Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 41 Take My Son's Surname as My Name

Chapter 41 Take My Son's Surname as My Name

Sure enough, Liangfan was late when he went to the bookstore.

Surprisingly, her big boss came to investigate today.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Mu Zheqing leaning on the carved counter full of ancient rhymes, with the words she had written on rice paper spread out in her hands.

Liangfan hurried forward and pulled out the paper from her hand.

Mu Zheqing raised his eyes to see her and showed a gentle smile.

"Bookstores usually open at 08:30, why are you late today?"

Liangfan put her schoolbag aside, hung her head guiltily and folded the paper in her hand, for some reason, although it was an extremely simple task, she couldn't fold the paper in her hand anyway.

Maybe it's just because the way Mu Zheqing looked at her just now was too similar to that of the person in the dream.

Mu Zheqing chuckled, and took the thing out of her hand, holding some yellowed rice paper between her slender fingers, which was so eye-catching.

Mu Zheqing folded it together twice, waved it in front of her eyes and put it in his pocket.

Liangfan was slightly annoyed, and struggled to grab her, but unexpectedly, Mu Zheqing took her hand and pulled her into his arms.

Mu Zheqing had a smile on his face, but his eyes fell on her exposed white neck, and some red marks on the lower part of the neck could be vaguely seen.

At the moment of loss of consciousness, Liangfan pushed him away.

My arms are empty, my heart seems to be empty too.

He forgot that Luo Fu had a husband long ago.

But he couldn't control his thoughts, maybe from the day Moshang's flowers bloomed, she landed on his heart like a butterfly, so light and agile.

But it didn't seem to be that day, it seemed that it was a long time ago, when she stood in front of him and called him.

What did she call him then?He couldn't remember, and he couldn't even remember if all this really existed.

Maybe, it was just a dream long ago.

Sunrise and sunset are just a matter of moments.

When the sun was setting, Liangfan walked out of the school after class, and a car stopped in front of her.

A man in a black suit with the appearance of a business elite came over from the driver's seat, stood in front of her and gave her a standard courtesy, "Ma'am, I am Song Yu, President Gu's personal assistant, and the president sent me to pick you up. "

Liangfan couldn't figure out what Gu Lingyun meant, so he nodded to express his thanks to Song Yu, and got into the car.

On the way, she received a call from Gu Lingyun.

"Are you in the car?"

Loud music came from the phone, but the tenderness in his voice was not affected at all.

"Well, I'm already on my way, where did you ask your assistant to take me?"

Liangfan stared down at his canvas shoes, with a slight smile on his lips.

"You'll know when we arrive, I'll wait for you."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Liangfan took a deep breath and looked out of the window with beautiful eyes, only to see the lights on the roadside lighting up one after another.

She stretched out her hand to outline strokes on the car window, smiling sweetly, the light fell on her face, flickering on and off, the side face reflected on the glass was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

That was the name of both of them.

Gu Lingyun, Liang Fan.

Liang Fan, Gu Lingyun.

Gu Liangfan.

With the surname of the son, crown my name.

The two people who were originally two parallel lines intersected under the traction of fate.

At that time, Liang Fan didn't know, but her relationship with Gu Lingyun was destined thousands of years ago, the fate died out, and love clings to reincarnation.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the night had already covered the prosperity of the day, and the car finally stopped amidst the colorful neon lights.

Song Yu opened the car door for her, and Liangfan stepped out of the car door before recognizing the luxurious palace in front of her.
Night Lost City.

At this time, Gu Lingyun was standing in this colorful bustling and watching her, with the same grace as before.

(End of this chapter)

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