Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 6 There is a "way" for women to love money and get it

Chapter 6 There is a "way" for women to love money and get it (1)
When women's status in the business world is getting higher and higher, they can also stand out with their wisdom and shrewdness in this turbulent business world just like men, and become big entrepreneurs from small bosses.They love money. On the road to wealth, they have developed their own set of money-making skills and have women's unique money-making heart. "Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way." In this era, women full of wisdom understand the skills and strategies of making money, paving the way for themselves to mine wealth in their daily life and work.

Doing business word of mouth "broken thoughts"

When one person says hello, it may not be good; when two people say hello, it may not be good; only when everyone says hello, you are really good.

1.Seek a pecuniary breakout in a good reputation

Reputation is actually the evaluation made by individuals or corporate stakeholders on the past behaviors of individuals or companies. Individuals or organizations choose their own purchase or transaction objects based on experience.With a better reputation, you can gain more favor from the other party, and it can also allow each other's transactions to continue to develop.

In the workplace, women earn a good reputation for being positive and hardworking, which can lead to salary increases or promotions.But on the road of doing business, it is a little more complicated.If a woman wins a good reputation on the road of doing business, she must first be based on honesty internally, and honesty to employees can directly help the company build its reputation.Keeping promises to employees, employees will strictly abide by the concept of commitment in terms of cognition and behavior, and consciously maintain the company's reputation.In addition, the key to the outside world is honesty, and the system is used to restrain the behavior of foreign transactions.From the perspective of business-savvy Jews, sticking to their reputation can control the situation, and once it is damaged, they will lose the initiative.Because reputation is wealth, and to be successful, reputation must be valued.

Ma Xuezheng is Lenovo's CFO and plays an important role in the company. Lenovo went public in 1994, spun off in 2000, and announced the acquisition of IBM's personal computer department in 2004. During the process, Ma Xuezheng's name has been appearing at these critical moments.She is considered as a Chinese woman with an excellent reputation in the global market.

During the integration process of Lenovo's acquisition of IBM, she knew very well that there would be conflicts between a 20-year-old entrepreneurial company and a century-old company, but she believed that this was an inevitable way to get on the international train.

Ma Xuezheng has always insisted on taking a few steps back, first looking at what to do in three to five years, and then looking at what should be done today.When the environment changes, she also requires her own changes, just like Lenovo's acquisition of IBM. In fact, Lenovo had the idea of ​​becoming an international company very early on, which became the prerequisite for the success of the merger.She is very particular about international management, and the company management is also highly institutionalized, which can make the company run faster.She holds the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Lenovo with her wisdom and good reputation.For three consecutive years, she was named as the world's 2005 most powerful business women by "Fortune". In 100, she appeared on "Forbes" and became one of the [-] most powerful women in the world.

Women must realize the importance of reputation when they are in business.

The public is as demanding of corporate reputation as they are of products and services, because people are only willing to deal with companies they trust.Reputation, as an intangible asset, has its particularity. When there is a problem with the enterprise, the reputation will be damaged, and the reputation property will also depreciate rapidly. If the enterprise is good at managing reputation, the reputation property will increase in value and create more potential value.Of course, even when some companies with a good reputation face difficulties, customers are easier to understand, and the company can win the opportunity to correct mistakes.In fact, a good reputation of an enterprise plays a vital role within the enterprise, which can stimulate employee morale, improve work efficiency, and increase enterprise productivity.Enterprises can occupy the market with image power, increase profits, and enable enterprises to be stable for a long time, with deep roots and flourishing leaves.

As a person, to win a good reputation, you need to check your contacts; when you are a company, you must also build a good reputation for the company and check the wealth of the company.

2.Good reputation makes business more prosperous
"Talmud" pointed out: Money is the guarantee of businessmen's economy, while morality is the guarantee of reputation.When it comes to business success, the first things that people often think of are: smartness, hard work, opportunity, etc.However, people don't think that sometimes morality decides everything inadvertently.

Don't think that your product is unique, and customers will rely on you. This kind of thinking will only shoot yourself in the foot. All products can replace each other, but the degree is different.When customers buy products, they not only consider the product itself, but also the company's reputation and service quality.This situation may even occur: two stores selling the same product, Zhang San's store is close to the community, and Li Si's store is a little further away, but the residents of the community would rather go that way because of Li Si's good reputation I won't go to Zhang San's store to buy it nearby.In fact, this situation happens from time to time in daily life.When people are in a transaction, if they are in a happy mood to cooperate with each other, there will naturally be a second and third consecutive transaction. This is the role of human emotions.Compared with products with the same function, they will regard this emotional factor as a great reference value.

Most women are careful people, and it is easy to have a good service attitude in business, making customers feel at home.In this way, each other will have a down-to-earth mentality when dealing with each other, because your personality, your service, and your reputation are all seen by customers and kept in their hearts.You can tell from their faces whether they are doing well or not.Therefore, trying to establish a good reputation will be the personal culture in your business, which can unconsciously attract more business partners and make your business path more and more unimpeded.

A customer owed the Dieter Wool Company $15.One day, the customer rushed into the office of the Jewish Ms. Dieter angrily, saying that not only would he not pay the money, but he would never spend a penny on buying products from Dieter's company in his life.Ms. Deeter let him talk patiently.Then say to him, "I want to thank you for coming to Chicago and telling me about it, you've done me a great favor. Because if our trust department bothers you, they probably bother other customers too, and that would be unfortunate." "Dieter reassured customers: "Our staff has to take care of thousands of accounts. Compared with you, he may make mistakes. Since you no longer buy wool from us, I will recommend some other wool companies to you. .” Later, the customer not only became a friend of Dieter, but also remained a customer of Dieter’s company until his death.

This is a typical example of using personal character to win word of mouth for the company.You know, it takes a lot of emotional factors for a customer to love a store for a lifetime!Dieter did it, precisely because her personal reputation set a good example for the company, so she became a successful business woman.

Long-term business depends on win-win

In the business world, all parties to the cooperation can get what they need, and achieving a win-win or multi-win is the best result, which will also make the business last longer.

1.Win-win to do business

When women walk in society, they should understand that the "win-win" competition policy is a kind of healthy competition, which is more suitable for the development of modern society.This is not to underestimate your strength, but for practical needs.

There is a fable among the Jewish merchants, which tells the story of a lion and a wolf who found a fawn at the same time, and they agreed to hunt down the fawn together.They cooperated very well. When the wolf threw the fawn to the ground, the lion stepped forward and killed the fawn with one bite.But at this moment, the lion suddenly had a private desire to share the fawn with the wolf, so he wanted to kill the wolf too.The wolf resisted vigorously, although the final result was that the lion killed the wolf, but the lion was seriously injured in the fight and could not enjoy any delicious food.

Although it is common for the jungle to eat the jungle in nature, human beings are different from them after all.Individual to individual, group to group interdependence is so tight that any "to the death" struggle is not good, except in war, especially in the business world.

There is a Jewish boss in Detroit, USA, who summed up an experience from her business: "For business operators, customers' suggestions, requirements and pickiness are always right, and they are the absolute truth." She said that a woman once carried a A turkey approached the marketing manager, said the chicken was dry and tasteless, and asked to return it.But after the inspection, it was not because of the problem of the chicken itself, but because of the woman's poor cooking skills, but the shop still gave the woman another one.Since then, the woman has frequented the store, and the boss called this operating method the "customer truth effect."

In the business world, many people put "sale" first, and ignore the customer's reaction after the item is sold. Even if there is an "after-sales" department, those profiteers often use various reasons to prevaricate customers.This kind of sales model is actually very unfavorable to long-term development. As long as it can detect the problem of its own product itself, it should make corresponding compensation for customers.Customers spend money to buy your products to use them. If they do not meet their requirements and do not get any corresponding compensation, then this kind of business will not have a second time if it is the first time.Isn't this lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?

The benign development of the business field pursues the effect of win-win cooperation.Customers consume for the value and use value of the commodity, while merchants consume for the profit brought by the product.If the balanced relationship between the two is broken, then this development will be quickly terminated.And win-win or multi-win is the lubricant to maintain the development of the business world. In mutual help and solidarity, each can get what they need, and the development will be longer and the business will be more successful.So don't just look at the "one-acre-three-point land" in front of you and worry about it. This will undoubtedly cut your own money.

Luo Yanqing expressed her argument with righteous indignation at a company seminar. She felt that competitors were enemies, and she could survive only by finding opportunities to kill them.The partner told her that business is all about win-win. If you trample others to death, who can help you? Only by helping and promoting each other can you develop. This is the principle of doing business.However, Luo Yanqing believes that sharing the fruits of victory with opponents will never be successful. There is no one in the same industry who does not want to maximize profits for the company, so it should try to spy on information and occupy market share.If we wait until the day when the market is saturated, there will be no room for more peers, and everyone will want to eat each other and save their own space for their own survival and profit.Under such conditions, we can only force the weak, and use the strong to destroy the weak.

Because Luo Yanqing has this idea, no one is willing to cooperate with her. Everyone thinks that she is a time bomb that will explode without knowing when. One result is that she will definitely hurt herself in the end.Therefore, even though Luo Yanqing had business acumen, he still couldn't resist the oppression of the market alone, and finally failed in a mess.

2.Share profits, get rich together
Someone once described Ms. Dong Mingzhu, the chairman and president of Gree Air Conditioning: "The road Ms. Dong has traveled is not long grass; she is the only manufacturer who dares to challenge Gome publicly; she is the big sister who everyone in the air conditioner industry knows." Dong Mingzhu said so Answer: "My business philosophy is to allow everyone to gain their own interests in the process, which is a win-win and multi-win situation, rather than one person winning alone. I have never brought down a company, but it brought itself down." That's a win-win concept for a successful and rich woman in the business world.Only based on this point of view can people's entrepreneurial path be truly expanded.Blindly thinking about how many benefits for yourself, only seeing your own way of doing business, the road must not be long, and you will not find real wealth in the end.

Marketing science tells all business women a truth: win-win is a double win. For customers and enterprises, the customer should win first, and then the enterprise can win; for employees and enterprises, the employees should win first, and the enterprise Win later.Win-win emphasizes the interests of both parties, which is the so-called "not all winners win, and not all losers lose".

Ivey is a senior engineer in Ford's technical department. He has been with the company for many years and is a relatively well-known engine expert in the United States.Just because he is an old employee of Ford, he is familiar with the key technical points of Ford production. Many competing colleagues wanted to "poach" him with a high salary, but they were all rejected by him.After learning about this, Ford General Manager Eckel asked Ivey: "What is the reason for you to stay at Ford?" Ivey said: "Ford pays me. The Ford team. If anyone is interested in this, they can negotiate with Ford, not with me personally.” Eckel was deeply moved by his behavior, and he believed that with such employees, the company would be able to get out of the predicament.Therefore, he proposed a reward policy to the board of directors, that is, to give special rewards to employees who have served Ford for more than 10 years, so as to improve the cohesion of the team.The board of directors approved Ecker's request even though the finances were very tight.Therefore, in Ford's most difficult situation, many elites insisted on staying and getting out of the trough together with the company.

In such a competitive society, no matter whether it is an individual or a company, it is impossible to achieve a career by itself.In this process of struggle, you need to rely on the strength of many people. These people can help you in various fields. With them, your career will be even more powerful.This unity of harmony and competition is the highest state of business management. The "win-win" model is the product of the combination of the "harmony" idea in traditional Chinese culture and the concept of Western market competition. The market economy is a competitive economy as well as a collaborative economy. It is a large-scale production of socialized professional collaboration. One must.Therefore, proposing a "win-win" model means that enterprises need to unite and cooperate to create wealth through competition in order to achieve unprecedented profitability and market competitiveness under modern economic conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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