Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 10 Wedding Night, Uncle's Charm

Chapter 10 Wedding Night, Uncle's Charm (1)

The black curtains covered the round of clear light outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and there was only one floor lamp on in the room, the light was soft and warm.

Liangfan had already taken off the heavy wedding dress and put on a simple evening dress.

The light in the bathroom was on, and the sound of running water could be heard from time to time, and the slender figure of the man could be vaguely seen from the bathroom door.

they got married.

Everything is like a dream.

She didn't expect Gu Lingyun to be so fast, and the wedding was ready within a week after the proposal.She didn't expect his parents to actually approve of her. This was what made her most curious. How did Gu Lingyun persuade his parents to accept a daughter-in-law who had nothing.

Their wedding was not made public. Gu Lingyun only invited the closest relatives of the Gu family. Liangfan had no father or mother, so she only invited An Ziqing.In fact, that's good too. In the future, I don't need to bear the name of Mrs. Gu's president in front of everyone, which saves a lot of embarrassment.The most important thing is that Gu Lingyun has transferred the only one to the best hospital for treatment, and also sent people to find a matching heart for the only one.

Perhaps, this is the most valuable part of this marriage.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Lingyun's hand stood behind her at some point, with a broad hand on her shoulder.

Liangfan turned his head, only to see that Gu Lingyun was only wearing a black bathrobe, and his hair was still a little damp. After taking off his suit, he was no longer as cold as in the daytime, but more free and unrestrained. It is masculine charm.

"It's nothing, I just think it's too unreal." Liangfan lowered his head and said in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, she was hugged into a warm embrace, "Now, is it true?"

The fragrance of bath liquid unique to Gu Lingyun's body mixed with a deep voice surrounded Liangfan. Liangfan's heart felt hot, and he stretched out his arms to hug him, "Mr. Gu, thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for giving me and the only place to shelter from wind and rain, thank you for curing the only disease, thank you for accepting the abandoned me."

Gu Lingyun's eyes dimmed, his expression changed slightly, he let go of Liangfan, "Go take a bath."


Liangfan took his pajamas and walked towards the bathroom, as if thinking of something, he walked to Gu Lingyun's side, and after imprinting a light kiss on his lips, he blushed and trotted into the bathroom.

When Liangfan came out of the bathroom, Gu Lingyun was sitting on the sofa drinking with his back to her.

"I thought you were asleep."

Gu Lingyun smiled at her, put the goblet on the crystal coffee table, and dragged her to the dressing table.

The retro-style carved mirror reflected the figures of the two people. The man was tall and handsome, while the woman was petite and exquisite. Both of them had smiles on their lips, and they looked like a couple who had loved each other for many years.

"Blow dry your hair before going to bed, or you'll get sick." After speaking, Gu Lingyun picked up the hair dryer to blow Liangfan's hair.

Liangfan sat in front of the mirror, stared at the man in the mirror for a long time before turning his gaze to the dressing table.There were all kinds of women's skin care products on it, and she couldn't help picking up a bottle from it out of curiosity. After looking at it for a long time, she realized that she couldn't understand the words on the bottle.

"These are brought back from France by someone. They are specially suitable for girls your age. There is also a bottle of perfume developed for you according to the nature of your skin." Gu Lingyun handed a delicate small bottle to her " Try it."

 See you guys tomorrow (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

(End of this chapter)

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