Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 108 You are so sweet at the same table

Chapter 108 You are so sweet at the same table (13)

Grandpa Jiang is dying!
Realizing what he had done, Jiang Hua looked at her tremblingly, and there were some inexplicable and unreasonable things, why did she give him breakfast?
If it weren't for this conjecture, it would be ridiculous in the world.

He was going to suspect that she liked him!
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

It's a fantasy, and it makes people desperate to think about it, but why on earth did she bring him breakfast?

Si Zhuo lowered her eyes slightly, expressionless.

The hot soy milk was poured on her hands, but she didn't respond, but Pei Xiaomeng rushed up, wiped her with a tissue, and scolded Jiang Hua while wiping.

"how could you do this?!"

"The squad leader kindly gave you breakfast, it's fine if you don't eat it, why did you spill it, and it burned the squad leader!"

Pei Xiaomeng burst out with unprecedented courage inexplicably.

Jiang Hua was a little weak.

"I didn't mean to!"

To be honest, even if Ye Zhuo didn't spread the breakfast just now, he wouldn't dare to eat it, he didn't know what she meant.

"Am I a little familiar?"

Si Zhuo thought of Jiang Hua's astonished eyes just now, and suddenly reflected on herself, as if she was asking herself or Tianxiu.

In the first few planes, Xiao Hua either approached by herself or was very obedient. The development between the two of them was entirely in her hands.

She's used to rapid progress.

But I forgot, the little flower of this plane.

Not the same, kind of rebellious.

She is used to being nice to him.

It seemed strangely familiar.

It's even more disturbing.

Tianxiu told her with certainty, "Yes."

"You're a little anxious."

"Don't forget that it's a sophomore in high school now, and Rainbow Flower is only 17 years old. It's useless if you get it so quickly. Starting in three years, the maximum penalty is death, and you can't cook raw rice."

"Let's cook it when he is an adult."


What to cook, cook edamame? !

Si Zhuo almost couldn't help rolling his eyes at it, what was it thinking in its mind that didn't know what to pretend?
Is she like this.

Have you seen Xiao Hua who just wants to have sex?


She clearly—

I miss him even if I don't see him.

" are right."

Seeing that Jiang Hua looked at her strangely, Si Zhuo agreed with Tianxiu's unreasonable remarks, and now Pei Xiaomeng wanted to push her to the bathroom to wash her hands.

She paused and looked at Jiang Hua.

Jiang Hua's heart trembled, and he quickly avoided her gaze, so cowardly he just wanted to shrink his head so that she could not see him.

The best solution at this time is to apologize.

But Jianghua is strong inside and out.

I really can't open my mouth.

Then I heard her clear and cold voice, "Ms. Lin asked me to bring you breakfast. If you don't like it, I'll just tell her."

Her voice was calm, without any ups and downs.

Just like her, she always feels like she has no feelings, which makes Jiang Hua's heart twitch inexplicably.

Jiang Hua wanted to say something.

And inexplicably stuck in his throat.

He lowered his head, his eyes fell on her hand, the white skin was glaringly red, and the hands he clasped on the table couldn't help but clenched tightly.


Like a child who made a mistake and was disciplined.

Stubborn and wronged.

After Si Zhuo finished speaking, she left with Pei Xiaomeng.

Although a little bit of soy milk was poured because he didn't pay attention, the breakfast would not be unsteady, and Pei Xiaomeng put the rest on someone else's table out of desperation.

The classmate who cleaned up today resignedly cleaned up the soy milk on the ground. Seeing the transparent plastic bag next to the breakfast with a lot of soy milk, he hesitated whether to throw it away.

The classmate glanced at Jiang Hua quietly.

This... no one will eat it, right?

Jiang Hua, who was originally silent, got up suddenly, passed by him, and brought a gust of wind, which startled him, and when he regained consciousness.

The breakfast in front of me is gone.

This is, take it and throw it away?


Throw it in your belly.

Jiang Hua ran behind a hidden tree root again.

He opened the transparent plastic bag, and saw a box of dumplings inside, which were still warm. Thinking of Ye Zhuo saying that Mr. Lin asked him to bring them, he suddenly felt the warmth run down his hand.

quietly into the bottom of my heart.

Grandpa Jiang is really hungry.

He shrank himself behind the roots of the tree, and there were few people around, and there were bushes blocking it, but there were many mosquitoes.

He shook his head.

Get rid of everything that affects your appetite.

No one saw it anyway.

He took out his chopsticks, stuffed the dumplings into his mouth, his cheeks bulged, and he ate a mouthful of oil and peanut butter.


After eating, Jiang Hua covered his stomach and lay dead.

The troubles that had just been put aside came up again.

What should I do?
It seems that he offended Ye Zhuo again.

She will definitely take revenge on Grandpa Jiang!
She suddenly thought of the way she beat people.

Jiang Hua sat up in shock, he always felt that he would be beaten, the kind of sack in the alley.

He frightened for a moment.

And then lie dead.

Forget it, it's not like he hasn't been beaten before.

Get used to it, get used to it.

Anyway, she wouldn't pay herself for killing him.

After all, murder is a crime.

Thank you for the criminal law.

Thinking of this, he was inexplicably relieved.

I also licked the peanut butter at the corner of my mouth, and aftertaste, I thought, Teacher Lin is so kind.

thought here.

Then he sat up abruptly.

lean on lean on...

He thought of something more serious.

Teacher Lin is Ye Zhuo's mother!
What if, what if...

What if Ye Zhuo sues Mr. Lin? !

Jiang Tousou bit his finger with trembling teeth.

A look of horror, trembling.

If so.

This may be his last meal.

Ah bah, last breakfast.

Jiang Sushou thought out of context, and Ye Zhuo also said that he told Mr. Lin, which is tantamount to——

She wants to sue! ! !

End Liao——

Why let him eat after.

Tell him there will be no more!

The sky is going to kill me, Grandpa Jiang.

It's all Jiang Han's fault.

It's all Jiang Han's fault for affecting his mood.


Maybe I won't have a brain twitch.

That's right, that's it.

He wanted to go back and kill his father.

When I was about to get up.

Suddenly remembered, there seemed to be something left uneaten. It was a small cake. Jiang Hua picked it up and looked at it with a confused face.

The cake is small but delicate. The cream is made into a beige flower, but it has been knocked and deformed. There is a cherry in the middle.

Most importantly, the bag is branded.

This was obviously not done by Mr. Lin.

Ye Zhuo bought it on the road!

Moreover, Jianghua has been to this store.

I went secretly.

If someone finds out that Grandpa Jiang is such a grown man, he still likes to eat cakes made by little girls like this, won't he be laughed to death? !
Could it be that Ye Zhuo sent it wrong?
No, Ye Zhuo was holding it with one hand at the time.

Handed it to him with breakfast.

So it's for him too.

Teacher Lin didn't know that he likes to eat cakes, so it is impossible to ask Ye Zhuo to buy one on the road, and Ye Zhuo bought it himself.

Why did Ye Zhuo buy himself a cake? !

Why cake? !
Did she find out that she likes to eat cakes, but she found out when she found out, why did she buy it for him?
And it's been a long time since the last time he ate cake, why would she know...

I do not know what to think.

He suddenly recalled all the things before, Ye Zhuo was a very cold person, he treated everyone the same, but every time he saw him, there would always be some different expressions.

Especially when he walks past her.

She couldn't help frowning slightly.

And that time in the alley, her fingers slid down his face, her eyes were deep and cold, and her fingertips finally landed on his collar.

For some reason, he subconsciously ran away.

When Jiang Hua thought of this, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

A thought suddenly jumped into my mind.

Jiang Hua's heart trembled.

She must have planned for a long time——

She wanted to kill Grandpa Jiang with poison!
 There are many ways to eat florets:

  1. Squeeze juice~
  2. Boiled edamame~
  3. Wait for the unlock...

  PS: Please look forward to the scene of Rainbow Flower’s brain circuit car accident in the next chapter. I can really add updates, today or tomorrow, it’s up to you~
(End of this chapter)

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