Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 27 Psychology of Women's Earning Money

Chapter 27 Psychology of Women's Earning Money (1)
People's psychology is always changing, and those who are good at figuring out psychology and understanding psychology can find out certain laws from it, and then take actions that are beneficial to themselves according to this law.Especially in the business world, various interrelated interests make businessmen cautious every step they take.If you can master psychology in this process and use psychological strategies to clear the way for your business actions, then the progress of your business will be like a fish in water.

Know thyself, ever-victorious
If you know each other and yourself, you will never fail in a hundred battles; if you don't know the other party but only know yourself, you will have half the chance of winning or losing; if you don't know the other party and you don't know yourself, you will lose in every battle Yes, this is the truth derived from practice.No matter what kind of industry you are in, the important prerequisite for success is to "know yourself and understand others". Only in this way can you better master the skills of persuading others and make your career more successful.

1.See through other people's beautiful words

Women have innate advantages in language, but what can reflect a person's speaking ability is not only the beauty of voice, or the talent of speaking, but also the continuous search and refinement of the content of speech in every fragment of life, with unique sensitivity A way of speaking with insight.When a person can see through others, even if the other person does not make any sound, he can still guess some points from the other person's eyes or expressions, so that he can have more reference factors in his conversation.It is the art of speaking to be able to speak in one sentence, and to talk about what is on the other side's mind.Therefore, speaking not only depends on the mouth, but more importantly, it depends on the thinking of the brain and the observation of the eyes.

"There are three things to say, and it's better to say it cleverly."That is to say, the words spoken at that time, that place, and that situation are the most suitable for his identity and character, and the most integrated with the background of the characters. This is "speaking skillfully".In daily life, speaking smoothly and fluently is mainly reflected in the need to speak according to the occasion, to see the "head", to have a sense of proportion, and the most important thing is to be decent.

Whether you can speak beautifully depends on whether the other party likes to listen, so you must understand the other party.You are very familiar with family members, relatives and friends, and you will naturally notice different characteristics when speaking.It is not so easy to do this with someone who is acquainted for the first time.It is easy to judge gender, age, and identity with the naked eye, but occupation, cultural accomplishment, etc. must be understood through speech.Therefore, when meeting a stranger, don't rush to talk, but listen to the other person's words first, and choose the way of speaking according to the other person's attitude.If the other party speaks straight and doesn't beat around the bush, you should be honest and honest, and say what comes to mind; if the other party is polite, you should also be gentle, kind, and humble; if the other party is depressed, and doesn't like to talk or listen, You should say a few words less, or not at all.In short, on the basis of understanding the object, the words spoken can be more appropriate.

Hao Li works in a restaurant and is an excellent waiter who can always say the right thing according to the object.If the other party is an intellectual, Hao Li will say: "Comrade, you want to eat, please sit here. How about some chicken shreds or tenderloin, light and delicious?" If it is a worker, she will say: " Master, do you want to eat oily pork or boiled meatballs today?" If an old lady from the country enters the shop, she will welcome her like this: "Ma'am, you have come to the city, and you will come around every once in a while while your body is still strong. Turn, improve life, what do you want to eat?" For intellectuals, the language is elegant and euphemistic; for comrade workers, the language is direct and straightforward; for the old women in the country, the language is popular and simple.This is Hao Li's art of speaking, which perfectly adapts to the different hobbies and different cultural accomplishments of different objects.

In a conversation, if you ignore the identity of the other party, it will often arouse the resentment of others, and may even cause unnecessary conflicts.When a stylishly dressed white-collar lady was hesitant to buy a fashion, the young female salesperson hurriedly stepped forward and said: "This dress is elegant and it is the best-selling one in our store." After she finished speaking, , the customer left immediately.After a while, a middle-aged woman came and was going to buy a fashionable vest. The salesperson accepted the "lesson" just now and said: "This vest is very elegant, and ordinary people can't hold it down when wearing it. I haven't sold one yet, it seems that only you are the most suitable." After hearing this, the middle-aged woman left angrily.

Before speaking, you must weigh whether it is appropriate, especially examine the identity and personality of the other party. After you have a preliminary understanding, you can decide your own way of speaking.This is a technique as well as an art.

2.Dialyzing others to do smooth things
"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win a hundred battles", this is a famous saying in the battlefield. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. This famous saying has gradually become a consensus in the business field.It is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the opponent, understand yourself, know the strengths and weaknesses of both sides, and properly use your own advantages to attack the weaknesses of the opponent. Only then can you defeat the opponent and win the competition.

Women's perception is very keen, and they can judge a person's overall quality through words and deeds.Similarly, in the mall, they can also use their own observations to understand some dynamics of the other party, so as to quickly make judgments for their own actions.This is a kind of observation ability in the market, which can effectively gain insight into the situation of the opponent you pay attention to or cooperate with.Competition in the business world is always a process of "big fish eating small fish". If you don't have a good understanding of this market, this industry, and this opponent, you may become the next bait.

In 1977, the real estate industry in Hong Kong was faced with bidding for a large-scale project in Hong Kong - the subway project.This move has aroused the attention of the giants in the real estate industry in Hong Kong.Hongkong Land occupies a dominant position in the real estate industry. No matter it is strength, capital or reputation, no company can compete with it.At that time, Li Ka-shing's property, Cheung Kong Properties, was established only six years ago, and it was impossible to compare with Landmark in every aspect.But beyond everyone's expectations, it was such a humble real estate company that defeated more than [-] real estate companies including Hongkong Land in one fell swoop in the competition.

The reason why Cheung Kong Real Estate was able to win the competition was because Li Ka-shing, after a comprehensive analysis of the industry and various companies, found that Hong Kong Land had a weakness that was not easy to be noticed, that is, the company was supercilious and might not be thorough, serious, and careful. Study competitive strengths and weaknesses.He also carefully studied the intention of the subway company to invite bids, and learned about the intention of the Hong Kong government through various channels. He learned that the Hong Kong government was going to grant the land to the subway company at the original estimated price, but the subway company needed to pay the land payment in cash.Li Ka-shing analyzed that the subway company would definitely run out of cash, so he formulated two terms that were beneficial to the subway company, that is, Cheung Kong would provide cash as construction costs and design the two sites as first-class commercial buildings. All were sold, and the benefits were shared by the subway company and Cheung Kong.

Li Ka-shing used this strategy of "knowing yourself and the enemy, winning every battle" to successfully defeat Hongkong Land, and with his wisdom, he won the final victory in the competition.However, Hongkong Land Corporation ignored the comparative analysis of its strength with that of the other party, thinking that its own strength was invincible, which resulted in a serious mistake.

In the modern market competition, in the face of powerful competitors, smart businessmen will always avoid confrontation with the dominant opponent, but choose to break through the opponent's weakness and weaken the opponent's spirit.Li Ka-shing's final victory is enough to illustrate this point.The prerequisite for winning every battle in the business field is to know yourself and the enemy. Only by knowing the situation of the other party well can you capture better business opportunities, find an ideal breakthrough for your business activities, and win the victory in market competition.

If you are still a "small fish" at the beginning of your business, then you have to take advantage of the opportunity in this industry to set sail and analyze the market prospects and competitors' operations while the "small fish" continues to grow. The model, the place of success is constantly borrowed, and the place of failure seeks a breakthrough. The only prerequisites for a "little fish" to thrive in this industry are to know the currents in the vicinity, know whether there are fish that endanger them around them, how to choose a way to escape, and to be able to find fish that can feed themselves and make them stronger Only in this way can it gradually become a "big fish" in the business world.

Avoid the truth and win in the false
When doing business, you must avoid the main force of the opponent and attack the weak link of the opponent, so as to avoid unnecessary losses caused by head-to-head encounters.

1.avoid hard competition

When some people are just beginning to do business, they have a kind of indomitable courage, thinking that the world is at their feet, and they will be in charge of the power of the future trend.Although this kind of passion is worthy of praise, it is best to create value after having a general understanding of the overall situation and being able to position yourself.Only courage, lack of understanding, can only make yourself stumble more.

As the market is gradually subdivided, it takes a keen eye to find a blind spot. Therefore, not everyone can find a blank spot in this market waiting for their own development.Under such conditions, many people start business on the basis of the original market, adding their own characteristics to create, starting from small, starting from the characteristics, for the "boss" type enterprises that have formed in a certain industry, Avoid competition as much as possible.These powerful groups are hard pebbles that have been trained in the business world for a long time, while small and medium-sized enterprises that have just entered the business world or have only settled in the business world for a few years can only be eggs, and adopting rigid competition can only be beyond their capabilities.It is impossible for any enterprise to develop everything and meet the needs of everyone in the market. Then, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises must fill in the market that has been divided by large enterprises, find the point that suits their own development, first achieve themselves, and put To become bigger and stronger, and then develop from "point" to "face", until the time of strength, we have the conditions to compete with enterprises with considerable strength.

Japan's Sony, Panasonic, Toshiba, and Hitachi are all successful large electronics companies with first-class talents, equipment and abundant funds.Under such circumstances, Akira Sasaki still founded a micro-system technology company. He didn't want to hit the rock with a pebble, but adopted an attitude of avoiding the reality and surviving in the cracks of these companies.

The only commodity of this company is to "provide users with a certain product design". For Akira Sasaki, although he does not have professional technology, advanced equipment, and abundant funds, he has identified the competitive strategy and aimed at the untapped potential. market.Parents in Japan are very worried about their children's studies, because in Japan, a country with a large economy, it is not easy to find a good job without a diploma from a prestigious university, so parents will spend a lot of money on hiring tutors for their children or sending their children to Send to various cram schools.Akira Sasaki made rough statistics on the middle and primary school students in Japan and found that this is also a potential market.The "learning machine" designed by their company for primary and secondary school students came out soon.This is a device similar to a microcomputer, which can be used for repeated learning with the software of primary and secondary school textbooks, which is more convenient and affordable than hiring a tutor.An education system company bought the design of this "learning machine" and invested in mass production, which soon brought a considerable fortune to Akira Sasaki.

If you start a business without paying attention to the "big boss" in the market and always want to head-to-head, the result is often a big loss.In market competition, there are not only "hard environment competition" of positive conflicts, but also "soft environment competition" under different background conditions.What method you want to use to participate in the competition depends on your own development strength.The consequence of blindly confronting toughness without conditions can only be that the weaker side loses the battle.How can businessmen enter the market faster and seize favorable terrain under the condition that their peers will carve up the market and seek development?The only way is to choose the competition goal to avoid the reality and fill in the gaps, so as to achieve the competitive effect of winning while maintaining stability.

2.Realize level differences

When entering a market, the most important thing is to find the most dominant and powerful products in this market.No matter in terms of the performance of the product or the popularity of the company, these concepts have reached a consensus in the minds of consumers and have been recognized by them after the period of growth to maturity.In the production of new products, it is necessary to avoid these products that are already very mature in the market, try to achieve differentiation, and attract consumers' attention from a new perspective.

In the face of Coca-Cola's unquestionable market position, Pepsi's marketing strategy aimed at young people; under the attack of Nike, Reebok's marketing strategy for women and children is a typical strategy of avoiding reality and realizing level differences.The market is always huge. After a product satisfies a certain group of people, some people do not accept it. Then this group of people are potential consumers who are looking forward to development; people's desires are always growing. To meet the needs of consumers, but in the longer term, there will be more expectations, so this expectation is still to be developed, waiting for businesses to create.

The home appliance industry is showing off its own technology, making it a strategy for its own differentiation. In 2001, rear-projection TV, which was not very optimistic by investors, succeeded. The reason was that Ni Runfeng was in charge of Changhong. It took him two years to make Changhong the "boss" of TV.This is a bit oppressive for the newly emerging TCL to enter the market.

At that time, Changhong had achieved the progressive scanning of the first, second, third and fourth generations of rear projection at a maximum of 75 Hz, while TCL launched the "fifth generation rear projection" TV, which was based on an international healthy TV standard, allowing 85 Hertz scans progressively and produces the effect that the screen does not flicker. This high-cost TV creates the concept of "the world's first flicker-free" healthy TV.Changhong Home Appliances claims that 65 Hz is healthy enough and cannot make consumers pay for the high cost.However, it is precisely because of TCL's TV model that aroused enthusiasm for the new concept of home appliances. Galanz has successively launched light-wave ovens with sterilization, and Midea is purple microwave. At this time, consumers are facing the speed of various technological updates in the market. , have been tired of learning and accepting.

In a mature industry, newcomers must avoid some products that have been accepted by the market and find out some falsehoods and falsehoods.It is precisely because of this concept that TCL launched jewel-encrusted mobile phones for female consumers, and Lenovo Computer designed different computer styles for consumers of all ages, squeezing into the existing market with unique features.

The market position of an enterprise is supported by both product and marketing.The product content includes quality, technology, price, and industrial design, and the marketing level includes: channels, marketing promotion, and advertising. If the "boss" in the industry has excellent product quality and high technical content, then the new product should be rationalized. Avoid these existing factors and work hard on price, design, and marketing.Strive to create a new competitive point in the competition to meet the new needs of some customers.

(End of this chapter)

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