Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 18 Sorry, I Already Wanted You

Chapter 18 Sorry, I Already Wanted You
The car was driving on the road, Liangfan was sitting in the co-pilot and looked at the scene on both sides. Thinking of what happened that day when she was drunk, she was still wondering whether the two of them had anything to do with each other that night.

"Gu Lingyun, what didn't happen to us the night I was drunk?" Liangfan looked at him and asked cautiously.

That evening……

Gu Lingyun's brows sank.

That night, this ignorant girl ignited all over him without realizing it, and his long-sleeping desire/desire was also awakened by her. If she hadn't suddenly fell asleep that night, what would really have happened to him and her? .

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Liangfan pushed him.

Gu Lingyun said displeasedly, "I'm driving."

Liangfan pursed his lips, and just drove, why are you so dragging.But she didn't get the answer she wanted, and she was not reconciled, so she asked again, "Did anything happen to us that night?"

Gu Lingyun suddenly parked the car on the side of the road, stared at her and said, "If I say that nothing happened to us that day, would you believe it or not?"

"Really!" Liangfan's eyes were instantly filled with surprise.

"Sorry, I already asked you that night."

A thunderbolt from the clear sky shattered Liangfan's joy.

"No way."

Seeing Liangfan's slumped face, Gu Lingyun felt a little displeased, "You don't believe it? Liangfan, you were very enthusiastic that day. We went from the bathroom to the bed, and from the bed to..."

"Don't talk about it!" Liang Fan interrupted him with a sad face. She never thought that she could be so aggressive, and she must not drink this wine in the future.

Gu Lingyun glanced at her with a smile, and continued driving.

In fact, part of what he said was true, at least they kissed from the bathroom to the bed, but the last step was not implemented.

Gu's old house.

Gu Lingyun parked the car in the courtyard, threw the key to the servant, and led Liangfan in.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Lingyun took off his coat and handed it to the servant standing by, and Liang Fan also took off the outer fur and handed it to her.

"Mom and Dad, Liangfan and I are back."

Gu Lingyun took Liangfan to the living room, and Gu's father and mother stood up to greet them both.

"Dad, Mom." Liang Fan called obediently.

Gu's mother pulled Liangfan over, and looked at her lovingly, "Why does she look thinner, is she not feeling well?"

"Thank you mom for your concern. I'm fine, but I'm a little tired from studying recently."

Only then did Gu's mother smile, "That's good. Although studying is important, your body is more important. You should take good care of it. Later, Ling Yun will take you to the hospital for a comprehensive checkup."

"I see, thank you Mom."

Originally, Liangfan was still a little nervous, but now that her mother-in-law cared so much for him, those tensions disappeared.

Mother Gu looked behind her and asked, "What about the only child, why didn't the child come?"


Liang Fan looked at Gu Lingyun, he told his mother about this?It turned out that he thought of everything so thoughtfully that he wiped away all her worries.

At first, she was afraid that Gu Lingyun's parents would misunderstand something because of the only one, but it turned out that he also thought of it for her.

At this moment, Liangfan was really grateful to him.

Gu Lingyun took her into his arms and said to his mother: "The only one is not in good health and is still in the hospital. If mom wants to see the only one, Liangfan can take you to see her."

"What a poor child." Gu's mother sighed, "Xiaofan has not been easy these years."

Liangfan's eye circles were faintly red, "Thank you, Mom, for your understanding."

"Xinrui, stop talking at the door, the children are tired all day, bring them in quickly."

 Babies, continue tomorrow~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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