Chapter 55 What Can Be Worth This Man's Sincerity

For the whole morning, Liangfan stayed in the bedroom and didn't show up.

Gu Lingyun sat in front of the large desk, unable to continue the work in hand.

It is already one o'clock in the afternoon.

My mind is full of that girl's playful appearance, as well as her stubborn tenacity when I first met her.

Thinking of Liangfan's sad little face, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, but she still held them stubbornly, unwilling to fall in front of him.

Thinking of her tearing off the sheets and climbing upstairs to sneak out of the hospital to meet Mu Zheqing, he wished he could strangle that girl to death. It was on the second floor, even though she wasn't tall, it wouldn't be good if she fell down. This girl was already in poor health. She doesn't want to die!
"Bang!" The sound of something heavy falling came from the next room.

Next door is their bedroom.

Gu Lingyun was startled, and strode out of the bedroom.

He knocked on the door and waited a few seconds, but no one answered.

"Liangfan!" Gu Lingyun knocked heavily on the door a few more times, but still no one opened it.

Thus, the ornately decorated door was kicked down by Gu Lingyun.

What fell into his eyes was Liangfan lying on the floor and sleeping soundly.

Gu Lingyun frowned slightly, and strode forward, thinking of waking Liangfan up and scolding her, this girl is really big-hearted, she can still sleep so dead on such a cold floor.

When he touched Liangfan's arm, her hot body burned his hand.

In an instant, he hugged Liangfan into his arms, the little girl's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, her pale face was flushed abnormally, but the lips he had been fond of for a long time were already dry and cracked.

"Little thing! Little thing!" Gu Lingyun patted her face, trying to wake her up.

"It hurts..." Liangfan's body trembled, and he shrank further into his arms, his brows furrowed even more.

Gu Lingyun's eyes fell on her ankles, and her pupils suddenly constricted.He thought of the moment when she fell, but never thought that it was so serious, didn't this girl know how to deal with the affected area by herself?

The black eyes swept across the red and swollen skin, and there was a hint of distress in the cold eyes.

When Liangfan woke up, what caught his eyes was a bright white, and the sweetness of fruit was still in the air. Liangfan knew that it was the fruit-flavored disinfectant that Gu Lingyun sent someone to bring back from abroad.

I couldn't help but smile wryly, I didn't expect to come back to this place again.

Seeing the treated places on his feet, Liangfan roughly understood the whole story.

In the early morning, she masochistically did not treat the wound on her foot. The pain in her body was no match for the pain in her heart. She did not expect to fall asleep in a daze. .

"Crack!" The door of the ward opened.

Gu Lingyun walked in.

The eyes of the two met slightly in the air, and then they moved away.

Liangfan nervously clutched the sheet under his hands, not daring to look at him with lowered eyes.

Gu Lingyun put the thermos bucket on the cabinet, along with a delicately packaged cake box.

"I only brought you porridge. You're still sick, so it's better to eat something lighter." Gu Lingyun stood aside and said in a calm tone, "The cake was ordered from the 'first time', orange flavor, You can eat less."

He looked down at the ostrich-like girl, his perfectly contoured lips were drawn into a line, and he walked out.

Liangfan's hands trembled.

Knowing that she didn't like the smell of disinfectant, he sent someone to airlift fruit-scented disinfectant from abroad.

He knew that she liked to eat sweet and greasy orange-flavored cakes, so he specially bought them for her when she was sick.

He knew that she had always been stubborn, but when the two of them were fighting coldly, he was still considerate to her.

Liangfan, that's enough, it's really enough for him to treat you so hard, what more do you want to pray for.

It doesn't matter who he has in mind, or whether he doesn't interfere with each other.

There is nothing in this world that can match the sincerity of this man.

She licked her chapped lips, and stopped him when his hand was on the door railing, her voice dry.

"Gu Lingyun..."

 Four more today, see you tomorrow~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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