Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 103 You are so sweet at the same table

Chapter 103 You are so sweet at the same table (8)

"I want you to take care of it?!"

Jiang Hua yelled at Si Zhuo, and left her with a back that her relatives did not recognize, leaving Si Zhuo baffled.

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Tianxiu's lively voice came, and she was eating melon seeds, while at the same time acting out a brain circuit car accident for her.

"Is it the chasing husband crematorium, or the chasing wife crematorium? My emissary thinks that you can prepare for the forced love of your domineering president."

"I'm not the president."

Si Zhuo replied casually, but Tianxiu didn't expect to stop.

"Oh, it's not bad to force play on desks~"


Si Zhuo was silent for a while, then looked at it coolly, his gaze was like a scalpel, "I think I can arrange a craniotomy for you."

"What kind of crap is in your head?"

"Cut," Tianxiu gave her a white look, "Stop pretending, make it look like you don't want to~"

Si Zhuo remained silent again, speaking solemnly and righteously.

"It can only be understood without words."

It is not advisable to talk on paper.

She should practice true knowledge.


Jiang Hua returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a man in a suit and leather shoes sitting in front of the marble coffee table in the living room, frowning and smoking a cigarette.

Jiang Hua's father, Jiang Han, is back.

As soon as he heard the sound of the door opening, he put out the cigarette, turned to look at Jiang Hua, and was about to speak.

"Bang" sounded.

As soon as Jiang Hua saw him, he slammed the door down.

The attitude is as bad as it is, as if the two are not father and son, but enemies.

Jiang Han's temples twitched and his brows were so frowned that he could kill a fly, so he took out his phone and sent Jiang Hua a message.

Jiang Hua left home with a cold face.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his younger brother, and he gave the notice directly without any rejection, "Tonight, I will sleep at your place."

"Boss, boss, why, why?"

The younger brother trembled in fright from his cold voice, he stuttered a bit when he spoke, and refused all over his body.

"Beep, beep, beep..."

Little brother: "..."

He was oppressed by evil forces.

Jiang Hua hung up the phone directly, and then saw Jiang Han's news. The note he wrote to his father was "Jiang Han" in big characters, without any respect for his father.

[Jiang Han]: It's so late, where are you going?
After Jiang Han sent the message, he kept looking at the phone screen and waited for a long time, thinking that the other party would not reply, so he lit another cigarette.

Just then, the notification sounded.

Jiang Han hurriedly picked it up, and it was indeed Jiang Hua who returned it, but the moment Jiang Han saw the news, his face became stiff and livid.

[Jiang Hua]: Go offer incense to my mother.

Jiang Hua sneered, and went back to his father harshly, not minding how heart-wrenching his words were.

Jiang Han did not speak any more.

When Jiang Hua saw Jiang Han, his mood dropped to freezing point, and he even forgot all the bad things about Si Zhuo.

He didn't go to his younger brother's house immediately, but wandered outside to blow the cold wind, walking aimlessly.

There are many figures and neon lights all around.

The streets of Li City at night are very lively, and people walking around talking and laughing in twos and threes, but these have nothing to do with Jianghua.

He stopped at a clothing store.

There was a piece of glass in front of the store, and a shadow could be seen vaguely. He saw himself standing in the bustling street full of traffic, leading a lonely place alone.

Out of tune with the excitement.

Out of tune with everyone.

Jiang Hua looked away almost in embarrassment, suppressing the pain in his heart, pretending to smile easily, and suddenly heard a familiar voice that could be said to be itchy with hatred.

"Brother, I said, can you stop being so childish?"

In a nearby boutique, Si Zhuo and Ye Chen stood in front of a pile of plush toys, Si Zhuo looked helplessly at his childish brother who was holding two chubby plush bears.

He has a bear in each hand, with a tangled expression.

Grizzly bear on the left, white bear on the right.

Ye Chen looked at Si Zhuo for help, which one should he choose?
Si Zhuo was serious and perfunctory, "Children make choices, adults want everything."

Ye Chen, as the male protagonist created by Xueba, is also the son of Lianjia, so he has a very masculine image, but Si Zhuo found out.

He he he actually likes to collect plush toys!
It is simply eye-popping.

"But I'm not yet of age."

Ye Chen replied honestly, it was still a few months away.


Si Zhuo decisively throws away her naive brother.

It just so happened that after Lin Mei finished shopping in the supermarket, she brought a bunch of things to join them, and stood at the door of the store, looking helplessly at the cold-faced daughter and the son who was hugging two big bears.

She always felt that the genders of the siblings were reversed.

"Mom, I want to hug left and right."

Ye Chen reluctantly looked at the two big bears who were hugging each other warmly, and opened his mouth to Lin Mei.

"Okay, okay, take them all back."

Lin Mei couldn't help but waved to the two of them.

Si Zhuo took a look at the vegetables she bought, her face was cold and her heart was empty, um, yes, they were all her favorite dishes.

A group of people returned with a full load, talking and laughing as they walked home, not noticing the sight of the figures behind them falling on them.

Wait for the three to disappear into the crowd.

Only then did Jiang Hua retract his gaze, lowered his eyes slightly, and lost his mind alone in the bustling street.

Last month, he had a fight with people from other schools, and he fought hard to death, because the other party said to him: CNM.

The other party was seriously injured, and he was also seriously injured.

Confusion, persistent high fever.

He just lay at home, letting his consciousness get more and more blurred, he didn't want to go to the hospital, didn't want to apply medicine, and even thought of—

It's okay to die like this.

Jiang Hua used to skip class in Lin Mei's class. He didn't come that day, and Lin Mei didn't think much about it.

After class, he accidentally ran into a student who was beaten by Jiang Hua and was crying in the corner. He was sent to the hospital, and after questioning, he learned the cause and effect.

She went to Jiang Hua's house to see him.

Jiang Hua didn't lock the door. Lin Mei stood at the door and saw Jiang Hua lying in the living room. In the empty home, he was the only one lying silently on the cold floor of the living room.

Lin Mei couldn't see it, so she carried him to the hospital and took care of him all afternoon, while applying medicine to the small wound on his face.

Jiang Hua grabbed her wrist in a daze.


Lin Mei was silent. She knew by chance that Jiang Hua's mother died of illness when he was young, and that when his father was not a high-ranking city official, he worked hard in the political circle and traveled frequently on business trips, rarely coming back.

Jiang Hua was still a child at that time.

Feeling compassionate, Lin Mei responded softly.

Jiang Hua's grip was tighter, his face turned pale, and there were still some fine scars on his wrists, trembling slightly, revealing a silent fragility.


In a daze, Jiang Hua called out again and again.

Lin Mei agreed.

Then go back to school.

Lin Mei also took care of him repeatedly.

Jiang Hua regained consciousness on the street, and couldn't help kicking the trash can next to him, as if he was a little angry.

"It's not my mother, what should I do?"

He almost believed it...

But she was not his mother.

She belongs to Ye Zhuo.

Everything is Ye Zhuo's.

 One day, Rainbow Flower will say: I am hers too.

  ps: Crying, chirping, chasing and subscribing, it is about to fall off the bestseller list, Yao Jing is going to be autistic.

(End of this chapter)

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