Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 33 Analysis of Women's Wealth and Fate

Chapter 33 Analysis of Women's Wealth and Fate (2)
Suppose the time stays for 1 minute, and you are allowed to take one thing for free in the mall.So, what would you choose in the mall within 1 minute? ()

A.diamond ring on second floor
B.LCD TV a little closer to the cash register

C.Luxury cosmetics on the first floor


A: You are a very easy-going person. You will never let go of any discounted products in the mall.Therefore, you are relatively poor in financial management because you have difficulty in self-control.

B: You are good at managing money and have a strong desire to make money.In order to win wealth, you will put money into the investment market, but be aware that any investment is risky and be cautious.

C: Your family concept is very important. You know how to live and budget carefully. Basically, all your salary is used for the family. You think it will be very hard, but it will be worth it.

2.How high is your financial index
When cleaning your home, what would you throw away first? ( )
A.old clothes
B.Oversized old appliances

C.bits and pieces

D.expired old books and magazines

A: Your ability to make money is very strong, but unfortunately your ability to spend money is even stronger.

B: Your concept of financial management is impulsive, and you often buy unnecessary decorations, etc., and you are not good at making money. You need someone who is good at account management to help you.

C: You think about buying things at least three times, but you pretend to be Shanghai-style in front of your friends. You are actually a financial master who pays equal attention to increasing income and reducing expenditure.

D: You never spend money indiscriminately. The fly in the ointment is that you seldom think about open source methods.

3.Buy antiques to test your financial blind spots

When traveling abroad, shopping is a very important itinerary.Especially in the flea market, not only the price is extremely flexible, but you can also find a lot of treasures. After returning to China, the price may increase several times.See what you will buy for collection, which also reflects your financial management concepts and blind spots.Which of the following treasures are you most interested in when you come to a booth? ( )

A.antique camera

B.hand-woven blanket

C.Antique Silver Jewelry

D.Calligraphy and painting artwork

A: You think that spending money is to make yourself happy, not to wrong yourself, to eat well, live well, and use well. You think every item is worth spending.If you try to invest, because you have good taste and can choose items that can increase in value, then your collection habit will no longer just make you spend a lot of money, but also have a little recycling value.You have no concept of money, you would rather choose the former than increase income and reduce expenditure.

B: You are full of emotions and have no defense against people.The salesman will accept all the orders, so every time I go out, the whole family will be on tenterhooks.Because you are an emotional consumer, the amount of expenditure varies from high to low. It is best to prepare a budget first and control your own spending, so as to save your deficit.

C: You think that wealth is accumulated, you will save some money from various aspects, and the amount will be objective.If you have a deposit that you don't need to use for a while, try to make some investments, and the results will satisfy you.

D: You are a little unrealistic. In order to realize your dreams, you will not make realistic considerations.Regarding financial management, you feel a headache and don't want to get involved in the stock game.You'd better be able to find someone you can trust who can take care of everything for you, which is the ideal situation.

4.Look at your financial talent from looking for friends
You go to find a friend you haven't seen for a long time, you only have his address but don't know the exact location, what method will you use to get to the destination? ( )
A.look at the map
B.road sign or landmark

C.ask the pedestrians on the side of the road

D.Take a taxi directly


A: You are very independent and suitable for making investment decisions alone. After you make a decision, you will be very confident and feel that you can bear the resulting risks.Trusting your instincts is your hallmark.

B: Your independence is average, and you like to ask others for their opinions before making investment decisions.Even when a decision is made, you constantly consider its validity.

C: You are somewhat dependent on others and hope that others can help you make investment decisions.If you are asked to make an investment decision independently, you will feel very scared and even choose to avoid it.

D: You are very dependent on others. If no one else makes decisions for you, you are likely to do nothing in terms of investment and financial management.If this continues, it will be difficult for your investment to succeed.

5.what kind of investor are you
①.You go to buy tickets for a movie that is currently showing, and you want to buy a ticket for 9:30, but the staff tells you that the tickets are sold out, and there are only tickets for the afternoon and night shows.She also tells you that there is a new movie showing in the small hall at 9:45, but you haven't heard the name of the new movie, you will :( )

A.buy tickets for new movies
B.buy tickets for the midnight show

②.You go shopping for clothes at a specialty store and you fancy a top, but the color you like is no longer available.The shopping guide tells you that there must be some in other chain stores, but now is the discount season, so we can’t reserve them for you.You can:( )

A.Immediately rush to another chain
B.buy the skirt in hand
③.When you buy a computer, after choosing a brand, the clerk tells you that if you buy a computer for sales display, you can get a 8% discount, but there is no discount for a brand-new computer. You will: ( )

A.Choose a computer with 8% off
B.Choose a brand new computer

④.You finally get two job offers after being out of work for 1 year.One of the jobs pays a lot more than you used to, but you have to bear a lot of pressure and the job requirements are very high; the other job pays a mediocre salary, but the work is quite relaxing and pleasant, you will: ( )

A.Choose a high-paying, stressful job

B.Choose a low-paying, low-stress job

⑤.You're about to have a 14-hour flight and there's only room for a book in your bag.You want to choose from two books, one of which is by your favorite author, but his most recent book has disappointed you.Another hot bestseller, but you don't know anything about it except that it's a bestseller.You can:( )

A.choose bestseller

B.Choose a new book by your favorite author


Savings investment guidance:
Saving every penny and avoiding all risk is your primary goal.If you are going to use your cash in the near future, you must be a saver.For example, if you plan to buy a house in the near future, you should not invest the house purchase money in any risky commodities with the illusion of earning a little more.Your investments are limited to government bonds, treasury bills, and savings.

Investment-oriented investment guidance:
You are willing to take considerable risk for higher profits than savings.Your success lies in: maintaining a fixed holding for a long period of time, so that the value of the investment target will increase.Generally speaking, the longer the investment period, the higher the chance of obtaining higher profits.You should focus on moderate-risk financial commodities, such as stocks and bonds.

Speculative investment guidance:
You are willing to take greater risks in order to obtain the expected huge profits in the short term.You should become familiar with high-risk commodities such as futures, gold, and real estate as soon as possible, and actively participate in them.

6.Your Future Wealth Bullish Index

What would you do if you woke up one morning and found yourself captured by aliens? ( )

A.find a way to escape
B.play dead

C.beg them to let themselves go
D.Fight to the death with aliens


A: The bullish index of the wealth market is 55%. You are a hardworking person, and you will learn some practical work skills whenever you have the opportunity. Once the time is right, you will definitely impress others.

B: The bullish index of the wealth market is 90%. Your IQ and EQ are very high. Knowing how to share and tolerate will make everyone think that you are not only successful in your career, but also very stable in life.

C: The bullish market index is 20%. You focus on the work you are doing and hope to do better. As long as you can do your job well, you will succeed one day.

D: The bullish index of the market is 50%. You are bold in doing things and dare to take risks. This kind of character will either win or lose in business.Only by learning to control risks can wealth grow steadily.

Are you suitable for starting a business
1.Test your entrepreneurial skills from a la carte

When you dine in a hotel with friends or other people, you usually order ( )

A.Don't care about others, just order what you want to eat

B.order the same dishes as others

C.Say what you want to eat first

D.Make it right first, then change it depending on the surrounding situation

E.Hesitating, ordering slowly
F.Ask the clerk to explain the situation of the dishes before ordering


A: Do things decisively, it is easy to take the first step to start a business, but it is hard to say whether it is correct.

B: Submissive type, not suitable for starting a business.

C: Straightforward and open-minded, suitable for starting a business.

D: Be cautious, lack the awareness of mastering the overall situation, and never hesitate in starting a business.

E: Do things meticulously, safety first.more entrepreneurial advantages.

F: I hate being directed by others. If I can be humble, it will be more helpful to start a business.

2.Are you a leader in the team?

One day on the road, you meet an old lover who lost contact with you, and you meet at a nearby coffee shop, besides chatting about the current... ( )

A.third party involved

B.Sweet memories when the two first met
C.Have an experience traveling abroad
D.how you feel when you break up


A: I have the ability to lead, but unfortunately I don't have the bearing to lead.If you want to make a group of people obey you, you don't need to be very talented. You must know how to use talents, be able to bend and stretch, and use resourcefulness well. Courage and drive are not enough.

B: Your leadership skills will be displayed in a small group. Once there are more people and the relationship becomes complicated, you will be unable to control it, and even cause public resentment. "Better the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox" is probably the best way to describe your leadership.

C: You are a natural leader with the talent and charisma to command the masses.You don't deliberately show your ambition and ambition, everyone will naturally come to you to solve problems, and like to be with you, maybe it's because you have a kingly demeanor!
D: You usually play a role of helping others in the group. Your philosophy of life is "no ambition in life, just want to have food to eat". .

3.do you have the skills to make big money

If you were sharing a taxi with three companions, which seat would you usually choose? ( )
A.next to the driver

B.middle back row

C.rear right

D.rear left


A: You are very rational, know how to abide by the laws of the market, and will not make any wrong judgments.If you encounter troublesome things in business, you will rationally choose to give up and look for business goals again.Instead of being in a hurry due to some unexpected events, in short, you will get smoother and smoother on the road to wealth.

B: Maybe you are not suitable for business. Your fragility makes you unable to bear the crisis in business, and you cannot handle and resolve these contradictions.You may be suitable to choose a stable job, receive a satisfactory salary every month, and live a peaceful and peaceful life.

C: You like careful planning and design when doing things. You are a careful person. You will think of all the consequences before spending money, and you will not be unprepared for sudden crises.

D: You are very persistent and will try your best to chase your dreams, but sometimes you will not judge the situation, and I suggest you choose to give up when necessary.

4.See what kind of entrepreneurial talent you are
The crazy work has come to an end temporarily, and I finally look forward to a rare rest day.How are you going to spend the day? ()

A.Clean the house, the windows are bright and clean, and the mood is also beautiful

B.Going around the bookstore, in order to "recharge", I have to be ready at all times
C.Meet up with friends and chat freely at the Orchid House in the sunny afternoon
D.Going out shopping alone, you have to add a few more "outfits" for yourself

(End of this chapter)

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