my ghost husband

Chapter 402 Follow-up Extra Story 25

Chapter 402 Follow-up Extra Story 25

When I walked into the box again, I couldn't help feeling nervous.I didn't know just now that I could still eat with peace of mind.Now that I know, how can it be possible to say that I am not nervous?
Looking at Niu Lifan who was sitting next to me as if nothing happened, he said with a smile that this meal tonight might be our last meal.So be sure to eat chicken, or whole chicken.Think of it as offering yourself in advance.

Zong Sheng could see my nervousness.So when he got in the car, he still said casually: "Youxuan sit in front..."

Before Niu Lifan could react, he said, "It's not good for pregnant women to sit in the front." But while he was talking, he had already pulled the car door toward the back seat, turned his head, and said to Shen Han's mother with a smile: "Auntie, please. "

Shen Han's mother still looked so cold, got into the car, and didn't say a word.

It took a few 10 minutes for the car to go from our side to the ruins of the original site of the Shane Hotel.During these 10 minutes, I didn't dare to speak at all.I was afraid that if I said something wrong, it would make Shen Han's mother, or Shen Jien suspicious.

Even if you are nervous, time will pass.The car still stopped at the parking line in front of the glass house.

They all got out of the car, even Shen Han's mother got out of the car with a blank expression and walked towards that side.I sat in the co-pilot's seat and took several deep breaths before opening the door and getting out of the car.

There are fewer cars on the street at this time.After crossing the road, Niu Lifan and Zong Sheng started doing their business.I stood on the picture drawn in Zong Sheng's little book that I saw earlier, marked my location, which was at the bus stop, and watched the situation over there.

Niu Lifan and Zong Sheng installed Daofan over there.I know that they used a shelf to support Daofan, and installed a track at the end, forcing Shen Jien to the track placed in the middle box.It turns out that the Tao Fan in the TV series will move by itself, which is not true.These are all pre-arranged.

Niu Lifan also put candles behind the shelves, and Zong Sheng put the reel box.These are the arrays obtained by their calculations and measurements for several days.

Finally everything was done, Niu Lifan said to Shen Han's mother who was standing beside me: "Auntie, come here. Just stand here. When the time comes, when I tell you to run, you will run towards Youxuan Just run over there. Don't look back, don't talk, just run."

When Shen Han's mother walked out, she whispered to me: "Are you ready? The next target is you. Let Zong Sheng kill you with his own hands. Tonight is convenient."

I was cold all over, and I opened my mouth to speak, but I still covered my mouth.Did Shen Jien know that Zong Sheng and the others already knew that he was on Shen Han's mother.Will I disturb them if I shout?

I covered my mouth tightly and watched Shen Han's mother walk over.Zong Sheng looked back at me, gave me a rare smile, and slowly opened his mouth to say a word to me.The light here is still relatively dim, and I can't see his mouth clearly at all.Can only use guesswork.I think he should be saying to me: "Trust me!" These are the three words.

Shen Han's mother walked into the ruins, and Zong Sheng had already prepared the enchantment nearby. As soon as Shen Jien appeared, the formation eyes would be activated.

I couldn't understand the situation over there either. I just watched Zong Sheng let a chicken out. Not long after, the chicken died at Shen Han's mother's feet.Zong Sheng started to do something, Niu Lifan quickly lit the candles behind Daofan, and then started the track, making those Daofan slowly close together, getting closer and closer.

In the ruins, it seems that the sound of stones can be heard, and the voice of Shen Jien can be heard vaguely.

"Next! I want the next target to die! Zong Youxuan! You go to die. I want you to die!"

I couldn't see the situation over there, and when I heard this vaguely, I turned my head back and avoided my eyes in fear.On the street, the cars passing by from time to time, this bus stop is empty.

But that voice seemed to follow the wind, getting closer and closer to me, and finally it seemed to be speaking behind me.

I panicked, the voice really seemed to be speaking behind me, even I could feel the chill coming from behind me.I panicked, but I didn't dare to turn my head back. I had already thought about it, would I be able to see Shen Jien if I turned my head?Is he still covered in blood?

The chill behind me is getting closer and closer, and I can't avoid it.I was so nervous that I couldn't help shouting: "Ah!" At the same time, I took a step back and turned around to look.

What appeared right behind me was not Shen Jien, nor Shen Han's mother, but Zong Sheng!

Niu Lifan's voice can still be heard from the ruins: "It's done! This rotating box is really spinning all the time! Wow! It's so powerful!"

Zong Sheng smiled at me and said, "Are we very good?"

His smile is very strange.Even if Zong Sheng wants to smile at me, it won't be like this.My heart skipped a beat at that moment.This Zong Sheng in front of me is not my Zong Sheng.I trust my intuition.

Zong Sheng approached me: "Let's go, let that person clean up the rest."

that person? !Zong Sheng wouldn't call Niu Lifan that.

He reached out to me, and I stepped back again, avoiding his hand.The whole person looked at him with terrified eyes.

"Oh? Do you want to go and have a look too? I'll take you there. The rotating box is really spinning. There is already something pushing it inside. She will never come out, so don't worry."

I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming.He said something was already pushing inside and he would never be able to get out.

Who is this in there?

The Zong Sheng in front of me is definitely not my Zong Sheng.His smile is like Shen Jien.He is Shen Jien!So who is that pushing the box and never getting out?Zong Sheng? !
"I, I want to see!" I whispered.My voice was trembling.

He still smiled and said, "Let's go, I'll take you there. You don't have to be afraid. With me here, nothing will happen to you." I walked carefully towards that side.

I'm a big belly woman, even during the day, Zong Sheng might not let me walk into this ruin.But now, at night, there is no lighting equipment here, and we can only rely on the light reflected by the street lamps beside the street.But the light was so weak that basically the part in the shadow couldn't be seen clearly at all.It is because of this that I walk very slowly.

Zong Sheng was walking beside me, and he was talking: "Niu Lifan is really a fool. Did he think that Shen Jien would be trapped so easily? Shen Jien has been here for such a long time, climbing up little by little. Very Painful, blood all over my body, painful all over my body. But I still didn’t give up. I believe that one day I will climb up from below. I will let those who hurt me die by my hands.”

At the beginning he said Shen Jien, but later he said "I".

After a few seconds of silence, he said, "You should know, I'm not your Zong Sheng, Zong Youxuan!"

I look at him.He is Zong Sheng's body, Zong Sheng's face, even his blood-colored eyes are still looking at me.

Seeing that I didn't speak, he continued: "Remember what I said? I want you to die in Zong Sheng's hands, let him live and suffer for the rest of his life. Make his life worse than death. Then start today .”

As soon as he finished speaking, before I could react, he had already grabbed my hair, and at the same time picked up a bent nail from the ground and smashed it down on my head.

I screamed, as if I was about to run away, but my feet were caught by a stone.I didn't dare to use force, I was afraid that I would fall down.If my big belly falls down now, it will hurt the child.

I closed my eyes tightly, screaming, and waited for the nail to come down.

But there was no expected pain, and I heard what Shen Jien said: "Do you think I didn't see it? Since you already know that I am not Zong Sheng, why did you come here with me? Are you trying to bring me back to life?" Take it back to the barrier? I am using Zong Sheng's body now, how could I go back again? Zong Youxuan, you can't hide your little trick from me. This is Zong Sheng's body, open your eyes Let's see, how does the man you love the most make your blood flow out and your brains flow out. Hate it, there is no love in this world at all. If he says he loves you, he will kill you You. You said, what will happen to him when he wakes up after you die? Haha. What will happen to him as a ghost?"

"Let me go!" I finally said, "Get out of Zong Sheng's body, get out! If you are not happy yourself, don't rely on others! Get out of his body!"

"You want me to get lost? Zong Youxuan, don't you think you should run away now?"

"Get out of Zong Sheng's body! Get out!" After roaring a few times, I became more courageous.I pulled out the lightning wooden hairpin from my neck and pointed it at him, "Shen Jien, are you going to get out? Otherwise, I'll stick it in. I can't let Zong Sheng kill me, I can't let him suffer for the rest of his life Alive. I can kill him. You are in his body. Do you think you can escape? Even if you don’t get out of this lightning wooden hairpin, you will disappear in his body and disappear into this world, right? .”

Shen Jien looked at the hairpin in my hand and hesitated.After a few seconds, he asked slowly, "Why? Why didn't you run away by yourself and stay here?"

"Even if you took Zong Sheng's body, Zong Sheng is Zong Sheng, get out! He's mine! Give him back to me!"

Shen Jien lowered his head and lowered the nail in his hand: "Why, you can do this, but my biological mother chose to flee with her. She didn't care about my pain and stayed away from me."

(End of this chapter)

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