Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 9 Making money without rejecting women in the workplace

Chapter 9 Making money without rejecting women in the workplace (2)
For women in the workplace, whether they are white-collar workers in high-end office buildings or employees in small companies, the eight-hour work system limits their time.Therefore, under such conditions, their first responsibility is to do the job well. How to get a salary increase and when to get promoted have become their most urgent problems.For high-level white-collar workers, the income will be more optimistic, and the annual salary usually ranges from 6 to 20. Of course, their consumption will also rise with the salary level. As for how much they can not be squandered at the end of the year, there is no way to know ; And there are a large number of female employees whose annual salary is only between 2 and 5, and they also tighten their belts to live.So besides being able to enter the account in the workplace, is there no other way to collect an extra income?
Naturally, some people think of work after eight hours, and have their own "career" outside of the workplace.This means spending more time and energy than usual, and experiencing more stress than usual.Therefore, when you decide to take a second job, you must carefully consider it, make a career plan for yourself, and choose a second job that suits you according to the plan.To be a part-timer in the workplace, the most important thing is not to forget your own job, because the loss outweighs the gain if you fail to do your job well because of part-time job.

Of course, some women take second jobs not entirely out of financial considerations, but because they are tired of the monotonous life of wearing suits every day, working from [-] to [-], clubbing, singing and eating, and want to say goodbye to this single life model.As a result, some women spend their spare time opening some personalized shops on the street.Opening some of these stores can allow women to satisfy their sense of stability and hobbies, and the investment will not be too large. In this way, after enjoying life, they can bring themselves a good extra income.Therefore, more and more women have several identities. They are "skeletal spirits" during the day and become other roles at night.

Wang Ting is the manager of a foreign company. After working for many years, she has some savings on hand, but she doesn't want to put the money in the bank to eat interest.After discussing it with friends, she opened a small restaurant near where she lived.Wang Ting invited a store manager to help with all the affairs in the store, so Wang Ting basically didn't need to worry about it.And because it is a small store, it is a record of purchases and shipments, and the accounts are simple. As long as the price difference is calculated, excluding the rent, water and electricity bills and workers' wages, it is Wang Ting's money, which saves worry and effort.Because of the good business, she opened branches in two other places in succession.The monthly income of these small restaurants can exceed [-] yuan, which is several times her salary.Today, Wang Ting goes to work on time every day, and the store is all taken care of by her own staff.

If all women in the workplace want to get a second job, they must not be too hasty, and they must also pay attention: it is best to choose a field that you are familiar with, so that you can have both ways and ease.It is important to pay special attention not to lose sight of the other, leading to the failure of both the project and the job; remember that "cash is king", don't waste costs, don't take up working capital, don't think about getting rich overnight, and people who look down on small profits don't will get rich.

2.How to make money for the "bones" who have stepped out of the workplace

For office workers, it is difficult to get rich on a fixed income.However, if professional women are good at planning and financial management, and make the money in their hands "live", they can still become a "little rich woman".Therefore, many office worker women are making correct judgments based on their actual situation, looking for a good way to get rich outside of eight hours.

How do "Bone Essences" who have stepped out of the workplace make money?Some people open stores, some practice "stalls", and some take on various technical jobs. Whatever suits them, they can devote their time and energy to the challenge.One thing to consider is that eight hours of work is equivalent to one-third of the whole day, and there is basically not much left after the rest time, so this kind of part-time job must meet your own taste. The most important thing is to experience happiness or the value of life.Pushing yourself to do it just to have more money can break you mentally and physically.

Guo Mingming has been working in the IT industry for more than a year. Although this industry looks very glamorous, he is just an ordinary programmer with a medium salary.Seeing that all the men in the company are full of energy, but I can't cheer myself up.Guo Mingming, who had been depressed for a long time, went to a friend on a weekend to complain: "I have 2500 yuan a month, 800 for rent, 600 for food, and transportation expenses. Basically, I can't even save money for clothes. , the men in the company don’t take it seriously because they have money at home, but I’m a girl, with no relatives and no reason, and if I get sick, I don’t even have money to see a doctor.” Guo Mingming’s friend is a freelancer Those who visit various scenic spots all day long have a very broad horizon. "You think so much, have you ever acted? Is thinking useful? Find out the specific plan and implement it. You see, I click the mouse like this, which is equivalent to half a month's salary." Her friend told her that now she has Many photo websites are equivalent to intermediaries. As long as you post good photos of yourself, they will give you a commission if they sell them.This made Guo Mingming feel very itchy, why not do such a comfortable job?And I am quite smug, I like to take pictures, why not give full play to my strengths?

Just a friend’s words made Guo Mingming very happy. When he got home, he took out the thousands of dollars he had saved and bought a camera. She took pictures, screened them, and sent some photos that she thought were good to the image library.Soon the other party heard back, saying that her works were good, and asked to sign a contract, and each sold a piece to get 50%.After half a month, a magazine selected several photos of her. The fee for using the photos depends on the size of the page used by the other party. A quarter of a 16-magazine is usually 80 to 120 yuan. The bigger ones are more, and she can get 340 yuan so easily, which gave her hope.

According to personal hobbies and personal advantages, choose some part-time jobs that you think are suitable and can have a good income. It is not only an attitude to enjoy life, but also a skill to make money.

"Looking for girls" who take advantage of the workplace

Each profession gives it a specific meaning, and it also brings together a specific group of people. If you have a business mind and can use your career advantages to thicken your wallet, then you are a real "seeking girl". Of course, the premise It is legal.

1.money needs eyes to see
Maybe some people always complain about why even a stupid person like Lao Wang next door can make a fortune?But I can't make a fortune anyway, where does the money grow?Those who are successful make themselves wealth creators, seemingly overnight or taken for granted.In fact, this is just an appearance. You have not witnessed their struggle; you cannot refer to their ideological struggle. What we see is a story of a "Cinderella" becoming a "white swan" overnight. Changed, can't know.It's like why many people don't know where money grows, because they lack discovery.It is often said that "life is beautiful, but there is a lack of eyes to discover beauty".Then for wealth, it is "wealth is there, but it lacks the eyes to discover wealth".

When we are looking for wealth, we should not blindly "grasp" it, but should pay attention to pertinence, according to our own characteristics, according to our location, according to the situation we are facing, etc., with keen eyes to find a "gold" that is most suitable for wealth creation. split point", then you are not far from wealth.

Mrs. Yin is a cleaner in a Fortune 500 cleaning company. Although her hands and feet are not very neat, her mouth is always open.She often strikes up a conversation with someone, and she is always on the phone, and she seems to be very busy every day.

The employees of this company got together to chat during their lunch break. Suddenly, a colleague said with emotion: "We are as tired as cows every day. In the end, we are not as good as Aunt Yin, the cleaner. It is really sad." As soon as the words fell, a colleague said : "How high can a cleaner's salary be? 800 or 1000?" The colleague shook his head and stretched out 4 fingers.Everyone was stunned and said: "4000 yuan? Isn't it such an exaggeration?" He still shook his head and continued: "It is 4 yuan. She told me herself. Aunt Yin said that the cleaner is a person who can contact high-level people. platform. I think she's better than any of us."

It turned out that Mrs. Yin took advantage of the opportunity of working as a cleaner in the company to find out who in the company needed part-time workers and who needed to rent a house, and then acted as an intermediary and charged intermediary fees.Mrs. Yin also used this platform to extend another business - selling insurance.Many employees of the company have bought tens of thousands of yuan in insurance from her.

Cleaners, for those white-collar workers, this job should be rather inconspicuous. Cleaners face toilets and garbage every day, while white-collar workers face computers and high-level people every day. It is a world of difference.But a small cleaner can easily make as much money as a white-collar worker, if not more.This disparity makes people clearly realize that knowing how to make use of workplace advantages can bring more profits. Mrs. Yin transformed this workplace advantage into her eyes to see wealth, and made extraordinary achievements in what everyone thought was ordinary jobs. performance.

So, female friends, please don’t complain that you don’t come from a famous family, don’t complain that you don’t have a brain as smart as Madame Curie, don’t complain that you don’t have profound knowledge or skilled skills to dominate the workplace... What God has given you, It has its own reasons, whether you can use them or not is your own problem.If no one tells you that you are destined to be poor by nature, then as long as you are good at discovering, as long as you are good at digging, you can have wealth; of course, if someone says this unlucky word to you, you should also be very lucky, Because you have enough reasons to prove his point of view is wrong, how ridiculous.Remember: the door to wealth is open to everyone who is prepared.

2.The workplace is not a place to limit wealth
What is the workplace?It is nothing more than limiting your time within eight hours and letting you do something that benefits the company.But the workplace can limit your time, but not your space, and the most important thing is not to limit your thoughts.Those who see the workplace as a limit to wealth growth are just looking for excuses for not being able to open up ways to make money.

In a sense, the workplace may open a pass for your way of making money, and this pass will often make your career flourish.But what is this clearance?How can I get through?In the workplace, people have the most contact with personal and business. If you are good at communication and can meet all kinds of people in the workplace, then this is a valuable asset for you; if you are in the workplace, you are very professional , can accomplish the work in the professional field particularly well, then this is also a valuable asset for you; if in the workplace, you are neither good at communication, nor professional in business, but you have good relations with some high-level people. If you have the opportunity to meet, then it is also a valuable asset for you.In the workplace, there are many advantages, and this is only a small part. When you can truly regard these advantages as wealth, you will have the "brick" to break through wealth.

Meng Xu has been working as a reporter for several years, and has experienced a lot, from an unknown trainee reporter to a veteran of various news outlets such as transportation, quality inspection, and people's livelihood.She is a down-to-earth and hard-working person, so in the past few years of development, not only has she made great progress in her work, she has also met many celebrities outside, whether in politics or business, as long as she is with Meng Xu Those who got married, people called her "Iron Lady".However, due to busy work and no more time to take care of the family, Meng Xu gave up his old business under the persuasion of her husband and started an electronic company by herself.

Although Meng Xu has never been engaged in management, her previous interview work let her know how to take the initiative in the situation.The employees under him all recognized Meng Xu's drive, so the group was still very flexible.In addition to managing employees, Meng Xu also has his own sales tasks.She thinks that there should be a customer base that should not blindly sell to the market, but the company has only been established for less than half a month, not to mention that it is difficult to establish a fixed customer base. So this is indeed a bit tricky for Meng Xu.Then her husband called her: "You used to know so many people, maybe they can help you, although you are not a reporter now, and you won't have much contact with them, but after all, you have a backstage, those newspaper colleagues Aren't they all your comrades-in-arms? There is still some connection." After hearing what her husband said, Meng Xu felt that it made sense.So I spread out the business cards collected over the past few years, and there are more than 100 cards.She listed all the people who might have a cooperative relationship or who could help, and took the initiative to call them to greet them.

After knowing that Meng Xu was engaged in the electronics industry, many people assisted her one after another. Even the business owners asked the secretary to place an order with Meng Xu immediately when they purchased the company's products.In the past, colleagues in the newspaper office also spread word of mouth. In this way, Meng Xu's sales road gradually opened up.A year later, due to the increase in sales performance, the company's profits are increasing, which makes both Meng Xu and her husband smile.

In fact, many resources in the workplace can be used by you, the key lies in whether you can use these advantages skillfully.Sometimes using human connections, a phone call can solve things that take a day to complete.It is also possible that the people you have interacted with are not very familiar, but as long as you communicate a little, you may be able to communicate in all directions and be handy.Make reasonable use of the things around you, let them become the advantages of your work, and make the work better.

If you have a pair of eyes that are good at discovering wealth, and can use all the advantages in the workplace for yourself, then the workplace will not only restrict you from making money, but will become a place for you to "practice" money.

(End of this chapter)

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