Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 10 The "Combination of Rigidity and Softness" for Women Entrepreneurship

Chapter 10 The "Combination of Rigidity and Softness" for Women Entrepreneurship (1)
Women's entrepreneurship has its own entrepreneurial rules. They can give full play to the femininity of women and master the flexibility in business. At the same time, they can also be very bold in judging what they want.On this road, they are a combination of a man and a woman. They can do the domineering things that men can do, but they can still use the delicate things that men can't do.This is the "combination of rigidity and softness" for women on the road to entrepreneurship - softness should be soft, and rigidity should be rigid.

Let passion play a "hard fist" in the mall

When women's passion is aroused, they will concentrate all their energy on this matter. At this time, the softness that belongs to women will be hidden, and their capable, neat and brave qualities will be displayed.At this time, their "hard fist" in the business world will bring them closer to wealth.

1.Inspire women's inner potential for wealth

Subconscious mind is equivalent to self-consciousness. Although it is a small part under the iceberg, it contains huge energy.A survey in the United States shows that some millionaires look at their goals every day, while those billionaires look at their goals many times a day, which is the effect of the subconscious mind.For women who want to find a breakthrough for making money, and for women who want to achieve great wealth dreams, please let your enthusiasm stimulate your inner potential.This kind of potential can make people have the courage to move forward no matter what kind of pressure or adversity they are in, and can inspire your greatest energy to achieve your dream of wealth.

Although most people in this world are mediocre, even mediocre people have hidden potential in their hearts. As long as they can awaken the hidden potential, they can get out of mediocrity and achieve a career.This subconscious power is omnipotent, and any successful person will use the power of the subconscious mind.If you want to succeed, you must also use the power of your subconscious mind.The same is true for making money. You need a kind of self-suggestion, suggesting that you will be successful.I can definitely become a rich man!Good luck!You must have the ability to make money, etc., so that your subconscious will be stimulated to the maximum.

Du Qiao grew up in the countryside. She dropped out of school at the age of 15 to do farm work at home. At the age of 20, Du Qiao left home and came to Shanghai.Du Qiao was sitting in a certain park in Lujiazui, and people around her looked at her strangely. When she took out a sesame seed cake from her bag, a passer-by threw her a dollar.This made her feel extremely heavy. Although she was not well dressed, at least she was clean. She was irritated why people in big cities looked down on others.Du Qiao made two steps in three steps, caught up with the person who threw her money and returned the money to him.The giver was very surprised, Du Qiao said: "I'm not a beggar." After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

After going through this incident, Du Qiao told himself that he must not let others look down upon him, and must make a difference in this city.So in the days to come, even though Du Qiao suffered a lot of resentment, she didn't back down, because she couldn't forget the scornful eyes of others.Du Qiao studied by herself while working part-time. At that time, English was really her weakness, so the self-examination failed all the time, but this process made her grow a lot and learn a lot.

Among the jobs Du Qiao does, the most respectable one is selling cosmetics, because she used to be either a cleaning or a babysitter.In Du Qiao's words, my environment prompts me to constantly change.Du Qiao just entered this industry, and her performance was not good. Because she was born with dark skin, many people lost confidence in her products before she spoke.She did not give up, thinking that what she was selling was products, not this face, as long as the products were good, she would surely win the trust of customers.So she was near a noble kindergarten every day, watching the parents send and pick up the children, and flirting with these parents. Day after day, she never missed a single day.After a long time, which one needs toothpaste, which one needs dish soap, which one needs shower gel, etc.With one phone call, Du Qiao can deliver it to them.

Duqiao's sales are gradually opening up. At first, the sales performance was still at the bottom, but now it has been regarded as a typical model, and extra rewards are often given.Two years later, Du Qiao began to have some funds in her hands, and she decided to open a high-end department store by herself. Although it was very risky, she always believed in herself, and she just wanted to surprise those who thought she couldn't do it.God still favors her very much. In half a year, Du Qiao's monthly income has increased from 4000 yuan to 15000 yuan. Moreover, Du Qiao has also started a distribution agency, and all goods in her area are transferred from her. Not a small income, in addition, she also opened up sales on the Internet.Du Qiao made her business look good, and her pockets became more and more bulging.People in the village say that Du Qiao is a phoenix flying out of the mountains. Du Qiao is happy, and she knows that all this is because the person who "gives money" to her once stimulated her potential, so she can go on with determination.

Some data show that our brain has 150 billion neurons, but we only use 6%~7%.Einstein also only used 22% of his brain.In the hundreds of millions of cells in the human body, there are huge potentials. As long as these potentials are aroused, many unusual things can be done.Anthony Robbins, the world's top motivational master, gave an in-depth interpretation of the development of potential and the impact of potential on people.He said that no matter what you do, when you have accurate, firm, and passionate beliefs in yourself, you will get unexpected infinite power from your subconscious.

Women must find out where their potentials are and stimulate them. Only in this way can they give themselves more strength and be more determined to find the road to wealth.

2.Passion is the "hard fist" that opens the door to wealth

Passion can stimulate women's creativity and action.According to surveys, if a person is highly motivated to start a business, he can use [-] to [-] percent of his full potential; if a person is not interested in starting a business, he can only use [-] to [-] percent of his talent.Passion can mobilize all potentials in women and make people's nerves in a state of excitement.Therefore, when you start a business with passion, you will not be afraid of the difficulties and obstacles on the road to entrepreneurship, and you will be able to overcome all kinds of hardships and eventually become rich successfully.

Huang Hua is a poor girl from the countryside in Fengjie, Chongqing. In just ten years, she has grown from a poor working girl to an urban boss with an annual income of more than 500 million. Huang Hua, born in 1967, started working at the age of 16. He worked in the fruit business, as a salesman in a printing factory, as a dock porter, and later in charge of shipping dispatch.At work, she discovered the importance of legal knowledge, and in 1994, she signed up for a correspondence course for a junior college majoring in law. She started her own business in 1996. She invested all her savings, plus loans, and contracted Xinsheng Coal Trading Company to do shipping intermediary business. In just one year, her assets reached more than 100 million.But natural disasters and man-made disasters, the flood of the Yangtze River in 1998 swept away more than 2000 tons of her coal, and her industry was destroyed.After reflection, Huang Hua realized that it was because he did not have a perfect management system and did not understand scientific management, so he could not survive the disaster.So she decided to study at the Sichuan Institute of Economics and Management at her own expense, and devote herself to the MBA training class.

Because she couldn't keep up with English, the teachers advised her to give up.Huang Hua thought that it would be great if there was a training class to guide her. At that time, many people had the same idea as her, but she found that there was no formal and authoritative training institution in the local area that could provide such services.This made her see business opportunities. Huang Hua learned about Professor Yang Shuxian from Tsinghua University, Professor Wang Changxi from Renmin University, and Professor Huang Xiankai from Central University of Finance and Economics through many best-selling tutoring materials. Huang Hua wanted to start with these heavyweights.Through the introduction of friends in Beijing, she found Professor Yang Shuxian, and through Professor Yang, invited more than 20 famous professors and experts from Peking University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China to give lectures in her school.With the help of famous teachers, the establishment of Dianjin School went very smoothly. In February 1999, with the approval of the Chongqing Education Commission, Dianjin School was finally officially established in Shapingba, Chongqing, with Huang Hua as the principal. The class officially started on July 2, with a total enrollment of more than 7 people. Huang Hua also held autumn classes and sprint classes, with nearly 1 students enrolled throughout the year.

In 2000, the training of Dianjin School quickly expanded from heavy teachers to major universities, Western Normal Schools, and Wesinong, and branches were established in Shanghai and Chengdu. In 2001, it cooperated with the Graduate School of Peking University and became the only partner of the Graduate School of Peking University.

In more than three years, Huang Hua successfully established Dianjin School.Dianjin School has achieved a double harvest of social and economic benefits, Huang Hua's career is also getting bigger and bigger, and the number of students is doubling every year. In 2005, Huang Hua began to promote the school to the whole country in the form of chain franchise.

A poor working girl, relying on her ability to inspire passion, turned her from an ugly duckling into a white swan.First completed junior college, undergraduate and MBA master of business, and then took the lead in founding Dianjin School in Chongqing to tutor postgraduate exams.This kind of miraculous thing is all because of a belief, Huang Hua thinks she can do it, her passion tells her that she can do it, and the result really proves that her choice is right.If people want to change their destiny and create wealth for themselves, they must find a kind of inner motivation, which is called passion.

"Judo" practiced by failed entrepreneurs

Sun Tzu said: "Good victories are never defeated, and good defeats never perish." Entrepreneurs must be able to withstand failures before they can win, and they can learn from failures, so that they can better train themselves in the business world in their future entrepreneurial careers. "Judo", when it's time to shoot, it's time to shoot, and when it's time to stop, it's time to stop.

1.Be an entrepreneur who is not afraid of failure

A successful person said that a loser may not become a winner, but a winner must have been a loser.It can be seen that an entrepreneur who has not made mistakes cannot be regarded as a mature person; a company that has not made mistakes cannot be regarded as a truly successful enterprise.If women want to start a business, they must have the courage and perseverance not to be afraid of failure. Only when you get back up from where you fell, will success come to you.

It is said that a woman's heart is fragile, as long as she is hurt, she will wrap herself up and pretend to be a hedgehog to prevent the outside world from approaching.Although this camouflage can effectively prevent more damage, it also misses many opportunities.A correct view of failure, especially entrepreneurial failure, is a manifestation of women's strength and maturity.Every success cannot be achieved overnight, and hope is ushered in through constant exploration and failure.Therefore, women in the business world must treat failure with a correct perspective. Only when they are not afraid of failure can they stand on the shoulders of failure and look forward to success.

(End of this chapter)

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