Women's easy-to-learn ways to make money

Chapter 11 The "Combination of Rigidity and Softness" for Women Entrepreneurship

Chapter 11 The "Combination of Rigidity and Softness" for Women Entrepreneurship (2)
In 2004, Ms. Liu opened a perfume gas station in a residential area of ​​a medium-sized city, selling bulk perfume, with an investment of about 10 yuan.This kind of perfume is mainly that after the imported perfume bought back by consumers is used up, they can come here at any time to spend less money (compared with the original whole bottle of perfume) to add perfume.Ms. Liu believes that such a relatively cheap perfume will definitely be welcomed by ordinary consumers, and the potential market is so large and the profits will be more.So the location she chose was in an old residential area built 10 years ago.People come and go here, it's a place with a lot of people.But what she never expected was that because most of the people living in the old residential areas were ordinary salaried workers, they had very little consumption demand for perfume.As a result, the perfume gas station has been operating at a loss for several months. After half a year, Ms. Liu lost nearly 5 yuan.

The failure of starting a business with 5 yuan was a very big blow to Ms. Liu. Although 10 yuan is not much, after all, 60% of it was borrowed from friends.Ms. Liu withstood the pressure of failure at this time and re-examined her career.She thinks that there is no problem with the project she identified, but she did not succeed in selecting the site, which is where she failed.

Later, Ms. Liu learned her lesson and used her house to borrow 15 yuan from the bank, and opened the perfume gas station in a high-end residential area in a big city.She arranged the store carefully, placed some very elegant shelves around the walls, displaying various famous brand perfumes, sofas, coffee tables, and various foreign fashion magazines in the store.And added skin testing equipment to conduct scientific tests on which perfumes are suitable for consumers.Nowadays, the ladies in this community just sit in the store when they have nothing to do, and exchange experiences in dressing, makeup, perfume, etc. Under such circumstances, Ms. Liu can easily make a monthly profit of more than 2 yuan.Half a year later, she added wholesale business, and has made millions of dollars in profit in a year.

In the case of a loss of 5 yuan, Ms. Liu learned the lessons of failure and turned defeat into victory. This is a business skill.In the process of entrepreneurial failure, people have accumulated a lot of experience and lessons, and sometimes it may be possible to turn around with just a change of thinking or a deeper study.So don’t regard failed startups as horrible. It’s nothing. It just proves that there is a problem in your business. This is a chance for you to succeed in the business world. As long as you find out the reason and treat it correctly, you will have unexpected gains .After turning defeat into victory, your entrepreneurial talent is really mature.

2.Entrepreneurial failure can make you more savvy about the business world

I thought that the water in the business world was not as deep as I thought, but when I jumped, I realized that I had underestimated it.In many cases, women's entrepreneurial failures are basically because they do not have a general grasp of their careers, or they ignore various details that seem to be small but play a key role.Every entrepreneurial failure is an educational lesson for business women, where you fail is where you should learn.Of course, you don't have to experience it yourself to gain insight. Learning from other people's experience is also a way to develop business savvy.It is very important for a successful business woman to treat entrepreneurial failure correctly.Maybe many women, after a failed entrepreneurial experience, always worry about the loss of tens of thousands.As the loss of funds increased, the psychological burden became heavier. Even if there were still business opportunities in front of them, they could not forget the number that made them unforgettable, and regarded the opportunity as a trap.This is the most undesirable concept. Those who cannot withstand failure will have no chance of success.

Therefore, women who are truly savvy in the business world will not be afraid of previous failures. Although it was a fatal blow, which was a heavy blow both mentally and materially, when opportunities come again, they can still hold their chests up accept the challenge.This is a kind of comprehension. To a certain extent, wealth is what every woman in business wants to obtain, but not every woman in business can obtain it. Therefore, the God of Wealth will make a rule for the business world by himself. It may be a stick or a stone that will hinder people's progress on the road to wealth.So some women stumble over a stone on the road and don't want to get up, but some women will get up again and learn to avoid these obstacles in the future until they finally lead to the door of wealth.

Ms. Gu used to be the general manager of a large company. She has many friends with similar experiences in the society. She hopes to have a place to talk and gather.So, led by her, several ladies raised 100 million yuan to set up a bar for women - Women's Bar.Ms. Gu rented a site of hundreds of square meters in a luxury hotel in a busy neighborhood, hired more than 20 beautiful female clerks, and spent nearly one million yuan on decoration alone. When the "Women's Bar" opened, the news media continued to report on it, and the business was booming.However, in less than three months, the number of visitors gradually decreased, and the high cost of business brought enormous pressure to Ms. Gu.After a few months of maintenance, the store fee and the wages of the employees were already a headache for Ms. Gu. When she couldn't maintain it, she thought of giving up.

Once she accidentally heard that a "Women Entrepreneurs Association" had been established in the province. She thought that if she could contact them, she might be able to reverse this dilemma.So she took the initiative to contact her door, hoping to set aside a venue in "Women's Bar" to hold activities for them.For example, some regular lectures, organizing dialogues between banks, securities investment companies and women entrepreneurs from all walks of life in provinces and cities.These activities attracted more than 100 female entrepreneurs, and also attracted the attention of dozens of media in the province. The "Women Journalists Association" and "Women Lawyers Association" have also successively become collective clients of "Women's Bar".At the same time, the original business of the renovated "Women's Bar" with an area of ​​less than 100 square meters has also been revived, attracting many high-income women to become long-term customers.The monthly profit of this business alone is more than 4 yuan.

In addition, Ms. Gu also formulated a new rule, allowing all women to bring a man in for free, and then opened up another new area for cooperation with the largest matchmaking company in the province.In less than a year, Ms. Gu recovered the cost and made as much profit as the cost.

The "tuition fee" you need to pay for starting a business is the money, time, energy, etc. you lost. If you can realize some truths from your failure, then the "tuition fee" you pay will be worth more than the money.Failure not only means pain and loss, but also hidden opportunities for success.

Avoid risks and learn "invisibility"

Buffett has one of the most important investment quotes: "There are three secrets to success: first, try to avoid risks and keep your principal; second, try to avoid risks and keep your principal; third, firmly remember the first and second. "

1.Maintain risk awareness in entrepreneurship
At the beginning of starting a business, you must maintain risk awareness. The more you invest, the greater the risk.Of course, women will conduct research and analysis on investment projects before starting a business, grasp the entire industry, and choose to follow the trend at the right time.This kind of risk awareness before starting a business is what every business woman should grasp, and it can also effectively avoid losing the chain due to inaccurate market grasp in starting a business.However, the division of risks before starting a business does not mean that you can sit back and relax after starting a business. Risks are like air and are everywhere. Once entrepreneurs are careless, they will be amplified by a very small problem due to time and become a failure. possible.

In addition to the reasons of the enterprise itself, there are also some external factors that also pose risks to entrepreneurship and are a threat.In the era of economic information, all kinds of scammers in the market tide began to flood. They have many tricks, and some of them are quite clever.For those entrepreneurial women who are eager to get rich, are new to the business world, and lack experience, it is easy to step on the trap set by scammers. Once they succeed, entrepreneurs will suffer huge economic losses and their hard-working careers will be ruined. once.

For female entrepreneurs, from the beginning of entrepreneurship to the peak of entrepreneurship, risk awareness is always accompanied by entrepreneurship.Therefore, maintaining risk awareness at any time has become a hard task, and it is necessary to proceed cautiously when starting a business.

Ten years ago, Ms. Zou's entrepreneurial passion was ignited by a small advertisement, which was a technical project of "Honeycomb coal that can be ignited with a single match". .For Ms. Zou, whose family conditions are not very good, what is needed is such a project.Later, she came to this technology company, and the staff demonstrated to Ms. Zou on the spot how to replace liquefied gas with a match.While Ms. Zou was moved, the staff showed the document that the briquettes won the gold medal at the Expo.Ms. Zou, who is eager to make money, spent nearly 7000 yuan to buy out the exclusive right to use this kind of coal.

When Ms. Zou returned home, after preparing according to the relevant formula given by the company, it was far from the effect demonstrated in the company.So Ms. Zou called for consultation, and the other party said that it was because the coal Ms. Zou bought was impure and a large amount of additives needed to be added.In addition, briquettes are difficult to mass-produce by mechanization, and only manual models can be used for production. In this way, production costs are increased and production time is wasted.But what made Ms. Zou most angry was that by 1998, Ms. Zou's commissioning and production had not yet been completed, and companies all over the country were transferring the technology, and the price plummeted to 1000 yuan.Ms. Zou lost nearly 5 to [-] yuan from the purchase of technology to the construction of factories and equipment, and paid a heavy price.

At the beginning of every entrepreneur's idea of ​​starting a business, they always hold the attitude of making money. They want to use as little investment as possible to get the most return, but in the process, they must know how to identify the target, how to analyze the market, and how to grasp it. Quotes, etc.If you ignore many risks that should be considered just because you are eager to make money, then you must be prepared to stumble in the business world.Don't trust an investment without any risk, it's just a cover for scammers.It is not uncommon for many entrepreneurs to be defrauded of hundreds of thousands overnight. If you want to prevent yourself from being slaughtered, you must be aware that entrepreneurship is risky, and you must be cautious when going into the sea.

2.How to skillfully avoid risks
While understanding the various risks in the business world, female entrepreneurs must also learn to avoid these risks skillfully.Don't overestimate your ability. You know it's a hurdle, but you think you can jump over it, but you suffer financial losses.There are various risks in the business world, whether it is an individual business or a partnership with others, they cannot be avoided. How can we effectively avoid these risks and be an "invisible person" in the face of risks?

(End of this chapter)

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