Chapter 6 Dating
It was already afternoon when Liangfan woke up, a rainbow was hanging in the blue sky, the rain was over and the sky was sunny.

"Liangfan, you finally woke up." Seeing her wake up, An Ziqing was so excited that she almost cried.

Liang Fan looked around, is she in the hospital?Only then did she remember that she had a heart attack and passed out by the roadside.

"Zi Qing, how do you know I'm in the hospital?"

"I was studying in the library at the time, and your call came. After I got through, there was a man's voice. He told me that you passed out on the side of the road and was taken to the hospital. He told me to come here quickly. However, that man His voice is really nice, just listening to his voice makes me feel like I'm going to fall in love with him." Saying that, An Ziqing's true nature of nympho was revealed.

"Then did you see him in person when you arrived at the hospital?" Liang Fan asked, ignoring her lewd look.

"No, he was gone when I came."

Liangfan nodded a little disappointed, she still wanted to thank that person.

"However, a little nurse gave me a business card, saying that it was left by that man."

"Really! Show it to me!" Liangfan jumped out of bed excitedly, staring at An Ziqing with her beautiful eyes.

If she had a business card, she could find that gentleman. She wanted to treat him to a meal, thank him face to face, and return him the medical expenses he had paid in advance.

"Look at you, you are dying, lie down quickly." An Ziqing was startled by her movement, and hurriedly pushed her onto the hospital bed.

"I'm fine, give me my business card." Liang Fan held An Ziqing's hand and said with a smile.

An Ziqing sighed, and handed her the business card with some reluctance.

On the noble and luxurious black business card, there are three gold-plated words "Gu Lingyun". These three words should be written in regular script, which is elegant and unassuming.

Gu Lingyun.

Looking at the string of numbers below, Liangfan unconsciously began to look forward to meeting this person.

a few days later.

In the CEO's office, Gu Lingyun stood in front of the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the busy traffic under his feet. He was dressed in a black Italian GIORGIOARMANI privately-made suit, which fully displayed his elegant and noble temperament, giving people a feeling of looking down on all sentient beings.


"All meetings this afternoon are postponed until tomorrow."

"Yes, President."

Gu Lingyun took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and found out the text message sent 10 minutes ago, the corner of her mouth slightly raised.

He held the phone in his palm, and a plan had quietly formed while his thoughts were racing.

Although it is autumn, there is still a little warmth in the air.

Liangfan was wearing a light-colored long skirt and a small leather bag the size of a palm, and her originally combed hair was neatly scattered on her chest, making her playful and gentle.

After she was discharged from the hospital, she had been struggling with how to contact Mr. Gu. It seemed a little awkward to make a phone call, and it was even more impossible to go directly to his work place to wait for him. In the end, she chose a more conservative method—sending text messages.

She expressed her gratitude in the message, and also stated that she wanted to thank her in person. Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu, who is also a gentleman, agreed with him in an easy-going manner.The two made an appointment at three o'clock in the afternoon, and Liangfan chose a Chinese-style restaurant to meet him.

In the shop window by the side of the road, a young girl with a flying look was reflected. She had a smile on her face, which dissipated a lot of the heat in the air.

Before going out today, An Ziqing even teased her, saying that she was so beautifully dressed, no matter how she looked, she looked like she was going on a date.

She also smiled and replied at the time: "Yes, I just want to go on a date, but my date is not for love, but for gratitude."

An Ziqing glanced at her disdainfully, and said, "You can treat this as a date for love."

Later, Liangfan never expected that An Ziqing's words would become a prophecy.

(End of this chapter)

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