Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 4 Make Charm a "Gold Absorbing Technique"

Chapter 4 Make Charm a "Gold Absorbing Technique" (1)
Women can use their own charm as a talisman in business communication to win more opportunities for their careers. This is a natural advantage of women, and it is also unmatched by men in the business world.The external charm of women comes from their clothing, posture, speech and behavior.Externally, you can tell some unfamiliar business partners that their thinking is advancing with the times and full of competitiveness.In addition, the charm of a woman also comes from the heart. The so-called charm is born from the heart. A woman's wisdom is expressed through various speeches, so that people can see her inner thoughts.So, an attractive woman can get more wealth and more opportunities in business.

The heart is full of charm "profit"

Whether a woman is attractive is determined by the heart, and the heart is the factor that determines the amount of wealth, so an attractive woman will know how to generate wealth from the heart.

1.If you want gold, you will go for gold
If nostalgia can achieve people's careers, then ambition is the most primitive driving force for success and the first law of wealth. Hilton once said: "How much development you want, you have to set up your ambitions." There is nothing in the world Can limit a person, except his own heart.If you want to make money, you must open your mind. Only by daring to think and try can you have more wealth.

According to a survey, psychological factors play a dominant role in the reasons for women's career failure.There will be various psychological obstacles lurking in their hearts, and they cannot control their behavior freely.In fact, the surrounding environment does not restrict people too much, but because their own thoughts are fettered, and only by breaking this confinement can they achieve their careers.

With the progress of the times, the space for women's development has gradually expanded. In the fierce competition, they have played more and more roles through their own efforts, whether in politics, economy, or in cultural fields. It holds up half the sky of the world.Of course, only when they have lofty ideals and great aspirations can they find their goals on the way forward in life.Their ambition will shine brightly in their hard work, and people will be amazed by their unique personality charm.

There is a young woman named Zhou Yunxia in Houbai Town, Jiangsu Province. She dares to think, do, and fight. In 2000, 20-year-old Zhou Yunxia started her entrepreneurial journey. At the beginning of her career, she did a lot of chores. In 2004, Zhou Yunxia aimed at online sales and started the business of selling autographed photos of celebrities, and her performance has been booming.After that, Zhou Yunxia was a little dissatisfied. In 2006, she came up with a bold idea and decided to use the Internet as a platform to promote the lawn in her hometown to the national market and start a big business.But when she told her family about this idea, she was opposed, on the grounds that "girls should be safe at home, don't act like a man, if it is compensated, the loss outweighs the gain."This did not dispel Zhou Yunxia's enthusiasm at all.She wants to prove to everyone with her actions that she is capable.

Zhou Yunxia visited large lawn growers in the town and conducted extensive market research. She believes that although the lawn industry in her hometown has already occupied a certain market share, the sales model is too single and traditional, which is not conducive to the long-term development of lawns.Zhou Yunxia decided to open up a new model of online lawn sales and founded "Jurong Lawn Network". At the same time, she also joined the well-known website "Garden Online" in the industry to promote the network, releasing product information every day, and checking the contact information of others who want to buy lawns.For a year, she provided a convenient channel for lawn sales, and the business is getting better and better.

Today, Zhou Yunxia's products are selling very well in Shanghai, Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang and other places. In 2007, the cumulative sales of lawns in 150 were [-] million yuan.Under her leadership, people from Gucun, Xifeng, Wangzhuang, and even Tianle in the neighboring town all joined her marketing plan.

Only with a successful goal in mind can a person walk on the road to success. Without lofty ideals and great ambitions, how can one succeed if one only looks at the setbacks and obstacles in front of him?Those who are content with the status quo and only ask for three meals a day will never have the opportunity to make a fortune.This is like a frog at the bottom of a well, never knowing how big the outside world is, because in his eyes, the mouth of the well is the whole world.In fact, as long as you make a little effort to jump up and cross the mouth of the well, the outside world will be wonderful, but not all frogs will choose to jump out of the mouth of the well.

2.Women's heart "salary" corresponding

People say that a woman's heart is made of water, delicate and sensitive by nature, while a man's heart is made of mud, rough and vast.This nature makes men and women view money somewhat differently.Compared with men, women are more likely to give full play to their unique characteristics and earn "salary" with their heart.

The "salary" of a woman's heart is correspondingly expressed as gratitude: gratitude can usually be understood as kindness, that is, being kind to others.From a Buddhist point of view, the Buddha will bless those who are grateful. Of course, this is a belief that can be accepted by most people.People will have a dear and friendly attitude towards people with good intentions, and give them sympathy, encouragement and support.The more we give, the more we receive.Successful entrepreneurs do not always put themselves in their hearts, but operate with the concept of consumers first and consider consumers. Only in this way can they grasp the needs of consumers and design products that will sell well.After some women make money, they tend to show arrogance and domineering posture, but they don't know how superficial this posture is.They don't know that they can make money because they have directly or indirectly accepted help from others.We want to thank those women who are grateful. Such a person is not only popular with women, but also with men. The more she gives, the more she receives.

The "salary" of women's hearts is correspondingly expressed as winning people's hearts: if you want to make your business stand firm in the competition, if you don't respect talents, your business will face severe tests, because only those who win people's hearts can win the world.In the final analysis, social competition is the competition of talents.Especially in enterprises, 80% of the profits are earned by 20% of the talents. Only by obtaining key talents and their "hearts" can they be convinced to create profits for the enterprise and bring you wealth.Some operators are stingy about hiring talents, thinking that "I hire you and pay you, and you have to work for me". This is due to the arrogance of the operators. The key point is that although there are many talents, not everyone has the same ability.If your company needs to rely on some personal talents and business relationships, then you should treat him with courtesy and use them for you, so that you can create a steady stream of profits.

The "salary" of women's hearts is correspondingly expressed as a realistic mentality: some women have a sacred psychology about love, thinking that money is money and love is love. This kind of dichotomous thinking is very dangerous.In such a society where it is increasingly difficult to "grow old together", money disputes can easily lead to bad words between men and women, but women are often the victims.In fact, women should clearly realize that spirit is always based on material life, and instead of being led by the nose by reality, it is better to control their own destiny.When your life is unsatisfactory and you see the reality go away from you, first think about whether you have an objective position on money in your heart, and whether you have made down-to-earth efforts in life.

The "salary" of women's hearts is correspondingly expressed as the mentality of making big money: real entrepreneurs have the mentality of making big money.They want to have wealth, to be famous, to gain social status, to be respected by others.Don't think these are corny, because these goals are human.Real estate tycoon Feng Lun once had an incisive statement: "Landlords live the happiest life, and entrepreneurs live the most fulfilling life. How do you say this? Because the landlord has a clear expectation of how much grain to harvest in the land. Once the expectation is clear, the desire will be clear." It will be naturally constrained. Therefore, it will be very happy. Entrepreneurs are also successful entrepreneurs. The entrepreneur’s expected goals interact with his efforts. Go forward.” This mentality of making big money is the driving force behind the road of doing business, motivating entrepreneurs to keep exploring until they realize their dreams.

The "salary" of women's hearts is correspondingly manifested as honesty: Jewish interpersonal experts tell all women: "Only when a person takes off his colored glasses and clears his heart, can he read the other person's heart correctly. If this layer of prejudice is removed, then we can get rid of A person who loses the inner armor and can accurately read the other party's mind, that is, a person who has the ability to read minds." In the eyes of the Jews, "Business cannot be done with righteousness" is the highest state of business. Only when they are spiritually open, customers will appreciate their honesty.

Sell ​​with charm, return with profit
Women who know how to sell will always speak beautiful words and do beautiful things, and their sales charm can attract more wealth opportunities.

1.How to be a rich woman who can sell

Women want to live and struggle, mainly relying on their own confidence and enthusiasm, but some women have always maintained a low profile, and their words and deeds are imprinted with humility.It’s not that humility is inappropriate. As a woman, you must be clear that in the eyes of people who don’t understand your strength, excessive humility will always make you look like an insignificant person, and opportunities will never automatically find you.Therefore, women should show your posture and your advantages so that others can discover them.Only with appreciation and trust can we have more supporters and partners.

So, how should a woman market?
To learn to sell, the first thing a woman should pay attention to is her own way of speaking and tone of voice. Appropriate speaking skills can make people feel happy.Cowardly or unconfident voices often make people think that you are weak and you are not confident. How can you make others trust you?A firm and clear voice is different. It will make you appear more confident, make others feel that you are passionate and enterprising, and thus leave a good impression on you and have the desire to cooperate.

Secondly, when talking to potential customers or partners, we must observe and carefully weigh every word and every change in their facial expressions, and even analyze what they did not say or do. You get to know each other better.When conditions permit, provide customers with more services than expected, because more efforts and more rewards will make them compare, and you will also benefit from it.

Finally, you must be familiar with the product, carefully analyze the product or service you sell, and understand every advantage of the product; analyze potential customers and their needs, provide them with the products or services they need, and be able to score customers, including potential customers The purchasing power of customers, the needs of potential customers for promoting products, the purchasing motivation of potential customers, etc.Of course, the products here also include yourself. Selling yourself successfully is the first step to successfully selling products.

When you introduce yourself to someone you are not very familiar with, don’t lower yourself deliberately, you can exaggerate appropriately, emphasize your successes, and show your abilities and advantages, so that the other party will feel It is an honor to know you, so I am willing to communicate and cooperate with you.On the contrary, if you describe yourself as worthless, and mention some potential problems or difficulties, then the other party will also feel very disappointed and will not have any interest in you.

In addition, women should also know the elements that should be possessed when doing sales.

In sales, good quality can make you stand out. For women, to be an excellent salesman should have four main qualities.

First, there must be internal motivation. Of course, different people have different motivations, but as a salesman, they all have one thing in common, that is, the desire to become an outstanding person.This strong internal motivation can be formed through exercise and experience.Gallup has summed up several gender types, namely competitive type, achievement type, self-actualization type and relational type. These four types of people are excellent salesmen and have their own different sales methods.

Second, there must be a capable style of work. There is no magical method in sales work, only strict organization and hard work, so salesmen must formulate detailed and careful plans and resolutely implement them.Some people say that they can encounter good luck, which should be attributed to their going out early and returning late, and they have developed the habit of fulfilling their own plans every day without compromise.Good salesmen rely on hard work, not luck.

Third, never give up. Excellent salesmen will not be afraid of failure and will not give up their efforts until the last moment.The reason they have a low failure rate is because they believe deeply in themselves and the product they are selling, and are very eager to make a deal-no matter what method is used within the legal and ethical limits to make the deal successful.

Fourth, have communication skills. A salesman is an expert in solving customer problems and an expert in building relationships with customers. He should be attentive, patient, thoughtful, responsive and sincere. Only by learning how to communicate and communicate more effectively can he promote sales success. progress.

2.Women who can sell are more wealthy

Although it is said that women are beautiful when they are subtle, but when it is so subtle that people question your ability, it is a complete failure.Opportunities will not come to you automatically. Only when you show your strengths can you have more opportunities and even more wealth.Striving for opportunities for yourself is the first step in self-promotion. How to increase your performance steadily and multiply is the highest goal of "self-promotion".

In the Chinese music scene, Cai Qin presented the best gift to all fans with her charming singing voice.In an interview, Tsai Chin started to promote "The City That Never Sleeps", she told the reporter: "I'm not selling my play, but actually I'm selling my dream, the dream of 20 years!"

20 years ago, when Tsai Chin saw the grand occasion of performing musicals on Broadway in the United States, her dream began.In the past 20 years, she has been constantly looking for opportunities to realize her dreams.When cooperating with the Godot Troupe, she watched Fellini's movie 17 times, played a sentence with a video recorder and pressed a pause, and then wrote down the lines. This is how she copied the whole script sentence by sentence, and this character is also in her heart Lived for 9 years.

It can be seen that Cai Qin, as a "newcomer" acting for the first time, can play such an important role very well, which is inseparable from her long-term speculation.

For a woman who needs to get close to wealth, she must not passively wait for Bole to tap your talent, but should show your expertise at the right time and let people know you, so that there will be opportunities.Otherwise, you can only watch the years pass by with your talents, leaving a lifetime of regrets.

Qiong Yao's novels became popular in Taiwan in the 20s and 60s of the [-]th century. Any girl who has a dream in her heart will read Qiong Yao's love novels and find great love in her beautiful and romantic words.After that, Qiong Yao put her work on the screen and made it into a movie, pushing herself to the crowd again, and her readers doubled, which undoubtedly established Qiong Yao's undefeated position in the literary world.

(End of this chapter)

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