Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 11 Wedding Night, Uncle's Charm

Chapter 11 Wedding Night, Uncle's Charm (2)

Liangfan put some perfume on his wrist, and the fragrance came out, a faint fragrance, very pleasant to smell.

"I have never used such good skin care products. Most of the money I earned from part-time jobs was used to treat me and my only disease. The rest is my tuition and living expenses. Where can I have extra money to take care of my face?"

Gu Lingyun squeezed her face with a smile, "It feels pretty good, and she is naturally beautiful. It's too late today, go to bed, and I will teach you how to recognize these French when I have time tomorrow."

Liangfan blushed, and asked timidly, "Are you going to bed now?"

Does this mean that they will do some unspeakable things in a while.

Gu Lingyun saw her thoughts, deliberately laughed and said: "Why, you still want to sit here and talk with me all night long?"

Liangfan thought to himself, it would be the best if it could be like this.

As a result, the reality was always sadder than imagined, and she was led to the bedside by Gu Lingyun.

Gu Lingyun smelled all over her body, and Liang Fan seemed to have countless little rabbits in her heart. She lay quietly on the bed, but her heart was beating non-stop.

Seeing that Gu Lingyun was about to turn off the lights, Liang Fan quickly stopped him, "Don't turn off the lights!"

"what happened?"

"I, I'm not sleepy yet!"

Liangfan felt frustrated, what a bad excuse.

Gu Lingyun looked at her with burning eyes, and she pretended to be calm to meet his gaze, "I'm not sleepy yet, me, let's talk."

Gu Lingyun looked at her for a long time, feeling as interested as he was looking at a naughty cat, and finally he replied: "Okay."

Only then did Liangfan breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Gu, how did you convince your parents to agree to our marriage?" She has always been curious about this matter.

"It's very simple, I told them something about you, told them that I liked you very much and wanted to marry you. My parents have no family distinctions, they are very open-minded."

This is the first time that Liangfan heard the word "like" from him. Even before marriage, he had a domineering and tough attitude and never showed his feelings. Now he hears Liangfan's heart with a little joy .

"We're married, isn't the title 'Mr. Gu' inappropriate?"

"Oh." Liangfan replied obediently.

Gu Lingyun put her hand under the quilt, and said without rejection: "This is the end of the conversation, it's too late now."

After saying "pa", the light went out.

The surroundings are quiet, even the moonlight is blocked out of the window, and in the darkness, there is only the sound of breathing intertwined with each other.


As soon as Liangfan made a sound, he was pressed down by a strong body.

"Don't talk, go to sleep."

ha?Is she evil?It turned out that he didn't intend to do that with her.

"Oh." Liangfan replied, feeling a little disappointed.

Liangfan closed his eyes, just as he was about to fall asleep, a kiss landed between his brows.

"Don't think about it, sleep well, you are too tired today."

Is he explaining to her?
The corner of Liangfan's mouth lightly raised, "Okay, good night."

"Good night."

She is indeed tired. These days, she has been attending classes at school during the day and taking care of her only one at the hospital at night, and she hasn't slept well. Today, she has been busy with her wedding and is very tired.He treated her so meticulously, which made her truly feel happy.

The drowsiness gradually gathered, and the bed under him was so soft that Liangfan soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long I've been asleep, when suddenly a hurried bell rang, as if urging something.

Liangfan woke up startled, only to find that Gu Lingyun had already picked up the phone.

"Uncle Lin, I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Lingyun immediately got out of bed and got dressed.

Liangfan looked at him, she had never seen such a heavy expression on him.

"Go to bed first, I have something to go out for a while."

Before leaving, he left her such a sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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