Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 23 A woman's money-making experience of "making a big fortune with a small amount&

Chapter 23 A woman's money-making experience of "making a big fortune with a small amount" (1)
Many women do not have a strong financial background and cannot make a big impact for the ideal business world. Under such conditions, most of them adopt the "small gain big" money-making strategy.Although it is said that there are small achievements and big developments, how can we go from small to big?In fact, there are a lot of money-making tricks in it.When female operators can correctly operate the capital in a small-cost business, after slowly accumulating, they can add up to a large business and develop into a big business.

Pricing is clever too

How to position the price at an appropriate point?If it is high, it is difficult to sell; if it is low, it is not profitable.This is a science for businessmen. If you learn this knowledge well, you can easily make profits in the price.

1.Knowledgeable about business pricing
When women start a business, they are always confused about the price. This price may be the real product price when starting a business, or it may be the service price generated by the service industry.How to make this kind of price positioning play a role of balance or bias between themselves and customers, this requires women in business to know how to position "commodity" prices.

Pricing is a profound knowledge. The price composed of several numbers seems to have little purpose, but it hides the profits behind the mall, such as the size of the numbers before and after the decimal point, the discount rate of promotional products, and the price reduction rate of out-of-season products.The seemingly unastonishing numbers are actually the dealers' exquisite products after deliberation and measurement.A good pricing can not only make consumers feel acceptable, but also allow dealers to make profits quickly, so this pricing must be clever.

How can we set a good price?

The first is the choice of pricing target. Every producer or enterprise must clarify its target when pricing.There are two main goals for enterprises to formulate marketing prices: the goal of obtaining profits and the goal of occupying the market.

There are three forms of pricing with profit as the goal: the first is to obtain the expected profit target, that is, the enterprise takes the expected profit as the pricing basis and sells the goods at the profit plus the full cost of the goods to obtain the expected income. Pricing target; the second is to obtain the maximum profit target. After considering various factors in a certain period of time, the enterprise determines the price of the unit commodity based on the maximum difference between the total revenue and the total cost to obtain the maximum profit. The third is to obtain a reasonable profit target, which is a pricing method in which the enterprise appropriately adds a certain amount of profit as the commodity price on the basis of compensating the average social cost under normal circumstances, so as to obtain reasonable profits under normal circumstances Target.

If an enterprise takes market share as its price target, then there are three price strategies: the first is to occupy the market at a low price, which is to make the price of the product lower than that of the main competition on the premise of improving product quality and reducing product cost The second is to occupy the market at a high price, usually in the initial stage of the product launch, with a higher price than competitors, taking advantage of consumers' desire for novelty and fame. The third is to occupy the market with competitive prices, that is, before setting prices, study the marketing strategies of competitors, and use targeted methods to compete with opponents, thereby occupying the market.

In addition to the need to clearly mark the price of the products that have just been launched, some off-season products also need to be adjusted in the pricing of commodities, so discounted pricing appears.Discounted pricing is a discretionary adjustment of the base price for most businesses to encourage customers to pay off their purchases early, buy in bulk, or increase off-season purchases.

Price wars with discounts or discounts usually include: cash discounts, which are a discount for buyers who pay off their accounts in a timely manner, which can speed up capital turnover and reduce collection costs and bad debts; quantity discounts, which are for buyers who need a large number of A kind of discount for customers who buy a certain product can enable enterprises to reduce the cost of production, sales and other links; functional discount is an additional discount given by manufacturers to intermediaries, so that intermediaries can obtain prices lower than the catalog price ;Seasonal discount is a kind of concession that enterprises encourage customers to buy in the off-season, so that the production and sales of enterprises can remain relatively stable throughout the year; promotion subsidies, in order to expand product sales, manufacturers provide promotional subsidies to middlemen.

Pricing needs to be paid attention to everywhere, and if you pay attention to it well, you can make a profit. As a successful business woman, you must be able to position your commodity prices at a suitable point, so that your business will be more prosperous.

2.Pricing must be smart to make profits easy

Pricing is one of the easiest things in the business process.But often the simpler things are, the more difficult it will be if you don't think about them.Some women think that they know the pricing well and don't have to think about it, which will lead to a large loss of profits.Therefore, it is a very serious mistake to arbitrarily set a constant standard price.

From the perspective of commodity psychology, the price is based on whether customers can accept it psychologically.The price level depends on a series of complex psychological processes between buyers and sellers, which has great variability and flexibility.

Humbray Company is a professional company that produces and manages vodka in the United States. Its Smirnoff enjoys a high reputation in the vodka market, with a market share of 23%. In the 20s, another company came out with a new vodka that was as good as Humbray's Smirnoff for $60 a bottle less.

Facing price competition from rivals, according to conventional practices, Humbray can only have three strategies: either cut the price by $1 to keep its market share; Reduced market share.

So, whichever of these strategies Humbray takes, it seems to be losing.But the company's marketers, after much deliberation, devised a fourth, unexpected tactic. They raised the price of Smirnoff by another dollar and introduced a new vodka that was the same as the competitor's new vodka. Reesega and another less expensive bobo.In fact, the quality and cost of these three wines are almost the same.However, the implementation of this strategy has enabled the company to reverse the unfavorable situation: on the one hand, it has improved the status of Smirnoff wine, making the competitor's new product a common brand; on the other hand, it does not affect the company's sales revenue. , and due to the large increase in sales, the profit has increased greatly.

A price strategy can promote the development of an enterprise. It can be seen that the price contains not only the value of the product, but also the value of the enterprise.

In Pittsburgh, USA, there is a restaurant in which the customers set the prices themselves. It may sound incomprehensible, but the owner is very good at running it.On the menu of the restaurant, there are only the names of the dishes, but no prices.And there is a sentence on the menu: "Dining here, I believe that God will bring you good luck. Therefore, the price is not marked on the menu. You need to decide how much the food is worth." Customers can choose according to their satisfaction with the food. Payment, no matter how much, the restaurant has no objection.

Once, Mrs. Kress and her daughter went to the restaurant to eat, and paid a total of 15 dollars including consumption.She was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "If it's not good, I won't pay so much money." The customer made the boss very excited, because a dinner was priced at $5 on his original menu, and the price of "priceless" dishes was far away. Much higher than the "price" dishes.

In the era of changing business conditions, it is an inevitable trend for operators to master reasonable and unique personalized pricing in order to successfully sell their products.There are many factors to consider when pricing, such as the trend of the market, customers and products; whether the payment method and the length of the payment period will affect the price level; pay attention to the dynamics of competitors, and adjust the price to meet the requirements; pay attention to new business Opportunity and so on.Female businessmen should make a comprehensive assessment of these prices with natural and meticulous thinking. Whether they can set a reasonable price for their products will directly determine their ups and downs in the business world.

Small calculations make big profits
Careful calculation in small business does not mean haggling over every detail, it must have the mind to do big business, the courage to take big risks and the courage to open up the market.Doing business is the knowledge of making money and saving money: on the one hand, to maximize profits, and on the other hand, to reduce unnecessary expenses.

1.How to make big money with a small business
Many successful women started out as small businesses, maybe they were just a street vendor or a small owner with a shop of a few square meters.But they are good at management, know how to make profits from small businesses, and roll over from profits, so that they can gradually move closer to big businesses on the basis of small businesses.But I have to admit that there are some women who set up street stalls on the street and are chased by the urban management. After a few years, she is still setting up a street stall and being chased by the urban management, or renting a small shop to sew clothes for others. It takes half a lifetime to sew, but the shop is still so big.Compared with the former, these women all started from small businesses, but the difference is that some women can start from a small point of view, operate from a "small" place, improve slowly, and constantly adjust their business policies, but they don't know much about the business principles. Women do business only to sell things, and never imagine how to make their small business bigger.Therefore, some people who engage in small businesses will remain small businesses all their lives, while others who engage in small businesses just lay the foundation for big businesses.

So, how should women choose small businesses, and how can they make money in this small business?

First of all, female businessmen must rely on a mature industry, because the industry is large, and the market can be segmented and profitable.Only by taking advantage of the industry's high maturity and ready-made consumer groups can we save the cost of opening up new markets and the hard work of awakening consumers.

Second, focus on tributary businesses instead of mainstream businesses.That is to meet the derivative needs of consumers after the mainstream needs are met.For example, mobile phones, powerful communication functions and smooth communication services are the primary and main demands of consumers when consuming mobile phones as products and services.These two are the mainstream businesses of the mobile phone industry. To meet these two needs of consumers and do a good job in these two businesses requires huge investment, which small and medium investors simply cannot afford.The appearance of mobile phones is a derivative demand of consumers.Therefore, for small and medium-sized investors and those who make money from small businesses, it is rational to choose to do tributary business in market segments and focus on the individual needs of consumers.

Again, only satisfying the needs of some people and not all people.Take mobile phones as an example. At present, there are 3 million mobile phone consumers in China. It is impossible to satisfy the wishes of all 3 million consumers.Then, you can only meet the needs of some of them, or maybe only a small number of people.But because the market is large enough, even if it only meets the needs of a small number of them, it is enough for small and medium investors to eat.

Finally, the service must be in place.In other words, for the dispensable demand, it is better to have it, and if it is not, it will not cause any loss to consumers.Because such needs are mostly spiritual needs, and there are often super high requirements for the services provided by practitioners, which investors need to pay special attention to.

Relying on a large industry background, choosing some industries that can segment the market, and using sincere services to meet the needs of some people, this is the business principle of how to transform from a small business.Any woman who wants to start a business should act as soon as she has an idea.But if you want to do big things and make big money from the beginning, then you must think twice.

"Using small to make big gains" is a common method used by businessmen.Some people want to get rich, but they don't bother to make small money. As a result, they often end up "throwing both sesame seeds and watermelons" without making big money or small money.So keep in mind: To make big money, you have to start with small money, work steadily and accumulate slowly, and only then can you accumulate a lot of money and get a lot of wealth.

In addition, many women have a psychological misunderstanding. They think that only when the business reaches a certain scale can they be favored by opportunities.So, like changing fashion, they work hard on the appearance and grade of their stores, hoping for greater development.But if they leave their own objective conditions to pray for something beyond their capabilities, they cannot withstand the storms of the market.Women do not need to be rich and powerful to start a business, as long as they can make their own characteristics, they can occupy a place.And this kind of characteristic is often "small" but with style. If it is a unique shop, it can implement a differentiated strategy, continuously improve with subtle differences, and meet the needs of customers, so that this "small" can be "changed". Become a feature, win more customer groups, and accumulate, it can also provide us with opportunities to make a lot of money.

2.Careful calculation is the essence of business management

It is said that women love to budget carefully, and they can carry out this kind of price war to the end even in the vegetable market.In the business world, they can also display this spirit of careful calculation, in order to reduce costs and expenses as much as possible, and use the money where it should be used.The awareness of using a dollar as two dollars is to realize that if a dollar is misused in one place, it is not just a loss of one dollar, but two dollars spent.

In the 19th century, there were thousands of oil giants, but in the end only Rockefeller dominated. Its success is no accident.When analyzing his way of getting rich, relevant experts found that careful planning is the main reason for his achievements.

Rockefeller's first job after entering the society was to work as a bookkeeper for a company named Hewett, which laid a good foundation for his future career.Due to his diligence, conscientiousness and rigor in the company, he not only did his job in an orderly manner, but also found out mistakes and omissions in the documents sent to the business several times, which saved the company several considerable expenses. Appreciation from the boss.

Later, Rockefeller paid more attention to cost savings in his own company, and the cost of refining and processing crude oil was also calculated to the third decimal point.For this reason, as soon as he goes to work every morning, he asks all departments of the company to send up a report on net worth.After years of business baptism, Rockefeller was able to accurately check the reported cost and expenditure, sales, profit and loss and other figures, and was able to find problems from them, so as to evaluate the work of each department. In 3, he asked the manager of an oil refinery: "Why do you spend 1879 cent 1 cents to refine a gallon of crude oil, while an oil refinery in the East only needs 8 cents and 2 cents for the same job?" He didn’t let go of the oil barrel plugs either. He once wrote a letter like this: “Last month, your factory reported that you had 9 plugs on hand, and 1 were sent to your factory at the beginning of this month. There are 1119 left, so where are the other 10000 plugs?"

(End of this chapter)

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