Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 40 Gu Lingyun's little yellow-faced woman

Chapter 40 Gu Lingyun's little yellow-faced woman
Liangfan almost woke up with a start.

She hugged herself and leaned against the bed, trembling uncontrollably.

Her heart hurts.

It was as if a knife had been stuck in her chest, making it so difficult for her to breathe.

She didn't know who the person in the dream was, and she didn't know what happened in the dream, but the grief that seized her heart made her afraid and wanted to hide herself.

And the sound of "Xiao Yao." almost made her suffocate.

Who is Xiaoyao?What does it have to do with her?Why did it appear in her dream?

There was a glass of water on the low cabinet next to the bed, and she reached for it with trembling hands, but she pushed it to the floor, and the water spilled all over the place.

These voices startled Gu Lingyun in the study, and when he strode back to the bedroom, what he saw was the pale and helpless Liangfan.

Almost without thinking, Gu Lingyun quickly walked to her side and locked her in his arms.

When he touched her weak and boneless little hand, he found that there was no warmth in that little hand.

He pulled the quilt to cover Liangfan, hugged her tightly, and then asked, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Liangfan nodded.

Gu Lingyun kissed her forehead, "Conditions come from the heart, dreams are the same, maybe you think too much during the day."

"Maybe, I have found new clues about the Dajin Dynasty in the past few days, and I have invested a lot of energy recently."

Seeing her frowning, Gu Lingyun didn't relax at all, "There are a lot of things in the company these days, I'll take you to your honeymoon after this busy period, is there any place you want to go?"

"Honeymoon?" Liangfan looked at him in surprise, she never dared to ask for it, he would give her a honeymoon.

Seeing the girl in her arms finally showing a smile, Gu Lingyun couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, "Where do you want to go? Domestic or foreign? Domestic can be done next week, and foreign countries will be a few days later. I have to make arrangements in advance."

"Will you go with me?" After asking this question, Liang Fan felt so stupid, can a person's honeymoon be called a honeymoon?

Noticing Liangfan's small expression, Gu Lingyun didn't expose it, "Silly girl."

There was a little more pampering in the tone.

"What time is it?" Liang Fan asked while nestling in her arms.

"Five in the morning."

"You haven't rested yet?"

Gu Lingyun squeezed the center of her brows, and sighed, "The company's affairs continue one after another. I don't work overtime now. I guess you won't be able to wait for your honeymoon until you become a little yellow-faced woman."

Little yellow-faced woman, Liangfan sighed softly, if I can grow old with you, what's the point of becoming a yellow-faced woman.

Unfortunately, no if.

"Okay, why are you sighing?" Gu Lingyun pointed and flicked the tip of her little nose affectionately.

Liangfan was startled, and then blurted out a sentence, "I was thinking that it would be great if I could be with you forever."

"Silly girl." Gu Lingyun rubbed her head, her tone infinitely indulgent.

Gu Lingyun, I know your words are just comforting. When your girl comes back, my scene should be over. At that time, you should have forgotten what you said today, but I will always remember it.

"Are you still sleepy, do you want to rest for a while?"

"I don't want to sleep anymore, you go to work, don't worry about me."

"Duplicate stinking girl, I'll lie down with you for a while."

Liangfan didn't want to delay his company affairs, so he pushed him out of bed, "No need, you go to work, I don't want to wait until my old man loses all his teeth before you take me on my honeymoon."

Gu Lingyun looked at her for a while, left a kiss on her lips, and then walked out.

Liangfan looked out the window, it was almost dawn, and she didn't feel sleepy anymore.

How about going to make a pot of tea for him, and then make a hearty breakfast for the two of them?

 See you tomorrow~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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