succeed. We must realize that everyone has the responsibility to pave the way for future generations." Marriage, having children, and being the "second wife of Madame Curie" Goal, Rosalind achieved it all.

Determining the goal is the first step in mining wealth. Only when the location of wealth is determined can one find a way to find this point and obtain wealth.A Jew who is proficient in business once said: "In the eyes of Jewish businessmen, setting goals is always inseparable from three steps: the first is to establish your own goals; the second is to formulate plans to achieve goals; the third is to make time arrangements. Ensure the realization of the plan.” So women who want to make a fortune, when they dream of becoming Rosalind one day, and having an incomparable reputation and infinite wealth, have you determined the path you want to take?It is far better to be clear about one's goal and choose a correct path that suits oneself than to lie in front of the window and watch the flies, because their future is bright, but the path is not.

Money solutions for women in different stages

Women will have different mentality and pay attention to different things at different stages. Therefore, we can create a more practical money-making plan according to the specific stages of women and adapt to the times.

1.Money-making schemes for women at different stages
There are different stages in life, and women in different stages also have different charms, different moods and different living conditions.Women usually set life goals when they are 18-25 years old; when they are 25-35 years old, they will focus on family; when they are 35-45 years old, they will have a relatively good job status; Women, in turn, focus on their own health as well as their families and children.At different stages, women have different attitudes towards wealth. It is precisely because of this that different characteristics will appear at different stages when formulating money plans.

After graduating from university, women will have a period of experience within 5 years of working. They have their own dreams. Whether they are office workers or entrepreneurs, they begin to outline the starting line for their wealth in life.The dream of wealth in this time period is relatively frivolous. They will encounter various obstacles on this road, some will get over it and continue to persevere; some will be defeated and choose to give up.So this is a 5-year period of distance, combining many factors, whether it is the outside world or yourself, this stage is called the stage of accumulating "wealth". The wealth here does not necessarily refer to white money, but also spiritual and ideological Wealth from above is fully prepared for the next stage of women.

Women who are nearly 30 years old are in a relatively mature state of mind, and may already be wives, mothers or single nobles.On the road of pursuing wealth, these are not important, what is important is a stable state of mind.Rich experience can make you better in the workplace and in the market.Therefore, women at this stage will have an overall grasp of the concept of money, and the money-making plans they formulate will pay attention to winning while maintaining stability. This is the concept of wealth produced by a mature woman's mentality.

After the age of 45, women begin to look down on money. They will turn their attention to the family, and how to pay attention to the process of managing money when planning money.

Duan Xiuhua, the boss of a housekeeping company in Zhejiang, just over 40 years old, she chose to retire early, and she wants to enjoy life in the days to come.Due to family financial reasons, Duan Xiuhua started working part-time after finishing high school 21 years ago. She worked as a cleaner in a restaurant, worked as a cashier, and did sales promotion. Finally, she worked as a housekeeper in a businessman's house under the introduction of others.Because Duan Xiuhua came from a rural area, was quick at work, and had a high school education, she quickly won the favor of her employer.A year later, under the introduction of her employer, she started a domestic job for an American.Although she was a bit tired from running around, she was paid quite a lot, and fellow villagers in the village often praised her for her ability. At the age of 23, she completed a lifelong event on a blind date arranged by her family, and then gave birth to a child. Duan Xiuhua almost stayed at home for a year or two. Many former employers often asked her when she could continue working for them .

After two years of rest, Duan Xiuhua resumed her previous housekeeping work. Those employers praised her for her meticulous work, and some who did not invite her complained: "It would be great if you could come to our house to do it." It was a joke, but Duan Xiuhua took it to heart.She wants to set up a small housekeeping service company by herself, because several years of housekeeping work has established a reputation for her, and there are still a lot of people in need of housekeeping in this city.After this abacus was finalized in Duan Xiuhua's mind, she immediately started to act.She began to recruit people from her own village, or the recommended people from other villages were basically girls she knew or was related to.

In this way, a housekeeping company opened in full swing.With word of mouth, her housekeeping company grew bigger and bigger, so that there was a saying in that area, "If you want housekeeping, you can find Duan Xiuhua!".

Duan Xiuhua, who was successful, said: "For women, every stage has its own precious things. Maybe there is a stage where you have nothing, and it is precisely because of this that you have to fight for it. When I was young, I worked hard, so I'm rich. Now that I have wealth, I can go find something that I don't have."

2.Financial plans for women at different stages
Planning "money" is to plan your own life. As a modern new woman who desires financial independence, if she wants to get rid of the shackles of various traditions, she must take care of her wealth. Women are naturally careful and have inherent financial management skills. The "sense of control" comes.However, they will inevitably be indecisive sometimes, thus missing various opportunities to "make money".How to make your wealth continue to increase in value?Smart women sometimes have to build an efficient investment portfolio based on their risk preferences, risk tolerance, income, and family conditions of different age groups, so that their assets continue to increase in value.

◆A 25-year-old woman is likely to become a "moonlight family"

Some women in this time period have just entered the workplace or started their own businesses, and they still have a weak concept of saving, and they often spend more when they earn more.And many girls think that money is earned, not born, so they insist on hedonism and spend as much as they have.Although, money is indeed earned, but to earn more money, you need to have the ability to make money, that is to say, investing in yourself is more important than investing in yourself.In addition, women at this stage should also start saving for a wedding fund.You might as well choose a constrained financial product with fixed payment. The ratio of time deposit and cash must be more than [-]% in order to maintain the stability of funds.For less than [-]% of the funds, the target should be targeted at document-type investment tools.For example, stocks with stable annual dividends or stable fund products.

◆Women around the age of 30 begin to become "smart women"

Women who have already married will start to think about life planning as their family income and family members increase.The previous "Moonlight Clan" must be abandoned, and the investment strategy should also be changed from aggressive to offensive and defensive.

Financial management at this stage is the most complicated period for women, because it is transformed from personal financial management to family financial management.Therefore, women who are good at planning should learn to plan for a rainy day, plan the family's income and expenditure issues, and ensure that the quality of life will not decline.Smart women will know that it is not suitable to invest a large amount of money in high-risk stock investments at this time.But the investment strategy should not be too conservative.Carry out risk management for the family, and choose future protection products such as insurance, or invest funds in balanced funds with steady growth.

◆Women around the age of 35 began to hold up "half the sky"

Women in this period will be relatively busy. They not only have to work, but also take care of their children, the elderly and their husbands, and they are under heavy financial and mental pressure.Although I can control the income and expenditure of the family freely, I still lack some comprehensive experience in financial management.As the children grow up, their need for education funds is also increasing simultaneously. When the children are one or two years old, special funds must be allocated to purchase education insurance and regular fixed investment funds to raise education funds.In addition, children's accident insurance and medical insurance also need to be purchased.Therefore, it is not suitable to invest in high-risk investment products during this time period, and both liquidity and security must be taken into account.

◆Women around the age of 40 need to prepare a "pension"

At this stage, women begin to turn from busy to free, preparing to retire. At this time, their children are almost independent.At this time, their investment strategy has turned conservative, raising funds for retirement and pensions, and their financial management methods are mainly based on careful calculation, seeking success while maintaining stability, and increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.After women enter middle age, their endocrine will undergo great changes, and various gynecological diseases will appear one after another. Purchasing targeted medical insurance is the top priority.Of course, investment risk management at this stage is also the top priority. When purchasing wealth management products, monetary funds with stable returns and low risks, treasury bonds, RMB wealth management products, and foreign currency wealth management products are the best choices.

Women's financial planning should be implemented step by step in combination with family status and life stages.Financial experts suggest that they can implement the "three-three-three principle", that is, one-third for daily expenses; one-third for regular investment in open-end funds; and the last third for savings for emergencies.

(End of this chapter)

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