Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 26 Becoming a "financial expert"

Chapter 26 Becoming a "financial expert" (2)
When women manage money, if they want to withdraw a relatively surplus fund from storage and let it "money generate money", then they must find a good direction and understand how money can appreciate in a relatively stable manner.

1.Real estate has become the general direction of money appreciation
A survey shows that 78% of people dispose of their personal assets without a plan, and more than 50% of them are aware of their personal assets but have no plans.They either save money or invest in stocks, adjust their investment more freely, and seldom evaluate the risk and return of their assets in a planned way.When they talk about financial management, they can't explain why. Obviously, many outdated concepts and narrow financial horizons limit the increase of their personal wealth.

Having a correct financial plan is the best way for women to increase the value of money, and in the process, they must choose a correct financial management method or financial investment plan.Among them, women who have the conditions to invest in real estate are the only choice.Real estate investment is an investment and financial management method with great appreciation potential and rapid capital accumulation.It can bring investors a high rate of return. Women need to formulate corresponding investment plans when investing in real estate, which requires rich practical experience and professional investment vision.As an investor, everyone hopes that their real estate can continue to appreciate.This will take into account the location, business environment, living environment, supporting facilities, property management and architectural style involved in the real estate.To master some skills in real estate investment, avoid the blindness and risk of real estate investment.

To invest in real estate, you must get involved in potential real estate at a lower price at the right time, and sell it in time when the price is soaring.Of course, in this process, when you see others are "shooting", you should be a calm bystander, stop calmly, and make a decision after thinking maturely.

When speculating on uncompleted properties, it is necessary to select the off-plan properties with appreciation potential, buy them at the beginning of the sale of uncompleted properties, wait for resale, and earn the price difference from the transaction.During this process, paying attention to the trends and market conditions of local real estate is the prerequisite for successful speculation in uncompleted properties.

Try the transaction of second-hand housing. Second-hand housing is gradually favored by investors because of its characteristics of "low price, obvious location advantages, and complete property supporting facilities".Most of the second-hand houses are in some communities. Although the clubs in the community are very mature, they may not be perfect. Therefore, it is very important to choose a mature residential community with complete municipal and living facilities.What needs to be noted here is whether there is well-developed traffic and sufficient parking spaces around the community, and whether the project’s apartment design can be improved with a little modification to increase its value. These details cannot be ignored.

The refurbishment of real estate is to buy or rent an old building, invest a sum of money to renovate it, increase the added value of the building, and then sell or sublet the renovated real estate.At this time, the problem to be paid attention to is that investors should try their best to choose some old buildings with good location and easy to rent and sell, such as some schools, markets or the vicinity of downtown areas. These places with extended surroundings are easier to trade.In addition, in terms of decoration layout, it is necessary to combine the operating conditions of the location and the structure of the building to determine the practicability of the building after decoration and the target customers, so as to avoid blind decoration.

House swap is also a real estate transaction strategy. It is mainly after seeing a real estate with a relatively high appreciation potential, insight into the opportunity, and before others realize the appreciation of the property, trade a house with favorable conditions. Acquire real estate in the best way, and then resell or rent it out when the time is right, and make a profit from it.Generally speaking, it is a real estate that is being replaced or is about to be relocated. During the operation, attention should be paid to the accuracy and confidentiality of the planning information obtained.

Real estate investment is an investment method with the greatest potential for appreciation among various investment methods at present, and it is also a financial management method that allows capital to accumulate rapidly.90% of the rich men in the world got rich through real estate investment, and many of them are women.

2.Master Money Appreciation Tools

Buffett, the world's richest man, once said that the key to investment and financial management is not IQ or skills, but habits, character and temper.Investment personality is a comprehensive manifestation, which is manifested as perseverance—even the best assets need time to appreciate; self-control—choose the most appropriate time and the most suitable varieties to intervene; aggressiveness—strive for deep investment and financial management, and think twice And go.Therefore, investing in financial management is like being a human being. You should choose a financial management project that suits you according to your personality.

One financial management tool is to buy funds. Now, with the emergence of negative interest rates on loans and the warming of the stock market, it has become a consensus among many women that "if you have money in the bank, it is better to use it to buy funds." For them, buying stocks It’s like gambling. You may get lucky once or twice, but in the long run, more female investors are not very sensitive to market changes and are vulnerable to losses.The investment of funds is more suitable for female investors in financial management in all aspects.

First of all, for women, the starting point for fund investment is very low, that is to say, women who want to buy funds do not have to be very rich, and its threshold determines its universality.In this way, female investors can flexibly join the fund, making rational use of idle funds and realizing value-added.Women usually have the psychology of seeking stability, and the operation of the fund is carried out by professional fund managers or investment consultants. They can understand and analyze the economic situation and industry situation at home and abroad, so the investment return of the fund they operate The rate is also higher.

Secondly, the fund has better liquidity, mainly because the time for investors to buy and sell fund shares is relatively short, which can realize capital turnover quickly and conveniently without causing fluctuations in the price of the fund, unlike stocks. Bring huge losses to investors.

Finally, one of the advantages of a fund is diversification, since a fund always spreads its money across a variety of stocks or other securities.For example, there is a law in the United States that the total amount invested by a fund in a certain security shall not exceed 5% of the fund's total net asset value, and the proportion of a certain security held shall not exceed 10% of the amount found in the security.Fund companies generally hold dozens or hundreds of stocks, so as not to cause fatal losses due to the plunge of one or several stocks.

In addition to buying funds, investing in gold is also very suitable for women. The so-called "antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times", no matter when it is, gold is still valuable, so it is often compared to a "voltage stabilizer" for family financial management. Good money management. In 2007, the price of gold climbed day by day, hitting a new high in recent years. The high returns from gold investment made many investors taste the sweetness.

Many women prefer book gold trading, because it can not only satisfy the desire for profit, but also reduce investment costs.In the process of this investment, female investors should pay attention to the need to rent a safe for the safekeeping of gold bars, which cannot be underestimated.The delivery and storage of physical gold bars will affect the relevant investment costs.For the delivery of physical gold bars, the bank must be notified in advance and the corresponding delivery fee should be paid.

Gold jewelry is usually loved by female investors, and the older generation likes to use gold jewelry as a "family heirloom" from generation to generation.However, with the development of gold processing technology and modern design concepts, styles are constantly being refurbished. From an investment point of view, it is not very suitable to use gold jewelry as the main means of gold investment.

Whether it is buying funds or gold investment, for women, as long as you find a financial appreciation tool that suits you and use the tool for your own use, then the capital can be appreciated in your hands.

Let the "high heels" stay away from financial traps

Investing in financial management is a long-term process of accumulating wealth. If it is not handled properly, it will fall into various misunderstandings and traps. This requires women to carefully identify when financial management, so as to avoid adverse consequences caused by improper operations.

1.Common misconceptions about women's financial management

Facing the temptation of fashion, being unable to control one's purse, being insensitive to numbers, not understanding the economic situation, and being conservative in risk capacity... are all women's weaknesses in financial management.However, looking at it from another angle, these are often the most common misunderstandings women encounter in financial management. Once the fog is cleared and the mentality is adjusted, the road to financial management will suddenly become clear.

Every woman has a goose in her hand, how to make it lay golden eggs depends on the woman's own correct financial management concept.Only a correct view of financial management will enable you to use good steel wisely. This kind of financial management will make your wealth more spacious.However, in the absence of financial management concepts, it is very easy to fall into financial management misunderstandings, and these wrong attitudes are regarded as correct financial management concepts, and "money makes money" becomes no longer simple.Common misunderstandings in women's financial management include:

First of all, many people use their money to buy stocks and funds, thinking of it as financial management, and it is easy to confuse the concepts of financial management and investment.In fact, investment is only a part of financial management. A truly mature financial management is to use various financial management tools to achieve life goals. These goals include buying a car, buying a house, going abroad, children's education, retirement, and property arrangements after death.Therefore, investment is not the ultimate goal, it is only the means used and the process experienced in financial management.

Secondly, they think that managing money is a matter for rich people. Some middle-income or working-class women always think that only high-income women are qualified to manage money, and their meager income can only meet daily expenses, so there is nothing left. What about managing your money?In fact, the poorer people are, the more they need financial management and investment.Because middle-income earners or poor people without money may not earn a lot of money, but financial management itself is a long-term process. As long as you are good at financial management and accumulate slowly, you can accumulate a lot of wealth.

Again, with the possibility of getting rich overnight by learning how to manage money.Financial management must be rational and based on reality. Those so-called "stock gods" and "getting rich" legends should not be credulous, let alone used in your financial investment goals.Financial management requires a temperate attitude towards life, setting reasonable goals, and formulating correct financial management strategies.Many women feel envious when they see people around them invest and get rich. However, because of insufficient funds, in order to earn greater profits, they start to borrow money to invest. Once they are inaccurate about the market, things will backfire.Financial management needs to be done according to one's ability, and the process is usually closely related to the stage of life, often focusing on long-term benefits, and it is difficult to get rich overnight.

There is also an extreme idea: managing money is saving money hard. "Financial management" means "stingy", that is, not eating delicious food, not wearing famous brands, which reduces the quality of life.This is a wrong idea. The purpose of managing money is to live a better life. Excessive consumption and excessive savings are not advisable.Another goal of financial management is to ensure that you can spend the same amount of money within your own financial means to live a high-quality life, instead of reducing the current quality of life for the future.Therefore, women should properly purchase financial products such as funds according to their own risk-bearing ability and financial status.

Finally, don't blindly trust unfamiliar products.Women who manage money should hire first-class companies, first-class financial experts and first-class CEOs to work for you.Therefore, it is more reliable to choose the products and stocks of some companies that you are familiar with and have a close relationship with the public.For those holiday hotels and sea view rooms thousands of miles away, or the foreign exchange that will rise next month, and the private equity of companies that are "soon to go public"... these products that don't know the details can't make people choose with confidence, they should Start with familiar products.

If women want to successfully invest in financial management, they must not only learn relevant knowledge and skills of financial management and investment, but also understand the misunderstandings of financial management and investment. Only by avoiding these misunderstandings can the appreciation of wealth be more solid and stable.

2.How to keep them away from financial traps
Financial traps are hidden in financial plans in various forms, and women will fall into them as long as they are not paying attention.But for women who are good at financial management, they can see through some potential financial traps and bypass them skillfully. Their experience in financial management is that in addition to mastering some financial management knowledge, they also need some financial management experience from themselves or other people's experience , these are the places that all women who want to master the correct financial management methods should learn.Generally speaking, women who are good at financial management are more cautious in the following aspects:
The attitude towards lending money, first of all, is the question of lending.After trying to get a bank loan or borrow a sum of money through other means, you must have a plan to repay the account within the specified time, and once you fail to meet your requirements, do not take this loan lightly. .In addition, if you want to lend money to others, if you have to borrow it, you should write an IOU even if you have a good relationship. Nowadays, there are countless examples of turning against each other for money. This kind of formal loan with IOUs will make each other feel bad about this Money is more important, and conflicts will not easily arise over the return date.

It is not easy to provide debt guarantees for others.Because debt guarantee is a kind of joint and several liability.Once the repayer is unable to repay, I have to get involved, which turns the original good intentions into a dynamite, and I bear the responsibility of repayment.Even for some very good friends or relatives, you have to think twice, consider the seriousness of the problem, the repayment ability of the person responsible, and your own ability before making a decision, and you can't even lose yourself for the sake of friendship.

Don't just use your bank card for online transactions.Although online trading has gradually become a trend, and its software security is also gradually improving, but the loopholes in the network still exist, and people should not let people underestimate the risks.Especially for the problem of online transactions of large sums of money, it is even more inappropriate.If women like online transactions, they can apply for a special bank card, and do not put other family funds into it.

Stay away from some illegal fund-raising activities in the society.Illegal fundraising always attracts customers with the face of low investment and high return. Some women with weaker thinking are easily deceived by this so-called rate of return and invest money blindly.No matter how high the return on such crowdfunding is, it is clear that it is not protected by law, nor does its own opacity make customers safe.Therefore, these high returns are nothing more than illusions in the mirror that illegal fundraisers shout about, and smart women should not be deceived by this.

Don't let investment or loan certificates become stale.Some women may have a lot of debt certificates, but they don’t take care of them often, so they can’t know that some certificates are expired, or they don’t know that some debts have legal statutes of limitations. Once the legal statute of limitations expires, the debts will not protected by law.The law expressly stipulates that the statute of limitations for borrowing is 2 years after the creditor's right expires.If the debtor still fails to repay the debt after 2 years due, the debtor must re-sign a repayment agreement or file a lawsuit in court in time, otherwise, the loan may not be recovered.

Don't easily believe in some private lending activities.The so-called private lending refers to the fraudulent behavior of those marked deposit interest rates that are much higher than those of the National Bank.Some women are lured by high interest rates into depositing their savings, but such private banks, while lucrative, are themselves illegal.Once it is seized, the person in charge will flee with the money, and the money invested by the victimized women will be in vain.

Now that the information is getting more and more developed, and the tricks of scammers are becoming more and more sophisticated, so women should be careful not to believe in things that fall from the sky, and watch some anti-fraud programs frequently to understand the tricks of scammers and strengthen their own. Anti-fraud awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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