Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 28 Psychology of Women's Earning Money

Chapter 28 Psychology of Women's Earning Money (2)
The difference in level is an effective way to avoid the emptiness and keep the reality. It is like a talent show. Some women have a good figure, so she will build it in appearance and temperament; some women can sing; and some are good at dancing and acting. etc.So on this stage, when choosing a program, people have to avoid what is considered to be unsurpassed in a certain performance, and look for a different talent to show the audience.Because on this stage, in addition to the top three, "Miss Photogenic", "Miss Talent", "Miss Grace", "Miss Charm" and so on will be born in the hearts of the audience.The same is true for commodities in the market. Consumers will also rate various products in their hearts. The "top three" are equivalent to the "boss" products in the market, and the "best photogenic lady" is equivalent to a product with a novel appearance. , "Best Miss Talent" is equivalent to a practical product that cannot be created in appearance, and consumers can choose different products according to their psychology.

Take retreat as progress
Market competition is a kind of contest of wisdom. For competitors with weak strength, they may use the strategy of retreating and advancing in the competition. While cleverly deceiving the opponent, they can win calmly. This is the ideal way for small and medium-sized enterprises to win the competition .

1.retreat is a strategy

Although it is said that the strong wind knows the strength of the grass, a person must have arrogance, in the face of various dangerous situations, there should be a spirit of preferring to be broken than to be destroyed.However, the objective world is complex and changeable. As far as certain things are concerned, at certain times and circumstances, adopting the method of retreating and advancing is a positive life strategy.This is especially true for those who are successful in the business world. As long as the general direction of their goals does not change, sometimes choosing to retreat is a wise choice.

A doctor of computer science studying in the United States began to look for a job after a successful study.Because he has a Ph.D., he has high standards for job hunting. As a result, he has been hit by a wall, and many companies have not hired him.After thinking about it, he decided to put aside all his academic qualifications and prove himself with the lowest "identity".

His idea worked, and it didn't take long for him to be hired by a company as a programmer. Although this job was a piece of cake for him, he was still very serious.The boss saw that the program he made was beyond the level of ordinary people. At this time, he took out his bachelor's certificate, and the boss immediately changed him to a matching job.After a period of time, he often put forward some unique and valuable opinions for the boss, and he was much better than ordinary college students. At this time, he took out his master's certificate, and the boss promoted him to another level.

In a few months, when the doctor's work was more efficient than anyone else's, the boss began to talk to him, and then the boss knew that he was a doctor.The boss had a comprehensive understanding of his level and reused him without hesitation, and the doctor also achieved his ideal goal.

Sometimes you lower your status, let others look down on you, and then find a suitable time to fully display your talents, so that others will impress you again and again, and your image will become taller and taller.If you show a high profile at the beginning, feel how great you are, and let everyone have high expectations of you, once you make any mistakes in your work in the future, others will greatly discount your image, and the higher the expectations The taller, the easier it is to see mediocrity.On the contrary, if everyone does not have expectations of you, your achievements can always be easily discovered, even surprising, so that others' understanding of you will continue to upgrade.

Women should remember that in the business world, taking a step back does not mean giving up, or that there is a problem with one's ability, but to recharge your batteries and wait for the opportunity. This step back is for the next attack to be faster, better and more effective , more powerful.Taking retreat as advance, from low to high, is not only a technique of self-expression, but also a strategy of survival and competition.

We can see from some successful businessmen that no one wants to be a permanent victorious general. Their strategy is to constantly advance and retreat in the business world.You advance and retreat, you retreat and advance, each retreat is not a show of weakness, but a psychological tactic to create a false impression for the opponent, and then show yourself at the right time, so that you can gain by surprise Far stronger than "fight hard".Therefore, this retrogressive philosophy is like a long jump competition. If you want to jump far, it is impossible to stand still and achieve good results.Take a few steps back and give yourself room to accelerate, and you'll be able to jump farther.Only by understanding this kind of concession can we grasp the opportunity in the business world. When to advance and when to retreat is a strategic issue.

2.Regression as Advancement Theory of Elasticity

In the science of human relations, there is a rare trick in the bag: start with a retreat and end with a victory.That is to say, he first shows that he puts the interests of others first, but in fact he also opens up a wide avenue for his own interests.This principle of concession is a kind of elasticity theory. In many cases, one cannot take the lead just by being stubborn, but must pay attention to strategy. When it is time to retreat, you must retreat, and when you should advance, you must advance. The greater the elasticity.This is not only the case in human relations, but also in the business world. Blindly advancing aggressively can only allow oneself to take more risks; paying attention to strategy and learning the flexible principle of retreat and advance can increase more profitable space.

At the end of the 19th century, a municipal government concentrated its efforts on developing advantageous industries, and began to promote state-owned enterprises to improve the modern enterprise system and turn losses out of difficulties.As of 2000, 6599 of the city's 40 key difficult enterprises included in the national scope of 28 have turned losses and escaped difficulties, and the other 12 are expected to achieve the goal of controlling losses by the end of the year.

In view of the fact that the state-owned economy accounts for a large proportion and there are many heavy-duty old enterprises, the city pointed out that most enterprises belong to the scope of "retirement", and formulated a development strategy of "big retreat, fast retreat, retreat to promote, and retreat to promote vitality".According to the basic conditions of the city and the market prospects of various industries, the originally determined 6 pillar industries will be adjusted to 4, of which metallurgy, textiles, electromechanical, and building materials are the key supporting industries, and the extension of their industrial chains will be promoted to develop deep-processing products.For some industries that are restricted by the state, such as coal, we insist on shutting down small-scale enterprises, optimizing large-scale enterprises, eliminating excess primary products in the market, and developing deep-processed products that the market needs.Selectively developed and strengthened 15 enterprise groups such as Fafa Textile and Fuyang Chemical Industry, and screened out 18 enterprises with industry advantages such as the pharmaceutical industry, such as Little Giant Enterprise, Xuechi brand down jacket, Lili brand reinforced porcelain and large cotton machinery and other 10 famous brand products, strengthen the technological innovation ability of enterprises, and strive to improve the market competitiveness of advantageous industries.At the same time, adhering to the principle of "no high, no new", market-oriented development, planning a number of new projects to promote the city's industrial upgrading and enhance the stamina of economic development.At that time, 142 industrial projects were identified, with a total investment of 272 billion yuan.Demonstrated and screened 8.5 industrial projects in Lishi, including new synthetic fiber simulation printing and dyeing finishing, with a total investment of [-] million yuan.

Adhering to the principle of "one enterprise, one policy, and classified guidance", the city formulated reform and turnaround plans for 121 municipal enterprises one by one.For some enterprises that are conditionally withdrawn as a whole, they will be directly restructured into mixed-ownership enterprises through employee shareholding, domestic and foreign legal persons and natural persons, etc. The Law is well-regulated; for enterprises that do not have the conditions for property rights reform, do everything possible to invigorate them through reform methods such as leasing, contracting, separation and reorganization, mergers and alliances, slicing and splitting, and transfer and alliances.Through the implementation of various reform models, the vitality of joint-stock enterprises in the city has been rapidly enhanced, and their benefits have been greatly improved. In 1999, the city's joint-stock enterprises realized a profit of 1.56 million yuan, and the profit in the first six months of 2000 reached 6 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.4%.

Some people always try to show that they are better than others no matter what the occasion, or try to prove that they are people with special talents, but a truly capable leader will not boast, "self-effacing, people will obey." If you boast, you will be suspicious", this is the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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