Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 5 Make Charm a "Gold Absorbing Technique"

Chapter 5 Make Charm a "Gold Absorbing Technique" (2)
A person who is good at self-promotion will stand on tiptoe in all conditions and in all environments, and be seen by people at a glance.Their sales methods are various, but the result will be to make those target characters or potential customers remember themselves, thereby expanding their social circle.After people remember your strengths, no matter in the workplace or in the mall, as long as they need to use you to shine and shine, then your wealth will come.Therefore, an excellent gold digger needs to have many supporters and partners, but the prerequisite is to be a person who is active, capable, high-spirited and good at selling herself.

Turn personality charm into wealth magnet

Before God, every woman has the same wealth, but as far as survival is concerned, they have great differences.The reason is that it is caused by the charm of personality. Personality determines how you live and whether you can succeed.

1.Pave the way for wealth with personality charm
The quality of a person can be summed up in one word as "personality". The personality problems caused by personality determine whether you have an innovative spirit and whether you can succeed in your career.For women, it is necessary not only to eliminate the erroneous views hidden in their own thoughts, but also to highlight their individuality, be diligent in thinking, dare to express opinions, and put forward different opinions to others.Do not only focus on books, not only foreign countries, not only the best, and be a person with your own opinions.

People who can achieve certain achievements in certain aspects often have different personalities from ordinary people. Carnegie's "Successful Character" gave an example: When an American reporter interviewed banker Morgan, the reporter asked : "What is the condition that determines your success?" Morgan replied without hesitation: "Character." The reporter asked again: "Which is more important, wealth or character?" Morgan made it clear: "Wealth is very important, but more important It is character, and character can pave the way for wealth."

Although traditional Chinese education requires women to be gentle and obedient, with the rapid development of the times, these etiquettes are somewhat out of date.A woman who expects to gain promotion and wealth by her own strength must discover the aggressive and responsible side of her personality, so as to gain social recognition.

Xin Ping's dream is to open a beauty studio, and with the help of her family and friends, she finally got her wish.On the day when the studio officially opened, Xin Ping's friend half-jokingly said to her: "Be ruthless to your subordinates! Because you are now the boss of Xin. Haha!" It was a joke, but it was actually a friend's euphemistic persuasion.Because we have been together for many years, everyone knows that Xin Ping is the kind of person who is a good wife and mother. She always stands in the position of others, never thinks about herself, and is a bit submissive.But no matter what, relatives and friends still tried their best to help her realize her dream.

Three years before opening the studio, Xin Ping had been working for another beauty studio, and she had some regular clients, so of course they became the first customers of the "5% discount for opening a store".There are [-] employees in Xin Ping's studio, some are former colleagues, and some are newly recruited beauticians. They all know Xin Ping well. Although Xin Ping is the head of the studio, no one treats her as a thing.Today Xiao Zhang said, "Give me a gift from L'Oreal, I just ran out of it", tomorrow Xiao Li said, "Sister Xin, I'm sorry, something happened suddenly, so I won't go today", etc. Xin Ping always feels that Give what can be given, approve what can be approved, as long as it does not affect the business of the store, after all, it is not easy for everyone.Under this kind of connivance, the employees under him are more like the boss than Xin Ping.Even those frequent customers have spotted Xin Ping's personality, and when buying some beauty products, they always forcefully keep the price to the lowest.Or sometimes old customers bring new customers, and they always ask for some free beauty items as compensation.The docile Xin Ping seldom refuses. Even if she has this intention, a few words from others can always block her rejection in her throat.

Three months later, the beauty studio had no extra money to buy goods. Although the collection was still relatively optimistic, the expenditure figure was quite astonishing.Usually some small things are given away, or free beauty care, and employees are reimbursed for extra expenses for various reasons, which have poked a big hole in this store.When Xin Ping hugged her friend and cried, she said: "I thought I could manage well! I didn't expect this to be the result." The friend patted her on the shoulder and told her: "People in society are no better than your relatives and friends. When it is time to say no You have to show your courage. Do you understand now?" Xin Ping nodded with tears in her eyes.

Everyone doesn't want others to regard themselves as a "nanny" and take it for granted that they are considerate of each other.When the time is right, you must show your courage, and use your inherent charisma to form a strength in the hearts of others.Don't use "tenderness" to win the favor of others like Xin Ping, but in the end hurt yourself and lose money.Therefore, when "digging for gold", women should show their courage, what's yours is yours, and no one can grab it!
2.Extract wealth from personality charm
Pan Shiyi said in a reporter's question and answer: "My personality is true. What I say is what I think in my heart, and I will not cater to anyone. It has nothing to do with my personality, whether I have money, or whether I look good. I have my own opinions on all things, and I will not follow the trend. If I follow what others do, then I will feel that this is useless. Now China lacks an original atmosphere, lacks individuality and creativity. People should Open your mind, personality is a great asset."

The quality of personality and the pros and cons to a large extent determine the quality of the individual and determine whether a person can achieve his own career.If a woman's personality flaws are not perfected through hard work and conscious "character transformation" is not carried out, then it will bring trouble to work, and even ruin her career and future.

Women need to use their brains more when looking for their own way to make money, otherwise they will live very hard.If you have a flamboyant, aggressive, and confident side in your personality, then you should show it without any scruples, because a woman with personality and charm will never be buried in the crowd.

The turning point in Yang Lan's life was after he was hired as the host of CCTV's "Zhengda Variety Show".She said that without this opportunity, she would not have performed so well, and would not have become famous so early and so quickly.Maybe it is possible to also work as a manager in a big hotel.

At that time, Thailand's Zhengda Group and CCTV jointly produced "Zhengda Variety Show" and needed to choose a female college student as the host. At this time, Yang Lan was recommended to audition.At that time, it was because of Yang Lan's temperament that she passed all the way.But some directors think that Yang Lan is not beautiful enough, so they are not sure whether to hire her.The last hurdle was a choice between Yang Lan and a very beautiful girl. The leader of the TV station who was in charge of the program was also present.Yang Lan's competitive spirit was aroused, she thought: Even if she is not selected this time, she must show her quality.

Yang Lan said at the beginning: "I think the primary criterion for a host is not appearance, but whether she has a strong desire to communicate with the audience. When my parents named me 'Lan', they hoped that I could have With a mind like the sea, self-improvement and self-reliance, I believe I can do this..." She spoke for half an hour in one breath, and her language was fluent, her thinking was rigorous, and she was full of ideas, which quickly won the appreciation of the leaders.Later, Yang Lan recalled: "In the interview that day, in terms of qigong, it was my aura that covered them. This interview changed my life."

According to the public's aesthetic standards, Yang Lan is not a natural beauty, but everyone agrees that Yang Lan is beautiful because she has grace, temperament, talent and personality.She can show her talent and personality to the world at critical moments, and let those leaders understand that even though I am not beautiful enough and slightly inferior in appearance, I have something inside, and my personality charm is enough to convince everyone.Women in the world, no matter what line of work you do, I believe you don't want your whole life to be buried. Like Yang Lan, if you boldly show your personality charm, you will be more likely to attract wealth.

Gold image enhances money chips
People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, and having a good image for women not only shows their external beauty, but also shows their inner wisdom.

1.My fair lady, "money" is good

There is a saying in the fashion circle: "A woman who doesn't use perfume is a woman with no future." This is undoubtedly telling people that the future of a woman lies in the awakening of her own charm, and she will never give up.Hong Kong female writer Yi Shu once described those women who gave up on themselves: At first, they stopped washing their hair frequently, then they gave up dieting, and they didn’t wear stockings. Accept the arrangement of fate.In a sense, women who have achieved extraordinary achievements are not necessarily natural beauties, but they must use elegance and self-motivation to build themselves into successful women and win everyone's approval.

Many women expect to be rich and beautiful.But they don't know that women's beauty and wealth have always complemented each other. The affluent and stable life brought by money can best nourish their appearance, while women's elegance and beauty are inherently attracted to money. force.

Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina's actions in the corporate world make people think she is like the "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher.But in every photo of her, she is full of femininity, with beautiful clothes, elegant temperament, and a very charming smile with a little makeup. Her attractiveness will definitely not be lower than that of Hollywood stars.

Ms. Chanel created the Chanel series of perfumes and Chanel clothing.She is an elegant woman herself, and she is meticulous in her work. Her elegance makes people feel cute and respectable. It can wake up women's bodies and minds from deep sleep, and understand self-esteem and self-love.

Although we are far away from Fiorina or Chanel, we can use them as a benchmark and give ourselves a moderate ruler to prevent the future from being bleak due to mental fatigue.In life, those well-dressed, clean and beautiful women are able to handle things in an orderly manner, whether in life or at work.But those unkempt women are always tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, and it is difficult to get the favor of their bosses or customers when they go out.

Some people say that the 21st century is "her century".In other words, women's self-awareness in the 21st century has begun to awaken, and women's power has begun to emerge.It makes people change the patriarchal consciousness in the past, cherish the unique experience and ideas of women, and rebuild the complete image system of women themselves.They have the qualities of self-confidence, independence, and strength, and they can steer their own course of life, rather than being a vassal of men.In the dialogue between Wang Anyi and Li Ang: "In fact, I think there are differences between men and women, and treating them without distinction will make women's burdens heavier... I often feel that we seem to have forgotten the existence of gender differences. "The new era has given women a new definition. After women who are both internal and external have these qualities, their appearance shows people their economic environment and attitude towards life all the time.

As the saying goes, "one spirit and one wealth", if you don't know how to take care of yourself, you can only let your wealth go around.Smart women should understand that beauty is a quality that can be learned and developed. As long as they want to, their appearance can be completely decided by themselves.In the movie "My Fair Lady", the heroine has successfully transformed from a poor and rude girl into an extraordinary woman.To be an ordinary woman, you don't need to be charming, but you should be refreshed and charming, because only in this way can you have a future, or a "money" future.

2.A good image of women contributes to wealth
The American Marketing Institute has a statistic: When approaching customers for the first time, whether they are successful or not, image accounts for 55%, voice accounts for 38%, and content accounts for 7%.In etiquette, there is a word called "first-round effect", which means that a person has the deepest impression on another person at the time of first contact.Therefore, women should shape their image well and let it become the first halo on your road to wealth.

In this highly competitive society, people are trying their best to sell themselves, and the image has become a personal trademark.If you want to make yourself a best-selling "product", you must package yourself as a brand, and you must have your own good image.For women who pursue success and wealth, if you create a trustworthy, positive, and contemporary image, then no matter what group you are in, you can gain the trust of the public and stand out.

The image of a woman is the "pretty" sword for success in career.No matter what situation they are in, women want to be the best, so they will interpret the definition of elegance and intelligence, be elegant but not arrogant, fashionable but not ostentatious.Carefully crafting your personal and characteristic professional image can not only increase your external image and self-confidence, but also win the trust and favor of your superiors, customers and colleagues.Of course, image is an abstract concept, the key to which is harmony, the unity of the whole of the individual.Women should pay attention to shaping their intellectual beauty and temperament beauty.There is no certain standard for the quality of the image, but in the case of femininity, it is necessary to give the image some charm, which will make it easier to attract the attention of others.

Hong Kong queen superstar Faye Wong is unique in the music world with her own uniqueness, and is admired and imitated by many fans.There are five rules for her success: keep her voice crisp and clear; keep her eyes watery all the time; highlight her figure and make her body language smooth; When, the word is correct, and with provocative language to deal with the host.Faye Wong's five rules are a golden idea to create her own golden image, making herself from an unknown singer to a queen superstar.

The interpretation of beauty is not only about appearance, as Jin Yuxi said: "A woman cannot be elegant, no matter what a woman looks like, she can make herself look more beautiful." In addition to external decoration, more attention should be paid to Cultivate your inner temperament and find your true self.The case of Faye Wong has shown women that as long as they find their own strengths and transform their own image, everyone can exude a unique brilliance.Entrepreneurs with world influence have formed a dazzling image through long-term practice, packaging and publicity.

The image you give to others affects your business, work, and relationships.How you present yourself tells people about your abilities, your personality, and your potential to grow.For a successful suitor, presenting yourself is a key.A successful entrepreneur once said: "In the business world, what do entrepreneurs look for in the initial cooperation? In fact, a large part of it is clothing." Research by psychologists shows that clothing has an important impact on people's psychology. Whether it is attractive or not , It is related to the establishment of a good personal image and prestige.

Every woman wants to be beautiful, but not every woman can dress herself up like this.Maybe they will say that they are not beautiful enough, have a bad figure, etc. These are all excuses.Beauty comes from the heart, and showing one's own beauty is not only the presentation of the appearance, but also the revelation of the heart.Your thoughts, your wisdom, and your attitude are all shown to everyone through images.When noble people meet and wealth comes, don't scare them stupid with a sloppy image.

(End of this chapter)

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