Chapter 20
Liang Fan didn't know that her biggest secret had already been known by Gu Lingyun.

Early the next morning, the two left the old house.

"Where are you going?" Gu Lingyun asked as soon as the car drove out of the old house.

"There is no class this morning, I want to go to the hospital to see the only one and then go back to school."

"I will go with you."

"Huh?" Liangfan looked at him unexpectedly.

"Since I promised to be her only father, then I have the responsibility of being a father."

"Aren't you busy in your company?" Liang Fan asked.

"It's not too late."

Hearing what he said, Liangfan was very happy in his heart, "If you go to see the only one, the only one will be very happy!"

Halfway through the journey, Liangfan asked Gu Lingyun to park the car on the side of the road.

Liangfan smiled and said, "Wait for me in the car, I'll go shopping."

Gu Lingyun looked at the nearby store, which was a children's clothing store.

As soon as Liangfan entered the clothing store, he saw Gu Lingyun following him.

"Why are you here? Just wait in the car. I'll be fine soon."

Gu Lingyun smiled and held her hand, "You are the only mother, and I am the only father, shouldn't we buy clothes for her together?"

This long time no see tenderness...

Liangfan's heart warmed up, and he nodded heavily.

Gu Lingyun chose a red ladylike dress, and asked Liangfan, "How about this one?"

Liangfan took the dress, looked back and forth, and replied with a smile: "The style is good, and the fabric is very comfortable to the touch. The only one will definitely like it."

In the eyes of others, such a picture is really a loving and harmonious couple.

A waiter came up and said enthusiastically to the two of them: "Mr. and Mrs. seem to be a couple with a very good relationship. It is really enviable. Our store has new parent-child clothing for the season. You two should try it." Do you want to try?"

Liang Fan was about to say no, but Gu Lingyun beside him said to take it out and have a look.

When Liang Fan came out of the fitting room, Gu Lingyun had already changed and was waiting for her outside.

The front convenience of the two is a big mirror.

Liangfan saw two people reflected in the mirror, both of them were wearing white pullover sweaters, light blue sweatpants, and the same style of sneakers on their feet.

At this moment, Liangfan was in a daze.

"Mr. and Mrs. are such a perfect couple. Even the parent-child outfits make you look like a couple. Waiting for your baby to put on this outfit again. Walking on the street is really an enviable family."

Liang Fan thinks that the waiter's mouth is really powerful, probably with her mouth alone, their store's performance is also very good.

Gu Lingyun was very satisfied with this outfit, so he asked the waiter to wrap it up.

Liangfan grabbed him and motioned him not to buy it.

Gu Lingyun smiled and pinched her face, "Don't worry, these two clothes won't cost me much."

Liangfan wasn't afraid of him spending money, but he was so hot and cold towards her that she couldn't see clearly, and she didn't know how to place her feelings.

Before the two came out of the store, they had already changed back to their original clothes.

In the car, Liangfan took the skirt that Gu Lingyun bought for Wei Wei, and said: "Actually, I know that I can't wear these clothes in the hospital, but I want to buy them for her every time. Wei Wei will be very happy when she sees these clothes. She She often tells me that when she recovers from illness, she will wear these beautiful clothes to school every day, and tell other children that her mother bought them for her."

Liangfan stroked the dress with his hand, with a smile on his face, "I will tell her today that this is the dress her father bought for her, and he can also play with the children in the clothes my father bought in the future."

Looking at Liangfan who was smiling like a flower, Gu Lingyun felt for the first time that sitting next to him was a very precious girl, and this girl was his wife.

 See you tomorrow, la la la~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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