Chapter 33

After Liangfan and Gu Lingyun had breakfast, Gu Lingyun sent Liangfan to Jincheng Central Hospital and drove to the company.

Liang Fan stood outside the lobby of the inpatient department, watching Gu Lingyun's car gradually go away.

After what happened this morning, she thought that it would be difficult for her to let go of Gu Lingyun in this life. Since it was destined to be separated, why not cherish the days together. Even if we separated in the future, there would always be some good memories in my heart.

If everything goes well, at that time, she will leave Jincheng with her only one to see the outside world.

When they arrived at the ward, the beds had already been made neatly, but An Ziqing was gone.

Liangfan ran into the corridor, saw the nurse who was taking care of An Ziqing, and hurriedly asked, "Hello, do you know where the patients in this ward have gone?"

"You mean Miss An? She was taken away by a gentleman last night. "

Taken by a gentleman?
Liang Fan thanked the nurse and left the hospital.

Who is the person who took An Ziqing away, and what is his relationship with An Ziqing?
Liangfan was walking by the side of the road with cars passing by, thinking about these issues in her mind, until the sound of the whistle behind her brought her back to her thoughts.

A blue sports car parked beside her, and the window gradually fell down, revealing that elegant and gentle face.

"Liangfan, long time no see."

Liangfan froze for a moment, then smiled, "Hello, Senior Mu."

"Why are you alone?"

"I..." Liangfan thought for a while, but he still didn't want to tell him about An Ziqing's disappearance, "I just came out of the house and asked the driver to put me on the side of the road and walk around casually."

Mu Zheqing chuckled, and looked at her with clear eyes, "There are many cars on the road, so be careful when you are alone."

Liangfan stood where he was and nodded.

"Where are you going, I will take you off."

"No need, I'll just take a stroll." Liangfan hastily declined.

"I see." Mu Zheqing sized her up, and then smiled, "I'm tired from driving, so let's go for a walk with you."

Liangfan was so frightened that his eyeballs almost fell out.

This Mu Zheqing seems innocent, but he is actually very cunning.

The two walked side by side on the street, the handsome man and the beautiful woman attracted many heads.

Liangfan lowered her head, and the flyer in her hand was crumpled.

Seeing her ostrich-like appearance, Mu Zheqing deliberately eased the atmosphere between the two, "Do you want to go out to work?"


Mu Zheqing cast his eyes on the ball in her hand and smiled.

It was stuffed into her hand by an aunt who handed out leaflets. She couldn't find a trash can, so she didn't throw it away.

However, after his question, Liangfan really wanted to go out and find a job.

Since marrying Gu Lingyun, she has never been to the coffee shop. Now she spends all of her savings. After she and Gu Lingyun separate, she will still face various problems in life, and her own years The medicines taken and the only post-treatment treatment, these are a lot of expenses.

"I have a job here. It's easy and simple, and the environment is good. Would you like to try it?" Mu Zheqing suggested.

Seeing Liangfan's obviously hesitant expression, Mu Zheqing continued: "I have a small bookstore, and the part-time student just resigned, you can try it, the daily work is also very simple, just classify books , put those messed up books in their original place, and then just clean up, it’s not hard work, and it doesn’t affect your postgraduate entrance examination, it’s a better learning environment.”

"How much is the salary?" After struggling for a long time, Liangfan opened his mouth awkwardly.

Mu Zheqing felt that she was very cute at this time, so he deliberately teased her. He leaned close to her face, and the corner of his mouth curved into an arc, "Be my Mrs. Mu, and you can give me whatever money you want."

(End of this chapter)

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