Chapter 167 Love Her More Than Anyone (6)

"Hey, what are you doing, let me go!" Yu Chiguang was inexplicably picked up by him with a cold face, feeling annoyed in his heart.

The little good feelings I had with great difficulty disappeared in an instant.

Struggling all the time.

"Run." Finally, when they reached the door, Song Qingyi took out her shoes and put them in front of her.

Signal her to change her shoes.

Yu Chiguang turned his head away from him.

If you want to go crazy in the middle of the night, you can go for a run, and you have to take her with you. She is not crazy, so she doesn't do this kind of thing.

Song Qingyi stared at her for two seconds, then squatted down, took the shoe in one hand, and took one of her feet out of the fluffy slipper with the other.

His movement was too sudden, and Yu Chiguang was unprepared, causing her to lose her center of gravity. Reflexively stretched out her hands to support Song Qingyi's shoulders who was squatting in front of her.

"You..." Yu Chiguang was a little annoyed, this person is still like this, he can do whatever he wants, never caring about other people's wishes.

Although she was a little annoyed, she had no intention of refusing him to change her shoes.

Because she remembered that this morning, he squatted in front of her to put on her shoes like this, with his head down, and she didn't see his expression.

But she could see his movements, so natural and skillful, as if putting shoes on a woman was a normal thing for a domineering and arrogant business emperor like him.

She couldn't help but think of when she was in school, sometimes she would see girls deliberately acting like a baby and asking her boyfriend to carry her on her back, or put on shoes for her before seeing young couples.

As a bystander, she felt that the girl was a bit hypocritical, but she said that it was normal, and that's how boys and girls fall in love, so how hypocritical it is.

In this world, there are only two men who put shoes on for Yu Chiguang, one is her most beloved but deceased father, and the other is Song Qingyi, the president of the Song Corporation who is squatting in front of her now.

If what Xianxian said is correct, then, Song Qingyi, are you like those boys who put on shoes for their girlfriends because you like me?

"Song Qingyi..." Do you like me?

"Okay..." Song Qingyi also raised his head.

The two spoke at the same time, but Yu Chiguang didn't finish the second half of the sentence, but didn't say anything more.

"What?" Song Qingyi had already stood up, looking down at Yu Chiguang.

Yu Chiguang looked down at the shoes on her feet that Song Qing Yiquan had just put on, and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay."

Song Qingyi's eyes were so expressive that Yu Chiguang had to look up at him, only to see him looking at her with deep eyes.

It made her panic for no reason, but she stubbornly did not move her eyes away.

Song Qing looked at her deeply, and after an unknown amount of time, he said with a blank face, "Let's go."

Then he took her hand and went out the door.

Yu Chiguang broke free twice, but did not break free.

There is a park next to the villa where they live. Although it is early winter, there are still people walking in the park at night.

Young couples, elderly couples, just not as many people in summer.

And it's only after eight o'clock, this time period is the time for everyone to go out for a walk.

There is a gym at home, so the two of them rarely go to the park for morning exercises. This is the first time Yu Chiguang has come to this park at night.

I also found it a bit interesting, and the unwillingness to be pulled out by Song Qingyi at the beginning also dissipated.

 It was the first day on the shelves, and today it is [-] more.

(End of this chapter)

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