Splendid marriage: the president's favorite wife

Chapter 56 Gu Lingyun, You Are Finally Here

Chapter 56 Gu Lingyun, You Are Finally Back
When Gu Lingyun was about to leave the ward, Liangfan stopped him.

Gu Lingyun's tall and straight body froze slightly and stopped in place.

Liangfan stared at him, her beautiful eyes sparkled, her face was a little tangled, as if she had a thousand words to say but didn't know how to say it.

Gu Lingyun sneered, opened the door and walked out.

he's gone.

Tears welled up from his eyes, one by one hitting the bed sheet.

Was she wrong this time?
For a whole day, Gu Lingyun never came again.

Liangfan looked at the bare tree trunks outside, with his mobile phone at hand, but there was no news from Gu Lingyun.

In the afternoon, an unexpected person ushered in.

Mother-in-law Shen Xinrui.

When Shen Xinrui entered the ward, Liang Fan was sitting on the bed looking out the window in a daze.I haven't seen her for a few days, and this girl has lost a lot of weight.

She only found out at noon that the young couple had conflicts, and Liangfan was hospitalized twice. After learning about the general situation, she rushed to the hospital and saw Liangfan's condition.


"Mom, why are you here?" Seeing her mother-in-law, Liang Fan hurriedly got out of bed.

"Stupid child, it's better to lie down on the bed." Shen Xinrui supported Liang Fan.

"Mom, why did you come to the hospital?"

Shen Xinrui sighed, looking at Liangfan with distressed eyes, "Silly boy, why didn't you tell mom when you were sick?"

"Mom, it's nothing serious. I don't want you to worry."

"You child, you have been wronged."

"Mom, I'm fine." Liang Fan said with downcast eyes.

Shen Xinrui sat by the bed, took Liangfan's hand, "Mom already knows."


"This matter is Ling Yun's fault. No matter what, he shouldn't leave you alone in the hospital."

"I was wrong first..."

"Of course you are wrong, but what Ling Yun is doing now is wrong. You are still sick, how can he let you stay in the hospital alone."

"Mom, it's not really a serious illness. Don't blame him. He...is just angry with me."

Shen Xinrui looked at Liangfan, and said earnestly: "He is mother's son, you are mother's daughter-in-law, the palms and backs of your hands are full of meat, and mother can't bear to blame any of you, Ling Yun entered the mall very early, you know the mall For example, in the battlefield, it has not been easy for him to be alone these years, he has a cold temper, but we can all see how much he loves you, otherwise he would not give you the family heirloom Lock King's Heart."

Liangfan nodded, "Mom, I understand."

Shen Xinrui patted her hand in relief, "Good boy, Mom already knows you are sensible."

After her mother-in-law left the hospital, Liang Fan immediately went through the discharge procedures and took a taxi back to Jinxiu Garden.

After returning home, Liangfan took a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients.

She thought that no matter whether Gu Lingyun came home today or not, she would cook him a table of dinner that he liked. If she didn't come today, she would continue to do it tomorrow, until the day he came home.

With this in mind, Liangfan hummed a brisk tune and prepared dinner.

Full color and flavor.

Liangfan looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and glanced at the time on the clock, he would be back almost an hour away.

She must tell him what she thinks today.

An hour later, there was only a dim yellow light from the European-style retro street lamps in the yard, and the cool wind was blowing the fallen leaves.

The recently aired love drama was playing on TV, Liangfan didn't even bother to watch it, and looked out of the window from time to time, looking forward to that familiar car.

When Gu Lingyun got home, he found that the light in the living room was still on.

It was only then that Mei told him that Liangfan had gone through the discharge procedures and returned home.

After entering the door, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the delicacies on the long white jade table, all of which were his favorite dishes.

Immediately, I heard a surprised and excited voice, "Gu Lingyun, you are finally back!"

(End of this chapter)

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