Chapter 7
It turns out that all love and hate in the future are doomed on this day.

Liangfan chose a seat by the window to sit down, ordered a glass of juice from the waiter, and quietly waited for Gu Lingyun's arrival.

She was a little apprehensive, not knowing what to say later, but also a little happy, she didn't know where this joy came from.

After waiting for a while, Liangfan realized that the restaurant, which was originally noisy, suddenly fell silent.

Suddenly, a man appeared in the restaurant.

The sharp short hair, the cold and deep eyes, and the sculptural face show not only the handsomeness of a man, but also the maturity that makes a woman submit.

At that moment, almost everyone's eyes fell on him.

And he, still walking calmly... walked in the direction of Liangfan.

Liang Fan didn't know when she stood up, a voice in her heart kept telling her that he was Gu Lingyun, for no reason, she was sure he was Gu Lingyun.

Such a scene gradually coincided with a certain scene in the back of my mind. On the resplendent palace, a man with a face like a crown jade walked towards her slowly in a brocade robe...

There is a voice calling from the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly, tears fell, so caught off guard, until he stood in front of her.

"Miss Liang." A gentle voice rang in his ears.

"Ah! I'm sorry." Liang Fan hurriedly wiped away the tears on the side of his face, his eyes revealed a little confusion, what happened just now, are those tears hers?Why is she crying?

She wanted to recall the picture that appeared in her mind a moment ago, but she couldn't figure it out no matter what.

"Is Ms. Liang not feeling well?" The family's concerned question made Liang Fan's heart tremble slightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, I'm fine." Liangfan replied while holding his skirt tightly.

Seeing that Gu Lingyun was still standing, she realized that she was not polite enough, and she was a little embarrassed, "Mr. Gu, please sit down."

Seeing her cautious appearance like a small animal, Gu Lingyun felt a little funny, "Miss Liang, I think I have a better image than a wretched uncle. There is no need for Miss Liang to act so...death-loving."

Have it?Her expression is so scary?
"What Mr. Gu said is that I am too villainous."

There is always a warm smile on the corner of Gu Lingyun's mouth, which can easily make people feel friendly. He is obviously a very good-looking person, but people forget his appearance and are attracted by his charm.

Such people are dangerous.

Liangfan thought silently.

The two of them ordered a few signature dishes of this restaurant. At first, Liangfan didn't expect the price here to be so high. She just thought that the environment here would be better.Feeling distressed, he stroked his wallet, alas, let An Ziqing come to the rescue if it really doesn't work.

She was thinking all kinds of little things in her heart, but she didn't know that Gu Lingyun on the other side had already taken all her little moves into his eyes.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your help. Liangfan will never forget your life-saving grace." Liangfan boldly picked up the juice, said to Gu Lingyun, and drank it all in one gulp.Don't ask her why she did this, it's always done in TV dramas.

At this moment, Gu Lingyun really felt that this girl was straightforward and cute.

"Does Miss Liang have WeChat?" Gu Lingyun asked suddenly.

Liangfan nodded, why did he ask this?
"Bring your phone."

"Oh." Liangfan handed over the phone.

At some point, a certain man began to dominate the relationship between the two of them.

When the phone was returned to her again, there was already an extra person in the wechat address book, with the note "Yun".

Liangfan stared at the word on the phone, feeling an indescribably strange feeling in his heart.

When it was time to pay the bill, Gu Lingyun held her back and said that this was a shop opened by his good friend, so there was no need to pay.

Liang Fan said that was embarrassing, but Gu Lingyun smiled and said that if he was embarrassed, he would invite me to another place next time.

Liangfan had no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient.

When leaving, the manager of the restaurant and the waiter said together, "Mr. Gu, go slowly."

Mr. Gu?Liangfan was puzzled.

 There is a surprise here, I don’t know if you have discovered it
(End of this chapter)

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