my ghost husband

Chapter 401 Follow-up Extra Story 24

Chapter 401 Follow-up Extra Story 24

"And these things can't be delayed, my stomach can't wait. My parents may come again in a few days. It should be just a few days!"

Niu Lifan poked the side of the bowl uneasy.

I asked: "Are you afraid? I actually didn't see a lot of what happened last time. I don't know what you did specifically? But it still feels scary!"

"You'd better not ask and don't think about it for the rest of your life, maybe the day you find out, you won't be able to sleep for the rest of your life."

In the afternoon, it was Niu Lifan who went to the supermarket to buy dinner.He lives here now, and he is quite sensible. As long as he is here, he cooks a lot.

A table of dishes is ready, and they are waiting for Zong Sheng to come back.When Zong Sheng came back, he also brought back a brochure of Youpin.It has the apartment type of Youpin Phase 2.

Niu Lifan didn't give face at all, and said: "You are still studying the house design, whether you can survive in a few days is still the same thing."

"If you always think that you will die in a few days and don't do anything, what is the difference between being alive and being dead?" Zong Sheng should know the result when he sees Niu Lifan here.

Niu Lifan left that day because my mother came over, but now that he came back by himself, it also means that Niu Lifan has finished all the things he explained.Regarding Niu Lifan's departure, we never thought that he would withdraw from our plan.He just left temporarily to finish his work.

After dinner, the two men were there again working on their plans.Now everything that should be prepared has been prepared, and the location is set at the original site of the Shane Hotel.

Niu Lifan also asked: "Isn't it okay to change the location? Then you are still in ruins, or it is still a bit difficult to get the enchantment."

"Where is Shen Jien now? None of us can be sure. Choosing the ruins of the hotel also determines Shen Jien's location to a large extent. If he doesn't show up, everything we do will be in vain."

"It's too cloudy there, and I'm always afraid that something will happen."

Listening to the two of them talking, just as I was about to say a few words, Zong Sheng said, "You'd better not get involved in this matter."

When he said this, I quickly objected loudly: "Although I am a big belly woman now, I think I have to participate in this matter. His next target is me. Even if he uses his mother as a bait now, in case As soon as he escaped from your enchantment, he might run to kill me at the first moment. At that time, you thought it was you driving fast, or he appeared in front of me in a blink of an eye. You still started the car Maybe he has crawled out of the TV over there. If I stay with you all the time, even if he escapes from the barrier and comes to harm me, you can stop him!"

Niu Lifan laughed: "Youxuan, you even crawled out of the TV. You are too good at thinking. However, what you said is the same reason! Then you just wait in the glass house when the time comes. .”

I thought about it and said: "It's better not to go to the glass house, I'll wait for you at the roadside bus stop! If he really runs out and comes to find me in the glass house, he will be in the glass house If something happens, it will affect the sales of Youpin!"

I was there with Niu Lifan and you were talking to each other, Zong Sheng finally couldn't listen anymore: "Is that why you don't believe me?"

"It's not a question of belief at all, it's a question of insurance."

After several discussions, Zong Sheng had no right to speak at all, so we decided on this matter.

Seeing Zong Sheng begin to calculate the time that would be beneficial to us, to be honest, I was also quite nervous. After a few months of hard work, we had to face such a thing on our own initiative.

The final determined time is the night after two days.This time is earlier than we thought.It's better to be early, or I will always be in a panic, and I will not be able to sleep well.

The next day, when Zong Sheng went to work, Niu Lifan and I followed suit.I sat under the sun umbrella on the platform in front of the glass house and watched the two of them walk up and down the ruins diagonally across the street with a ruler and a compass.The supervisor even came to ask me if the small boss also intends to buy the opposite land.Although the current operating and financial status of the company is very bad, everyone knows this.However, the sales of Youpin are still very good. After the completion of this real estate project, it will definitely make a lot of money.

I just drank water and laughed with him without answering.I don't need to tell Xiao Chen these things, but if grandpa comes to ask, I really don't know what to say.

After 11 o'clock, grandpa's car came back from outside.Not long after, Grandpa sat next to me, looked at Zong Sheng and Niu Lifan who were walking back and forth, and asked, "What does Zong Sheng want?"

"He probably wants to buy the land over there."

"Nonsense!" Grandpa suddenly roared, which shocked me. I closed my eyes and widened my eyes, and dared not speak.

Grandpa is of the prudent type, and his investments are very cautious.If Youpin hadn't been strongly requested by Zong Sheng, he probably wouldn't have agreed to this investment.Not to mention the acquisition of new land at a time when the company's funds simply can't be taken care of.

I shrunk my neck, Grandpa seldom spoke, and he spoke harshly to me.Now that he suddenly yelled like this, I was still quite scared.But it's impossible for me to tell him the truth.Now my mother proposes to follow us, we are already very embarrassed.If grandparents know these things, we will be even more embarrassed.

Zong Sheng finally came over from there.Niu Lifan was arranging the ruler and compass, and Zong Sheng was looking at the notebook in his hand while walking.The book is not big, and there are many pictures on it that we can't understand at all.

Grandpa called Zong Sheng to the construction site with a sullen face. As soon as Zong Sheng left, Niu Lifan sat with me under the parasol and asked, "Your grandfather looks very angry."

"Yes, he asked me, what are you doing. What can I say, I can only say that he wants to buy the land over there."

"That's why you should be angry. Whoever buys the land will pay for it! This side is so big that it's a bow and arrow, and the evil spirit shoots directly at it. On the other side, it's a pattern of accumulating wealth. The wealth is here. It's better to be a small park over there. , Urban green space or something. This is a commercial street, if you are tired from shopping here, go sit there." Niu Lifan was talking while flipping through the little notebook that Zong Sheng was holding just now.

I also stretched out my hand: "Let me take a look." The small book was pulled in front of me.In that book, there are floor plans over there, and there are also side views. For the first time, I found that Zong Sheng's hand-drawn drawings are so powerful.On that blueprint, there are many easy-to-learn things marked. I can't understand it at all, but I can still understand the location of Bamiandaofan, the location of the box, and the location of Shen Han's mother.There is even a route for Shen Han's mother to evacuate.Also, the position where I was standing at that time is marked.It's just behind the bus station, nearly 30 meters away from the center.

Niu Lifan took the notebook from my hand: "You can't understand it either. Anyway, when the time comes, you will stand wherever we tell you to stand. We have demonstrated this procedure several times. This time, we strive for zero Casualties. In the afternoon, I will go to do some work for Daoban. I will leave first, and you can tell Zong Sheng later that I will prepare meals at home and wait for you in the evening."

As soon as Niu Lifan left, I fell into deep thought."Strive for zero casualties," he it possible?In fact, when I said that I would take the initiative to deal with Shen Jien, I thought that I might be injured, or even fall into this matter.Can it really be zero casualties?When I close my eyes, I will think of the scene when I stabbed Zong Sheng's body with the wooden hairpin.His blood stained my vision.Will there really be zero casualties this time?
We only have a day and a half left, and that day and a half is easily over.Niu Lifan finished Daofan's bracket and set up a pole on the ruins.Also swipe out a small platform.

On the last night, I finally saw Shen Han's mother again.She was wearing a white sportswear and a pair of flat shoes, which was quite different from her previous image.Besides, didn't she just die with her daughter?Although she didn't raise that daughter, isn't it sad to see her when Shen Han died?Why do you put on a very thick and white makeup now?White as a ghost.Her face had calmed down.Just don't talk much.

This is the meal we get together, the one that precedes this fight.I still remember the last dinner, we still had a lot of people.At that time, Mr. Niu also came.But this time, he chose to leave.

The dinner was held at a farmhouse near our home.In the box of the farmhouse, there is a big table with many dishes on it.Niu Lifan even ordered a case of beer.

I saw that Zong Sheng had no objection at all, and when he even took the initiative to open the wine bottle, I said, "Tonight is the time to do big things. Why are you still drinking when life and death are on the line?"

Niu Lifan laughed: "If you don't drink, I'm afraid I will become the next Mr. Niu. When Shen Jien appears, I will run away first."

"Just drink some." Zong Sheng also said, he has a good capacity for alcohol, so of course he doesn't care about it.

I looked at Shen Han's mother sitting next to me, her face was too calm.What we are going to do now, it is normal for her to cry or scold.But why is it so peaceful?It's not as calm as she should be.

"Auntie?" I called, and she slowly turned her head.I continued, "If you think it's too embarrassing, just leave it to us."

She still didn't speak, and had already started eating with chopsticks.The word "soulless" comes to mind.She gives me the feeling that she has no soul now, and she can do whatever I ask her to do.

For this meal, everyone just ate and drank, and the two of them didn't tell us specifically what we were going to do.Anyway, it's the two of them who really do things, and I'm just the one standing still in a fixed position.What Shen Han's mother had to do was to stand there and run out when Niu Lifan called her.The specific steps, those two men have already said many times.

As a big belly woman of mine, the time to go to the toilet is always relatively short, so I went to the toilet twice during this meal.When I went to the bathroom for the second time, Zong Sheng also came out.In this farmhouse, there is no bathroom in the box, and the bathroom is at the end of a row of bungalows.

When I came out of the bathroom, Zong Sheng was standing at the door, playing with the lighter in his hand, as if he was waiting for me.Since I got pregnant, he seldom smokes, and even if he can, he won't smoke in front of me.

When I walked out of the bathroom door, I just said in a low voice: "Shen Han's mother didn't say a word, she felt like she lost her soul, it's weird."

Zong Sheng grabbed me, tilted his head, and said in my ear: "She has lost her soul, and the person sitting next to you is a walking corpse. I can't trace the soul in her body, it should be very What a powerful guy, he can create an enchantment for himself, so that we can't detect him in Shen Han's mother's body."

I froze when I heard it.I thought of it for a moment, she kept silent, as if she didn't even say hello from the beginning to now.And her face was too white, so white that there was no blood at all.It turned out that the reason is here.

"Zong Sheng?" I cried out nervously.He approached me, stretched out his hands to straighten the hair on the top of my head, and said in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, go in and eat as if you don't know anything. After a while, you can stand where you should. Just be wary of her. The rest Yes, Niu Lifan and I will handle it."

I bit my lip, and he pecked lightly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

No wonder Shen Jien knew about it so quickly when Shen Han came back last time.He should know our plan now.And now there are only a few hours left before the plan is implemented. If the plan is changed now, it will actually force Shen Jien to do it earlier.

He has already taken care of his biological mother, so I will be next.This is because I know that the other party wants to kill me, and I still have to sit with her and have a good meal.

Zong Sheng whispered in my ear: "No matter what happens, trust me, Youxuan, do you understand? No matter what you see or what happens, you have to trust me. There is no way out for what happened tonight Now if Niu Lifan hadn't dragged her, I wouldn't have come to tell you these things. Trust me! We'll all be safe, no matter what happens, trust me."

I nodded heavily.

At this time, a middle-aged woman on the side yelled at us: "Are you occupying the latrine and not shitting? Why are you standing at the door of the bathroom while you have something to say? You don't need it, others still need... "

Her words just stopped because Zong Sheng raised his eyes and stared at her.Zong Sheng didn't wear sunglasses, his blood-colored eyes just looked at him with murderous intent, the woman just interrupted her words, let alone go to the bathroom, she just didn't say a word, and turned back to the side In the box.

(End of this chapter)

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