my ghost husband

Chapter 403 Follow-up Extra Story 26

Chapter 403 Follow-up Extra Story 26

"That's your business!" I stared at him closely, if he dared to do anything to me, I would definitely dare to pierce him.Now, even if I can't help Zong Sheng, I still want to keep me and his child.I know he still cares about this kid.Even if he can express his thoughts now, he will definitely agree with me to protect the child first.

When I finished saying this, I quietly and quickly glanced over there.What about Niu Lifan?What about Niu Lifan?Now in this situation, why is he nowhere to be seen?Wasn't he still talking there just now?
The only foreign aid that might show up also disappeared, and my grip on the hairpin became even tighter.Now I can only test myself.I can't be weak!

Shen Ji'en didn't talk to me anymore, but laughed, his peculiar evil smile.He walked towards me step by step, as if he had already calculated that I would step back step by step.However, I didn't retreat, I just stood there and said, "Did you forget that I was the one who stabbed Zong Sheng last time? Is it meaningful for you?"

"You won't succeed this time!" After he finished speaking, he bent down again, trying to pick up the nails on the ground.

But at this moment, Niu Lifan didn't know where he came out of, and smashed hard on the top of his head.Even if Shen Jien moved quickly, he wanted to get out of here quickly.But as soon as he moved, I, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, had already sent the hairpin forward a little.I don't even know why I do this, it's just an instinct.

The hairpin made him afraid to move, and the thing in Niu Lifan's hand had already been clasped on top of Zong Sheng's head.He yelled a spell that I couldn't understand, and saw Zong Sheng kneeling on the ground as if he had lost all strength.

"Zong Sheng?!" I panicked, but he raised his hand to signal me not to approach him.He cut his finger, drew a talisman on his chest, said something in his mouth, and clapped his palm towards his chest, and the thing that Niu Lifan was still clasping on top of his head gave off a faint light.Under this light, I can also see that thing clearly, that is the hinge box.

Niu Lifan laughed, took the box off Zong Sheng's head, and quickly put it into a wooden box.He added a yellow talisman and said, "There is no danger, I thought you were really going to die by yourself this time."

Zong Sheng stood up from the ground, wiped off the cheek I scratched with the hairpin just now, and said, "Youxuan, you have disfigured me. My wife in this life is destined to be you, otherwise no one will marry me, you You have to be responsible too."

"You? You? The box, the yellow talisman, and Niu Lifan who disappeared just now. You all planned it?" I was surprised.They didn't have that box in their original plan, nor did they plan for Niu Lifan to disappear for a few minutes.Even if I can't understand the technical terms they speak, I can still understand their planned actions.

Niu Lifan came up and wanted to say something, but Zong Sheng pushed him away: "Go and do the next thing. I'll give you the car." He threw the car keys to Niu Lifan.

Niu Lifan was surprised: "Hey, brother, this, I'm carrying this box alone... Can I say I'm afraid?"

Zong Sheng ignored him, still looking at me.I looked at him too, surprised!Puzzled!There is also the kind of surprise after worrying about being afraid.

"These are all planned by you? Even when you told me to trust you, did you mean this?"

Zong Sheng nodded: "It's too clear. I'm afraid that Shen Jien will be by our side at some point and eavesdrop. But I don't want you to worry, so I told you so that you can believe my words."

I bit my lip, a surge of anger rose in my heart.After a few seconds of silence, I yelled at him: "Why didn't you tell me! You have so many opportunities to tell me. We have been sleeping together these days. We have a blood bond. You can In the dream, tell me in my soul! Why didn't you tell me! Do you know how nervous and scared I am?"

My roar was accompanied by my slight trembling.Anger and fear took hold of me at this moment.The me just now, facing Shen Jien alone, was not afraid at all, that was the bravery that was forced out.If you are not brave, you will die.Only to face him bravely.

Now, all of this has passed, and I can no longer be brave, and a sense of fear suddenly enveloped me.I trembled with that anger.

I must look very bad, and the smile on Zong Sheng's face, who was still smiling happily, froze.He took a step closer to me, but I took a step back and started crying.I don't know why I was crying, but I just couldn't control my crying.I always feel that those fears that are suppressed in my heart are about to cry.

Zong Sheng stepped forward again, but I reached out and hit him.It's just that he didn't hit him, so he grabbed his wrist and dragged him into his arms.He didn't dare to hold her tightly, after all, there is a big belly between us now.

He pressed my head against his chest, listening to the strong heartbeat from his chest, I gradually stopped crying and calmed down.But now I don't want to talk, because I always feel so heavy in my heart that I can't open my mouth. .

Niu Lifan, who was beside us, looked around us, and then said: "Are you two blind or dead? Are you planning to die together? Come and see me! I'm carrying that box alone." , I'd be scared! Hey! Hey!"

Zong Sheng ignored him, and I felt too sleepy to talk. What Niu Lifan could do was look left and right, and then left alone with the car keys wrapped in the wooden box. .

The light here gradually dimmed, and the time passed, but I still didn't want to talk.Zong Sheng let go of me and whispered, "Let's go home!"

He was just like before, taking my arm and leading me home.I asked in a low voice, "Are these Taoists?"

"I'll clean it up tomorrow morning. I don't believe that anyone would dare to move it in this way."

When I got home, Zong Sheng took a bath for me, just a simple bath, and gently wiped every inch of my skin, just like before.

On the bed, he lay beside me, gently kissed my big belly, and whispered to my belly: "Sleep, sleep well..."

"Do you think he'll be able to sleep after being so frightened?"

"Youxuan, are you finally willing to speak after taking a bath?" It turned out that he helped me take a bath to relax me and let me speak.

I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at him like this, watched him climb up to me little by little, and gently pecked my lips: "I'm sorry, we found out that something happened to Shen Han's mother two days ago Her mother always wanted to escape from these things, but she suddenly said that she would stay and help us. I asked Niu Lifan to inquire about it. Her mother suffocated once in the hotel, but she was rescued. It was just rescued. Afterwards, her mother stopped talking. This made me suspect that something had happened to her mother. The moment I saw her mother at noon today, I was sure that she was not alive. , when you and Shen Han's mother were at the bus stop, we discussed and decided. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you because of time constraints. "

Since Shen Han's mother was with us, the only few minutes she avoided Zong Sheng and Niu Lifan was the time when I was at the bus stop.During that time, she also said inexplicable things to me.

"Fortunately, fortunately you're fine!" I whispered.But he kissed my lips, "Trust me! I let you believe me, it will be fine."

Now he's on top of me, kissing me, tender, passionate, firm.

His every movement told me that he wanted me, right now.After what happened tonight, he has such strong thoughts, I can understand, but my stomach... "Zong Sheng." His kiss slipped, ignored my voice, and continued on.

"Zong Sheng!" I shouted anxiously.But he didn't stop, "Don't!" I grabbed his hair and told him not to go on like this.

But he looked up and met my gaze.Letting go of my hand, his kiss fell on my chest. "I'll be gentle and won't hurt the child."

He kissed me and the child almost adoringly.I gradually understood his strong thoughts tonight.

What happened tonight is not just my fear, my fear.He also worries and is afraid.He must have hesitated about these things, but he persisted tonight.

He used himself as bait, and at what risk he risked to accomplish it, I don't know very well.But I believe that during the whole process of this matter, as long as there is something different from what they had imagined before, they will have no way to successfully retreat.Because their original plan could not be implemented, but it took a few minutes to conceive after arriving at the ruins.It is impossible for them to even think about backup plans and measures.

But even so, he didn't give up.Because he knew that I was the next target.He didn't want me to die, he would rather take the risk by himself.

"Zong Sheng, thank you." I said, my eyes turned red.

He didn't answer me and the kiss continued to slide.

I gave a low "hmm".He said in a low voice: "Don't be nervous, the child will be uncomfortable. I will be gentle. I won't enter."

He used to go crazy and rushed into my body recklessly, making me almost die under him.But now I am so cautious, for fear that I will be hurt, and the child will be uncomfortable.I trust him, trust him completely.

Now I'm really inconvenient.But tonight's emotions made him unable to control it at all.I can see his sweat at night, if he didn't tell himself that he couldn't do that with his remaining rationality, he would slam into my body, just like before, desperate to kill me He got down, to let go of his fears, insecurities, and worries about tonight.

But now he is already trying very hard to restrain himself.

Growling, he clenched his fist and hit the edge of my pillow.

At the same time, the mobile phone that was thrown on the carpet rang, he let go of my legs, didn't care about his naked body at all, got out of bed, picked up the mobile phone, and said to the mobile phone: "Hello!"

"Zong Cheng! Come out and help!" The room was very quiet, and I could vaguely hear the voice from the phone.

"No time!" Zong Sheng replied very neatly.

"Aren't you going to ask what happened?"

"Nothing is free!"

"I drove your car into a ditch."

"Report insurance and call a tow truck."

"Can you listen to me? Why are you breathing so heavily?" Niu Lifan asked, "The fence on the side of the car door broke open, and the box was thrown into the stinky ditch."

"Whether I love you or not. Now I'm going to sleep with my wife." Zong Sheng just hung up the phone and turned off his phone.

I pulled up my nightgown and asked, "Is this all right?"

"The rotating shaft is not such a simple thing. There is also the box with the seal of the celestial master. When the box falls, it depends on someone picking it up one day. Even if it is picked up, so what? Shen Jien can only spin in it forever. gone."

"Is it possible that someone broke the box and let him out?"

"One day, we're destined to die. Let's do it again!"

"No, what are you doing?"

"Anyway, if you don't go in, just relax."

A whole night of tossing has just begun.

After Zong Sheng calculated the exact time of our child's birth, he made arrangements to delay the birth of our child by a few days.But unfortunately, my mother still came to see what I had prepared in the few days before I was about to give birth.But when she was cleaning, she touched the things Zong Sheng had laid out, and our baby was born on the night of the [-]th July Ghost Festival.

The first thing the midwife said when she took the baby out of my stomach was, "Hey, why are the baby's eyes red? Tell the doctor to come and have a look."

In this way, my son who was born on this ghost festival, a ghost fetus, was born with a pair of blood pupils.But it's not very obvious. Generally, it looks like normal eyeballs, but sometimes, it feels that the child's eyeballs are red.

When the child was young, he often cried and sometimes laughed by himself.He also does some weird things on his own.

Zong Sheng told me that this child was born with ghost eyes.He even has a few ghost friends by his side.As for the ghost friends, Zong Sheng didn't drive them away, he said those ghost friends could protect the children.One of them was a snake spirit, small and red, very similar to the one I accidentally trampled to death earlier.

When the child was full moon, my grandma held a grand double wedding banquet for us in my hometown, and we ate the water banquet for three days.The whole village was invited.Of course, the red envelopes are not missing.

The child is finally [-] days old, chubby and always laughing.Occasionally I could also see the little red serpent sometimes on his neck and sometimes on his arm.

On the second day of the children's [-]-day banquet, which is also the day when the second phase of Youpin officially opened, Zong Sheng was wearing a neat suit and standing in front of the glass house doing activities. I held the child and looked at the extremely handsome Zong Sheng. he laughs.

Because it was such a formal event, I also wore high heels and a suit, and my mother followed me, with the baby.

The activity is not over yet, everyone is still on the platform in front of the glass house, I quietly walked into the bathroom in the glass house.It's just that I didn't expect that when I was about to close the door, a big hand pressed the door panel.I looked back in surprise, and saw Zong Sheng standing in front of me, pulling off the tie around his neck,
"Hey! There are still activities outside."

He kissed.

The smell of blood!The kiss smelled of blood!It's over!He will not let me go today.He is a ghost, he will be stimulated by the smell of blood.To him, the smell of that blood is the top medicine without side effects.

He said: "I have already booked the beach house hotel. We will leave after the event. We have a few days to let your body get used to me again."

In this kind of matter, he is very considerate, but at the same time, he will not let me have time to comment.Very contradictory, but there is no way to resist.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about how we met in the first place.He is in the mirror, touching my body, kissing me in the mirror.

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(End of this chapter)

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