Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 42 Welcome to Lingyun's Sister-in-Law

Chapter 42 Welcome to Lingyun's Sister-in-Law

In the private room, the lights were bright, Liangfan could see clearly the three extra men in the room.

She knew two of them, they had attended her and Gu Lingyun's wedding, and she had never met the other one.

She has the deepest impression on Fang Tianqing, the son of the director of Jincheng, a playboy, who is full of scandals, changing girlfriends faster than changing clothes.

It was he who said just now that she looked like Gu Lingyun's daughter.

Liangfan didn't have a good impression of this man, and glanced down at his own clothes, light gray sweater, blue jeans and a pair of canvas shoes.

But it seems to be quite similar.

She secretly looked at Gu Lingyun, and suddenly there was an image of Gu Lingyun calling her daughter with a loving face, shaking her head in fright to drive away the image in her mind.

"What's wrong?" Gu Lingyun asked in a low voice.

Liangfan smiled resentfully, "It's okay."

After a while, the waiter came in with some drinks. Looking at the various drinks on the coffee table, Gu Lingyun frowned, and ordered the waiter to bring a glass of juice.

"I said why boss Gu has been out for so long, so he went to pick up my sister-in-law." Fang Tianqing said with a smile while playing with the white porcelain cup in his hand.

Gu Lingyun took Liangfan and introduced everyone again.

Liang Fan wrote them down one by one in his heart, Fang Tianqing looked like a hooligan, as for Jin Boyan, who was mature and elegant, with a noble demeanor, very similar to Gu Lingyun.

Finally, there was Long Yiting, who she had never seen before. This person's appearance was not inferior to the other two, but this person was like a natural refrigerator, with the four characters of "Strange people should not approach" all over his body, making people afraid to approach him. .

She thought that such a man would not be liked by girls, but she didn't expect that there was a very good-looking girl sitting beside him. The girl's long hair was combed high, revealing her snow-white neck, and she was wearing a pink dress. It is a new style designed by a famous Italian fashion designer in the season.

His hand held the girl's hand tightly.

And the three of them looked at Gu Lingyun protecting Liangfan, not acting like they thought, thinking of Lin Siyin, they all felt a little worried.

"Your sister-in-law is young, don't bully her."

In the room, Liangfan was probably the only one who didn't know the meaning of this. The three of Fang Tianqing exchanged a look, and they all understood what Gu Lingyun meant.

"Come, come, let's raise our glasses to welcome Ling Yun's sister-in-law." Fang Tianqing raised his glass and stood up.

Fang Tianqing yelled so smoothly that Liangfan blushed.

Seeing that everyone was toasting, Liang Fan also raised the wine glass in front of him, but was snatched away by a big hand, "No drinking."

Liangfan watched Gu Lingjun change the wine in her hand into fruit juice, a few ambiguous eyes cast him, Liangfan could only drink the fruit juice with his head down to cover up his embarrassment.

"You are not allowed to drink either."

A cold and domineering voice came from Liangfan's front right, she looked over, and it was Long Yiting who handed the girl beside him a glass of juice.

Alas, falling in love with such a cold man, I really don't know if it is the girl's happiness or misfortune.

Thinking of Gu Lingyun who has always been gentle to herself, she couldn't help but smile slightly, her heart felt warm.

The four men were talking about business matters, Liangfan couldn't understand, so he could only nestle beside Gu Lingyun, playing with the exquisite hollow button on his cuff.

After a while, someone proposed to go to the casino to play a few games, so they were led by the waiter to the underground casino.

Liangfan recalled the experience of coming here last time, leaned on Gu Lingyun, and said with a smile: "You know, Ziqing is very interested in the casino. We won a lot of money when we came here last time, and I feel that the casino lost a lot of money that time." , if we come twice more, this casino may be closed down by us."

Gu Lingyun just smiled at the corner of his mouth and listened carefully.

Her voice was obviously very low, but she still attracted the attention of others.

Liangfan looked up, it was Fang Tianqing and Jin Boyan.

She was very surprised, why Jin Boyan was interested in her topic at this time, since Jin Boyan had always played the role of calm brother.

"Sister-in-law, if you say this, you won't be afraid that Ling Yun will be angry with you?" Fang Tianqing said with a smirk, and at some point there was a woman in his arms.


"Don't you know that Ling Yun is the big boss of Lost Night City."

Liang Fan looked at Gu Lingyun in surprise, he was the boss of Lost Night City!

Gu Lingyun's expression was still calm and calm, but the black eyes covering Liangfan were burning...

 See you tomorrow~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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