Chapter 168 Love Her More Than Anyone (7)

The two found a bench and sat down, and when they looked up, they could see the sky like a huge black cloth.

In a big city like Guancheng, it is impossible to see the stars, Yu Chiguang was a little disappointed, she turned to look at Song Qingyi.

Puzzled: "Aren't you going to run, go run, I'll wait for you here."

Song Qingyi turned his head and glanced at her, then leaned back, looked at the dark sky with his hands behind his head, and said after a few seconds, "I don't want to run away."

Yu Chiguang thought Song Qingyi was weird tonight before, but now he thinks Song Qingyi is really weird tonight.

It's so changeable, like this and that for a while, can't it be that the uncle is here?
Thinking of this, Yu Chiguang couldn't help laughing out loud.

Imagine the tall Song Boss sitting on the toilet with a sad face, studying the appearance of the little angel with wings...

Oh... the picture should not be too beautiful, it is difficult to look directly at it.

She covered her mouth and smiled to herself for a while, and didn't bother to ask why he suddenly asked him to run today, but suddenly didn't want to run anymore.

Because most of the time, the dialogue between her and Song Qingyi ended in Song Qingyi's unilateral silence.

He wouldn't answer anyway, and she didn't even bother to ask.

In the early winter night, there was a cold chill, but it was not severe cold. It was a bit like Song Qingyi, with a face that couldn't see the emotion all the year round, and his whole body was noble and cold.

If she hadn't gotten used to it a long time ago, she might be like Song's employees, keeping Song Qing at a respectful distance and not daring to contact him.

I just felt a little cold, stretched out my hands and hugged my arms, and my shoulders sank.

Turning around, she saw Song Qingyi holding a coat draped over her shoulders.

It was his coat, which was hanging by the door when he came out of the house, and he took it by the way.

In the night, Song Qingyi's face was a little hazy, he silently put his coat on Yu Chiguang's shoulders, and turned away after saying this.

Yu Chiguang's thoughts drifted far away, and he turned to speak softly: "Song Qingyi, do you remember that year when Mom and Dad took us to go camping?" His voice was rare and soft.

After the words fell, Song Qingyi still maintained the posture of leaning on the back of the chair, but answered her words: "I remember."

In fact, his heart is not as calm as it appears on the surface, because this is the first time Yu Chiguang has mentioned each other's parents in front of him in so many years.

"I still remember that after I woke up from a nap that day, I was bitten by mosquitoes on the mountain and my face was red, so it should be summer at that time." Yu Chiguang's tone was a little nostalgic and a little sad.

She was seven years old that year, and her parents and Song Qingyi's parents made an appointment to go camping on Riqing Mountain in City B. She still remembers how beautiful the sunrise on Riqing Mountain is, but she didn't want to remember it for so many years. That was the last time her parents got together in her memory.

After that camping, her parents and Song Qingyi's parents got on the plane and went abroad, and never came back.

Yu Chiguang fell into memory, but suddenly heard Song Qingyi's voice: "At that time you kept crying and asked Dad to carry you up the mountain."

He made a sound suddenly, and Yu Chiguang didn't notice the address in front of him, but only heard the mockery in his tone.

He narrowed his eyes and immediately fought back: "I was only seven years old at the time, it's normal that I can't run, but you couldn't move and fell behind with me!"

 I will never tell you that Boss Song went for a run because he ate too much. ! !

(End of this chapter)

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