Hurry up, please be kind

Chapter 109 You at the same table are so sweet [Add more]

Chapter 109 You at the same table are so sweet (14) [Add more]

Grandpa Jiang felt that he was the truth.

Although Ye Zhuo didn't say it directly, he always knew that she hated him very much, not to mention that she didn't care about some classmates, she just disdain to talk to him.

Before Ye Zhuo, it was true that some people only depended on their achievements.

Good grades have a good relationship with her.

Those who are behind in grades basically have no intersection.

For example, Pei Xiaomeng.

As the squad leader, Ye Zhuo didn't even remember anyone before.

But it's not because of bad grades.

Ye Zhuo hated Jiang Hua, at best he ignored it.

But he was too rowdy.

Confront the teacher and disrupt the classroom.

In her eyes, it is to disturb her study.

Of course it would be annoying.

And Jiang Hua, who is the bottom one.

I have never been used to this kind of study madness before.

It can be said that there has been a long-standing grudge.

But the two have always been in harmony with each other.

Until the thing at the same table...

Thinking of this, Jiang Hua's heart trembled, and she thought of the dark alley again. She slid over his hand on the collar that fell on his cheek.

If only he ran slower.

She might have strangled his neck!
If only he ran slower.

Maybe he will die in Huangquan!
Obviously hate him.

But inexplicably bought him a cake.

There are tricks.

It's very tricky.

She must want to kill Grandpa Jiang!

Jiang Hua stared bitterly at the little cake, then unpacked it, took out a small spoon, and wanted to check for signs of poisoning.

So he spooned it into his mouth.

Test yourself for poison.

Take a sip, hey, it's not dead yet.

So he ate mouthful after mouthful...

The cake bottomed out quickly.

He meditated while eating, she hates Grandpa Jiang, she must want to kill Grandpa Jiang, the cake must have been poisoned, she will definitely take the opportunity to kill Grandpa Jiang.

Sure enough, after thinking about it like this.

I don't feel so guilty anymore.

After eating, Jiang Hua looked at the packing bag and sat under the root of the tree for a long time, not knowing what he was waiting for, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for what he wanted to happen.

Then he hugged his head irritably.

"Ah, why haven't I been poisoned to death..."

Poison him, poison him, poison him quickly...

Why hasn't he been poisoned to death yet? Doesn't she hate him very much? He has already thought up the murder plan for her, so why not poison him to death? !

Quickly poison him to death!
so uncomfortable...

He buried his head on his knees, grabbed his hair irritably, then hugged his knees tightly, curled up into a ball.

Closing her eyes, she saw her red hands again.

My heart was suddenly pulled.

It hurts.

"You are so annoying..."

What about hating him?
Why didn't she seem to hate him all of a sudden?
Jiang Hua asked himself, if he was Ye Zhuo and hated him, even if Teacher Lin asked him to bring breakfast, he would definitely not obediently bring it.

Maybe eat it yourself.

Or throw it away halfway.

Or to someone else.

Even, move your hands and feet or something.

Not to mention, it comes with a cake.

If she hates him.

No breakfast for him at all.

Why is she bringing him breakfast!

Is it okay to hate him all the time?
he is so annoying...

Jiang Hua raised his head and stared at the packing bag on the ground with a dazed expression. He was always sharp like a hedgehog, and he was at a loss in his eyes.

His eyes trembled slightly.

The heart also trembled.

She fought so hard, if she hadn't been defenseless, how could she be touched by him just like that, and she would scald her hands with soy milk.

At that time he raised his head subconsciously.

Seeing the astonishment flickering in her eyes.

Jiang Hua thought about it.

My heart hurts for no reason.

Beat him, scold him for bullying him, he can return it back as hard as he wants without any scruples, it's not like he hasn't sent people to the hospital before.

The matter of being thrown into the trash can by Ye Zhuo before.

It's a lie that he doesn't hold grudges.

He is not a good person in the first place, he must retaliate, he is narrow-minded, it is all fart to repay grievances with kindness, and to take a step back.

He had already figured out how to get revenge on her.

Put snakes in the table hole, caterpillars in the book, tricks on the stool, throw thumbtacks under the table, push her into the men's bathroom, and instruct his little brothers to prepare ink and splash her all over when she passes downstairs.

He even made up a spoof and read it on the school radio.

Make her the joke of the whole school.

Look, he's so annoying.

She should hate him as much as everyone else.

But she stepped into a dirty alley.

get him out.

What frightened him the most was that she didn't ask him why he fought, she only asked him if he was healed.

His eyes were calm and undisturbed.

Just a normal greeting to normal people.

Other than that, there is no other meaning.

Except for Mr. Lin, few people looked at him with this kind of non-unusual eyes, which made him suddenly feel that the other party knew everything, understood everything, and had no prejudice.

There is nothing he can do with this kind of person.

He is most afraid of this kind of person.

Just like Teacher Lin.

He was very afraid.

I'm afraid that such a person will finally appear.

If you don't pay attention, she also becomes like everyone else.

But thinking of Ye Zhuo.

He'd rather she be like everyone else.

If so, right now.

He wouldn't be in such a mess.

"What should I do……"

He, who has always been shameless, feels that he is too ungrateful. She must be angry.

To die, to die, to die, to die!
Jiang Hua grabbed a rainbow.

Felt like I was going crazy.

This is the first time I have encountered such a thing.

Really not knowing what to do, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the group chat with his younger brothers, and sent a message, which directly ignited the entire group of younger brothers.

[Grandpa Jiang]: "I made a girl angry, what should I do?"

【Little Brother No. [-]】: "...?"

【Little Brother No. [-]】: "...Clam?!!"

[Little Brother No. [-]]: "Boss, have you been hacked?!"

[Little Brother No. [-]]: "Absolutely! How could the boss ask such a stupid question?! Angry.JPG"

[Little Brother No. [-]]: "Whoever pretends to be our boss, you have to listen to me, surrender yourself quickly, and give him a lighter punishment!"

[Little brother No. 31415926535, No. [-], No. [-], No. [-]... countless numbers]: "Let's confess lightly, and resist strictly! +[-]..."

[Grandpa Jiang]: "..." Making a stick.

[Grandpa Jiang]: "Shut up, find a way!"

[Little brother No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-]... countless numbers]: "...Oh, yes boss, good boss."

So irritable, there is no one but the boss.

However, making girls angry...


The boss still cares whether others are angry or not? !

And still a girl? !
There are tricks, and there are big tricks.

It's the kind of tricky thing that looks like a gossip array.

Curious, want to know.

[Little Brother No. [-]]: "Then boss, how did you make the girl angry, tell me about the process, and it's best to reveal who it is, so that we can proceed from reality and give you advice based on local conditions."

Sincere on the surface, treacherous on the inside.JPG
[Little brother No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-]... countless numbers]: "The ministers seconded the proposal."

Ready to move.JPG
[Grandpa Jiang]: "...Okay."

It makes sense, but something doesn't feel right.

He briefly talked about the matter, but he didn't say who it was, and the younger brothers were thinking in the group.

In fact, he has already started to carry out blanket investigations at the school according to his narration, but in the end he gave him an idea responsibly——


【Grandpa Jiang】: "..."

[Grandpa Jiang]: "Change to another one!"

Grandpa Jiang doesn't apologize!

Grandpa Jiang just doesn't want to apologize!
[Little brother No. [-], No. [-], No. [-], No. [-]... Countless numbers]: "Other treatments treat symptoms but not the root cause. This one has the best curative effect. Boss, just follow it~"

【Grandpa Jiang】: "..."

 Add more, just want to add more suddenly.

  Well, let me find a reason for myself, congratulations to the cutie Says who became the second deacon and jumped to the top of the list.

  Touch, hug and raise Yaojing’s girlfriend Ah Shu, be good, don’t cry when you meet a local tyrant, come and throw yourself into the arms of your boyfriend, Yaojing will hate the rich with you~hhh
(End of this chapter)

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