Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 104 You are so sweet at the same table

Chapter 104 You are so sweet at the same table (9)

"Rainbow flowers are nearby."

Tianxiu is very conscientious/reminds Si Zhuo out of boredom and gossip.

Si Zhuo nodded lightly, found a reason to separate from Lin Mei and Ye Chen, and headed in the direction of Jianghua.

After finding Jiang Hua, I was honored to be splashed with dog blood——

The ancient hero saves the beauty.

Jiang Hua was blocked in an alley.

The last time he was suffocated about the seat issue, Grandpa Jiang found someone to fight and vent his anger. Now the person blocking Jianghua is the same person who was beaten last time.

He grew fat and had several tattoos on his arms.

Seeing who is upset, he will go forward and run a lot, saying "my dad is xxx, one sentence can make your whole family xxx", and he will not stop until he is forced to call him brother.

Jiang Hua ignored him and called him "fatty" when he saw him.

That's how it started.

This person is also quite shameless.

The last one-on-one fight was beaten out of Xiang.

Now I have called several "mixed society" people to gang up on Jiang Hua, and I stand aside and watch, quite embarrassing.

"Jiang, kneel down and call Dad, and I'll let you go!"

Jiang Hua sneered, looked at him contemptuously, grabbed him and slammed him against the wall, regardless of the several people around him staring at him.


The fat man slammed into the wall.


Those few "mixed society" people hadn't reacted yet, and they were a little frightened when they saw the fierceness on Jiang Hua's face.

"Come on! Beat Jiang Hua to death, the harder I beat, the more money I'll give you, what are you guys doing?!"

Fatty was dizzy from being bumped, grinning his teeth in pain, kicking and beating Jiang Hua indiscriminately while giving orders to his rescuers.

Jiang Hua sneered, twisted his neck and hit the wall.

The "mixed society" finally reacted.

No matter how ruthless Jiang Hua is, he is just an ordinary high school student, who has never practiced at all, it is all experience from typing.

No matter how experienced, they are outnumbered.

"Hit him! Kill him!"

The fat man booed excitedly beside him.

In a dimly lit corner, Jiang Hua was wrestling with a person. Someone sneaked up on him and knocked him with a wooden stick on his calf. He was forced to kneel on the ground, and was held down tightly by several people.

"TMD, this kid is quite fierce!"

A man rubbed his swollen face, spoke angrily, and couldn't help kicking Jiang Hua, kicking him to the corner of the wall.

Jiang Hua grunted in pain.

The messy hair was wet with sweat, and a few strands stuck to his forehead, half covering his eyes, which were black and shiny in the night.

The cruelty and numbness in the young man's eyes.

It's frightening.

Jiang Hua curled up on the ground, and several people around him punched and kicked him, and the fat man watched for a while.

Seeing that he had no power to resist, he also plucked up his courage, took a wooden stick from a person, swallowed, and walked towards Jianghua.

In a dark corner.

Jiang Hua quietly picked up a brick.

When the fat man came over, his eyes flashed with a ruthlessness that a teenager shouldn't have, and he made a gesture to slap the brick on the fat man's head, but his face was suddenly splashed with blood.

The fat man fell down in front of him with a bloody head.

A thin figure was revealed.

Fragments of distant neon flicker behind her, and the thin light only outlines her outline.

Si Zhuo turned the wooden stick a few times, his movements were elusive in the night, knocking out several people in an instant, and they fell to the ground in disorder.

Jiang Hua almost forgot to stand up from the corner.

He stared blankly at her.

Si Zhuo casually threw the blood-stained wooden stick on the ground. At this time, the scene was silent, and the sound of the wooden stick hitting the night was very clear.

Si Zhuo looked down at him.

The cold moonlight shone on her eyebrows, condensing a bit of unattainable frost, her eyes were deep and quiet.

She leaned over slightly, reaching out to wipe the blood on his cheeks, her movements were slow and gentle.

Jiang Hua froze all over.

The slightly cool fingertips slid across his skin, and when he raised his head slightly, he could see her silhouette against the shimmer.

My heart trembled violently.

Si Zhuo wanted to pick him up and take him to the hospital.

But he was frightened and escaped.

There is nothing in my arms.

Jiang Hua pushed her hand away and ran away, almost in a panic, stumbling across the alley.

Si Zhuo thought about it, but did not catch up.

"Scared by me?"

She was a little confused, took out a tissue to wipe the blood stained on her fingertips, and there was a smell of blood in the evening wind.

Tianxiu glanced at the corpses lying on the ground with bloody heads, it was really shocking to see, but Si Zhuo still had a sense of proportion, she didn't hurt her life, and didn't leave any evidence.

Si Zhuo looked at the direction Jiang Hua was leaving for a moment.

Take out the imperial order.

Jiang Hua stumbled and ran in the dark, stumbled inexplicably, and stopped running, but curled up in the corner with his legs crossed.

My mind is in chaos.

The messy and broken picture just now flashed in his mind.

In the end, it was frozen at the moment when she bent over and her fingertips brushed his face, the moonlight softened her outline, but her breath was colder than frost and snow.

Jiang Hua's heart trembled violently again.

The mind was confused thinking "who is she" and contradictoryly thinking "how could she be there".

Shocked and unbelievable.

Is that... Ye Zhuo?

His eyes trembled slightly, his hands clenched the clothes on his arms, his joints turned white, and the pain hit his body, and he couldn't distinguish between reality and fantasy for a while.

In the cold classroom, there was a bit of naughty Ye Zhuo.

How could it be that person just now.

When she hit someone just now, she was straightforward and indifferent, as if she had done it thousands of times.

How could she be Ye Zhuo?
Ye Zhuo is obviously a "good student".

Also, why save him?
The sporadic neon lights in the night became more and more blurred.

Consciousness gradually blurred.

Jiang Hua fainted.

Si Zhuo followed him all the way, looked at the poor little boy and sighed softly, picked him up from the ground, and went to the nearest hospital.

The nurse on the night shift at the hospital stared blankly for a while.

A thin looking girl.

He was able to easily hug a male princess, answer a phone call, go through all procedures without blushing and breathless, and put him on the hospital bed.

Good, great power.

Si Zhuo ignored the surprised and gossiping eyes of others, took out the mobile phone in Jiang Hua's trouser pocket, and handed it to Tianxiu.

Tianxiu: "...?"

Si Zhuo said lightly, "Unlock it."

"...What are you an envoy?" Tianxiu rolled her eyes at her, a little dissatisfied that she let her do such a thing.

"You are cheating."

Tianxiu curled her lips and took the phone.

Si Zhuo turned on Jiang Hua's cell phone, flipped through the contacts, saw the word "Jiang Han", paused with his fingertips, and remembered the time when Jiang Hua was arguing with the head teacher.

Said the name.

It should be his cheap parents.

It is said that he is still a high-ranking city official.

Si Zhuo called and told Jiang Han that Jiang Hua was in xx Hospital, then hung up and left.

If you don't leave, my mother will blow up her phone.

Jiang Han originally saw Jiang Hua's phone number calling, and he couldn't believe it. He slid to answer, but when he heard a cold female voice, he couldn't help being stunned.

As soon as he heard the word "hospital", he instantly made up the cause and effect. He was about to thank him when he hung up the phone.


To tell the truth, except for Jiang Hua and his immediate boss.

No one really hung up on him.

 It shouldn't fall off the bestseller list... right? .

  Return to the top [-] plus more.

  If I am off the list, I will take two days off to make changes.

  Stay in the top [-], and the liver explosion will be [-] more every day.

  Squeeze into the top ten, every day ten thousand.

  In the past, I was also a person with a daily life of nearly [-]. If you are a Buddha, I will become a Buddha, and I will also fight if you fight. The updates are inspired!

  Subscribe a lot, don't read the text, subscribe to the text first, don't let me update the status of eating full attendance.

  Crying Whale.JPG
(End of this chapter)

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