Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 7 There is a "way" for women to love money and get it

Chapter 7 There is a "way" for women to love money and get it (2)
All women who want to get rich, please establish this "win-win" concept before you start your business!When you can have porridge to drink, let others have a share.Because it is with mutual cooperation that we can have win-win cooperation.

Making a fortune by cleverly borrowing the "intelligence" of others

A businessman, if he can make money, proves that he has the ability to do business.If he doesn't operate by himself, but allows others to make money for him, then his business talent is superior.

1.The business rules of backdoor laying eggs

Every successful businessman is not omnipotent, and the career they have accomplished may have reached the limit in a certain field, but this does not mean that the successful businessman is proficient in all the scope involved in this field.Women, don't think too much about them, maybe they are just like you, they are very ordinary people, but they will use and discover, and gather some people who can make a fortune for themselves.Therefore, if women want to become successful businessmen, they must learn to use the power of others to make money for themselves, learn to discover talents, and make them willing to contribute to themselves.Well, even if you are not a potential businessman, the team you have will build you into a successful businessman.

A little girl went to the Disneyland in the United States, which she had been longing for for a long time, and she was very lucky to meet Walt Disney, the founder of the park.The little girl said to him very excitedly: "You are really great for creating such lovely animated friends for people." Walt Disney shook his head and said with a smile: "No, child, these are not created by me." Yes, these are created by many other uncles and aunts, not mine.” Hearing his answer, the little girl asked curiously: “Then you must have created those interesting stories?” Disney was still very calm. She smiled and replied: "No, those are all thought up by some very clever and imaginative authors." The little girl became more and more puzzled, frowning and asked: "But...then what did you do? What?" Walt Disney stroked the little girl's head and said, "What uncle did was to discover these smart uncles and aunts and then call them together!"

All the people who make a lot of money are not struggling alone. They know how to use the wisdom of others to benefit themselves, and concentrate the wisdom of all people on themselves, thus creating infinite wealth.If a wealth owner is compared with an employee under him, in the field the employee is engaged in, the wealth owner may not be as good as the employee, and it is conceivable that the employee cannot surpass this employee. Owners of wealth, none of them can replace each other.

If you are not good at doing business, then invite some very intelligent people to make plans for you; if you say you do not understand sales, then invite some sales elites to serve you; Professionals make up for your unprofessionalism.You don't have to do it yourself, as long as you can find these talents and use them, you are halfway there.

In 1989, Panasonic developed a "U-series" word processor and wanted to put it on the market, but at that time people copied by hand had become a habit, and this word processor was not easy to operate, so the sales have not been ideal.Afterwards, these word processors were sold with the help of the fame of Shiina Yuko, a female student writer who had just debuted in Japan.Sakurako Shiina wrote and performed "Family Rondo" in 1987, which became famous for a while. In the second year, she published her first novel with the theme of campus, and was known as "the star of the writer".In this ad, Sakurako Shiina explains the practicality of a word processor in childish language. While conceiving a work, she taps the keyboard easily, arousing people's desire to buy. Less than a month after the "U series" word processor was introduced to the market, more than 3 sets of teaching video tapes were sold at a price of [-] yen each, monopolizing the market.

This is a typical way to make money by borrowing fame in the business world. This method is to borrow some famous people or things that are very concerned by public opinion to create fame for yourself.In the process of competition, once one's own products are connected with these famous things, it will create a news effect, and one's own things will spread to the focus of public opinion along with famous people or things, and thus their value will rise sharply.

2.Tips for making money

In the business world, the success of anything cannot be achieved in one step. Success requires a very cumbersome process.The Jews tell all business women who want to be successful that there are thousands of ways in the business world, and all roads lead to Rome, but among them, "taking advantage of the situation" is a fast and labor-saving way.

Carnegie, the American steel magnate, once wrote such an epitaph: "The person who sleeps here is good at finding people who are smarter than him." In fact, Carnegie is also a person who is good at discovering excellent talents to work for him.The common denominator of successful businessmen is that they have a vision of people, can grasp the advantages of others, and allocate the position of each employee very appropriately.

When the Jew Lovig entered his thirties, his entrepreneurial thinking exploded.He wanted to buy an old cargo ship of general specifications and convert it into a more profitable oil tanker, but because he was in debt at the time and had no guarantor, the bank could not give him a loan.Afterwards, Lovig chartered his old oil tanker, which was only capable of sailing, to an oil company at a low price. He wanted to use the rent as a loan interest to pay the bank every month. After many twists and turns, the bank decided to agree to his offer. loan requirements.Fortunately, Lovig's calculations were very careful, and the rent from the oil company just covered the principal and interest of his loan from the bank.

Lovig bought the freighter after getting the loan. He refitted the purchased freighter into a tanker with strong shipping capacity, chartered the tanker out in the same way, and then mortgaged the rent with another loan. money, and then go to buy a boat.Therefore, he has more and more ships, and every time he repays a loan, a tanker belongs to him.

Now, Lovig owns the largest and most tonnage tanker in the world, and also runs tourism, real estate and natural resource development industries.What makes him successful is that he is good at using other people's "momentum" to strengthen himself.On the one hand, he leases the ship to the oil company, so that he has a background in doing business with the oil company, and the rent can cover the interest.On the other hand, he used the money borrowed from the bank to buy better cargo ships, leased them to oil companies, and then borrowed money. In this way, he successfully and skillfully used the borrowed money to strengthen his "potential". "A virtuous circle will be formed between them. The more money you earn, the greater your "potential", and the greater your "potential", the more money you will make.

In human activities, the success of any undertaking is based on the principle of pulleys, and the use of other forces to maximize one's ability.With the development of the times, people began to combine pulleys of different sizes, so that they could lift heavier objects with less force.Just like sitting on a crane, one person can manipulate hundreds of thousands of catties of steel.Only when man relies on the function of the mind can he develop to the greatest extent.Women who understand the principle of roller skating to use "momentum" will be even more powerful in business. They can manipulate the power of dozens or even hundreds of people with the power of one person. This is a successful business philosophy.

Seize the Opportunity and Keep the Wealth
In the business world, wealth can only be obtained by grasping business opportunities skillfully and taking immediate action.

1.Seize the opportunity and take immediate action

Opportunity requires patience and active preparation. It is often hidden in the ordinary and requires women to develop a pair of discerning eyes.So, those with a broad view tend to see more opportunities.

In the two life curves of life and destiny, opportunity is a meeting point that allows you to realize your dreams.If you miss it, you can only stay with mediocrity for a lifetime; if you catch it, maybe you can meet excellence.The summaries of countless gains and losses, successes and failures in life tell every ordinary person who hopes to change their destiny such a truth: the fool misses the good opportunity, the wise man seizes the opportunity; the weak wait for the opportunity, the strong create the opportunity.So, no matter what kind of person you want to be, it all depends on grasping the opportunities.Once you firmly grasp the opportunity, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that life is full of good luck and wealth is not far away from you.

When the opportunity comes, you must not only seize the opportunity, but also take action in time, so that the opportunity can be used for you and become a favorable means for you to create wealth, instead of looking forward and backward when the opportunity comes, you will always be unable to make up your mind.Only by seizing the opportunity decisively when it comes, and making a decisive attack, can we use this opportunity to achieve something.

Xi'an Colorful Catering Co., Ltd. was founded by He Yongyi, a student majoring in communication at Xi'an Jiaotong University. After three or four years of development, the company's profit has exceeded one million.

When Anita Ho graduated in 2000, she couldn't find a suitable job for a while, so she worked part-time in a fast food restaurant.Although she is a dignified college student, she seems a little inferior to this kind of place, but she still persists.Once, when delivering food to some white-collar workers in an office building, she heard a company reprimanding the food delivery staff of another fast food company: "The food made by your store has no special features at all. If you don't improve it, you won't have to come here to deliver food in the future." He Yongyi found the little girl who was being trained and asked her the reason with concern. Only then did she realize that her customers were very picky about the food. Even if they fed these opinions back to the boss, the boss ignored him. He didn't care about such a few orders.

When He Yongyi heard this, she seemed to have discovered a business opportunity. She thought, wouldn't it be a good opportunity if she took over by herself?After that, Anita He would write down the customer's meal taste and phone number in detail every time she delivered food.When the Spring Festival was approaching, He Yongyi went to Xi'an High-tech Zone to investigate the situation of various fast food restaurants, including telephone numbers, dining styles and prices.She is thinking of a new business model: set up a fast food transfer station by herself, collect fast food of various flavors, and then sell these fast food to the white-collar workers of those companies to make profits from it.

He Yongyi did what she said. She immediately rented a 20-square-meter facade room, hired food delivery staff, and made uniform food delivery clothes.And according to the usual accumulated information to call each office building, soon there will be 100 orders.On the first day of food delivery, He Yongyi made a net profit of 150 yuan. As her business expanded, her orders also increased.

After the Spring Festival, He Yongyi personally went to the company to sell, telling those white-collar workers that no matter what flavor you want to eat, not only the food will be delivered in time, but also the nutrition can be guaranteed.Although the customer was a little skeptical, he still ordered a meal with the attitude of giving it a try.After a trial, the response was very good, so many customers canceled their previous orders and ordered He Yongyi's fast food instead. At this time, the number of fast food delivered by He Yongyi has reached more than 3600 per day, and the net profit has reached 2000 yuan. .

After that, Anita He contacted more flavor restaurants to enrich her fast food brochure, and at the same time went to the company to conduct a survey to collect statistics on the tastes of white-collar workers.A year later, her fast food can reach thousands of servings per month. By the end of 2004, her annual profit exceeded 100 million yuan, and she successfully built the No. [-] fast food agency in Xi'an.

Solving problems for others can also be subtly transformed into business opportunities. Once you believe that business opportunities can bring you wealth, you must take immediate action like He Yongyi. Only in this way, business opportunities truly belong to you.

2.Wealth can be grasped by seizing opportunities

All opportunities are created by people inadvertently. If women have smart brains and keen eyesight, they can see through opportunities at a glance and grasp them firmly. Then, you will have the arm to grasp wealth. .Then, as long as you use the opportunity properly, you can become a wealth owner.

Of course, opportunities can only follow those who truly recognize them and are ready to embrace them at any time.On the road to wealth, some women see opportunities, while others see only problems.Some women who have achieved success in their careers have one lesson: When an opportunity comes, take advantage of it as much as possible.

Every time Nie Yin brought her own sesame seed cakes to her classmates, the students were full of praise for her Tujia sesame seed cakes. Some food shop owners even wanted to buy Nie Yin's technology, which made Nie Yin see business opportunities.After some deliberation, Nie Yin wanted to start the biscuit business, but was opposed by his family. They all thought it was shameful for a college student to sell biscuits.But Nie Yin believed that there were almost no omissions in her entrepreneurial plan, and she could be successful, so she insisted on her idea.

Nie Yin searched all over the local characteristic snacks, learned about the market, and determined the feasibility of the project.And selected a batch of suitable stores, she pinched a stopwatch in front of the selected store to calculate the customer flow in front of the store, carefully observed the passing crowd, analyzed them, and calculated the proportion of the target crowd.After a period of comparison, she finally understood the factors such as the flow of people in front of each candidate store, the stratification of the flow of people and other factors, and finally selected a store near the university.

Nie Yin's shop is called "Lozager Biscuits", and the decoration style of her small shop has a Tujia country taste.Its packaging is also very elegant, from materials to patterns, all are linked with the characteristics of Tujia biscuits.In addition, Nie Yin also set up POP advertisements at the entrance of the store and printed many leaflets.Facts have proved that Nie Yin's judgment is correct. Her business is always booming. In just half a month, the turnover of this small biscuit shop has reached more than [-] yuan.

On the road to wealth, in the face of fleeting and unpredictable situations, if you are not sure about the opportunity, it will be difficult to succeed.Choosing the right opportunity to do the right thing is a skill that a successful woman must master.

Therefore, women who want to gain wealth must always be prepared to find opportunities. Maybe you have a business mind and don't need to work so hard to find opportunities, but remember that a good opportunity is It means a wonderful time or a wonderful location, which can make your wealth soar.Opportunity is like a catalyst. When there is no such agent, although a chemical reaction can also occur, once the catalyst is added, it can accelerate the effect and make wealth "immediate."When an opportunity appears in front of you, you must face it bravely and welcome it, so that the opportunity can become a stepping stone to your wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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