Chapter 19 Mr. Gu, I Love You

Liangfan has never felt the temperature of a home. It turned out to be so warm, like the warm sun in spring, making people feel the deep warmth from the bottom of their hearts.

Liang Fan feels that he is lucky to meet Gu Lingyun and have such a loving family.

After dinner, her mother-in-law took her to talk for a while in the living room, and Gu Lingyun and Gu's father also went upstairs to the study to talk about the company.

However, what puzzled Liangfan was that the eyes of her mother-in-law were full of love and affection. She could understand why she could catch a trace of guilt. Did she think too much?
"Xiaofan, drink up the milk, go upstairs and go to sleep." The mother-in-law Shen Xinrui handed her a glass of milk.

"Thank you mom, mom goes to bed early too."

"Well, what a good and sensible boy."

After Gu's mother left for a while, Liang Fan left the living room and entered the bedroom.

Gu Lingyun seemed to have returned to the bedroom a long time ago, and when Liangfan entered the door, he saw him lying on the bed and falling asleep.

Liangfan covered him with the quilt, sighed lightly, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

It was already eleven o'clock when she came out of the bathroom, but she couldn't get a trace of sleepiness.

The moonlight is like a veil, and it gathers on Gu Lingyun's clear eyebrows, making him more plump and handsome.

Liangfan sat beside him and watched him, carefully tracing his appearance in his heart, imagining that if a person like him was born in ancient times, he would be the one who can see all the mountains and rivers in the world and sit in all directions, and it must not be Chi. of things.He... should be loved by many women.

When they first met, Liangfan was only grateful for his life-saving grace, and had no other thoughts for him, but when, during this day-to-day relationship, she developed a good impression, or love for him.Even if there is no only thing that is sick, she knows that she will not last long and will definitely agree to his marriage proposal.

It's still funny to say, obviously he pursued her first, but now it's the other way around.These days, she can feel that Gu Lingyun doesn't love her, and she doesn't want to think about the past, whether it's true or false, she doesn't want to care about it.Although he didn't know what purpose he had in marrying her, as long as she could give her, she would not be stingy. It could be... It could be her only thanks to him for his best efforts in treating him.

Now, she can only turn all her emotions into gratitude.

However, she still envied the person who could make him treat each other with all his heart.

"Mr. Gu, no matter what you say, Liangfan is very grateful to you. It is you who made Liangfan feel the warmth of his loved ones, and you are the only one who gave him hope to live like a normal child."

"I know you don't love me, although I don't know why you married me, but as long as you need it, Liangfan will definitely be obliged."

"There is one more thing." Liangfan paused, and she dared to continue to say "Mr. Gu, I love you, I don't know when it started, but I'm sure That's love."

After saying these words, Liang Fan let out a sigh of relief, she finally said these words, although she only dared to say them when Gu Lingyun was asleep.

If An Ziqing knew that she even confessed in secret like this, then the girl would definitely laugh at her for the rest of her life.She, Liang Fan, was not a cowardly person, but she capsized in the gutter and was cowardly in front of Gu Lingyun.

Liangfan turned sideways, turned his back to Gu Lingyun and closed his eyes.

And Gu Lingyun beside her woke up at some point, her back fell into his sight, his cold eyes were full of deepness.

 See you tomorrow, babies~~~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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