Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 32 Analysis of Women's Wealth and Fate

Chapter 32 Analysis of Women's Wealth and Fate (1)
In the business world, what kind of position do you give yourself?To enter the workplace or choose to start a business?In business, what character traits do you need to perfect?Although women have a concept of this, it is very vague.If you can find the answer from some simple tests, you can make your road to wealth creation more firm.

what kind of job are you suitable for

1.How is your professional EQ?

You and her (him) date for the first time since the new year, and go to the temple to offer incense together.You wished that everything would go well this year, and you drew a lucky lottery.If you were to tie this lucky lottery to a tree branch, which one of the following branches would you choose? ( )

A.branches as high as possible

B.Branches within reach

C.on low branches


A: You belong to the type of free creativity.Your unique way of thinking often surprises, worries, or frightens those around you.Once you have a more timely idea, it is likely to attract great fortune.But it should be noted that if your ideas are too divorced from reality and common sense, they will not be easily understood and become isolated.If you want to be successful in business, you must calmly review all aspects and give full play to your talents.

B: People who choose this height are usually creative and will not deviate from a fixed form.It can also be said that you are a rather stubborn person.You will not have too many failures in your life, usually you can do work above the standard, and you are very confident in your ability and feeling.If you want to have great ideas, it's best to intentionally change your perspective.In this way, you will get a good idea unexpectedly, and your fortune will be great.

C: You are not confident in your own judgment, and often worry about this and that.You always stay away from new things and are quite negative.Therefore, instead of engaging in a job that depends on instant creativity to determine the outcome, it is better to engage in a job that requires analysis and review of past performance and experience to make judgments.You don't like a diverse life, and you just want to live alone.Therefore, rather than being a leader, you are more suitable to be an aide, so that you can give full play to your characteristics and attract wealth.

2.Which job is best for you?

You've been on a World Landscapes Wonder Tour, one of the activities has you stand in front of a special window and press a button to see what you've never seen before, what you wish you had seen. ( )

A.Challenging and rugged mountain roads
B.anything to do with food

C.A green grassland scenery

D.Overlooking the sea and sky
E.anything to do with trees

F.starry night


A: The goal is firm and courageous
Your qualities of success are obvious, because you have already set perfect goals for your life, and you will go all out to achieve them.So no matter what kind of environment you are in, you will have some enviable achievements.Career Speed ​​Dating: The fields suitable for your development are computer, trade, finance, publishing, new technology, etc.

B: The purpose of life is to be happy
You don't understand competition, pressure, striving to be the best...you feel like you're just doing something you want to do.Even if you don't fit in with the people around you, it doesn't matter to you. The philosophy of life is "spirit is more important than material, just be happy!" People will also break down because of you.So fields suitable for your development are creativity, artist, interior design, beauty, cooking, etc.

C: Down-to-earth hard work comes first
Your character traits are diligence and regular planning. You never exceed the rules, are not delusional, and are not greedy. As long as you complete the work you are assigned, you will feel happy and satisfied.Your ability to execute is strong, and you have a rare sense of responsibility.Career Speed ​​Dating: It might feel like you'd die if you were asked to create something out of nothing or come up with outlandish ideas, but it's much better if you're asked to do work that someone else gave you.The fields that you are suitable for development are secretarial, administrative, education, professional and technical personnel, etc.

D: Longing for freedom and pursuit of freshness

You have strong responsiveness and excellent social skills. You don't like a regular or restrictive lifestyle. If you can get in touch with different new things or meet different friends every day, it will make your life more meaningful.Career Speed ​​Dating: Use your innate eloquence and public relations ability to create more possibilities for yourself and the world.The fields suitable for your development are communication, performing arts, salesman, public relations, tourism, etc.

E: smart but impatient

You are a typical intelligent person who can always make good use of your own advantages to make others like you, appreciate you, and affirm you unconsciously.Although sometimes you will show your impatient side inadvertently, but it will not damage your good impression in everyone's mind.Career Speed ​​Dating: The fields that are suitable for your development are journalism, doctors, lawyers, politics, etc.

F: super emotional

You are always hot and cold towards people, and everything depends on your mood. Although you are sometimes affected by the other person's emotions, there are not many opportunities after all.You live by yourself, so you don't like to be disturbed when doing things, and the control must be in your own hands.Professional speed dating: Never let others direct you, it is better for you to tell others "what will happen to this" and "what will happen to that", so the fields suitable for your development are fortune tellers and psychoanalysts.

3.What career do you do to make money?

Standing at a fork in your life, the problem of career choice always troubles you. If you want to work and want to make money, what industry is the best?Choose your favorite from the following 4 kinds of flowers. ( )



D.perfume lily


A: You are a very straightforward person who does not play tricks.You like to be straightforward when you make friends, and you never use dirty tricks behind your back. You are not suitable for business. If you have literary and artistic talents, writing will be a lucrative business for you.

B: You are a romantic, self-willed and unrestrained person.You pursue a loose living space, and you spend your best time in the illusion like reciting poems and reciting the moon.You are quite artistic.Please note: your earning opportunities are not manual labor.

C: You are a person with rich emotions and a passion for emotions.But you have the problem of being anticlimactic in doing things. If you can work meticulously, you have the hope of making a fortune.

D: You are a person with a very rigorous attitude towards life.Your life is always orderly, you like cleanliness, you have high aesthetic ability and creative ability, you can choose a good career with high difficulty and content, because you are a standard "millionaire" blank.

4.How close are you to success?
So, how far are you from this legendary "management wonderland"?Take the quiz below to find out!A total of 12 questions, record your answers, and finally calculate the total score. ( )

Question [-]: Do you think that a strong position and being too busy are the performance of a manager’s responsibility?

A.Totally agree with B.General C.disapprove
Question [-]: You often spend time educating your subordinates

A.yes b.General C.No, education is a matter of HR

Question [-]: If your subordinates like to ask you questions, what do you think?
A.Help him solve it, because this is the time to show your authority B.Between A and C C.He should try to solve it first, not come to you
Question [-]: In the company, are the top people able to share power?
A.Yes, can share B.Between A and C C.No, the power is in your hands
Question 48: Every day you are busy planning, coordinating, controlling, and commanding subordinates to work, wishing you could use [-] hours a day

A.yes b.General C.no

Question [-]: You are more lazy and don’t do things you can’t do
A.yes b.General C.no

Question [-]: When you go out, the mobile phone often rings non-stop because of calls from your subordinates

A.yes b.General C.no

Topic [-]: Your Authority in the Organization
A.very sufficient b.General C.Can't boldly authorize

Question [-]: In the company, you especially like to highlight your personality, show unique leadership talents and extraordinary business results

A.yes b.General C.no

Question [-]: What do you mainly do in the company?
A.Formulate development strategies, monitor implementation, cultivate key employees and cultivate corporate culture B.In addition to the ones listed in A, there are other things that also take a lot of your time C.Many things in the company must be done by you yourself, and you can't let go of them immediately
Question No.11: When you want to go on vacation with your family for three months

A.Can't leave, because you are irreplaceable in the company, and the company can't do without you B.Not yet, but I can travel with confidence in the near future C.The company can operate normally under your delegation, and you can travel by yourself

Question No.12: You have considered "fading out of the rivers and lakes"

A.yes b.Considered, but still some time C.just think about it occasionally

Score description:

1 point for A, 2 points for B, and 3 points for C.For even-number questions, choose A to get 3 points, choose B to get 2 points, and choose C to get 1 point.

12-19 points: Is your company still in the start-up period or just passed the start-up period?You strongly promote the development of the enterprise, like a general who personally leads the army to fight, your organization and personnel structure are not yet very mature, so you have to continue to work hard.It should be noted that once the enterprise matures, you must actively change roles, dare to weaken yourself, and cultivate talents in order to strengthen the organization, not the expansion of personal power.

20-28 points: Your enterprise should have a certain scale and strength, and you can grasp the key points in management, but you still have some affairs.In the process of management, there are indeed some things that people can't help themselves. You have to constantly improve your education level and strengthen your awareness of organizational development. With the accumulation of time, you will gradually enter the "wonderland" of management.

29 to 36 points: You with a high score are very mature in terms of values ​​and grasp of business strategies.In the daily operation of the company, you can't see your waving fingers or doubtful eyes, and you can't hear your tone of order, and the organization is running orderly under your management. Working atmosphere and corporate culture, management "Wonderland" is presenting!
5.Do you have high taste in your career?

Do you sometimes buy things, like clothes, only to regret it when you get home?Which of the following situations makes you regret the most? ( )

A.unknown brand
B.too expensive

C.bad style or color
D.size does not fit

A: You like to be valued by others, and you are eager to improve your ability, status or popularity.High taste makes you become a high consumer without knowing it. If you are only chasing money and satisfying consumption, you should reflect on it.What you need more is to perform better at work in order to be valued.

B: You have a good outlook on money and are good at managing money.But often because of trivial matters and various temptations, I can't concentrate on my future career.What you really need is to improve your professional skills so that you can earn a living, and after making a lot of money, you can be a happy financial manager.

C: You often can't help but find fault with others, and even swear at others without saying a word. It seems that you are very demanding, but you are often unable to think carefully because there are too many things.You often need others to give you some opinions, but the opinions of others are not as good as yours. What you really need is to improve your own taste, and it is good not to be influenced by others.

D: You like relaxed, happy and unrestrained.Your so-so personality makes you popular, and you often make amazing decisions in a whimsical way, with a lot of curiosity.There is very little fear in your heart, what you really need is training to be a bold and careful person.Too careless at the moment.

Do you have financial potential

1.Test your financial thinking

(End of this chapter)

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