Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 34 Ridiculous, he lost his mind because of a photo

Chapter 34 Ridiculous, he lost his mind because of a photo

Mu Zheqing is a master at flirting with girls!
Liangfan looked at him somewhat vigilantly, with an extraordinary demeanor and elegant demeanor, he looked polite, and what he said was so out of character.

Mu Zheqing looked at her with a smile, this girl didn't know what was in her head, looked at him shaking her head for a while, and frowned for a while, she really thought he was air.

"Take you to the bookstore."

As Mu Zheqing spoke, he went to hug Liangfan who was dazed aside, but she cleverly dodged it.

"Senior Mu, I'm a married woman. It's not good for people to see me like this. I'll go by myself."

Mu Zheqing couldn't laugh or cry, so he could only let her go.

In fact, it was just a subconscious movement when he grabbed her shoulder just now. He didn't expect this girl to be so sensitive, so... value her marriage with Gu Lingyun.

It is a shop with an ancient charm, the green tiles and red walls are very grand, and the four characters "Slowly return" are engraved on the wooden plaque.

This bookstore is also quite unique.

Moshang flowers bloomed in the bar and slowly returned to the bookstore.

Mu Zheqing had a soft spot for this sentence.

"Come in." Mu Zheqing made a gesture of invitation to her.

Liangfan walked in, and a faint scent of sandalwood brushed her nose. She looked carefully at the bookstore. Beside each mahogany carved window was a painted square table with a red lamp on it. A hexagonal palace lantern made of silk cloth.And next to each bookshelf stands an octagonal Changxin palace lantern, and various calligraphy and paintings are hung on the walls.

Liangfan has also studied ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting, and every piece hung here is a priceless treasure.She walked up to a portrait. The man in the portrait was about 25 or [-] years old, imposing and vigorous.When the line of sight fell to the inscription below, surprises instantly flooded into those beautiful eyes.

This is the text of the Great Jin Dynasty!
Liangfan ran to Mu Zheqing's side and excitedly grabbed his arm, "Senior Mu, can I take a picture of this painting."

Mu Zheqing's eyes fell on those slender and tender little hands like jade, and his heart skipped a beat. He looked at Liangfan's vivid eyes, raised his mouth slightly, and nodded.

Outside the bookstore, a camera flickered, and the scene of the two smiling at each other was instantly frozen.

In Gu's CEO's office, Gu Lingyun was leaning on the chair, staring at the photo on the table with black eyes without saying a word, no one in the whole office dared to make a sound, even the sound of breathing was inaudible.

The atmosphere was so low that one could feel palpitations.

Gu Lingyun tapped her fingers on the desk, and said in a deep voice, "Is there anyone else protecting her?"

Only then did the person who had been kneeling on the ground dare to answer: "Sir, Mei is still with Madam."

Gu Lingyun nodded, his gaze was fixed on Liangfan's flowery smile, and he said after a long time, "Go down."


After the words fell, the person had disappeared, as if the person had never appeared before.

Unknowingly, it has already arrived in the evening, and the sunset glow is like residual blood, covering half of the sky.

It wasn't until the phone rang at hand that Gu Lingyun moved his almost stiff fingers.


He dropped this sentence and hung up the phone.

The sunset outside spread to Gu Lingyun's desk through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, and the unfolding rays of light kissed the corners of his eyes and brows as if worshiping, and Gu Lingyun, who was enveloped, was like a god in golden armor at this moment.

Suddenly, he smiled.

So handsome and elegant, even the sunset can't take his eyes away.

Gu Lingyun threw the photo on the table into the trash can, it's ridiculous, he actually sat here in a daze all afternoon because of a photo.

Slowly returning home, Liangfan and Mu Zheqing got along relatively easily and happily.

"Then I will come to work tomorrow."

"Well, this bookstore is waiting for your arrival anytime."

Liangfan looked at the scenery outside the window, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Senior Mu, I'm going home first."

"I send you."

Liangfan quickly refused, "No need, I'll just go home by car."

The moment he stepped out of the bookstore, Liangfan clearly heard a gentle voice behind him, "Xiao Yao."

 Today is the third watch, babies, see you tomorrow~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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