Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 31 Cracking the common problem of women making money

Chapter 31 Cracking the common problem of women making money (2)
What we are afraid of is not the failure itself, but the disdainful eyes and sarcasm of people in our imagination. However, once we pay attention to these nihilistic things, it is easy to fall into the trap we dug for ourselves.The British Suoran once said: "Failure should not be the cause of depression and loss of ambition, but should be a fresh stimulus." When the thought of shrinking comes up, warn yourself not to be afraid of any embarrassment that may arise .In the process of job hunting and seeking money, it is impossible for people to have smooth sailing, be soft-hearted, and retreat when faced with difficulties.It is not beneficial to the development of the career to only care about face without trying to achieve the goal.

Consume too much energy for family affection

Women who start their own businesses and make money must understand that family affection belongs to family affection, and interests belong to interests, and the two should never be confused.If you always want to take both affection and interests into account, you will definitely be exhausted and unable to grasp either.

1.Don't have a strong sense of belonging

Many women always put feelings first. This kind of feeling is not limited to love, but also family and even friendship.In the past, women put "caring for their husbands and raising their children" first, and they didn't have to travel around to support their families.With the development of the times and today, women have got rid of the previous "insider" statement, and can be as strong as men, based on various careers.But they have not forgotten their traditional virtues. On the seesaw of taking care of family, relatives and friends, and building a career, they try their best to maintain a balance, and expend too much energy and physical strength in the process of maintaining it.

After giving birth, Xiao Wu took a year off and opened a small shop selling ceramics.She is a well-known warm-hearted, popular, so the business has been good.But being warm-hearted has both advantages and disadvantages for her business. Although it brought a lot of customers, it also caused a lot of trouble. The neighbors had to go out, and the children were left unattended.The naughty child accidentally broke several sets of porcelain tableware in her shop, and the enthusiastic Xiao Wu didn't take it seriously.The relative was going to be hospitalized because she needed someone to take care of her. She didn't think about anything, just closed the store and went to the hospital to take care of her.I heard that my cousin wanted to rent a shop in the city and open a small restaurant. She went to buy newspapers to read the information, and helped to check on the spot; her uncle lost his ID card, and she also helped find someone to handle it quickly.As long as she hears that her relatives and friends have any difficulties, she will take the lead. People say that Xiao Wu is a warm-hearted person.But after Xiao Wu's store opened, there was no rule.Sometimes it's on in the morning and off in the afternoon, or it's off all day.Therefore, after half a year, not only did not make any profit, but lost a lot of money.Xiao Wu's husband said: "Look at you, you are so warm-hearted. You are so anxious about other people's affairs. Why didn't you watch them show you the store!".Only then did Xiao Wu realize that his mind was indeed a bit overheated.

Many times, people will accept some things that should not be handled by themselves for the sake of so-called feelings. Over time, this kind of solicitation will become a kind of "magnetic field".Although I don't have more ability to deal with it, as long as the "magnetic field" exists, I will be attracted by some external things, so I can only force myself to complete it. The wider the range.This kind of "magnetic field" is a sense of belonging to others, which involves oneself in everything about others, thinking that as relatives and friends, you should contribute this effort.In fact, it is very undesirable to force yourself to be the leader on some issues that others can handle. This will not only make others lose the ability to deal with the problem, but also cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.Help others when they really need you, and others will be grateful.If helping others becomes a habit, when you fail to do what you promised others one day, what you get is not gratitude, but most likely complaints.

2.Don't Let Your Business Become a Home Workshop
Some female bosses always try to satisfy their personal needs when placing family members, relatives and friends, without seriously considering whether this arrangement is beneficial to their career and future development.This makes it easy for them to encounter family and work embarrassments in their careers.Although taking good care of relatives and friends can bring people a sense of happiness, but if the business has improved and the business has expanded, family affection alone cannot maintain the operation of the organization. At this time, the support of rules is needed.

Perhaps in the eyes of some female bosses, they are worried that foreign talents will be difficult to control, so they put loyalty as the first criterion for employing people, and whether they have the ability to work is a secondary issue.This is a serious misunderstanding and very unscientific.Although loyalty is an excellent quality, but apart from the capital of loyalty, if the talent is mediocre, and even the most basic work can't be done well, using such a person will do more harm than good.

Chen Ting opened a women's health care workshop. Except for one employee who was hired outside, all the other employees were her own people, including her relatives, girls introduced by her friends, and people she knew.Chen Ting knew these people very well, and thought that they were a group of young people full of vigor and enthusiasm, and they would definitely be very motivated.And everyone understands each other, so we can communicate better in the future.But the fact is not what Chen Ting expected. It is precisely because everyone is familiar with each other and there is no rule system to restrain them at work, so various family habits appear at work.For example, if someone gets up late and arrives late, not only does he not apologize at all, but he proudly uses it as a talking point; he fights around at work, just like the children at home who will never grow up; Push her to work, and she pushes you to work, and even the customers run away after pushing.

Chen Ting was a little worried about this situation, but she didn't say anything. Everyone knew her temper, and she became more and more free-spirited.Chen Ting dotes on these "children" like the "parents" of the family.In the end, a good store can only withdraw troops hastily.

When a woman is a boss, it is easy to fall into the vicious circle of "family relationship first and then enterprise" in terms of employment.For various selfish reasons, they will help them arrange work under their own hands, but they may not be able to consciously run the work.In this way, you can only cause trouble for them and yourself.When women face complex interpersonal problems and power struggles, in order to maintain the unity of the enterprise, they are often tired of coordinating and balancing the relationship between all parties and resolving the contradictions and conflicts in the interpersonal relationship.At this time, only strict rules and systems can help you.Whether these employees are your relatives or close friends, they should be treated equally.From the moment you let them enter your company, you must strictly abide by the system, otherwise, it will only be a mess in front of you.

The foreign managers of McDonald's take a one or two month vacation every Christmas, and no one can contact them. They can do this because there are certain norms in what they do. It is not a human factor, but a rule factor.Good rules are always more useful than human consciousness.Women who start their own businesses must be clear that they cannot confuse family affection with work. If they must effectively integrate family affection into their careers, they must pay attention to the formulation of rules and focus on work. Only by working efficiently can family affection be better harvested.Of course, rules are not restrictions on feelings. They are like traffic police and traffic lights on the street. Only in order can people walk more smoothly.Therefore, any woman who wants to expand her career must pay attention to the correct consumption of family affection.

Sensibility becomes their weakness
Women's shrewdness has become a sharp sword in their careers, but their natural sensibility has become their weakness in their careers.

1.too impatient
Although women's awareness of entrepreneurship is constantly increasing and their income is also increasing, but women's natural sensibility always makes them frustrated in business, and it takes longer to start a business.Because of this, compared with men, women’s ability to bear investment risks is also lower. They are easily disturbed and influenced by people around them, and they like to listen to the “information” spread by some small groups of people, resulting in many irrational decision, which in turn affects the development of the business.

It is easy to see many women around us widen their eyes and show a state of surprise when they hear some incredible things.Even hearsay is so emotional, if you experience it yourself, what will it be like?Once these unbelievable things are involved with themselves, their first reaction must be to be at a loss, instead of calming down and analyzing the pros and cons of the matter.If their emotional actions are placed at work, they will either cause the work to stop, or they will vent fiercely, fighting for "death and destruction".In this case, it is the best outcome not to let the work have a worse impact.But life always goes on, and so does work. Only by correcting their mentality and getting out of emotional misunderstandings can worse things be avoided.

Sun Meng heard that opening a creative furniture store was very popular, so she excitedly asked her family for 5 yuan, saying that she wanted to start a business.Knowing Sun Meng's quick temper since childhood, her parents were a little worried and said: "Have you thought about it? Is it reliable? This 5 yuan is not a small amount, you have to weigh it carefully." Sun Meng answered very happily: " Mom, don't worry, you really earn money, and then you and my dad will enjoy the blessings." Sun Meng's parents couldn't worry about it, but in the end they still couldn't persuade their daughter to start from their own roots. Withdrew 5 yuan to give to his daughter.

The store Sun Meng mentioned was accidentally seen on the Internet, and the promotion on the website is particularly good. In one sentence, it is "a lot of money".Sun Meng was immediately moved.She thinks that the goods are very rare, and the investment in the small business is small, and there is no such shop in the family, so she will definitely be able to make money.So it took a total of 3 days from when she saw the company's website to asking her parents for money to when the site was selected and completed.Sun Meng did not go to the company to inspect, and after calling, he directly remitted 3 yuan to the company's account, and the company promised to send someone to decorate Sun Meng's store for free in two days.Two days later, the headquarters sent someone, but the "free" they said was only free for manual work, and all materials needed to be remitted to the company for the supply of materials.Sun Meng felt that she was at a loss, but she had no choice but to borrow another 1 yuan from a friend.It took a week for the decoration. After finishing, the headquarters sent the first batch of products. Sun Meng opened it and saw that it was not the same as what she had seen on the Internet. These things were not only rough in workmanship, but also a bit like It is second-hand.

Sun Meng became very angry, feeling as if she had been fooled, so she dialed the number of Manager Zhao who was in contact with her, but for three full days, the phone had been turned off, and only then did Sun Meng know that she had been cheated.

A full 4 yuan was lost in this way. After Sun Meng was fooled, he realized that he was too emotional and lacked thinking. research etc.Sun Meng didn't do anything. She fancifully thought that the company was so "strong" that she wouldn't be able to lie to herself tens of thousands of dollars.By the time she felt that these analyzes were necessary, it was already too late.

When women decide to start a business, they should not trust others too emotionally and react hastily, but should calmly analyze the development of the matter and make a comprehensive and thorough analysis.The more thoughtful you think before making a decision, the smoother your future career will be.

2.avoid emotional
Entrepreneurship is a very difficult thing for women. It is a marathon-like long-distance race in which one person leads a team. It requires you to be fully prepared and planned for your career.In addition to rationally allocating your financial and physical resources, you must also manage your emotions reasonably.

Women are easily affected by emotions when dealing with things. When they are in a happy mood, they are full of passion in dealing with problems;Or they feel good no matter what they do for people they like, but they don't like anything they do for those they don't like.Maybe women are easy to be emotional, but if you bring this kind of emotionality into your work, it will easily hinder the development of your career.

In the workplace, you come into contact with all kinds of people. These people have different values ​​and outlook on life, so they have different personalities.Therefore, it is almost impossible to ask them to have the same outlook on life or values ​​as themselves.But if you reject them just because of this, it will be difficult to cooperate at work, let alone expand your career, so you will be the one who suffers in the end.Therefore, we must treat others well and focus on the overall situation of work. As long as we keep the same goals at work, we don't have to deal with private affairs according to our personal likes and dislikes.

It is even more inappropriate if women who start a business are prone to emotions.There is a saying in the business world that "there are no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." No matter when you cooperate with whom, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is whether you have common goals and whether you can share benefits.As a mature businessman, no matter whether the business is successful or not, he always has a smile on his face.Even if there are differences of opinion in business, they will express negation with a smiley face.Sometimes there may be some conflicts in the cooperation with each other that lead to disagreements, but everyone will still say goodbye politely. When the second cooperation is made, each other will deliberately forget all the unpleasantness of the last time. Getting along with each other is not affected by the previous unhappiness.This is the business world, and what we cooperate with is interests, not personalities.

Women must have a clear head in any situation and make decisions calmly and objectively. If they feel that they are not in control, they can ask friends to help them. They must not let their emotions control their minds, resulting in repeated mistakes.The quality of the mood can even affect the atmosphere of the entire company.If you often cannot control your emotions due to some things, it may affect the efficiency of the entire company.In this sense, when you become a leader, your emotions are not only your own private affairs, but also affect your subordinates and employees in other departments; The influence will be greater.

In the business book of the Jewish businessman who is most proficient in making money in the world, there is a line: "Every time is the first time." That is to say, the Jews will not relax the conditions and requirements for this business because of the successful cooperation last time. review.They will be accustomed to regard each business as an independent business, and regard the business partners they come into contact with as the partners who cooperate for the first time.This can prevent you from being taken lightly because of your preconceptions about the other party, and it can also ensure that the hard-earned profit for the first time will not be ruined by the concession made by Gu Nian in the second transaction.Not sticking to old friends is the business experience of Jewish businessmen.

As a businessman, you must remain rational and not be too emotional. People who are prone to impulsiveness will encounter unnecessary setbacks.Determining the direction of work with emotional thinking and decision-making will undoubtedly fail, because it is one of the most terrifying entrepreneurial success traps.Women should know that things in the world are definitely not developed according to your likes, dislikes, hobbies and temperament. In order to protect your long-term interests, you should learn to keep a little guard against people you are familiar with, and you can also be cautious about people you hate. A rapport of working together.Women who can not be troubled by emotions can truly have a professional demeanor in their careers.

(End of this chapter)

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