Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 25 Becoming a "financial expert"

Chapter 25 Becoming a "financial expert" (1)
When the pace of society is getting faster and faster, people's spending is gradually increasing.Many women only know that they have less money in their pockets, but they can't know where the money is spent, so a large number of "moonlight clans" have emerged.These people may be senior white-collar workers who receive a salary of tens of thousands of yuan a month, but have no savings at the end of the month. When they need money for urgent matters, they can't help but feel anxious.In the absence of financial concepts, all expenses will always be a mess.But people with correct financial management concepts will consume rationally and scientifically, realize "financial freedom" and master the magic weapon of "money makes money".

Write down every account with a delicate heart
Financial management begins with daily bookkeeping. Digitize and tabulate your financial status. Not only can you easily know your financial status, but you can also make plans for the future.

1.Bookkeeping allows financial management to start throttling

Every time a woman throws a lot of banknotes out of her pocket, she can't remember where her money was spent. The only thing she knows is that the remaining money is less than zero.Although they all have a steelyard in their hearts and know what to buy and what not to buy, today's merchants will use all kinds of tricks to lure women's desire to buy, and they will wake up after they finish buying. product.In this way, they are a little bit overwhelmed by the financial management concept in life. Once they set foot in the business world, they will face more expenses, and the consumption concept of an individual will evolve into the expenses of a team, which needs to be handled more carefully.

At this level, the easiest and most convenient way to make the accounts more transparent is to keep accounts.Write down every penny spent, so that the accounts are well documented. Once the budget is exceeded, you can find out the root cause with the account book. This is not only the basis for the next budget, but the most important thing is to achieve the effect of saving money .In the accounts, all unnecessary expenses that can be skipped are the throttling gates. Only by controlling these gates can we have more financial resources in the main direction.

Before marriage, Ms. Zhou was in the same situation as many "moonlight clans". She didn't know where her monthly income was spent.But after getting to know their current husband, because their parents required a house to get married, they struggled to make up the down payment with the support of their family members, and then began to pay for the house.For this reason, Ms. Zhou had to carefully calculate every penny of their income.

Ms. Zhou works in a public institution with a relatively fixed income. Her husband works in a real estate company and occasionally gets some bonuses.The goal plan of the two is to earn enough decoration fees while waiting for the house to be handed over, at least tens of thousands of yuan.

The first step in her choice of financial management is to start with bookkeeping.Since she started keeping accounts, she has been very clear about which parts of the monthly expenses are large, which parts of the expenses can be appropriately increased, and which parts of the expenses are unnecessary.In order to grasp the flow of funds in detail and accumulate experience in financial management, through continuous exploration and practice, Ms. Zhou set up three account books for daily expenses, special account for food, and special account for investment.

Daily expenses account: She records all the expenses of family life here. The account book is mainly used to record the sources of accounts, such as wages, bonuses, or extra money, income from selling waste products, etc.; in addition, there are two sections of expenditure and balance.The expenditure should be recorded in detail, and detailed expenditure details can effectively control the desire to shop.

Special food account: At the beginning of each month, she and her husband transfer the budgeted food expenses from the household daily expenses account to the special food account, and record it in the income column of the special food account.Daily consumption of rice, noodles, oil, vegetables, meat, etc. is recorded in the expenditure column, and the bill is settled every day.Under the current conditions, it is no problem to eat enough, but to eat healthy and nutritious without extravagance and waste requires some brains.The establishment of this account book is to strengthen the supervision of food, make timely adjustments, and achieve the goal of eating well, eating well, and eating healthy.

Special investment account: Ms. Zhou and her husband have unified their thinking, neither greedy nor impetuous, and proceed step by step.The money invested in the stock market is realized after it has a profit, and then the profit and a part of the original capital are used for investment.The same is true for funds, set a stop-win line, and pay when the expected goal is reached.The couple always keep in mind the warning that "investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market", and they are cautious before investing, but they have made small gains.

These three books have played a positive role in her family's financial management. They not only allow Ms. Zhou to record all daily expenses in detail, consume rationally and healthily, but also adjust the investment direction in time after summarizing at the end of the month.

Accounting can effectively resist the temptation of cheap and reduce waste.In the account book, if the wasted amount is recorded in one column, it can effectively supervise yourself.The analysis reveals a surprising finding—cheaper items tend to create more waste than expensive items.Because it is cheap, it will invisibly increase the purchase volume and increase the total consumption; many cheap goods have no guarantee of quality, short service life, and higher cost per use; cheap goods tend not to be cherished, and are more likely to be idle or discarded.

Bookkeeping is just the beginning, it is to make us better budget and manage our money better.Believe that small efforts can make a big difference in family life and financial management.Accounting is the way to work hard to achieve the good goals of life.Human desires are endless, but resources are very limited.Therefore, financial management is very important, and bookkeeping is the first account that must be clear about financial management.

2.Women must know how to keep accounts

Some women think it is troublesome to keep accounts, and it always takes a note.But as long as you master the skills, financial management and accounting will become very easy.Generally, accounting books can be divided into two categories, namely consumption accounts and storage accounts.At the very beginning of starting the financial plan, you will find that as usual consumption will often use the stored money. Therefore, in this link, you must gradually increase the expiry date of the consumption until you do not need to use the deposit at all.Sticking to this comparison, as long as it takes a long time, a lot of money will be used for storage instead of consumption.

In life, the money can be classified into different categories, such as dividing the accounting table into many envelopes, including envelopes for savings, envelopes for basic necessities of life, clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment, etc. If some are overvalued, they will be paid out of other expenses, so that Get into the habit slowly until you stop using your savings.Or according to the classification of professional accounting, the accounts can be divided into fixed deposit accounts, mortgage repayment accounts, credit card accounts or cash receipt accounts, etc., which is not only convenient for book records, but also can control expenses.

People can analyze each account from the ledger to understand which expenditures are necessary, which expenditures are dispensable or completely unnecessary.Once the accounts seriously exceed the budget, it is easy to see where the problem is, and it can be effectively eliminated in future consumption.Of course, with the development of technological information, many women bid farewell to cash when they consume, and use cards instead. In this way, it is easy to form a confused account of how much money is in the card and how much money is left.In this case, you must ask for an invoice for any card-based consumption expenditures. This is not only to protect your own rights and interests, but also to be used as a reference when you write down the accounts one by one.

Now many fashionable women start to use the method of online bookkeeping, they can record their own accounts on any computer with Internet access; the data is saved on the server, even if the system crashes, it will not be lost; the data can be exported into an Excel table, Fixed monthly expenses such as rent, etc., will be automatically recorded by the computer; with a powerful reporting system, it is clear at a glance how much the bookkeeper spent and where it was spent.Because of its convenience and accuracy, this type of accounting website has become a tool favored by more and more "accounters".

At present, accounting websites have been clearly divided into two routes: one is blog accounting websites, where users share their consumption experiences in articles. Interact and communicate.So many women post their accounts on the Internet, and some people who follow her will make various comments on her accounts, such as where is too wasteful, where is not enough investment, etc., and can provide some targeted methods; It is a typical professional tool website, which mainly provides users with ideal accounting tools, which is convenient for users' daily consumption and life, and is more in line with the needs of "moonlight clan" in terms of operation.

Be a "Moon Clan" with reasonable expenses

Although the women of the "Moonlight Clan" want to spend moderately, they "have more than they want but not enough energy."Their eyes are still wandering about all kinds of commodities. As long as they have the last penny in their pockets, they can't control their desires until they run out of money.To put an end to this phenomenon, we must start from the "fundamentals" and advocate scientific consumption.

1.How to make "moonlight" into "moon"

"Moonlight clan" refers to those people in the workplace who spend all their salary every month and have no savings.For the "moonlight clan", it is very difficult to get rid of the habit of spending money lavishly. Even in the case of economic downturn, layoffs, and salary cuts, it is difficult for them to control their desire to spend money.

If you're not a planner, it's a good time to learn to be "smart" with your money now.First of all, it is necessary to establish a consumption ledger to record the monthly income and expenditure, and study where the hard-won "water" flows.Then analyze its expenses, distinguish which are essential expenses and which are dispensable expenses, and reduce "dispensable" and "shouldn't have" consumption month by month.

Xiaomi is 33 years old this year, a white-collar worker in a foreign company. She has lived with "Moonlight" for many years in her thirties.In terms of income, Xiaomi earns 7000 yuan after tax every month, and can get a year-end bonus of 5 yuan at the end of the year.The reason why Xiaomi became a moonlight clan is because of her consumption list: 1500 yuan per month for basic living expenses, 1500 yuan for mortgage expenses, 1000 yuan for vehicle-related expenses, 200 yuan for communication expenses, 2000 yuan for entertainment and shopping, and 500 yuan for beauty and fitness.In addition, every year Xiaomi uses the vacation time to invite a few friends to go out on a trip. In recent years, it plans to travel all over Europe, spending about 3 yuan a year on travel.With the help of his parents, Xiaomi bought a 60-square-meter commercial house in the city center with a loan. The market value is about 70 yuan. The mortgage will take 8 years to repay, and the loan balance is about 15 yuan.So after the wages are paid, all of them are used for consumption, and the stored amount is zero. Although life is going smoothly, once there is an emergency that requires an expense, Xiaomi can't afford a penny.

If you want to make room for some funds in consumption, you must learn how to manage money. You can’t be extravagant, loose at the beginning of the month and tight at the end of the month, and use up everything. You can’t live a tight life just to save money. You must pay attention to appropriate and reasonable consumption and savings. financial management.Usually, expenses mainly include fixed expenses, such as water, electricity, gas, rent, property expenses, heating expenses, etc.; necessary expenses, such as food expenses, education expenses, etc.; mobile expenses, such as shopping for clothes, social expenses, pocket money, etc.; major expenses , Such as bulky goods, such as color TVs, refrigerators, etc.In addition to normal and necessary expenses, the saved money can be used for savings, which can not only solve the urgent need, but also accumulate a little money for investment and financial management.

Smart women who are good at housekeeping will know that the most commonly used principle of family property control is the "three-three system", that is, one-third is used for daily expenses, one-third is used for time deposits, and the remaining one-third is used for family property. to invest.Then it is specific to the expenditure of various consumptions.Among them, the fixed expenditure must be paid in a fixed amount, and the flexibility of the necessary expenditure will not be too great. The most important thing is the flexible expenditure. This aspect of expenditure is the most difficult to control, and it will seriously exceed the expenditure if you are not careful.As for large-scale expenditures, it is easier to control, but it should be noted that electrical products are updated very quickly, so don't blindly follow the trend, otherwise it is easy to cause a family financial crisis.

Financial advice for the "Moonlight Clan": [-]. Open source, youth is the biggest capital, learn more, arm yourself with knowledge, and increase your income.Second, throttling means using part of the expenditure reasonably to create greater value with less money.Women who pay attention to financial management should pay attention to: distinguish whether this consumption is a need or a want. Needs are necessities of life. Without it, it will affect the quality of life, and the money should be spent.If you want to satisfy your vanity, without it, it will not affect your quality of life. This money can be spent or not. If you want to spend it, you must make a plan to avoid falling into a financial crisis; distinguish whether this consumption is an investment or an expense, and investment can bring you Pay back, spend your money forever; learn to control your spending urges.

In the process of saying goodbye to the "Moonlight Clan", women must take a long-term view. They must think about their necessary expenses such as marriage, buying a house, children's education, pension, retirement, etc., and plan for these stages. Will be multi-minded.And you must have your own goals. The poor are poor because they lack the ambition to become rich.This is the standard answer recognized by all rich people. The establishment of life goals can cultivate one's ambitions, make oneself work hard, and spare no expense in food and clothing.

2.achieve financial liberalization
Financial freedom is to keep women's finances in a state of relaxation, so that there will be no shortage of funds.The famous American writer Robert Lightsey believes that "you can't really be free without financial freedom".Most women hold the control over family finances. Whether they can liberalize family income and expenditure depends on their financial management ability.So, how should women specifically implement financial liberalization?

The first step is to expand "open source" and reduce "throttling".Open source is an indicator of the degree of liberalization, while reducing expenditure is a focus of financial management.Expanding "open source" is to earn extra income. For most families, it will consume too much energy and time, and it is not easy to do.As for cost control, for women, there will be more room for expansion and contraction.

The second step is to try to control household debt, which is reflected in two aspects of debt consolidation and debt reduction.The former can prevent the family's financial situation from deteriorating further and strive to control the financial situation within a certain amount; the latter is to reduce the family's debt burden as much as possible.

The third step is to build a family risk reserve.Because risks accompany at any time, women who are good at financial management should set up a risk reserve fund for their families so that they will not be in a hurry when accidents suddenly strike.

The fourth step is to purchase insurance to reduce possible risks. When an accident occurs, ordinary families will not be able to afford it. At this time, even the risk reserve fund will not play a big role.Therefore, it is necessary to take protective measures in advance for the potential relatively large risks of the family.Many modern women choose to use insurance to manage family risks.

The fifth step is to protect family assets. Don't mistakenly think that financial management is investment, and investment will definitely make money.Wealth = money + time + return - inflation rate - tax. From this formula, it is not difficult to see that after deducting inflation and taxes paid, we can accumulate the real wealth that belongs to us.In the process of financial management, we must always pay attention to possible pitfalls and protect personal assets.

Finally, it is necessary to establish long-term asset accumulation.The accumulation of money is a long-term process, in which adjustments must be made according to the actual situation, and the only constant is to regard financial management as a long-term behavior.

Perhaps physiology determines psychology. Women are always more delicate and sensitive, and can be sensitive to changes in the external environment. These characteristics are extremely conducive to financial management, and women can also make money through financial management.Make use of your own advantages, overcome your own disadvantages, learn knowledge and accumulate experience, only in this way can you become a smart financial master.

Woman plays money appreciation method in the palm of her hand
(End of this chapter)

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