Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 24 A woman's money-making experience of "making a big fortune with a small amount&

Chapter 24 A woman's money-making experience of "making a big fortune with a small amount" (2)
Rockefeller has insight into the subtleties and gets to the bottom of it, so you won't be allowed to be half-sloppy.As later generations have said of him, Rockefeller was a pioneer of statistical analysis, cost accounting, and unit pricing, and is the "keystone" of today's large corporations.In old age, Rockefeller's delicate habits remained unchanged.One day, he borrowed 5 cents from his secretary. When Rockefeller returned the money to the secretary, the secretary was embarrassed to collect it. Rockefeller immediately became angry: "Remember, 5 cents is the interest of 1 dollar for 1 year." It can be seen from this , Rockefeller is quite shrewd about money calculations.

Some manufacturers will take great efforts to reduce a little bit of cost, because they know that what they are doing is a long-term business, and any small number will evolve into a qualitative change after a long period of accumulation.This is why they can be more successful.Women use the careful calculation in life to work and career. In the long run, they save a huge sum of money for themselves, so that more money will flow into their pockets.

"Profit" and "sales" should not be out of balance
"Small profits but quick sales" and "high profits but marketable" are two magic weapons often used by business operators. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If used properly, the enterprise will obtain better benefits.

1. "Small profits but quick turnover" strategy
"Small profits" and "making less money" are two different concepts, and the two cannot be equated.It may appear from the surface that the money earned from customers is very small, but it is precisely this small amount that will attract more customers, and the collection of a small amount of money earned from each customer is a considerable sum of money. wealth.Therefore, small capital can also obtain big profit.

When women open a clothing store, they often show their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of price and sales. For example, some female shopkeepers who are good at sales will never put specific prices on their products, but will set out according to different conditions of customers. With various price standards, the profit gained by this sales model is relatively flexible, and the benefits are very objective.However, some female shopkeepers don’t like to spend time on one-to-one sales. They will clearly mark the prices of various products, and customers will buy them if they think they are suitable. The marked price must be low, which can be accepted by customers at a glance.This kind of sales will not focus on reaping the profit of a single item, but on the sales volume, and earn back the profit from the sales volume.Therefore, different people will choose some sales models that suit them according to different situations.

So, as an important sales strategy, small profits but quick turnover, how should businessmen use it for themselves?

The strategic principle of "small profits but quick turnover" is suitable for all areas of business management.As far as product sales factors are concerned, it can not only make products enter the buyer's market briskly, provide effective supply, serve the society, and generate comprehensive benefits of products, but also promote the full play of enterprise productivity, increase production, and accelerate capital turnover. , Invigorating production funds is an effective management method to increase corporate profits.

In actual operation and management, the principle of "small profits but quick turnover" is widely used in the following aspects: [-]. The product has vitality, but when sales hit a low point, the principle of small profits but quick turnover should be adopted, so as to increase customers' purchases Desire to stimulate the turnover of product supply and marketing links, tap the potential performance of products, and make the enterprise invincible.[-]. Products that are gradually eliminated by the market will not improve again. Based on the principle of high sales and small profits to protect the capital, the loss of the enterprise will be minimized. At this time, it is necessary to buy time to develop new products.[-]. When there are many products of the same type in the market and the competition is fierce, the strategy of small profits but quick turnover and cost reduction can be adopted to compete for customers of similar products and promote the improvement of the company's product coverage, radiation rate and market share.[-]. In the trial marketing stage of new products, the products will enter the market as soon as possible with small profits but quick turnover, so as to spread the influence, increase the popularity and application frequency, and establish market reputation and prestige.[-]. When market consumption funds are subject to macro adjustments and funds are in short supply, small profits but quick turnover can be used to raise funds quickly, attracting and causing a tilt in the market purchase rate, forming a distribution situation that is beneficial to the company's products.Sixth, the principle of small profits but quick turnover can be adopted for products with sufficient sources of raw materials, simple production processes, general technicality, high output, and large market and enterprise throughput, so that the "raw materials-products-commodities-funds-raw materials" The virtuous cycle is accelerated, and the enterprise's equipment benefits, capital benefits, and technical benefits are fully utilized to form a relatively stable trinity foundation and development strength of production, supply, and sales.

There are several shopping malls in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, specializing in the sale of ivory products, fish skins, etc.These shopping malls grasp the psychology of most customers and specially prepare commemorative, cheap and high-quality small gifts for them, which are very popular among customers.Curry Lang saw an opportunity to make money and decided to open a cheap tropical fruit shop next to the cheap mall.He transported fresh mangoes, pineapples, coconuts and other fruits from Pattaya and other places, and sold them at a price of 100 baht per box. Although the profit was small, he could sell thousands of boxes a day. Customers who go shopping in cheap malls flock to his malls.Therefore, Curry Lang enjoyed the joy of making a lot of money.

Under favorable conditions, adopt the principle of small profits but quick turnover, so that the products sold can reap greater profits. Only such strategic principles can make correct profits.If you only pursue small profits but quick turnover, and there is no strategy to speak of, it will easily lead to shrinking profit margins.

2. The emphasis on "huge profits and marketable"
In the business world, many businessmen do not regard small profits but high sales as the best business model. They believe that high profits and marketable sales are the foundation of marketing.For example, some businessmen believe that small profits but high sales are equivalent to waste of resources, labor-intensive, extensive, low value-added products and other concepts, which will eventually bring down the enterprise.Take the Yiwu small commodity market as an example. For a long time, price has become the most advantageous and almost the only weapon for Yiwu small commodity enterprises to enter the international market. In many overseas markets, Yiwu goods have become synonymous with "low-priced products".Low prices mean small profits, which can only be made up by quantity.However, with China's entry into the WTO, the traditional concept of small profits but quick turnover has been challenged unprecedentedly in the international market.One after another anti-dumping has blocked the way for Chinese products to go to the world, and the practices of the EU and the United States are likely to become objects for other countries to emulate.

Beginning in March 2003, Fumian's clothing sales dropped sharply, clothing worth hundreds of millions of dollars was backlogged, and pants costing 3 yuan a pair were even wholesaled for 21 yuan.The situation did not improve until August. In 3, many bosses posted all the hard work earned in previous years.If there are accounts to be settled, processing a pair of trousers earns 8 to 2004 yuan. The larger the scale, the more profitable it is. The early earning is continuously invested to expand the scale. Once the market changes suddenly, the pressure of labor, stockpiling, and loan repayment will hit. In the past few years How can the accumulated small profits be tossed?Therefore, Fumian also vigorously develops its own brand building, creates high-profit products, and actively introduces capital to develop upstream and downstream industries at multiple levels in order to generate more substantial profits.In the end, Fumian, Yulin, Guangxi became the "Pants Capital of the World".

"Huge profit and marketable" is a special strategy adopted by the company under the specific environmental conditions of the market, which can make the product get a huge profit in one sale.But it also bears risks, which are manifested in: the enterprise has strong strength, can occupy a place in the market competition, and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai; the enterprise has sufficient production funds, which is enough to make up for a certain amount of time difference caused by the time difference in the production and sales cycle. Economic burden; the products of the enterprise must have a unique "patent market", and there will be no competitors during the time difference in the production and sales cycle; master the pulse curve of market products and their sales volume and sales price, and wait for the opportunity to move. act.Launch products at a premium price at the perfect time to solve problems all at once. The strategy of "high profit and marketability" is generally not advisable, but when conditions permit, enterprises have special products that can be applied to win in one fell swoop.

The Jews who are good at doing business pay great attention to the marketing strategy of "high profit and marketability". They think that in the flexible and changeable marketing strategy, why not adopt other best strategies but the lower ones?The profit from selling three commodities is only equal to the profit from selling one commodity. The best strategy is to operate and sell one commodity.In this way, various operating expenses can be saved, the stability of the market can also be maintained, and the other two commodities can be sold at a high price soon.However, if you sell three items at a low price, the market is saturated, and no one cares if you want to sell more. The profit is at least much lower than that of the high-priced seller, and it will ruin the market momentum.This kind of marketing strategy of "high profit and marketability" focuses on the rich.Since they are rich, they can afford high prices and pay attention to their status, so they don't care about the price so much.On the contrary, if the price of the product is too low, it will make them suspicious. As the saying goes, "there is no good product if it is cheap", this sentence has the deepest impression on the rich.Shrewd businessmen are good at grasping the psychology of consumers in this way and carrying out high-profit strategy operations.

Courage can be big, but the heart must be thin

Boldness and carefulness should be the essential qualities of a businessman. Bold and careful attitude, keen sense, coupled with careful observation, judgment, analysis, and processing, constitute the business heart of a woman who makes a lot of money.

1.walk the big road with small steps

In the business world, women with sensitive analytical skills and problem-solving skills know how to prioritize things, and they have the ability to make money.Because there may be risks in running a business at any time, and it is difficult to handle money if you cannot correctly estimate the value of things.Therefore, in business operations, on the one hand, we must be open-minded, on the other hand, we must be sensitive, and be bold and careful about things.You need to be bold, broad-minded, and orderly when dealing with business, so as to promote the development of your career.We often see that people in business are very sensitive to things. Whenever there is a change, they will have a strong reaction. This is like the pointer on a meter. As long as there is a weak current passing through, they will have a keen perception.In the business field, you should have strong sensitivity like a wolf, so that you can deal with complicated people and things in the market.

"Rice is fragrant, pork is fat, fish and ducks are happy, busy all year round, making money every day", describes the situation of Xu Xianfeng starting a business and becoming rich in Yangmugang Village, Qixing Town, Qixing Town, Baoshan District, Shuangyashan City.Xu Xianfeng relied on the spring breeze of new rural construction to show his talents in the countryside and became a major planter in the village.His 16 lands are planted with white melon, soybean, and corn, among which soybean has the best planting effect. Although the yield of white melon is low, the profit is relatively high due to the high price.

Xu Xianfeng was very bold in farming. When the town promoted the cultivation of white melons, many farmers murmured and dared not plant them.But he believed in the government, and made inquiries about the market for white melon seeds. After learning that the market was good, he started planting white melon seeds.That is, under his leadership, Baigua was quickly promoted in the village and became a good project that benefited the whole village.Xu Xianfeng is bold, but also very careful. Every winter during the slack season, Xu Xianfeng always consults some materials, collects some information, and calculates what is cost-effective to plant in the coming year.Xu Xianfeng always mixes a variety of crops ingeniously. In this way, he not only expands the planting field but also avoids the risks of agricultural planting.

Xu Xianfeng has been at the forefront of the road to prosperity in the countryside by virtue of his boldness, diligence, perseverance.He said: "Life has really changed now. When the harvest is good, the money will be richer. It's all about the party's policy." I am rich, but I am not rich.Xu Xianfeng did not forget to lead the villagers to get rich together while getting rich.Whenever a farmer consulted him about production experience and planting technology, he taught him without reservation.

Everyone wants to maximize their business and earn as much money as possible, but they often put their minds at ease and fail to pay attention to the details, so there are not a few people who fail in this link.Therefore, when a female entrepreneur has the courage to make a lot of money, she must be careful. In terms of business management, details determine success or failure.

2.Be discerning in the business world

The profit that others can see, you can see, this is not a skill, the real skill is that you see the profit when others can't see it; you pay attention to the details that others can't notice; or when others see the profit or If you don't take it seriously after the details, but you can surprisingly turn small profits and small details into big deals, then you will be successful.

In the factory of Shuangtong Straw Company, there is a company's delivery truck parked, with the words: "Shuangtong Straw - the world's largest supplier" written on the body.The company engaged in export business five years ago, and now more than 80% of its straws are exported, and its annual output accounts for more than a quarter of the global demand for straws.The average sales price of this straw is 1 cents per piece, of which 4% is raw material cost, 8.5%~50% is labor cost, 15% is equipment depreciation cost, and net profit accounts for about 20%, which is equivalent to the profit of a straw. About 15 cents.

The owner of this company, Mr. Zhang, has done every detail of the production process. He believes that he can earn a gold ingot from 8 cents.The cost of electricity at night is very low. Mr. Zhang stipulated that the company transfer the assembly line with high power consumption to night production; the straw production process must be cooled, and the tap water cooling method is designed on the production line...The straw must be heat-resistant, and the plastic used must meet safety requirements. Standard; customers in different countries have different requirements for the color and shape of straws, and some need black straws, so the company should develop them in time.

Mr. Zhang found business opportunities from the details that others looked down upon and were unwilling to produce, and made a small straw bigger and stronger.Today, the company ships two containers of products weighing about 8 tons to all parts of the world every day. The output of 8 tons is equivalent to more than 1500 million straws. The small straws create a monthly profit of 40 yuan for the company, and the market is stable.Since it guarantees that it can earn 8 cents per straw, Shuangtong can make more than one million yuan in profits every year.

Mr. Zhang made a million-dollar factory out of 8 cents with his own keen insight. Therefore, women should not underestimate the value of every penny in the business world. All hundred-dollar bills are composed of this cent and cent. If you can make a big difference in this kind of detail and use it properly, then you can also become a successful businessman who comes out of the subtleties.

Dacheng Store is located in a prosperous area in Shanghai, and the nearby residents have relatively high spending power.There are many cosmetics stores like Dacheng Store on this street, so the business of Dacheng Store was sluggish shortly after its opening.This kind of blind investment mistake made the boss start to think again, she thought maybe she should re-select the project in order to have the possibility of winning.After some investigation, the shop owner chose some sexual products that people don't pay attention to.Although there are specialized stores for sale, but due to people's conservative ideas, they will have concerns when entering and leaving the store.Therefore, in response to this situation, the store owner decided to use the cosmetics store to provide a cover for female customers to purchase sexual products. She placed some sexual products at the corner of the store. Although many women are careless, they are actually not less interested in these products. As for cosmetics, the sales of these products surpassed that of cosmetics in one month.

This gave the store owner confidence. She set up front and rear halls in the store. The front hall is for cosmetics and the back hall is for sex products. This unique display method has made Dacheng Store a firm foothold among the surrounding shops. A year later, Dacheng Store developed into a chain store consisting of 11 branches, and its business scope expanded to the entire urban area.

Blind investment is the main reason why many companies get into trouble or lose at the beginning of their business. However, after Dacheng store made a mistake in investment, the boss immediately converted the investment project, rethought, examined the market, adjusted the details slightly, and brought the store back to life. It can be seen that although the market is huge, as long as people can see through it, new business opportunities will inevitably be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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