Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 21 "Wealthy Girls" Need to Grasp "Money Scenery"

Chapter 21 "Wealthy Girls" Need to Grasp "Money Scenery" (1)
In addition to their own efforts, every success in the business world also has opportunities, but not every woman can grasp the opportunities well.Maybe you seized the opportunity today and succeeded, but no one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow.How can we make wealth last longer?This requires women to see clearly whether the wealth path they are taking and the industry they choose can continue to develop in the future trend.Only by having a plan and certainty for the future can the business go smoothly.

Chaoyang industry warms people's hearts
Sunrise industries are industries that have great prospects for development in the future. For women who want to work hard in the economic field, it is very important to choose the right industry.Choosing a sunrise industry will undoubtedly be more conducive to the success of your career.

1.Those "sunrises" in the industry

Each industry has its own development trend, some will go down with the market, and some will rise step by step in response to the policy.Considering multiple factors, it is very important for a successful businessman to be able to identify which industries have real tenacious vitality in these industries at a glance.If you think that your ability in all aspects is enough to invest in this industry, you can share a ray of sunshine from the "morning sun".

"Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, and men are afraid of entering the wrong profession." Although this statement is not unreasonable, with the improvement of people's ideology and the increasing independence of women today, "entering the wrong profession" is under certain conditions. It is no longer just a patent for men.Therefore, for women, when choosing a career, the first thing to consider is choosing an industry.The development momentum of each industry is different, and the results brought to them will also be different. If the selected industry is "sunrise" when various conditions permit, then such a person can also be a "sunrise woman" in the business world. ".

2.Benefits brought by sunrise industries to businessmen

Sunrise industries can rise rapidly and bring immeasurable wealth. The income it brings may be several times, dozens of times, or even tens of thousands of times the investment.Of course, this requires a courageous and courageous businesswoman who can decisively judge the industry.In the face of the complicated market economy, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee an accurate grasp of the future.

Harriman, the American railroad magnate, doubled the property left to him by his father with great difficulty.In the same period, Rockefeller took less than 20 years to become the first billionaire in American history.Was it because Rockefeller was smarter than Harriman?The answer is of course not.Harriman himself was a successful businessman, and he was also a pivotal figure in the American economic circles.The problem is the very business they are in.In the first 20 years of the 20th century, although the railway still occupied an important position, after nearly 100 years of development, there is no great potential for development. Harriman inherited his father's business, and it is impossible to abandon the railway to engage in emerging industries.Rockefeller's oil industry was as vigorous as the morning sun at the beginning of the 20th century. In the first half of the 20th century, the oil tycoon Rockefeller had been the richest man in the world for several years.

Finding sunrise industries, that is, looking for careers that can develop greatly in the future, is indeed very important for those who want to make a career in the economic field.The rapid rise of sunrise industries has greatly shortened the long process of wealth accumulation, and the benefits it brings may be several times, dozens of times, or even tens of thousands of times the initial investment.Becoming a millionaire overnight is the dream of many people, and now many people engaged in emerging industries have easily realized such a dream of getting rich.

The entrepreneurial road of Bill Gates, president of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, fully demonstrates the huge benefits that investment in sunrise industries may bring.

In 1975, when Gates was studying at Harvard University, he and Paul Allen wrote BASIC programs for the "Altair" computer.After 5 weeks of hard work, the world's first microcomputer running software company was born, which is the famous Microsoft Corporation.But at that time, the computer industry had just started, and no company was willing to invest in the newly registered company. All the work had to be undertaken by Gates and Paul.

At that time, the "Altair" computer used 16-bit address switches to issue commands and emit 16 light microcomputers. When it was assembled, it had neither a display nor a keyboard. It only had an Intel 8080 microprocessor and could not perform programs. So their task is to design a suitable software.It was an opportunity to participate in the first phase of the personal computer revolution that would make Bill Gates the richest man in the world within the next 20 years.

Due to the uncertainty of the high-tech industry, it is difficult for people to predict its future income, and it is precisely because of this that investment in high-tech industries will have greater returns.A sunrise industry is like a piece of undeveloped land, only to find an oil field.The root of Gates' success is that he seized the opportunity of the development of personal computers and welcomed the birth and rise of the rising sun.

Change the way of thinking, learn the new
Some women want to achieve a big career, but they always emphasize that they have no funds or other conditions.In fact, they don't realize that as long as they change their thinking and broaden their thinking, air and water can be sold for money.

1.Business thinking needs to take a turn

"Thinking determines the way of making money", once you have the inspiration to make money, you should use it skillfully in business.Only by developing this kind of thinking more openly and exploring boldly, can you capture many good opportunities to make money.We do not advocate complacency here. What the business world needs are women who can reverse thinking and make a 360-degree turn of thinking.

Rainwater is scarce and the climate is dry in the UAE, so a lot of money must be spent every year to solve the fresh water problem.When Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan learned about it, it transported the rainwater from Japan to the country. Since 1984, the rainwater in Japan has become a source of income for Mitsubishi Corporation; Close to this treasure land, a fully automatic target-moving shooting range was established, and the "Guaipo" brand mineral water was produced, and a folk culture village was established, which attracted a large number of tourists; apples in Shaanxi could not be sold at a good price, so some people thought of Paste the words "Fu, Lu, Shou, Xi, Cai" on immature apples. After the apples are ripe, these auspicious characters will be clearly printed on the fruit, and the fruit is very popular.These are all examples of people successfully doing business after changing their minds.From this point of view, as long as people change their thinking and think about the problem from another angle, they may be able to come up with a good way to get rich.

So, how should women change their thinking to attract wealth?
First of all, it is to highlight the individuality and monopolize the market.With the maturity of the market environment and the intensification of competition, the space for honestly doing traditional retailing is very limited, and choosing "personality" has become a trend.At present, in the existing domestic market, the concept of personalization can be divided into two types. One is product personalization, which mainly captures the characteristics of consumers who seek change and innovation, flaunts alternatives and fashion, and provides unique personalized products. Such as dress customization, hand-painted leather goods, etc.; the other is store personalization, such as Starbucks, which emphasizes coffee culture, and MUJI, which provides exquisite daily necessities. These unique stores start with cultural concepts to win the recognition of consumers. .

Second, green business opportunities for healthy consumption should be advocated.People are increasingly pursuing the quality of life and paying attention to their own health status. The proportion of investment in health care for urban families with above-average living standards is gradually increasing.From the hot sales of green food to the rise of fitness clubs and health restaurants, there is also such a message: With the continuous improvement of domestic residents' health awareness, there are huge business opportunities in the health field.

Take the United States, which is of predictive significance in terms of industrial structure, as an example. The health industry did not exist 20 years ago, but today the revenue of the health industry has reached 2000 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to half of the revenue of the entire US auto industry.Experts predict that from 2000 to 2010, the consumption in the health industry in the United States will increase from 2000 billion US dollars to 10000 trillion US dollars, which is a 5-fold increase.These benefits come from providing the public with products that make people healthier, more beautiful, delay aging or prevent disease.

Again, women and children earn the best money.Relevant surveys show that 70% of social purchasing power comes from women.From large shopping malls to small street stores, the main consumers are women.In the past, most entrepreneurial bosses were men, but data from participation in various entrepreneurship exhibitions in recent years shows that the proportion of men and women who are willing to start a business has basically equalized.The increase in women's willingness to start a business is also the reason for the fermentation of the business form of women's concept stores.

At the same time, according to a report released by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, children's education consumption has surpassed pension and housing consumption, and has become the largest purpose of residents' savings.It is estimated that domestic residents' education consumption is about 2500 billion yuan per year.The education and training market is showing a strong demand momentum, especially in the fields of language training, vocational training, and early childhood education, where there are unlimited business opportunities.

Take children's literature and education as an example. According to statistics, there are 2 million children aged 12 to 3350 nationwide, and more than 1500% of them attend talent classes. Based on an average monthly expenditure of 120 yuan per person, the annual market size is There are about 2 million children between the ages of 6 and 1420 who are enrolled in kindergartens. Based on the average 700% schooling rate, the average monthly cost is 700 yuan, and the annual market size reaches more than [-] billion yuan.

Finally, franchising aims at a high threshold. According to the previous survey on entrepreneurship by the Opening Guidance Center, 32.5% of the surveyed people chose to start a business with chain franchising, while only 10% planned to invest more than 16.7 yuan in entrepreneurship.

Joining a chain enterprise, investing a lot of franchise fees and deposits, what is the main purpose of investors?I believe that the most important thing for most investors is the brand.Brand is the lifeline of chain franchise, and it is also the biggest return for investors after paying the franchise fee.The franchise fee can be regarded as the embodiment of brand value, and it is the perfect management and technical costs behind it.

2.Ideas pave the way for wealth creation

A person who is poor mainly has a poor mind, and if he wants to live a rich life, he must have a rich mind, a rich mind and a rich pocket.Why is there someone in the world whose monthly income is one hundred times or one thousand times higher than yours?It's not that they are smarter than you, but because they have ideas for getting rich, which can change continuously with the environment.Women who want to make a difference must not be reduced to a poor-minded person, but must fundamentally establish a foundation for wealth creation.

In the 20s, Mr. Wang and his friends established a small industrial machinery parts manufacturing factory in Kowloon.A year later, he decided to start producing inflators for the plastic vials used by the sanitation sector.Afterwards, blow molding machines and a series of film compressors were manufactured for this.Later, due to the elimination of the market, its partners withdrew their shares.Mr. Wang still insists on studying machinery manufacturing technology and runs his own business alone. In 50, he took the lead in launching the screw direct injection molding machine, which was a success.He constantly insists on innovation and progress, and gradually improves the performance of products, and his business has also developed from Hong Kong to Southeast Asia.

In 1970, Mr. Wang took the lead in developing the first pressurized four-ounce screw direct-injection plastic machine in Hong Kong, thus establishing his industrial position in Southeast Asia.However, in 1973, the oil crisis broke out in the Middle East and caused a catastrophic blow to the global economy. In just two months, more than 70 plastic factories closed down.At this time, Mr. Wang also owed a huge sum of money to the bank.After negotiating with the bank and getting approval to sell the inventory and machines, he will pay off the arrears on a monthly basis.It was not until the end of the 70s that his group business began to develop. With the increase in orders, he purchased a 50% stake in Japan Shinwa Industry Co., Ltd., which solved the problem of parts production, and built a 4000-square-foot land in Kowloon. Build a large factory building, use modern assembly line operation, cooperate with advanced computer numerical control processing system, enter a new era of production.

Being able to actively change his thinking and persevere in the twists and turns of doing business has enabled Mr. Wang to finally capture the opportunity to get rich from the crisis.Opportunities are constantly appearing in new things, so the thinking must keep pace with the times. Only in this way can we grasp the opportunities of renewal.Any woman should not stop thinking. Even if you have made brilliant achievements and grasped the opportunity, it does not prove that you have grasped the future opportunities. Therefore, you should think along with the trend and keep learning from the past and learning from the new.

Some women look at new things with old calendars in their hands when doing business, and always look at the progress of the times and the development of society with a skeptical eye.Or they think that they are superior to others, use a critical attitude, do not do in-depth understanding, do not look at problems from a developmental perspective, but use old frameworks to apply new forms, and refuse to understand new things. The result is often a career that they have managed to support. Constrained by old concepts, sacrificed on one's own misunderstandings.New business, you can’t understand it, she can’t understand it, there will always be someone who can understand it; In order to grasp the development of the cause in the social development and the progress of the times, and set sail smoothly.Thoughts don't change, you don't change; thinking changes, you change.Thinking will identify opportunities, choices will determine wealth, and hard work will change lives.

Bravely enter the industry of interest
Making money is not a painful thing, and [-]% of people think that making money from hobbies is the happiest, because they believe that wealth and happiness originate from the same rich source, and there is no need to make any painful choices between the two.

1.do what you are good at

The industry chosen by many women in the workplace always runs counter to the major they have studied, just like some people started sales in the accounting industry, engaged in catering in the sales industry, and engaged in administration in the catering industry.There are very few people who can choose both according to their major and their own interests.But women who choose to start their own businesses are different. Entrepreneurship is autonomous, and most of the initiative is in their own hands, so they have the right to choose some industries according to their interests and areas of expertise.Start a business in interest and get rich in happiness.

Zang Jianhe said: "When starting a business, you must have a good product that really belongs to you, a product that can win customers' word of mouth, and a product that makes customers queue up in your small store. Only with such a 'fist' product can you break through Make a difference.” The last 20 years of the 20th century were the golden age of Hong Kong’s economic development.Many people are speculating on real estate, but Zang Jianhe is clinging to the dumpling business that costs a few yuan a bag.Zang Jianhe has her own philosophy of survival. She knows that only by doing what she is best at can she do things well, so she regards making dumplings as her lifelong career.

(End of this chapter)

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